Pre Marksmanship Activities 8 & 9

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Kaila E.



TEST 1. TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false. (2PTS

T1. Holding is the proper breathing,holding of breath at any part of breathing cycle.

T2. Kneeling Position is the position that is suitable for use at live ground that slope gently upward.

F3. Sight Alignment is the relationship between the front sight and the rear sight with respect to the
firer’s eye.

T4. Aiming Point is the target on which you are aligned your sight.

F5. Trigger Control is the squeezing, movement of finger that can disturb lay of the rifle.

TEST 2. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter of the correct answer.

D 1. Fundamentals of firing are composed of the following EXCEPT one.

a. Aiming c. Positions

b. Holding d. Trigger guard

B 2. What position presents a low silhouette and easily adopted for the use of cover and support
a. Prone Position c. Squat Position

b. Kneeling Position d. Standing Position

A 3. The position which is used in the assault to engage surprise target and when no other
position can be used.

a. Prone Position c. Squat Position

b. Kneeling Position d. Standing Position

B 4. the position which is suitable for use at live ground that slope gently upward.

a. Prone Position c. Squat Position

b. Kneeling Position d. Standing Position

D 5. This method of the instruction is used throughout all phases of marksmanship training
wherever applicable.

a. Coach method c. Coach and Pupil Method

b. Pupil method d. Principal Method

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