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Lab Experiment 5: "Exploring Displacement: Laboratory Experiment on Vectors"


To understand how displacement works and be able to measure the resultant of the vectors using
centimeters and meters as measurement quantities.


1. Floor space
2. Chalks
3. Measuring tools (ruler, measuring tape)


To better understand how displacement works and how to measure the resultant of vectors, we will be
conducting a laboratory experiment using the floor, chalks, and measuring tools. Follow the step-by-step
procedure below to measure and plot the vectors effectively.

a) Setting Up the Experiment:

Find a clear and spacious area on the floor to serve as our "experimental field."

Use different colored chalks to represent different vectors. Assign a color to each direction (e.g., red
for east, blue for west, green for north, yellow for south).

b) Measuring the Vectors:

Start by choosing a reference point (origin) on the floor. This will be your starting point.

Using a ruler or measuring tape, measure the distance and direction of each vector from the origin.
Record these measurements in centimeters or meters, depending on the size of the vectors.

c) Drawing the Vectors:

Begin by drawing a straight line on the floor to represent the first vector. Use the corresponding
colored chalk for that direction.

Measure the next vector from the endpoint of the previous one and draw it accordingly.

Continue this process until you have plotted and labeled all the vectors on the floor. d) Calculating

the Resultant:

To find the resultant vector, connect the starting point (origin) to the endpoint of the final vector
Measure the length and direction of the resultant vector using the measuring tools provided.
Remember to record these measurements.

e) Analyzing the Results:

Once you have found the resultant vector, compare it to the individual vectors drawn. Notice how
they combine to form the resultant.

Take note of any patterns or relationships you observe between the vectors and the resultant.

f) Reflecting on the Experiment:

Discuss with your classmates or write down your observations and findings from the experiment.

Consider how the concept of vectors and displacement applies to real-world situations.

Safety Precautions:

• Ensure that the floor is clean and free of obstacles to avoid accidents while drawing vectors.
• Use the chalks responsibly and avoid creating a mess in the laboratory.
• Handle the measuring tools carefully to prevent damage and maintain accuracy.
Data Calculated Measured
Vectors x-component y-component x-component y-component
1 M=180cm -180cm 0cm 180cm cos 180° 180 cm sin 180°
D=180° S
2 M=100cm 25.88cm -96.59cm 100cm cos 75° -100cm sin 75°
D=75° E of S
3 M=60cm 51.96cm 30cm 60cm cos 30° 60cm sin 30°
D=30° W of N
4 M= 110cm -95.26cm -55cm 110cm cos 150° -110cm sin 150°
D=150°E of S
5 M=60cm 0cm 60cm 60cm cos 90° 60cm sin 90°
D=90° E of S
Total -197.42cm -61.59
Resultant 206.804cm
Direction of Resultant SOUTH OF WEST

R=√(-197.42)2+(-61.59)2 Θ= tan-1 (RY/RX)

=206.804cm =tan-1( 61.59/197.42)
= 17.33°

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