Unit 2 Telling Lies

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Discussion I!
Work in pairs.Choose one of the subjectsbelow to talk about for two minutes.During the discussiontry
to tell one lie to your partner.At the end of the discussion,tell your partnerwhat you think he or she has
lied about.
holidays schools work sport trauel a hobhy
ls it possibleto go through tife onty teiling the truth?

Read the article quickly. Decide whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1. Lord Archer wenr ro schoolat WellingtonCollege.
2. At one tirne he lost a lot of money.
3. He wils involvedwith a Drostitute.

Jeffrey Archer pulled out yesterday from the but various investment mistakes over a number of
election to become mayor of London after years meant he lost it all and was left with huge
admitting that he had persuadeda friend to lie for debts. Resigning from Parliament, he started
him in court in 1986. He could now face criminal writing to pay back what he owed. His novels t.
charges. became best-sellersand have earned him as much
This is, of course,not the first time that Archer has as f50 million over the years. a
been economical with the truth. Early in his He returned to politics in 1985, but was forced to
political career the rumour spread that he had resign a year later following storiesthat he had sent
attendedthe famous Berkshire school, Wellington f20OO to a prostitute, Monica Coghlan. Some +1
College. In fact, he had studied at the far more newspaperssuggestedin their reports that Archer
ordinary Wellington School in Somerset.It was also had had sex with Ms Coghlan. He took legal action 'I

widely believed that he had studied for an MA at and won libel damagesof f500000. .1
Oxford University. In reality, he took part of a Jeffrey Archer became Lord Archer in 1992 but I

postgraduatediploma course - a course for which questions over his financial dealings continue to c.4
he was not qualified. Elected to Parliamentin 1969, this day and his ability to exaggeratesimple facts
he was said to be the youngestMP ever. Not true. seemsnot to have diminished.So. will he survive ;
There is no doubting his ability ro make money.By j
this latest scandal?Only time will rell, but Archer -A
1914 he had already made a fbrtune in business, has a reputation for being able to bounce back. q
Readthe articleagain and answer these questions:
l. Why did Archer resignin I974? 11
2 . ' W h y d i d h e r e s i g ni n 1 9 8 6 ? l
3. Why did he tilke somenewspapersro courr? 3
4.Why did hc deciclenor ro srarndas Mayor of London? r.d
Discussion .{

1. Should peoplcwho have beencaughttelling a lie be bannedfrom holding public office?

2. Arc there :rny pr-rblicfiguresin your country who have conrinuedin public life despitequesrions
rrbouttheir pirst?Who? What are they supposedto have done?
20 Tellinglies Taboosand /ssues 1
Answer these questions on your own first. Then compare your answers with a partner.
Haveyou ever lied about any of the following?
1. Your qualificationsin a job application
2. To your parentsabout somethingimportant
3. Your agc
4. When a friend asked to borrow some money frorn you
-5.When being interviewed by the police
6. When you were late for work or school
7. When giving someoneyour addressor phone number
8. When you were going through customs
9. On an incometax form
10.Your salary

Language Tellthe truth!

Look at this sentence from the text: Work in pairs.Discusswhat you would do in these
Tbis is, of course,not the first time that situations:
Archer hds been economical with the truth. 1. It is a beautiful sunny day and some of your
Being economical with the truth is another way of friends, who are on holiday, have decidedto go
saying lying. Below are some more ways of talking for a picnic. They ask you to go. Do you:
about lying and dishonesty.Put the missing words
a. call your boss and say you are ill?
back into the expressionsbelow:
b, call your boss and ask for the day off?
rnstLter lie c. tell your friends you haue to go to work?
teeth pack Or would you do something else?
inch ltg
2. When leaving a car park, you accidentally
a. He's lying through his
bump into the car parked next to yours and
b.l told him a little white
damage it slightly. Do you:
c. I don't trust him an . a. leauea note of apology on the windscreen
d. Just give me a straight with your name and address?
e. He's pulling your . b. wait for the other driuer to come back?
f. He told us a whole . . . . of lies. c. leauetbe car parl<as quickly as possiblel
Now use the correct form of the verbs from the Or would you do something else?
expressionsin these sentences:
3. You are in the supermarket.You pick up a box
1. Jack told n-rehe'd had dinner with Tony Blair. of eggsto put in your basket and drop it
> And you believedhim? I think he was accidentally,breaking some of the eggs.
. your leg. Do you:
2.1 askedhim three times if he'd borrowed my a. put it back on the shelfl
\rValkmanand he wouldn't . me a b. buy it anyway!
straight answer. c. giue it to an assistantand sa1,you found it
3.I'm sureJim stole my wallet. He sayshe never like thdt?
came in the room but I think he's . . . . . . Or would you do something else?
thror-rghhis teeth.
4. You pay for somethingwith a {10 note but
4. There'ssomething a bit strangeabout the new you are given changefor {20. Do you:
boss. a. giue back the extra f"l0?
> I know I don't . him an inch. b. keelt the extra f10 for yourself?
.5.I'vcjust found out that Kathy hasn't beenvery c. l<ee1tthe extra f10 but giue it to charityl
honest.She's. me a whole pack of lies. Or would you do something else?
6. ['m basicallya very honestperson,but I
supposeI . . . . . . a little white lie from time to

Taboosand /ssues Tellinglies

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