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Feel free to make a copy of this sheet by clicking File > Make a Copy.

Using the sheet is pretty easy.

Just go to the tab for the kind of store you want, select an Availability Type from the drop-down near the top.
You willput
can range from 75%
a number to Price
in the 150%Multiplier
of book list
boxvalues; quantities
to make items inare based
the shoponmore
the Availability you selected.
or less expensive; for example, a
0.9 would apply a blanket 10% discount, or 1.1 would apply a 10% price increase.
You may also give a shop a name, or name the NPC owner of the shop, for reference. This has no mechanical impact on t
I'm currently working on a magic item shop tab, which is near the end of the list, just before the coin converter/discoun
highly recommended, because the random number generator for the sheet will randomize the inventory every time you
however, the numbers will remain until you download a new copy of the shop for a later visit.
Note: Some shops have additional options to consider, such as the Tavern shop, which has various qualities of meal/roo
each shop in full before downloading to guarantee your inventory is ready for your players to browse.

Known Issues: Email me at if you notice anything wonky. Also feel free to use my Treasure Genera
The final sheet is a currency converter and buying/selling guide. Selling prices default to 60% of the items' values, and i
Buying prices decrease based on Charisma roll.

Customizing the Sheet

If you'd
click likearrows
those to add to
your ownthe
reveal custom items
hidden or adjust
columns. Youthe
some way, here's
L and how to do
the columns it. M hidden; they just exis
denomination, and I'll explain
- Maximum Quantity: Enter alater
valuedown what
for the to do if you'd
maximum numberlikeoftothe
you wish a Premium store to have in st
will be scaled down appropriately.
You may edit cells as desired if you find the existing sheet unrealistic, however all costs are drawn directly from the core

1 above" New Items
or "Insert 1 below;" below usually works better for formatting reasons. You can also select multiple rows and
selected to speed things up.
select the whole row by clicking the number of the row to the left. Once copied, select one of the blank rows and paste.
formulae in place, and can simply edit thejust
If you ever accidentally delete a formula, item nameone
select andofother information
the cells as desired.
with the same formula and copy/paste it into the one
you deleted the formula in cell G83, but the formula in cell G82 was still there, you could simply copy/paste from G82 to

is designed Currencies
to take a raw gold cost and convert it into D&D 5e coins, so you'll basically be working against the system. It
be making some significant
and electrum values, changes.
but discard the silver. It will then reduce the gold and electrum coin values to a single currency, w
electrum pieces. This end result is
one silver is worth two gold; and one displayed in column
gold is worth M.
two-and-a-half copper. This would mean that you would not only ne
sheet to accomodate the sixth currency type.
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
Light Armor
Padded 9 12 ep
Leather 1 27 gp
Studded Leather 3 95 gp
Medium Armor
Hide 5 25 gp
Simple Melee Weapons
Club 2 36 cp
Dagger 29 10 ep
Greatclub 2 7 ep
Handaxe 7 15 gp
Light Hammer 1 11 ep
Quarterstaff 2 6 ep
Simple Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, Light 6 43 gp
Dart 10 12 cp
Shortbow 3 36 gp
Sling 5 26 cp
Martial Melee Weapons
Whip 4 11 ep
Martial Ranged Weapons
Blowgun 4 16 gp
Crossbow, hand 1 118 gp
Crossbow, heavy 8 105 gp
Longbow 9 136 gp
[Adventuring Gear]
Arrows (20) 34 7 ep
Blowgun Needles (50) 8 7 ep
Crossbow Bolts (20) 30 7 ep
Sling Bullets (20) 18 12 ep
Backpack 6 10 ep
Bedroll 2 8 ep
Blanket 6 2 ep
Block and Tackle 6 5 ep
Bottle, glass 3 10 ep
Candle 39 4 cp
Case, Crossbow Bolt 5 8 ep
Case, Map or Scroll 5 7 ep
Chain (10 feet) 7 11 gp
Chest 5 15 gp
Climber's Kit 1 36 gp
Clothes, Traveler's 10 11 ep
Crowbar 2 11 ep
Flask or Tankard 8 6 ep
Grappling Hook 5 7 ep
Hammer 2 7 ep
Healer's Kit 0
Hourglass 1 68 gp
Hunting Trap 7 15 ep
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 2 17 gp
Ink Pen 1 4 cp
Jug or Pitcher 4 7 ep
Ladder (10-foot) 1 3 ep
Lantern, Bullseye 4 30 gp
Lantern, Hooded 3 15 gp
Lock 10 25 gp
Mess Kit 8 22 cp
Mirror, Steel 1 14 gp
Paper (one sheet) 40 36 cp
Parchment (one sheet) 20 20 cp
Pick, Miner's 7 9 ep
Piton 13 6 cp
Pole (10-foot) 6 16 cp
Pot, Iron 5 5 ep
Pouch 10 2 ep
Quiver 2 5 ep
Rations (1 day) 7 2 ep
Rope, Hempen (50 feet) 16 5 ep
Rope, Silk (50 feet) 14 25 gp
Sack 6 4 cp
Shovel 10 8 ep
Signal Whistle 10 13 ep
Signet Ring 5 10 gp
Spyglass 1 289 pp
Tent, Two-person 3 7 ep
Tinderbox 5 2 ep
Torch 28 4 cp
Vial 5 6 ep
Waterskin 5 34 cp
Artisan's Tools
Cartographer's Tools 5 42 gp
Jeweler's Tools 1 76 gp
Tinker's Tools 5 141 gp
Herbalism Kit 4 12 ep
Navigator's Tools 1 60 gp
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
[Adventuring Gear]
Acid (vial) 1 42 gp
Alchemist's Fire (flask) 3 90 gp
Antitoxin (vial) 6 74 gp
Bottle, glass 8 5 ep
Component Pouch 2 39 gp
Flask 5 2 cp
Healer's Kit 9 13 ep
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 0
Jug 3 6 cp
Oil (flask) 4 26 cp
Perfume (vial) 7 11 gp
Poison, Basic (vial) 1 163 gp
Vial 3 6 ep
Artisan's Tools
Alchemist's Supplies 4 96 gp
Brewer's Supplies 1 43 gp
Cook's Utensils 3 7 ep
Herbalism Kit 3 11 gp
Poisoner's Kit 2 96 gp
[Magic Items]
(C) Climbing 3 93 gp
(C) Healing 5 93 gp
(U) Animal Friendship 2 467 gp
(U) Fire Breath 2 709 gp
(U) Greater Healing 2 657 gp
(U) Growth 2 637 gp
(U) Oil of Slipperiness 3 685 gp
(U) Philter of Love 1 680 gp
(U) Poison (disguised as potion) 1 528 gp
(U) Resistance 1 747 gp
(U) Water Breathing 1 553 gp
(R) Clairvoyance 2 563 pp
(R) Diminution 1 571 pp
(R) Elixer of Health 1 746 pp
(R) Fire Giant Strength 1 565 pp
(R) Frost Giant Strength 1 424 pp
(R) Gaseous Form 1 382 pp
(R) Heroism 1 682 pp
(R) Invulnerability 1 489 pp
(R) Mind Reading 1 452 pp
(R) Oil of Etherealness 2 394 pp
(R) Stone Giant Strength 2 685 pp
(R) Superior Healing 2 678 pp
Spell Components (per spell x ____)1 310%
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
Simple Melee Weapons
Quarterstaff 3 24 cp
[Adventuring Gear]
Abacus 2 9 ep
Arcane Focus
Crystal 1 28 gp
Orb 4 48 gp
Rod 4 17 gp
Staff 5 19 ep
Wand 2 20 gp
Bottle, glass 8 11 ep
Candle 11 4 cp
Case, Map or Scroll 9 7 ep
Component Pouch 7 69 gp
Druidic Focus
Sprig of Mistletoe 3 6 ep
Totem 4 7 ep
Wooden Staff 3 18 ep
Yew Wand 4 20 gp
Hourglass 2 67 gp
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 10 27 gp
Ink Pen 1 6 cp
Paper (one sheet) 10 22 cp
Parchment (one sheet) 82 32 cp
Pouch 3 9 sp
Robes 2 3 ep
Spellbook 3 77 gp
Vial 1 6 ep
Artisan's Tools
Alchemist's Supplies 3 120 gp
Calligrapher's Supplies 5 29 gp
Musical Instrument
Lute 5 80 gp
Lyre 3 45 gp
[Magic Items]
Spell Scrolls
(C) Acid Splash 3 134 gp
(C) Blade Ward 1 110 gp
(C) Chill Touch 3 86 gp
(C) Dancing Lights 3 90 gp
(C) Fire Bolt 3 130 gp
(C) Friends 1 98 gp
(C) Light 3 113 gp
(C) Mage Hand 2 100 gp
(C) Mending 1 126 gp
(C) Message 1 136 gp
(C) Minor Illusion 3 130 gp
(C) Poison Spray 3 145 gp
(C) Prestidigitation 2 111 gp
(C) Shocking Grasp 1 80 gp
(1) Alarm 2 211 gp
(1) Burning Hands 2 168 gp
(1) Chromatic Orb 1 225 gp
(1) Color Spray 1 283 gp
(1) Detect Magic 2 293 gp
(1) Feather Fall 2 163 gp
(1) Identify 1 168 gp
(1) Jump 2 231 gp
(1) Mage Armor 1 208 gp
(1) Magic Missile 1 211 gp
(1) Ray of Sickness 2 276 gp
(1) Sleep 1 203 gp
(1) Tasha's Hideous Laughter 2 298 gp
(1) Tensor's Floating Disc 1 181 gp
(2) Arcane Lock 1 632 gp
(2) Blindness/Deafness 1 737 gp
(2) Cloud of Daggers 1 386 gp
(2) Darkness 1 608 gp
(2) Flaming Sphere 1 513 gp
(2) Hold Person 1 421 gp
(2) Invisibility 1 585 gp
(2) Knock 1 546 gp
(2) Levitate 1 470 gp
(2) Magic Weapon 1 618 gp
(2) Melf's Acid Arrow 1 385 gp
(2) Ray of Enfeeblement 1 669 gp
(2) Scorching Ray 1 457 gp
(2) See Invisibility 1 623 gp
(3) Bestow Curse 1 148 pp
(3) Dispel Magic 1 129 pp
(3) Fire Ball 1 832 gp
(3) Fly 1 132 pp
(3) Haste 1 123 pp
(3) Hypnotic Pattern 1 137 pp
(3) Leomund's Tiny Hut 1 122 pp
(3) Lightning Bolt 1 133 pp
(3) Magic Circle 1 855 gp
(3) Sleet Storm 1 141 pp
(3) Slow 1 1005 gp
(3) Tongues 1 814 gp
(3) Vampiric Touch 1 111 pp
(3) Water Breathing 1 855 gp
(4) Arcane Eye 0
(4) Confusion 1 679 pp
(4) Conjure Minor Elementals 1 667 pp
(4) Dimension Door 1 580 pp
(4) Fire Shield 1 520 pp
(4) Greater Invisibility 1 716 pp
(4) Ice Storm 1 659 pp
(4) Leomund's Secret Chest 1 578 pp
(4) Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound 1 381 pp
(4) Otiluke's Resilient Sphere 1 493 pp
(4) Phantasmal Killer 1 484 pp
(4) Polymorph 1 514 pp
(4) Stoneskin 1 434 pp
(4) Wall of Fire 1 518 pp
(5) Bigby's Hand 1 1432 pp
(5) Cloudkill 1 1050 pp
(5) Cone of Cold 1 995 pp
(5) Conjure Elemental 0
(5) Dominate Person 1 1358 pp
(5) Gaes 1 1111 pp
(5) Hold Monster 1 1140 pp
(5) Legend Lore 1 1073 pp
(5) Planar Binding 1 910 pp
(5) Rary's Telepathic Bond 1 1451 pp
(5) Scrying 1 1121 pp
(5) Telekenisis 1 1348 pp
(5) Teleportation Circle 1 1301 pp
(5) Wall of Stone 1 907 pp
Magic Appraisal (Identify) 1 208 gp
Spell Components (per spell x ____) 1 400%
[Magical Items]
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
Light Armor
Studded Leather 0
Medium Armor
Chain Shirt 2 110 gp
Scale Mail 5 144 gp
Breastplate 3 1009 gp
Half Plate 3 176 pp
Heavy Armor
Ring Mail 2 85 gp
Chain Mail 2 203 gp
Splint 2 393 gp
Plate 2 388 pp
Shield 10 22 gp
Simple Melee Weapons
Dagger 24 9 ep
Handaxe 19 14 gp
Javelin 24 3 ep
Light Hammer 9 11 ep
Mace 5 14 gp
Sickle 4 2 ep
Spear 10 3 ep
Martial Melee Weapons
Battleaxe 9 17 gp
Flail 8 19 gp
Glaive 4 31 gp
Greataxe 8 79 gp
Greatsword 2 85 gp
Halberd 10 34 gp
Lance 22 16 gp
Longsword 5 37 gp
Maul 2 29 gp
Morningstar 8 25 gp
Pike 5 10 gp
Rapier 5 73 gp
Scimitar 8 57 gp
Shortsword 9 28 gp
Trident 10 11 gp
War Pick 4 13 ep
Warhammer 2 33 gp
[Adventuring Gear]
Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000) 3 7 ep
Bell 6 5 ep
Block and Tackle 5 3 ep
Chain (10 feet) 2 14 gp
Crowbar 5 8 ep
Grappling Hook 9 7 ep
Hammer 4 6 ep
Hammer, Sledge 1 8 ep
Hunting Trap 1 13 gp
Lamp 9 6 sp
Lantern, Bullseye 3 25 gp
Lantern, Hooded 3 15 gp
Lock 26 24 gp
Manacles 13 5 ep
Mirror, Steel 4 14 gp
Pick, Miner's 9 10 ep
Piton 12 16 cp
Pot, Iron 1 9 ep
Spikes, Iron 23 3 ep
Whetstone 19 2 cp
Artisan's Tools
Carpenter's Tools 4 20 gp
Mason's Tools 2 25 gp
Smith's Tools 2 39 gp
Tinker's Tools 4 93 gp
Musical Instrument
Horn 1 13 ep
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
Simple Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, Light 7 48 gp
Shortbow 8 58 gp
Martial Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, Hand 3 135 gp
Crossbow, Heavy 5 116 gp
Longbow 6 99 gp
[Adventuring Gear]
Arrows (20) 38 4 ep
Crossbow Bolts (20) 33 3 ep
Case, Crossbow Bolt 7 6 ep
Quiver 7 3 ep
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
[Adventuring Gear]
Abacus 2 8 ep
Barrel 2 5 ep
Blanket 7 2 ep
Bottle, glass 3 10 ep
Bucket 10 12 cp
Candle 8 2 cp
Chest 9 12 ep
Clothes, Common 10 2 ep
Clothes, Fine 10 30 gp
Flask or Tankard 9 6 cp
Hammer 6 6 ep
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 5 30 gp
Ink Pen 7 2 cp
Jug or Pitcher 1 6 cp
Ladder (10-foot) 8 40 cp
Lantern, Hooded 4 13 gp
Lamp 1 2 ep
Lock 15 27 gp
Mess Kit 9 26 cp
Mirror, Steel 9 11 gp
Paper (one sheet) 5 24 cp
Parchment (one sheet) 24 26 cp
Pick, Miner's 10 5 ep
Pot, Iron 7 4 ep
Pouch 9 2 ep
Rope, Hempen (50 feet) 6 4 ep
Rope, Silk (50 feet) 5 28 gp
Sack 1 2 cp
Scale, Merchant's 5 14 ep
Shovel 4 8 ep
Signet Ring 9 11 gp
Soap 12 6 cp
Vial 1 3 ep
Artisan's Tools
Carpenter's Tools 5 43 gp
Cobbler's Tools 4 60 gp
Cook's Utensils 2 104 gp
Glassblower's Tools 2 69 gp
Leatherworker's Tools 3 12 gp
Mason's Tools 1 25 gp
Potter's Tools 2 21 gp
Smith's Tools 1 38 gp
Weaver's Tools 5 7 ep
Woodcarver's Tools 4 3 ep
Water-side Theme
Simple Melee Weapons
Spear 28 4 ep
Martial Ranged Weapons
Net 0
[Adventuring Gear]
Fishing Tackle 33 6 ep
[Waterborne Vehicles]
Rowboat 5 110 gp
[Trade Goods]
Fishing Bait (1 lb.) 19 6 cp
Magical Theme
[Adventuring Gear]
Arcane Focus
Crystal 1 23 gp
Orb 8 50 gp
Rod 2 21 gp
Staff 10 19 ep
Wand 1 28 gp
Component Pouch 2 57 gp
Potion of Healing 3 84 gp
Spellbook 2 96 gp
Shady Dealer Theme
[Adventuring Gear]
Acid (vial) 2 37 gp
Antitoxin (vial) 3 83 gp
Caltrops (bag of 20) 5 6 ep
Clothes, Costume 9 10 gp
Manacles 6 4 ep
Oil (flask) 9 26 cp
Poison, Basic (vial) 1 276 gp
Ram, Portable 5 16 ep
Spikes, Iron (10) 15 3 ep
Disguise Kit 4 47 gp
Forgery Kit 2 33 gp
Gaming Set
Dice Set 2 18 cp
Playing Card Set 4 18 ep
Poisoner's Kit 5 110 gp
Thieves' Tools 10 47 gp
Art and Games Theme
Artisan's Tools
Calligrapher's Supplies 8 22 gp
Glassblower's Tools 4 81 gp
Painter's Supplies 4 23 gp
Potter's Tools 2 25 gp
Weaver's Tools 8 5 ep
Woodcarver's Tools 4 7 ep
Disguise Kit 3 47 gp
Gaming Set
Dice Set 5 28 cp
Dragonchess Set 6 5 ep
Playing Card Set 10 2 ep
Three-Dragon Ante Set 1 4 ep
Musical Instrument
Bagpipes 7 50 gp
Drum 3 15 gp
Dulcimer 2 62 gp
Flute 2 6 ep
Lute 8 100 gp
Lyre 8 72 gp
Horn 8 14 ep
Pan Flute 3 35 gp
Shawn 3 9 ep
Viol 9 46 gp
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
[Adventuring Gear]
Amulet/Necklace, Exquisite 1 15 ep
Amulet/Necklace, Mundane 4 2 ep
Arcane Focus
Crystal 1 14 gp
Orb 2 30 gp
Earrings, Exquisite 1 14 ep
Earrings, Mundane 9 9 sp
Ring, Exquisite 1 12 ep
Ring, Mundane 8 6 sp
Signet Ring 9 15 ep
Artisan's Tools
Jeweler's Tools 4 50 gp
Gemstone Appraisal (3 gems) 1 10 gp
Resizing Jewelry 1 16 gp
Set Gem (<100 gp value) 1 106 gp
Set Gem (100-1K gp value) 1 120 gp
Set Gem (1K+ gp value) 1 233 gp
Stonecutting (Gem value x ____) 1 72%
amethyst, jasper, lapis lazuli,
ruby, chalcedony, chrysoberyl, blue 17 25 gp
100 gptopaz
Gemstones - jade, jacinth, 6 86 gp
amber, black pearl 4 270 gp
500 gp
1000 gpGemstones
Gemstones- -emerald, topaz 2
ruby, black 105 pp
sapphire, star ruby, yellow sapphire 4 154 pp
5000 gp Gemstones - ruby 1 982 pp
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
[Mounts and Other Animals]
Donkey or Mule 7 15 gp
Horse, draft 4 119 gp
Horse, riding 5 149 gp
Mastiff 2 56 gp
Pony 1 70 gp
Warhorse 0
[Tack, Harness, and Drawn Vehicles]
Barding (humanoid armor multiplier) 15 12 ep
Bit and Bridle 19 9 ep
Carriage 2 208 gp
Cart 5 29 gp
Chariot 0
Feed (per day) 23 2 cp
Military 10 44 gp
Pack 4 10 gp
Riding 8 16 gp
Saddlebags 20 11 gp
Stabling (per day) 1 6 sp
Wagon 2 95 gp
chicken 7 2 cp
cow 3 27 gp
goat 5 6 ep
ox 3 44 gp
pig 18 12 ep
sheep 8 7 ep
[Trade Goods]
1 lb. of cinnamon 9 10 ep
1 lb. of cloves 7 19 ep
1 lb. of copper 17 7 sp
1 lb. of flour 41 2 cp
1 lb. of ginger 23 6 ep
1 lb. of gold 6 150 gp
1 lb. of iron 38 30 cp
1 lb. of pepper 11 10 ep
1 lb. of platinum 2 141 pp
1 lb. of saffron 12 27 gp
1 lb. of salt 7 2 cp
1 lb. of silver 22 18 ep
1 lb. of wheat 91 2 cp
1 sq. yd. of canvas 15 28 cp
1 sq. yd. of cotton cloth 141 2 ep
1 sq. yd. of linen 110 13 gp
1 sq. yd. of silk 26 17 gp
Coastal Region
[Waterborne Vehicles] ###
Galley 1 7706 pp
Daily Crew Cost (80 crew) 80 432 gp
Keelboat 3 499 pp
Daily Crew Cost (1 crew) 1 12 ep
Longship 1 2634 pp
Daily Crew Cost (40 crew) 40 176 gp
Rowboat 10 103 gp
Daily Crew Cost (1 crew) 1 8 ep
Sailing ship 1 1778 pp
Daily Crew Cost (20 crew) 20 111 gp
Warship 1 5931 pp
Daily Crew Cost (60 crew) 60 263 gp
Desert Region
[Mounts and Other Animals]
Camel 12 146 gp
[Tack, Harness, and Drawn Vehicle
Exotic 2 140 gp
Savanna Region
[Mounts and Other Animals]
Elephant 3 492 gp
[Tack, Harness, and Drawn Vehicle
Exotic 2 131 gp
Subarctic Region
[Tack, Harness, and Drawn Vehicle
Sled 4 57 gp
Specialty Items
[Airborne Vehicles] ###
Airship 1 4022 pp
Daily Crew Cost (10 crew) 10 46 gp
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
Light Armor
Leather 1 23 gp
Studded Leather 9 121 gp
Medium Armor
Hide 6 18 gp
Shield 2 18 gp
Simple Ranged Weapons
Sling 5 14 cp
[Adventuring Gear]
Waterskin 8 42 cp
Artisan's Tools
Cobbler's Tools 2 14 gp
Leatherworker's Tools 7 15 ep
Musical Instrument
Bagpipes 2 86 gp
Drum 5 13 gp
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
[Adventuring Gear]
Backpack 3 5 ep
Basket 6 2 ep
Bedroll 5 6 ep
Blanket 5 2 ep
Clothes, Common 3 8 sp
Clothes, Costume 7 15 ep
Clothes, Fine 3 29 gp
Clothes, Traveler's 18 6 ep
Component Pouch 5 63 gp
Pouch 2 7 sp
Robes 1 6 ep
Sack 1 2 cp
Tent, Two-person 6 10 ep
Artisan's Tools
Weaver's Tools 3 3 ep
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
Gallon 5 22 cp
Mug 171 8 cp
Common (pitcher) 177 48 cp
Fine (bottle) 69 19 gp
Bread, loaf 99 6 cp
Cheese, hunk 39 40 cp
Meat, chunk 21 8 sp
Banquet (per person) 36 18 gp
lnn stay (per day)
6- Aristocratic 0
Meals (per day)
6- Aristocratic 40 6 ep
Shop Name/Owner:
Availability Type: Premium
Price Multiplier: 2
Item Name Available Price
[Adventuring Gear]
Alms Box 4 13 gp
Bell 3 4 ep
Blanket 4 3 ep
Book, Scripture 10 63 gp
Candle 22 4 cp
Case, Map or Scroll 3 6 ep
Censer 3 11 gp
Chalk (1 piece) 1 4 cp
Flask 1 4 cp
Healer's Kit 4 18 ep
Holy Symbol
Amulet 1 14 gp
Emblem 8 17 ep
Reliquary 2 15 gp
Oil (flask) 6 34 cp
Paper (one sheet) 61 32 cp
Waterskin 1 5 sp
Artisan's Tools
Calligrapher's Supplies 9 25 gp
Herbalism Kit 2 11 gp
Musical Instrument
Flute 0
Lyre 5 90 gp
Horn 4 10 gp
Cure Wounds (lvl 1) Yes 22 gp
Gentle Repose (lvl 2) Yes 96 gp
Lesser Restoration (lvl 2) Yes 90 gp
Remove Curse (lvl 3) Yes 206 gp
Revivify (lvl 3) Yes 969 gp
Raise Dead (lvl 5) Yes 248 pp
Spellcaster components
expendable Availability available, subtract cost of materials
if provided.
Acolyte/Priest Spell Slots
(Mod.- +4; Save - 12;
Lvl.0 - +4;
(Mod.- 3; Lvl.1
Save- -4;12;
Lvl.2 - 2
Lvl.0 - +5;
(Mod.- 4; Lvl.1
Save- -4;13;
Lvl.2 - 3
Lvl.0 - +5;
(Mod.- 4; Lvl.1
Save- -4;13;
Lvl.2 - 3; Lvl.3 - 2
Lvl.0 - +5;
(Mod.- 4; Lvl.1
Save- -4;13;
Lvl.2 - 3; Lvl.3 - 3
Lvl.0 - +5;
(Mod.- 4; Lvl.1
Save- -4;13;
Lvl.2 - 3; Lvl.3 - 3; Lvl.4 - 1
Lvl.0 - +6;
(Mod.- 4; Lvl.1
Save- -4;14;
Lvl.2 - 3; Lvl.3 - 3; Lvl.4 - 2
Lvl.0 - +6;
(Mod.- 4; Lvl.1
Save- -4;14;
Lvl.2 - 3; Lvl.3 - 3; Lvl.4 - 3; Lvl.5 - 1
Lvl.0 - 5; Lvl.1 - 4; Lvl.2 - 3; Lvl.3 - 3; Lvl.4 - 3; Lvl.5 - 2
Currency Conversion
Amount Type PlatinumGold ElectrumSilver Copper
491 pp 491 4910 9820 49100 491000
491 0 0 0 0
491 0 0 0 0

Reverse Conversion
PlatinumGold ElectrumSilver Copper Amount Type
1070 12080 15500 12600 8000 31870 gp

Selling Prices DC to get Bonus: 15

Value Type Cha. Roll Critical? Bonus Total
485 pp 25 No 100% 1077 pp

Buying Discounts C to get Discount: 15

Value Type Cha. Roll Critical? Discount Total
485 gp 18 No 0% 466 gp

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