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Illustrated £y
Emma GlarL
Printed and distributed 6tj tbe
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.

TRere was a man. in our town?

He was a Doetor Vise
Vivo wanted Folks to keep quite well

And So Re did advise

TresR air, good Food, and lots oF sleep

Vitiv merry times eaeRday,

And all tF\e Folks wRo Followed Rim
Ve Rappy well and

TRere -wa$ an old -s/oman
m vRo lived in a $Roe,
$Re- Rad So many eRildren
$Re knew just wRat to do,

SRe gave tRem pure milk

•vitR plenty of bread
I And promptly at Sundovn
SRe tueked tRem in 6ed.
M TRe-y drean\ed Sweet dreams
i till seven eame round,
m TRe-y needed no pillS,tRey
all Slept $o Sound.
TRi$ we take a 6atk,
is tile -way
Taice a 6atR,taRe a 6atR,
TRis is tRe way we take a 6atR
Early every irvomitvg

TRis is tRe way we

wa$R tRe tu6,
El tRe tu6, wasRtfve tu6,
way we wasR
i$ is tRe
tRe tu6
Early every trvorrvia^
way we elean our teetR,
Clean our teetR, clean our
TRis i$ tRe way we clean our
Early every morning.

TRis iS tRe way we 6ru$R our Rail;

BrusRourRair, Gru$R our f\air
iS tRe way we 6rusR
our Kail-
Early every morning

TRiS istRe way we eat oatmeal.

Eat oatmeal, eat oatmeal,
TRiS i$ tRe way we eat oatmeal
Early every morning
Girls and. 6oyS eome out to play
TRe $uiv $RineS RrigRt tRi$
lovely day,
TinisR your frealcfaSt of
^ood t RingS to eat,
And join your playmates
down on tRe Street
Come witR a Roop and come
VitR a 6a.ll,
Come vitR a kite and eome
vitR a doll,
Come witR laugfiter merry atvdgay
To play out of doorS tKi$


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TRere wa$ a little girl

arvd $Re Rad a little eurl

RigRt iiv tRe middle of

Rer foreRead;
$Re eRewed Rer lood

gRe ielt very very good,


VRen $Re ^wallowed it

vRole $Re leltRorrid.
No jffie£ veie tfJere,


Patties elean, Patties elearv.nvy man,


Ru6 tKem and $eru6 tRem a£ fa$t as you ean

$oap tRem and £oa£tRem and
dry tRem quite Veil,
lor Rarfc you ean Rear tRe
old dinner 6ell.

Hiekery, Diekery Doek,,

Tig luneR-time 6y tRe eloek,

^/e mu$t 6e done,
^/Renit $trike£ one^,
Hiekery, Diekery, Doek.
Jaek Sprat wa$ $troi^> and fat,

for Re draivR milfo andeream,,

Ate vedefa 61e$ and lot$ of Bread,
And left Ki;d plate quite elearo

Twenty-four vRite fvorgeg upon, ared Rill,

.Nov ve $eruR,
Nov Ve i'u f?,

NoV Ve eleatvwil'R a Vill.

Hov many day$ Ra£ my cRild to play,
Saturday, Sunday, Monday,
Out ofdoorg intRe air eaek day,

S aturday Sunday Monday.

, ,

ifiggledy/piggledy ,my blaelc Ren,

SRe lay £ Re$R lor little men.

Little men eat eveiy day
Some oFtRe eg^
my Ren dotR tay.
I$av a Sfvip a- mailing,
A-$ ailing oiv tfve Sea,
Arvd oR, 6ut it vag ladeiv>
^/TtR ekildrero good to See,
$troug amS tfvat Reid tfve Sails tigRt,
Red eRee£$ tfvat laugfved at eold
And every eKild upor\j it,
H "Was Vortk Rig weiefvt f
irv gold.
Baa, Baa, Blaelc $Reep,
Have you any vool ?
Te* ,$ir, %
TRree Basis lull.

W3ol elotRe^ are 6eSt For ^

l groVrv up n\.erv>, ^
W\ And Ge$t For 6a6y too,

| TRey’re ligRt and varn\j


» for motRer dear,

And $oft and. $n.u£> ior you.
(?o 6 Bier, eo 6 61er, nvaice my $ftoe,
Make if $trong and roomy too,
$titeR it tRrough &.ud
$titeR it round,
No' Better $Roe could
tRere 6e i’ound
Jack and JilWent up me kill
To get Some good pure water,
TRey GrougRt it down into live town
And all did dvinft tRereafter.

TRere wa$ anoldwoman

And wRat do you tRinlc?
5Re lived all Rer lifes
upon victuals and drink,
Good vietual$ and drink
Kept Rer Kealtky and strong.
And $o tKi$ old woman
lived Rappy and long.
Mary Mary !My pretty Mary,

Wfiat mafce$ your red elceek$ glow?

U/itkre$t eaek day, and outdoor
And early to 6ed I go

Adiller, A dollar,
Tke very 6rigkt gekolar
1$ onewko eomeg eaek day,
Atidwken $ckool i$ out
a merry £k,out
Run$ olfto outdoor pl&ip?

Little Tommy Tudter

$ingS ior Ri$ $upper
Re eat?VRy,
"Vkat vill
J3rown Bread and Button
TRere’g Maty and Harry
And Wee 6a6y Carrie.

I Wee "Willie "Wu\£ie

! VZeVil
In Rig lu^Kt-^ovro,

Tapping ontRe window

Calling tRrou^R tRe lock,,
CRildren, CRildren, go to 6ed
My wateR $ay£ eigRt o’eloek,.
mm sSM "


Hipp cLidy Nippardy Niek.Noelc,

, ,

Time ior bed,$ay $ tfte great Sigeloel

Daylight time i£ going out,

Little dreams float round, about,

Tf\e Sandman tap$ witL ivi$ ligflt knock

sArvdffle $lum6er boat goe£

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