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1. How can the use of media help in promoting and maximizing animal rights
and having environmental protection/sustainable development? Kindly cite one
concrete example and elaborate your answer.

> How can social media be used to promote environmental and

animal rights? Create meaningful content first.The heart of your social
media campaign is meaningful content. You can post an ad on social
media stating that a certain percentage of their money will be
donated to a reef cleanup initiative for each product purchased. Cite
facts and statistics. When presented with facts and numbers, people
are frequently riled up, concerned, motivated, or inspired. For
example, you can use current recycling statistics to emphasize the
importance of following the 3Rs of waste management (Reduce,
Reuse, Recycle).Use videos. For example, use a high-quality video
production service to film your waste management initiatives in
action. Take videos of your reef cleanups, recycling technologies, tree
planting initiatives, or animal rescues. Social media can educate
people about certain forces and activities that harm our environment;
natural resource conservation -Our primary goal is not only to control
the waste of various energy sources such as oil, gas, coal, and so on.
Indeed, researchers discovered that environmental awareness
campaigns on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook
resulted in increased environmental knowledge.
2. Do you think that following the laws, and order given by the government to
large companies and corporations are enough for us to be secured on our
natural resources? What is the role of the government on this matter?

> Yes, because following these laws and orders can reduce or prevent
threats to our natural resources. However, it is also dependent on
large corporations and companies that, even if there is a law to
follow, they do not follow it because all they can think about is what
will benefit their company or business. They do not consider the
consequences or what might happen to our natural resources.
Companies that did not follow the laws or orders should be punished
by the government.
3. Choose one (1) lesson or discussion (P1 to P3) that hits you in the heart so
much. A lesson that you will remember in the long run.

> Lesson 1 entitled " Ethics vs. Morality

When an action is considered ethical, it is guided by ethical

frameworks such as utilitarianism and deontology and is a specific and
rational response to a moral situation based on one's reflection about
the legal and institutional norms of the group or society a person is in
(eg, raising your hand if you have a question). When an action is
considered moral, it is guided by the belief that it is the right thing to
do based on cultural values moral pr (e.g., pagmamano). The concept
of wrong and right is based on an individual's personal
perception.Morality and ethics are often interchangeable and
indistinguishable; when we talk about doing what is right (morality),
we usually begin with knowing about it (ethics).

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