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Classical Conditioning

Preschooler students didn’t know what to say (respond) when they saw visitors coming to their
classroom. So, the teacher taught them how to greet (respond) on what to say when they see a
visitor came to their classroom. After the teacher teach them on how to respond or greet, every
time when a visitors come into they’re classroom, or when students see visitors outside of the
room. They would know what to say and they know how to respond/greet and it helps a
student to gain or have a good and positive behavior.

Operant conditioning
Positive reinforcement
Goal: Avoid being late
The child is going to school, and if the child wakes up early, he can ride with his father and drop
him in his school, and the 80 pesos that is supposed to be his jeep fare will be added to his
allowance. the child has extra allowance so he will be motivated to wake up early

Negative reinforcement
Goal: avoid being late
The child is going to school, but because the child wakes up late, he so got into traffic jam
because its rush hour, added with the annoying engine smokes ang loud horn that may annoy
him. the child gets motivated to wake up early to avoid the annoying traffic jam, engine smokes
and noisy horns of the jeeps.


Positive consequence
Goal; Good grade
If the child got low grades, he needs to increase the hours of his study time by 2-3 hrs.

Negative consequence
Goal: Good Grades
The student is using phone during a class and his attention is divided and the teacher noticed
that so he confiscated the phone and the student start to listen again. By removing stimulus
results to positive outcome

Social Learning Theory

Ms. Susbilla is having a class with her grade 7 students, during her class discussion. She read
some phrases that sounded like a British accent. Her students were amazed at hearing her say
the words (attention). After that students were able to remember the way how their teacher
spoke (retention). While reading their books some of the students try to read the phrases in a
British accent (reproduction). When the students went home, they began to speak like British
people, when they read some phrases, they sounded like British. Because that's what they have
observed in class while they're in school. Also, because they have the (motivation) to do it, they
try to imitate the teacher in how she pronounces the words in a British accent.

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