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5 authors, including:

Tariq Al-Najjar Nashat Dahiyat

University of Jordan Aqaba Branch University of Jordan


Dr. Mohammad Wahsha

University of Jordan


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© by PSP Volume 28 – No. 5/2019 pages 4304-4310 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin


Tariq Al-Najjar1,*, Nashat Dahiyat3, Nida Sharari2, Mohammad Wahsha2, Maroof Khalaf1
Department of Marine Biology, The University of Jordan, Aqaba Branch, 77110, P.O. Box 263, Jordan
Marine Science Station, The University of Jordan and Yarmouk University, 77110, P. O. Box 195 Aqaba, Jordan
BenHayyan Aqaba International Laboratories, Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA), 77110, P.O. Box 2565, Aqaba, Jordan

ABSTRACT Contamination of aquatic systems by heavy

metals has become a global issue. Heavy metals may
Level of mercury (Hg) heavy metal concentra- enter aquatic systems from different natural and an-
tions were investigated using Direct Mercury Ana- thropogenic (human activities) sources, including in-
lyzer (DMA) in muscles, liver, gills, gonads and kid- dustrial or domestic wastewater, application of pes-
ney of three fish species (Katsuwonus pelamis, Auxis ticides and inorganic fertilizers, storm runoff, leach-
thazard and Euthynnus affinis) that were collected ing from landfills, shipping and harbor activities, ge-
from the Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red ological weathering of the earth crust and atmos-
Sea during May to December 2015. Heavy metals pheric deposition [10, 11]. Many studies discover a
accumulation varied significantly between organs, vulnerability of the Gulf of Aqaba to metals pollu-
generally, the highest Hg concentrations were found tion; these studies mention that the Gulf of Aqaba
in muscles of K.pelamis, A.thazard and E.affinis has a great probability to get polluted with heavy
with an average 0.500, 0.354 and 0.244 µg/g respec- metals carried by air currents [12].
tively and the lowest concentrations were found in Several studies have been reported on the
gills of K.pelamis with an average 0.113 µg/g and heavy metals in marine fish species collected from
gonads of A.thazard and E.affinis with an average the Gulf of Aqaba [9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19].
0.140 µg/g and 0.110 µg/g respectively. The accu- However, the levels of Hg in the fishes of the family
mulation of heavy metals concentrations in the mus- Scombridae were not investigated previously. This
cles than other organs is an indicator for clean, pol- study aims to provide knowledge and establish base-
lution-free environment. Strong positive correlations line data for the level of mercury in three common
have been found between fish length and Hg concen- species belonging to the family Scombridae;
trations. Levels of Hg in tuna fish muscles were Katsuwonus pelamis, Auxis thazard and Euthynnus
within the acceptable limits for human consumption. affinis that are extensively consuming by locals.


Heavy metals, Fishes, Mercury, Aqaba, Red Sea
Study area. The study area lies within the Jor-
danian portion of the Gulf of Aqaba (Figure 1). It is
INTRODUCTION a partially enclosed water body that constitutes the
eastern segment of V-shaped situated at the northern
Fish is widely consumed around the world by tip of the Gulf and extends south for about 27 km to
many people because it is a good source of protein, the Saudi Arabia border. It is located in a sub-tropi-
Omega-3 and unsaturated fatty acids [1, 2]. Fishes cal arid area between longitude 34° 25' to 35° 00' E
are rich in essential vitamins such as A, B3, B6, B12, and latitude 28°00' to 29°33' N. The Gulf of Aqaba
and D, and the minerals such as calcium, iron, sele- is 180 km long and has a maximum width of 25 km,
nium, and zinc [1, 3, 4]. which decreases at the northern tip to about 5 km.
Fishes are the most significant source of mer- The Gulf biodiversity is unique and some species are
cury in human diets, and mercury levels in humans endemic to the area due to its semi-enclosed nature.
have been closely related to fish consumption [5]. It is connected to the Red Sea through the Straits of
Fish are often at the top of the aquatic food chain and Tiran. It is more than 1,800 m deep (averaging 650
may concentrate large amounts of some metals from meters) [20, 21, 22].
water and food, therefore, metals bioaccumulate and
biomagnified in different fish organs [6, 7, 8, 9].

© by PSP Volume 28 – No. 5/2019 pages 4304-4310 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

Fish sampling and preparation. The total of was completed and halogens and nitrogen/sulfur ox-
36 samples, twelve fish samples from each of the fol- ides were trapped. The remaining decomposition
lowing species: Katsuwonus pelamis, Auxis thazard compounds were then carried to an amalgamator that
and Euthynnus affinis were collected from local fish- selectively traps mercury. The amalgamator was rap-
ermen during May to December 2015. Collected idly heated, releasing mercury vapor. Flowing oxy-
samples were immediately transported to the labora- gen carried the mercury vapor through absorbance
tory in ice boxes and allowed thawing and rinsed cells positioned in the light path of a single wave-
with distilled water. Muscle, liver, kidney, gonads length atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Ab-
and gills were taken out then five gram of each tissue sorbance (peak height or peak area) was measured at
were kept in deep freezer. 253.7 nm as a function of mercury concentration.

Samples Analysis. Samples were analyzed for Statistical Analysis. A non-parametric test
Hg according to [23] method 7473 (SW-846). using (Kruskal Wallis test) was performed to examine sig-
Direct Mercury Analyzer (DMI) (Milestone - DMA- nificant differences for Hg among species and or-
80, Italy). gans.
Sample of 0.1 g dry weight from each organ
were homogenized and weighted in sample boat
(nickel boats was cleaned using a Muffle furnace at RESULTS
600°C for 20 minutes). Duplicates, spiked samples,
and check standards were analyzed with each patch Heavy metals concentration among
of samples. Scombridae fish species. The mean values of Mer-
Samples from previous step were analyzed by cury concentrations in muscles of different fish spe-
located the sample boat in auto sampler tray of Di- cies (K.pelamis, A.thazard and E.affinis) showed
rect Mercury Analyzer (DMI) instrument. Con- significant differences (p = 0.0002). The highest Hg
trolled heating in an oxygenated decomposition fur- concentration was found in K.pelamis with mean
nace was used to liberate mercury from samples in value of (0.318 µg/g), followed by A.thazard (0.240
the instrument. Each sample was dried and then ther- µg/g) and E.affinis (0.169 µg/g), (table 1) showed the
mally and chemically decomposed within the de- mean + SE of Hg concentration in muscles of three
composition furnace. The decomposition com- fish species.
pounds were carried by flowing oxygen. Oxidation

Study area in the northern Gulf of Aqaba

© by PSP Volume 28 – No. 5/2019 pages 4304-4310 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

Mean ± SE of Hg concentrations in the muscles for K.pelamis, A.thazard and E.affinis collected from the
Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
Fish species Mean (µg/g) ± SE
K.pelamis 0.318 ± 0.026
A.thazard 0. 240 ± 0.015
E.affinis 0.169 ± 0.009

Concentration (µg/g )

Gill Muscles
Gonads Liver
Mean concentration µg/g ± SE of Hg in different organs of K pelamis

Concentration (µg/g )

Muscles Liver Gill Gonads Kidney
Mean concentration µg/g ± SE of Hg in different organs of A. thazard

Concentration (µg/g )

Muscles Liver Gill Gonads Kidney
Mean concentration µg/g ± SE of Hg in different organs of E. affinis

© by PSP Volume 28 – No. 5/2019 pages 4304-4310 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

The correlation coefficient (R2) and Probability test (P-value) between fish length of K. pelamis, A. thazard
and E. affinis and final metal concentrations
K. pelamis A. thazard E. affinis
R2 0.058 0.8711 0.8551
P-value 0.4506 < 0.0001 < 0.0001

Mercury concentration among different fish pattern: muscle > kidney > liver > gonads, this
organs of fish species. Results of Hg concentrations could be because methyl-mercury in adult fishes is
(µg/g) between different organs of K. pelamis were more than 90% of total mercury which is primarily
significantly different (P < 0.0001). Muscles and found in the fish muscles tissue bound to protein
kidney showed the highest mean concentration with molecules [4, 28, 29], in addition to the distribution
mean value of 0.500 µg/g each, among all organs, of heavy metals in fish organs depends on the degree
while the gills had the lowest mean value with 0.113 of contamination of the environment. In Hg-polluted
µg/g (dw) as shown in Figure 2. locations, Hg concentrations in internal organs are
Results of Hg concentrations (µg/g) between usually significantly higher than Hg concentrations
different organs of A. thazard was significantly dif- in muscles, whereas Hg concentration in muscles of
ferent (P < 0.0001). Muscles had the highest mean fishes captured from uncontaminated localities is
concentration among all organs with 0.354 µg/g usually higher than that found in their internal organs
(dw), followed by liver with 0.293 µg/g (dw), while [27], and this finding show clearly proofed that Aq-
the gonads had the lowest concentration with 0.140 aba marine water is clean and uncontaminated.
µg/g (dw) as shown in Figure 3. Results of this study showed clearly that mus-
Results of Hg concentrations (µg/g) between cles accumulate more Hg than other organs, this may
different organs of E. affinis was significantly differ- be due to the long migrations made by these species
ent (P < 0.0001), muscles had the highest mean con- and to their feeding habits as they are the top preda-
centration among all organs with 0.244 µg/g (dw), tors and occupy the highest level in the food chain.
followed by kidney with 0.215 µg/g (dw), while the [30] showed that the predatory fish belonging to the
gonads had the lowest concentration value with higher trophic levels accumulate more Hg than the
0.110 µg/g (dw) as shown in Figure 4. benthic and planktonophagous species because it is
known that the accumulation of Hg is dependent on
Effect of fish length on Hg concentrations. the length of the food chain. The highest values of
The results showed that there was a strong positive Hg in muscles of piscivorous species, and the lowest
correlation between Hg and the body length of A. concentration in muscle tissue of fish feeding inver-
thazard and E. affinis with R2 = 0.8711 and 0.8551 tebrate were observed by [31]. [32] studied Hg con-
respectively, whereas, weak correlation for centration in the muscles of pelagic fish species from
K.pelamis. The correlation coefficient (R2) and P- the Bay of Bengal, and found that Hg concentration
value between fish length and Hg concentrations. for these tuna species are in the following order K.
pelamis > A. thazard > E. affinis. Similar pattern for
Hg concentration was found in the present study.
DISCUSSION During the present study, muscles of K. pelamis con-
tained Hg above the maximum allowable concentra-
The results of this study showed that there were tion set by Jordanian standards [33], Australian and
significant differences between the three fish species New Zealand standards [34] and below the maxi-
K. pelamis, A. thazard and E. affinis for Hg concen- mum allowable concentration in Canada [35], Fin-
tration, this difference could be related to differences land [34] standards (Table 3). None of the muscles
in each species physiology, feeding rate, growth rate, samples of A. thazard and E. affinis fishes contained
life pan, migratory patterns, foraging habits and/or Hg above the maximum allowable concentration of
diet [24]. Similar pattern was reported on toxic met- the above mentioned standards. Similar and even
als in Italian fresh and canned tuna [25, 26]. higher concentrations of Hg were estimated by [36,
The results of this study revealed that Hg con- 37, 38, 39] who found that the concentration of Hg
centrations in muscles of K pelamis, A thazard and in muscles of tuna is higher than other organs.
E affinis fishes were higher than other organs such The results of this study showed a strong posi-
as liver, gills, gonads and kidney. Similar results tive correlation between Hg and the fish length of A.
were found on comparison and bio-monitoring of Hg thazard and E. affinis, whereas there was a weak
heavy metal concentrations in fishes from uncon- positive correlation between Hg and length of K.
taminated and contaminated localities [27], they pelamis. This is in accordance with the studies of
found that Hg concentration in muscles was higher [42, 43] in which they found a correlation between
than internal organs in uncontaminated localities, the Hg heavy metal concentration and fish length. This
Hg concentrations were found in the following could be attributed to the specific bio-affinity for

© by PSP Volume 28 – No. 5/2019 pages 4304-4310 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

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Food and Drug Administration (JFDA) for their co- in Tissues of Three Economically Important
operation during analysis, particularly Eng. Fish (Anguilla anguilla, Mugil cephalus and
Mahmoud Mustafa and Mrs. Jumana. We would like Oreochromis niloticus) Inhabiting Köycegiz
to thank the UNDP for funding this research. Lake-Mugla (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Sci-
ence and Technology. 4(1), 7-15.
[11] Freedman, B., Hutchinson, T.C. (1981) Sources
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