Book 4 L4 - 教用卷

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一 、 單字選擇(15 小題,每格 0 分,共 0 分)

( )The garage is for ____________ use only; you cannot park here. (A) consequent (B) private
(C) plentiful (D) elaborate
解答 B
解析 此車庫僅供私人使用,你不可在此停車。 (A)隨後的 (B)私人的 (C)豐富的 (D)詳細的,
( )Human beings are not Earth’s only ____________; we have to protect all the other creatures as
well. (A) inhabitants (B) guarantees (C) adventures (D) guidelines
解答 A
解析 人類並非地球的唯一居民;我們也必須保護其他生物。 (A)居民 (B)保證 (C)冒險 (D)
( )The bird-lover raised four ____________ of parrots at his house and took very good care of them.
(A) guarantees (B) samples (C) species (D) appeals
解答 C
解析 那位愛鳥人士在家中養了四種品種的鸚鵡,並且照料得極好。 (A)保證;擔保 (B)樣本;
樣品 (C)物種 (D)呼籲;請求
( )The average life ____________ of human beings is increasing every year. (A) tribe (B) appeal
(C) span (D) score
解答 C
解析 人類的平均壽命每年都在增加。壽命的英文是 life span,所以答案選 span。 (A)部落 (B)
請求 (C)一段時間 (D)分數
( )Residents in the community live together in perfect ____________ and enjoy a satisfactory living
environment. (A) response (B) marriage (C) harmony (D) harvest
解答 C
解析 這個社區的居民和睦共居並享有令人滿意的生活環境。 (A)回應 (B)婚姻 (C)和諧 (D)
( )____________ of fans crowded at the five-star hotel to take pictures of the Korean superstar. (A)
Species (B) Scores (C) Spans (D) Samples
解答 B
解析 眾多粉絲聚集在這家五星級飯店為了拍這位韓國巨星。
許多的英文為 scores of,所以答案為 Scores。 (A)物種 (B)許多 (C)一段時間 (D)樣本
( )The new factory employed many local workers and helped bring ____________ to the town. (A)
prosperity (B) privacy (C) span (D) adventure
解答 A
解析 這家新的工廠僱用許多當地勞工,為鎮上帶來了繁榮。 (A)繁榮 (B)隱密 (C)一段時間
( )It is ____________ of you to judge a person merely by his or her appearance. (A) plentiful (B)
private (C) multiple (D) shallow
解答 D
解析 你以貌取人是膚淺的。 (A)豐富的 (B)私人的 (C)數量多的 (D)膚淺的
( )After booking the flight tickets, Amy couldn’t wait to go on her ____________ in Europe alone.
(A) consequence (B) disturbance (C) adventure (D) guarantee
解答 C
解析 在訂好機票後,Amy 等不及要踏上獨自前往歐洲的冒險之旅了。 (A)結果;後果 (B)打擾;
干擾;引起混亂或騷動的事物 (C)冒險;探險 (D)保證;擔保
( )The famous interior designer is known for his ____________ designs. This is why he can charge
such high prices for his work. (A) consequent (B) elaborate (C) urgent (D) shallow
解答 B
解析 那位知名的室內設計師以精巧的設計聞名。這也就是為什麼他的作品能收取這麼高的費用。
(A)隨之發生的;作為結果的 (B)精巧的;精心製作的 (C)緊急的 (D)膚淺的
( )Because of the heavy fog, the airline cannot ____________ our flight will depart as scheduled.
(A) disturb (B) harvest (C) elaborate (D) guarantee
解答 D
解析 因為這場濃霧,航空公司無法擔保我們的班機可以如期啟程。 (A)打擾 (B)收穫 (C)詳細
說明 (D)保證
( )Due to a long drought, the farmers had a very poor ____________ this year and needed a
government subsidy. (A) sample (B) harvest (C) species (D) score
解答 B
解析 因為一場長期乾旱,農夫們今年面臨作物歉收並需要政府的補助。 (A)樣品 (B)收成 (C)
物種 (D)分數
( )The urban planning district has ____________ over the years owing to a huge investment from the
government as well as many nongovernmental investors. (A) appealed (B) harvested (C) prospered
(D) elaborated
解答 C
解析 由於政府和民間投資者都挹注大量資金,那片都市計畫區近年來持續繁榮興旺。 (A)請求;
懇求;呼籲 (B)收割(莊稼);捕獵(動物、魚) (C)繁榮;興旺 (D)詳盡闡述;詳盡描述
( )The ____________ of drug abuse are so serious that we should avoid drugs whenever possible.
(A) adventures (B) consequences (C) inhabitants (D) guarantees
解答 B
解析 濫用毒品的後果非常慘重,因此我們應盡可能遠離毒品。 (A)冒險 (B)後果 (C)居民
( )The ____________ caused by a demanding customer seemed to ruin the appetite of quite a few
people who dined in that restaurant last night. (A) adventure (B) prosperity (C) privacy (D)
解答 D
解析 昨晚一名要求頗多的顧客在餐廳裡引起的騷動,似乎使得不少人失去了食慾。 (A)冒險
(B)繁榮;興旺;成功 (C)隱密;私密 (D)打擾;干擾;引起混亂或騷動的事物
二 、 文意字彙(10 小題,每格 0 分,共 0 分)
____________________ Keep quiet so that you do not d____________b the sleeping baby.
解答 disturb
解析 保持安靜你才不會打擾睡覺中的嬰兒。
____________________ Thanks to the efforts of all its people, the country soon became
p____________s again after the war.
解答 prosperous
解析 多虧有全國人民的努力,這個國家在戰爭後不久就再次繁榮興盛了。
____________________ Sally had been looking forward to the picnic, but unfortunately, a sudden
afternoon shower s____________led it.
解答 spoiled
解析 Sally 一直期待著這場野餐,但不幸的是,突來的一場午後陣雨破壞了它。
____________________ The host provided p____________l food and drink for the guests to enjoy.
解答 plentiful
解析 主人提供豐富的食物和飲料讓客人們享用。
____________________ The soldier died from m____________e wounds in the fierce battle.
解答 multiple
解析 這個士兵在激烈的戰役中因多處受傷而陣亡。
____________________ All the workers should follow the g____________es strictly to ensure their
safety while operating the machines.
解答 guidelines
解析 所有員工應嚴格遵循準則,以確保操作機器時的安全。
____________________ Clara served as a volunteer teaching English to the remote t____________e.
解答 tribe
解析 Clara 擔任教偏遠部落英文的志工。
____________________ Some of the rare species that i____________t the area are disappearing, so we
need to protect them.
解答 inhabit
解析 有些棲息於此地區的稀有物種正在消失中,所以我們必須保護牠們。
____________________ Hares m____________y so quickly that it is hard for biologists to control and
calculate their numbers.
解答 multiply
解析 野兔迅速地繁殖以致於生物學家很難控制和計算牠們的數量。
____________________ The school a____________led to learners and teachers for any information
they might have about the missing international student.
解答 appealed
解析 學校向學生們和老師們請求提供任何有關那位失蹤國際學生的訊息。
三 、 詞類變化(3 小題,每格 0 分,共 0 分)
____________________ The ____________ (tribe) chief led his people to worship their ancestors at the
beginning of the festival.
解答 tribal
解析 在慶典一開始時,這個部落首領帶領他的族人向祖先祭拜。chief 前以形容詞作為修飾,所
以答案為 tribal。
____________________ Ruth is very ____________ (adventure). Extreme sports such as skydiving and
free climbing are her favorites.
解答 adventurous
解析 Ruth 喜歡冒險。像高空跳傘和徒手攀岩的極限運動是她的最愛。very 後放形容詞,所以答案
為 adventurous。
____________________ After the devastating hurricane, some celebrities launched a campaign making
an ____________ (appealing) for donations to the victims.
解答 appeal
解析 在這個破壞力強大的颶風過後,有些名人發起一場運動,呼籲捐款給災民。an 之後放名詞,
所以答案為 appeal。
四 、 文法選擇(課本句型)(10 小題,每格 0 分,共 0 分)
( )Little Selina often imagines herself floating on the clouds with a heavenly breeze gently
____________ through her hair. (A) blow (B) blowing (C) to blow (D) blew
解答 B
解析 此為 with + O + OC 的句型。表示「微風輕輕吹拂」用主動,所以 OC 為 V-ing,答案為
( )The clothes shop seems ____________ a big sale. There are many people standing in line in front
of it. (A) having (B) to have (C) having had (D) to have had
解答 B
解析 本題測驗 S + seem/appear + to + VR/have + p.p.....
( )Dave can’t present the graphs and figures because he seems ____________ his laptop at home.
(A) left (B) leaving (C) to leave (D) to have left
解答 D
解析 本題測驗 S + seem/appear + to + VR/have + p.p.....
( )As the typhoon was raging on, Bernard stayed home with all the doors and windows
____________. (A) be close (B) closed (C) closing (D) to close
解答 B
解析 此為 with + O + OC 的句型。表示「門窗緊閉」用形容詞 closed
( )Before the accident happened, the couple seems ____________ a serious fight, but no one knows
the details. (A) having had (B) to have had (C) to have (D) was having
解答 B
解析 本題測驗 S + seem/appear + to + VR/have + p.p.....。因所推論事件發生在說話之前,故用 to +
have + p.p.
( )The old man sat in his rocking chair with his legs ____________. (A) crossed (B) to cross (C)
crossing (D) cross
解答 A
解析 此為 with + O + OC 的句型。表示「雙腿交叉放」用被動,所以 OC 為 p.p.,答案為 crossed
( )Carl appears ____________ that beautiful girl with red hair; he can’t take his eyes off her. (A)
liking (B) liked (C) to like (D) to have liked
解答 C
解析 本題測驗 S + seem/appear + to + VR/have + p.p.....。can’t take one’s eyes off sb. 始終注視……;
( )Kevin has just signed up for the speech contest. He ____________ have conquered his fear of
speaking in public. (A) was appeared to (B) appeared that (C) appears to (D) have appeared to
解答 C
解析 本題測驗 S + seem/appear + to + VR/have + p.p.....
( )The old lady sat by the fireplace with her cat ____________ quietly next to her. (A) lay (B) to
lying (C) to lie (D) lying
解答 D
解析 此為 with + O + OC 的句型。表示「貓咪躺著」用主動,所以 OC 為 V-ing,答案為 lying
( )In this game, a person with his or her eyes ____________ has to spin around several times and then
try to pin a tail onto a donkey. (A) cover (B) covering (C) covered (D) to cover
解答 C
解析 此為 with + O + OC 的句型。「他或她的雙眼被覆蓋」是被動動作,因此 OC 為 p.p.,答案為
五 、 文法選擇(其他考點)(15 小題,每格 0 分,共 0 分)
( )No one should enter that building ____________ permission. So, if you can’t get approval, do not
try to go inside. (A) according to (B) by (C) with (D) without
解答 D
解析 根據語意,答案應選 without。without 表示「沒有……」的狀態。permission 允許;approval
( )Washington, D.C. is home ____________ the United States government. (A) at (B) to (C)
with (D) for
解答 B
解析 由題意判斷,美國政府所在地為華盛頓特區,因此運用片語 be home to,答案選介系詞 to
( )You should apologize to your dad first; ____________, it was your fault, not his. (A) what’s
worse (B) after all (C) in case (D) however
解答 B
解析 本題測驗轉承語的用法。空格後的子句為解釋前半句的原因,所以答案要選 after all「畢
( )The rituals performed by the tribespeople ____________ bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.
(A) are believed to (B) consider to (C) believe to (D) are considered to be
解答 A
解析 表示「大家都相信……」時,常用被動語態,其句型為 S + be believed to + VR,所以答案為
are believed to
( )Here ____________ some quizzes for you to practice on. (A) is (B) are (C) be (D) was
解答 B
解析 本題測驗 here + be-V/V + N 的句型,其動詞隨後面的名詞變化,此處 some quizzes 為複數名
詞,且動詞要用現在式,所以答案為複數 be-V 的 are
( )Strongly ____________ by the public for his decision, the politician had no choice but to step
down. (A) criticizing (B) criticized (C) to criticize (D) criticize
解答 B
解析 此句是由 Because he was strongly criticized...簡化而來的分詞構句。根據題意,這位政治人物
遭受批評,所以須用被動語態,答案選過去分詞 criticized
( )____________ nothing all day, I am hungry enough to eat a horse. (A) Having eaten (B)
Having been eaten (C) Having eating (D) Having been eating
解答 A
解析 原句為 Because I have eaten nothing all day...,省略連接詞及主詞後,改由 Having eaten...分詞
( )Jenny acted very well and ____________ to be the best actress in the play. (A) considering (B)
being considered (C) consider (D) was considered
解答 D
解析 表示「被認為是……」的句型為 S + be considered (to be) + N.,所以答案為 was considered
( )Being so far away from home, Daniel felt ____________ a fish out of water. (A) X (B) of (C)
as (D) like
解答 D
解析 本題測驗 feel like 的用法。留意 feel + adj.和 feel like + NP 的差異,此處空格後為名詞片語,
所以答案為 like
( )____________ as the Windy City, Hsinchu is famous for its strong winds all year round. (A) To
know (B) Knew (C) Known (D) Knowing
解答 C
解析 此題原句為 As Hsinchu is known as the Windy City, it is famous for its strong winds all year
round.,經省略連接詞 as 及同一主詞 Hsinchu/it 後,副詞子句改為 being known 的分詞構句,而 being
可省略,所以答案為 Known。be famous for sth. 以某事物聞名;all year round 全年地
( )It started to rain cats and dogs just ____________ Diane walked out of the door. (A) as (B) for
(C) with (D) between
解答 A
解析 本題測驗(just) as...「(正)當……時」的用法。rain cats and dogs 下起傾盆大雨
( )Hunting is legal in this region of the country, but hunters are restricted to ____________ certain
animals only. (A) hunt (B) hunts (C) hunted (D) hunting
解答 D
解析 本題測驗 be restricted to N/V-ing「限於……的範圍內」的句型。由於此處的 to 為介系詞,非
不定詞,故後面需接 N 或 V-ing
( )____________ a musical genius, Mozart displayed his extraordinary musical talent when he was
little. (A) Known for (B) Knowing as (C) Knowing for (D) Known as
解答 D
解析 表示「以……(身分地位)聞名」時,其片語為 be known as。此句由 As he was known as a
musical genius...省略而成分詞構句,所以答案為 Known as
( )Childcare workers have to have more patience than ordinary people. ____________, they need a
kind heart to deal with their young charges. (A) On purpose (B) In addition to (C) Furthermore (D)
On the contrary
解答 C
解析 本題測驗轉承語的用法。空格的後句語意承接前句,所以答案要選 furthermore「此外;再
者」。charge 責任;on purpose 故意地
( )The zebra ran as fast as it could to avoid ____________ by the fierce lion. (A) captured (B)
being captured (C) capturing (D) to be captured
解答 B
解析 avoid 之後須接 V-ing。此處為被動語態,表示被捕捉,所以答案為 being captured
六 、 綜合測驗(4 小題,每格 0 分,共 0 分)
What do you know about Taiwan’s Tao tribe? Located on Orchid Island, __(1)__ the other tribes
throughout Taiwan, they mostly rely on the sea for their survival. During the flying fish season, in particular,
the Tao can therefore be seen performing special ceremonies __(2)__ elaborate costumes __(2)__ and
celebrating the gifts of Nature. In terms of their origins, they __(3)__ be related to the people of the
Philippines. __(4)__ sources, in fact, trace their roots back to Batan, an island more or less halfway between
the Philippines and Taiwan. The early inhabitants of this island are thought to have pretty much been __(5)__
as the Tao since they would have faced similar climatic conditions and traded in similar goods such as goats,
pigs, weapons, and gold. Additionally, researchers have discovered similarities in the languages of the
Batanese and the Tao. Based on current population data, there are today about 2,000 Tao individuals living on
the Orchid Island, and another 2,000 residing on the mainland.
( )(1) (A) likely (B) unlike (C) like (D) dislike
( )(2) (A) with; on (B) for; on (C) with; wearing (D) for; wore
( )(3) (A) are believing (B) believe (C) believe to (D) are believed to
( )(4) (A) Multiple (B) Adventurous (C) Private (D) Shallow
( )(5) (A) under their wings (B) in the same boat (C) by no means (D) in the end
解答 (1)B (2)A (3)D (4)A (5)B
解析 (1) 根據前後文,因為達悟族是依賴海洋的臺灣部落,所以它「不同於」其他臺灣本島部
落,因此答案為 unlike。 (A)有可能 (B)不像 (C)像……一樣 (D)不喜歡
(2) with + O + OC 表示附帶狀況
(3) S + be believed to + V...表示一個客觀的、公認的事實
(4) (A)多個的 (B)好冒險的 (C)私有的 (D)淺的
(5) (A)在他們的庇護下 (B)面臨同樣的困境 (C)絕非 (D)最終
Let’s go on an adventure! Follow me as we travel ninety kilometers southeast of the Taiwanese
mainland to Orchid Island, __(1)__ a group of people exist that cannot be found elsewhere. Known __(2)__
the Tao tribe, these people have resided on the island for more than 800 years and may have originally come
from the Philippines. During their time on Orchid Island, which has __(3)__ several centuries, they have
been heavily influenced by both Chinese and Western cultures. Fortunately, some ancestral* beliefs and
traditions have remained and __(4)__ their own set of gods and spirits. Some of the Tao, for example, still
believe that if a person were to pass away, his or her soul would either travel to the “White Island” or become
an evil spirit called an “anito.” When the latter happens, everyone has to gather __(5)__ their full battle gear
__(5)__ in order to fight off this evil spirit. Come on, there’s so much more to learn about this tribe!
註:ancestral 祖傳的
( )(1) (A) which (B) where (C) how (D) when
( )(2) (A) as (B) for (C) by (D) to
( )(3) (A) spanned (B) sampled (C) spoiled (D) disturbed
( )(4) (A) corresponded to (B) come with (C) ended up with (D) started with
( )(5) (A) with; on (B) by; on (C) with; off (D) by; up
解答 (1)B (2)A (3)A (4)B (5)A
解析 (1) 此處為關係子句用法。因為先行詞為「地方」,所以使用關係副詞 where 來補充說明
(2) 表示「以……(名稱)著名」,介系詞使用 as
(3) (A)持續;貫穿 (B)體驗 (C)破壞 (D)干擾
(4) (A)和……一致 (B)伴隨 (C)以……結束 (D)以……開始
(5) with + O + OC 表示附帶狀況。表示「衣服穿在身上」,介系詞用 on
Have you ever heard of the Harvest Festival? Also known __(1)__ the Harvest Ceremony, it is one of
the biggest celebrations among the indigenous tribes of Taiwan. It __(2)__ the most sacred festival of the
year for the Amis people, much like Chinese New Year being the most important holiday of the year for Han
Chinese descendants. This important event on the Amis calendar is usually held after the summer __(3)__. It
provides an opportunity to thank the gods, which they believe are ancestral spirits. These gods are also
__(4)__ good luck for future harvests. __(5)__, the festival is also a good reason for families to get together
at least once a year. People who join the celebrations appear __(6)__ very likely to see some dancing. This is
because during the Harvest Ceremony, Amis dancers can be seen __(7)__ traditional costumes __(7)__,
welcoming and worshipping friendly spirits. All in all, the __(8)__ celebrations last for four days. In addition,
these celebrations __(9)__ many other treats and surprises. Best of all, the friendly Amis people will surely
take you __(10)__ their __(10)__ and make you feel right at home. It’s a local festival; you just can’t afford
to miss!
( )(1) (A) as (B) by (C) for (D) to
( )(2) (A) also considers being (B) is also considered to be (C) considers also to be (D) is also
considered being
( )(3) (A) score (B) wisdom (C) harvest (D) sample
( )(4) (A) believed to bring (B) believes to bring (C) believed to bringing (D) believes to
( )(5) (A) Though (B) Since (C) Furthermore (D) However
( )(6) (A) been (B) being (C) to have been (D) to be
( )(7) (A) for; on (B) with; off (C) for; in (D) with; on
( )(8) (A) elaborate (B) adventurous (C) prosperous (D) shallow
( )(9) (A) believe in (B) come with (C) go for (D) try on
( )(10) (A) over; boats (B) above; wings (C) under; wings (D) over; heads
解答 (1)A (2)B (3)C (4)A (5)C (6)D (7)D (8)A (9)B (10)C
解析 (1) 表示「以……(名稱)著名」 片語為 be known as。此句為 It is also known as...省略而
(2) 此處為被動語態,表示「被認為是……」,所以答案為 is considered to be
(3) (A)得分 (B)智慧 (C)收穫 (D)樣本
(4) 此處為被動語態,表示「被相信會……」,因此要用 are believed to。另外,to 後要加原形動詞,
所以答案為 believed to bring
(5) 由前後句推斷,此兩句語氣連接,因此答案選 Furthermore。 (A)雖然 (B)因為;自從 (C)此
外 (D)然而
(6) S + appear + to + VR/have + p.p.....的句型,因為所推論事件發生在說話當下,故用 to VR,答案為
to be
(7) with + O + OC 表示附帶狀況。表示「衣服穿在身上」,介系詞用 on
(8) (A)精心設計的 (B)冒險的 (C)繁榮的 (D)膚淺的
(9) (A)相信 (B)伴隨 (C)支持 (D)試穿
(10) 表示「在某人的庇護之下」,其片語為 under one’s wing
What do you know about Taiwan’s indigenous tribes? They __(1)__ have been the first settlers on the
island. In fact, long before __(2)__ of Han Chinese settlers set foot on the island in the seventeenth century,
indigenous people were already living in Taiwan. __(3)__ the Chinese, their origins most likely lie in the
Philippines and other Pacific island groups.
In total, these __(4)__ make up about two percent of the total Taiwanese population. It is important to
experience indigenous culture and Chinese culture __(5)__ they are equally a part of Taiwan’s rich history.
Many indigenous people live in the mountains, __(6)__ they depend on hunting, farming, or growing tea for
their survival. In recent years, however, some have also been __(7)__ in the music industry. Artists like A-
Mei and A-Lin, for instance, are famous for their unique voices and styles. Sometimes performing __(8)__
traditional dress __(8)__, they are proud of their background and culture.
Despite stories like these, some indigenous people still feel like __(9)__ in modern society and find it
difficult to adjust to modern-day life on the island. That’s why it seems __(10)__ so important that we do
more to learn about indigenous culture. If we just got to know them a bit better, we could perhaps help to
solve their everyday challenges and would appreciate them more. After all, we’re all Taiwanese; all in the
same boat.
( )(1) (A) are used to (B) are known as (C) are known for (D) are believed to
( )(2) (A) species (B) samples (C) scores (D) harvests
( )(3) (A) Likely (B) Unlike (C) Dislike (D) Unlikely
( )(4) (A) disturbances (B) inhabitants (C) guidelines (D) consequences
( )(5) (A) while (B) but (C) so (D) as
( )(6) (A) what (B) where (C) which (D) that
( )(7) (A) spreading their wings (B) spraining their ankles (C) cracking their knuckles (D)
stomping their feet
( )(8) (A) as; in (B) by; on (C) for; in (D) with; on
( )(9) (A) pigs in a poke (B) frogs in the throat (C) cats on a hot tin roof (D) fish out of water

( )(10) (A) been (B) being (C) to be (D) to have been

解答 (1)D (2)C (3)B (4)B (5)D (6)B (7)A (8)D (9)D (10)C
解析 (1) S + be believed to + have + p.p.....表示一個客觀的、公認的過去事實
(2) (A)物種 (B)樣本 (C)很多 (D)收穫
(3) 根據前後句文意,指出原住民和漢人不同,所以答案為 unlike。 (A)有可能 (B)不像 (C)不喜
歡 (D)不可能
(4) (A)打擾 (B)居民 (C)指導方針 (D)結果
(5) 根據前後句文意,兩句有因果關係,所以答案選 as「因為」
(6) 此處為關係子句用法。因為先行詞為「地方」,所以使用關係副詞 where 來引導補充說明
(7) (A)初試身手 (B)扭到腳踝 (C)折手指使關節作響 (D)跺腳
(8) with + O + OC 表示附帶狀況。表示「衣服穿在身上」,介系詞用 on
(9) (A)盲目購買的東西 (B)聲音沙啞無法發聲 (C)熱鍋上的螞蟻,坐立難安 (D)在陌生環境中不
(10) S + seem + to + VR/have + p.p.....的句型,因為所推論事件發生在說話當下,故用 to VR,答案為
to be
七 、 文意選填(4 小題,每格 0 分,共 0 分)
(A) harvest (B) plenty (C) harmony (D) to begin with (E) tribe (F) spans (G) then (H) multiple (I) at the
end of (J) wisdom
In Taiwan, the Bunun are the fourth largest indigenous group. One of their most famous festivals is
called the Ear-Shooting Festival. The event __①__ two days in early May and is held in Taitung County.
__②__ traditions can be observed during this period.
The festival is filled with __③__ of activities. __④__, the performance groups sing loudly to the gods
and ancestors. This is in the hope of bringing a good __⑤__. The competition __⑥__ begins with men
shooting at large animal-shaped drawings on cardboard. They also try to catch pigs and carry them as a way
to display their speed and strength. Additionally, heavy men wrestle* each other for honor and to boast about
the win. This becomes an important time for young men to learn from the adults’ __⑦__. Aside from the
men’s competitions, women plant seeds, get rid of weeds, and chop wood. Everyone works in __⑧__,
pounding grain into flour. Villagers are tired but happy and ready for an abundant summer __⑨__ the
The Ear-Shooting Festival allows the Bunun __⑩__ to come together over friendly competitions and
team work. Such event held annually strengthens the bond within the community.
註:wrestle 摔角
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________
⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________
解答 ①F ②H ③B ④D ⑤A ⑥G ⑦J ⑧C ⑨I ⑩E
解析 (A)收成 (B)許多 (C)和諧 (D)首先(轉折語,表示列舉中的第一項) (E)部落 (F)持續
(G)然後(轉折語副詞,表接下來要發生的動作) (H)多種的 (I)在……末尾 (J)智慧
(A) wisdom (B) at the heart of (C) appeal (D) tribe (E) spans (F) harmony (G) harvest (H) plenty (I) but
(J) in fact
The indigenous Saisiyat group lives in western Taiwan. Similar to other groups, they have their own
festival. __①__, an interesting one is known as the Sacrifice* to the Short Spirits. Unlike other festivals, it
doesn’t deal with __②__. Rather, __③__ this festival is a request for forgiveness. Legends say there used to
be a group of short people who were kind enough to share their farming __④__ with the Saisiyat, __⑤__
their disrespect toward Saisiyat women caused conflicts. Therefore, the Saisiyat men ended up killing the
short people. Ever since then, the Saisiyat people have held the festival to keep __⑥__ with these spirits.
The festival __⑦__ four days. On the first day, elders __⑧__ to the Short Spirits with wine and meat.
And the next two days focus on the entertaining aspect, with people dancing and engaging in celebration. On
the last day, they send off the spirits by throwing grass and wood sticks toward the east. With __⑨__ of
offerings left, the villagers finish eating the feast to end the event.
The sacrifice is a tradition tied to the unique past of the Saisiyat __⑩__. Should you venture far out,
you can be a part of it too!
註:sacrifice 獻祭
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________
⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________
解答 ①J ②G ③B ④A ⑤I ⑥F ⑦E ⑧C ⑨H ⑩D
解析 (A)智慧 (B)在……的中心 (C)懇求 (D)部落 (E)持續 (F)和諧 (G)收穫 (H)許多 (I)
但是(轉折語,前一句提到矮人族的善意,後一句提到矮人族對賽夏族女性之不敬) (J)事實上
(A) prosperity (B) multiple (C) spans (D) wisdom (E) later on (F) tribe (G) elaborate (H) appeal to (I)
concludes with (J) inhabitants
In central southern Taiwan, the Tsou, a group of indigenous people, live there. They are mostly __①__
of Chiayi and Nantou County. The __②__ consists of about 6,000 people and is the ninth-largest group.
Their culture is rich in traditions, holding __③__ festivals each year. One of the most important celebrations
is the War Festival.
In recent years, the War Festival usually takes place in mid February and __④__ two to three days. This
is a time for village warriors to __⑤__ the God of War and God of Life. They ask the gods to bless the
village with __⑥__ and victory. The center of this __⑦__ event surrounds the Kuba, which is a sacred
building with a straw roof. During the festival, males invite the gods to come by lighting a fire inside the
Kuba. The light is then moved outside with males dancing and singing around the fire. __⑧__, teenage boys’
bottoms are hit with a large stick, a ritual that marks the arrival of adulthood. At night, the elders pass down
ancestors’ __⑨__ to young members. The event __⑩__ song chanting and putting out the fire.
The War Festival is an important event for the Tsou people’s unity, growth, and fortune. With careful
preservation, these traditions will continue to live on.
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________
⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________
解答 ①J ②F ③B ④C ⑤H ⑥A ⑦G ⑧E ⑨D ⑩I
解析 (A)繁榮 (B)多種的 (C)持續 (D)智慧 (E)後來(轉折語,表接下來要發生的動作) (F)
部落 (G)精心設計的 (H)懇求 (I)以……作結 (J)居民
(A) harvest (B) spans (C) tribes (D) indeed (E) with (F) although (G) prosperity (H) come with (I) for
(J) multiple
Ever heard of the Amis people? They are one of the largest indigenous __①__ in Taiwan. With over
210,000 people, they have developed many communities around the island. __②__ they are spread out, they
unite for an important festival.
The __③__ Festival is held every year. It is a time to express gratitude __④__ the good things and to
thank the gods for good fortune. Villagers also take this time to pray for __⑤__ in the upcoming year. Since
there are __⑥__ branches of the Amis in different locations, the festival is held in different months. The
overall festival __⑦__ two months but celebrations in each location usually lasts up to seven days.
The event starts with food preparation, including catching fish and slaughtering* pigs. Men hold a
ceremony at night to invite the ancestors to come to the festival. For the next few days, the feast continues in
a less formal setting. Food is offered to chiefs and respected elders. The event concludes __⑧__ the women’s
dancing and singing to send off the ancestors.
__⑨__, the Harvest Festival reflects the colorful traditions of the Amis people. Not only does it __⑩__
many important traditions and customs, but it also brings everyone together. What a great way to celebrate
註:slaughter 屠宰
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________
⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________
解答 ①C ②F ③A ④I ⑤G ⑥J ⑦B ⑧E ⑨D ⑩H
解析 (A)收成 (B)持續 (C)部落 (D)確實 (E) conclude with 以……作結 (F)雖然(轉折語,前
一句提到阿美族分散各地,但他們以重要節慶來團結起來) (G)繁榮 (H)伴隨 (I) express gratitude
for 表達感謝 (J)多種的
八 、 閱讀測驗(3 小題,每格 0 分,共 0 分)
There is still a large portion of the world’s oceans that we haven’t yet studied, and scientists are making
new discoveries all the time. One recent surprise came in the form of a squid that can fly. The scientists in
Japan that discovered the flying squid believe that its flight involves four stages of movement. First, while
it’s swimming, the squid opens up the main part of its body to draw in water. Second, it launches itself into
the air with a strong release of the water from its body. Third, once it’s in the air, the squid spreads out its fins
and limbs to form wings. Finally, those wings allow flying squid to glide in the air like a paper airplane.
Flying squid can stay in the air for about three seconds and cover around 30 meters per flight. While in
the air, the flying squid doesn’t just relax and go with the flow. Instead, it continuously changes its body
position based on its distance from the surface of the water. Just before diving back into the ocean, the squid
folds its fins and limbs to reduce the impact of its re-entry into the water. People have spotted groups of 20 or
so squid flying together, and it is believed that—like flying fish—their flight is a way to escape danger in the
( )(1) What is the main purpose of the passage? (A) To analyze why groups of squid fly together.
(B) To appreciate Japanese scientists’ efforts in making this amazing discovery. (C) To explain how flying
squid make use of airflow. (D) To explain how and why flying squid move in the air.
( )(2) For what reason does this squid fly? (A) To breathe in fresh air to survive. (B) To train its
fins. (C) To avoid dangers underwater. (D) To demonstrate its superb flying skills.
( )(3) What can be inferred from the passage? (A) The flying squid is a flying master when it
comes to speed. (B) The flying squid is the only marine creature that can fly. (C) The flying squid
constantly adjusts its position while in the air. (D) The flying squid can maintain a laid-back posture when
in the air.
( )(4) Which picture best represents the organization of the passage regarding how flying squid take

flight? (A) (B) (C)

解答 (1)D (2)C (3)C (4)B
解析 (1) 本文主要目的為何? (A)分析為何成群烏賊一起飛行。 (B)感謝日本科學家們對這個
令人驚奇的發現所做的努力。 (C)說明飛行的烏賊如何利用氣流。 (D)解釋飛行烏賊如何以及為何
(2) 為何這種烏賊會飛行? (A)呼吸新鮮空氣求生。 (B)訓練牠的鰭。 (C)避開水面下的危險。
(3) 由此文章可以推論出什麼? (A)說到速度,飛行烏賊是個飛行高手。 (B)飛行烏賊是唯一會飛
行的海洋生物。 (C)飛行的烏賊在空中不斷調整姿勢。 (D)飛行烏賊在空中可以保持悠哉放鬆的姿
(4) 哪張圖片最能代表關於飛行烏賊如何飛翔的文本結構? (A)故事山 (B)順序圖 (C)文氏圖
Bedouins are a historically nomadic* Arab group with a rich history that spans centuries. Their origins
can be traced back to the Arabian Peninsula*, and they have played a significant role in shaping the region’s
culture, economy, and politics. The word “Bedouin” translates to “desert dweller*,” and their frequent
movement is deeply connected to the harsh, isolating desert environment. Historically, they were skilled at
travelling across vast stretches of dry land, moving from one oasis* to another in search of water and grass
for their livestock, which were mainly camels, sheep, and goats.
The Bedouins were expert traders and promoted the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures across the
Arabian Peninsula and beyond. Their movement in large numbers was vital to the trade routes that connected
the Middle East with Africa, Asia, and Europe. Trade brought wealth and cultural exchange, contributing to
the rise of cities like Mecca and Medina. Bedouin society was organized into tribes, with each tribe being led
by a sheikh, a respected elder chosen for his wisdom and leadership skills. Honor, hospitality, and loyalty
were essential values in their tightly knit communities.
Islam*, which emerged in the seventh century, had a major impact on the Bedouin way of life. Many
Bedouins embraced the new faith and became instrumental* in the spread of Islam throughout the Arabian
Peninsula and beyond. In addition, Islam played a role in organizing certain aspects of Bedouin politics and
social structure. Over time, some Bedouin groups adopted a more settled or semi-settled way of life. This
shift was influenced by various factors, including the rise of cities, changing political landscapes, and
modernization in the twentieth century.
However, despite the challenges posed by modernity, Bedouin culture and traditions have endured, and
many Bedouins continue to embrace their heritage while adapting to modern circumstances. To sum up, the
history of the Bedouins is a tale of cultural richness and learning how to adapt. Their nomadic roots, their
vital role in trade and the spread of Islam, and their unique social organization make them a fascinating part
of Middle Eastern history and culture.
註:nomadic 游牧的 Arabian Peninsula 阿拉伯半島 dweller 居民 oasis 綠洲 Islam 伊斯蘭教
instrumental 起重要作用的
( )(1) What is the third paragraph mainly about? (A) Who Bedouins are and where they live now.
(B) How Islam shaped the Bedouin way of life. (C) Why Bedouins no longer live a nomadic life. (D)
How Islam helped Bedouins trade in deserts.
( )(2) According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Bedouins is NOT true?
(A) The Bedouins are a nomadic Arab group with a rich history and significant cultural impact. (B) The
Bedouins were skilled traders who played a crucial role in connecting different regions. (C) The Bedouins
embraced Islam and helped spread it to other places. (D) The Bedouins had leaders called sheikhs who
were chosen for their fighting ability in war.
( )(3) According to the passage, what values were highly regarded in Bedouin communities? (A)
Wisdom, knowledge, and education. (B) Creativity, innovation, and resilience. (C) Honor, hospitality, and
loyalty. (D) Strength, independence, and integrity.
( )(4) What can be inferred from the passage? (A) The Bedouins have preserved their culture
despite modernization. (B) The Bedouins have now settled in one place due to modernization. (C) The
Bedouins have adopted a brand-new social system since the introduction of Islam. (D) The Bedouins are
still moving from place to place in the deserts, looking for water and grass.
解答 (1)B (2)D (3)C (4)A
解析 (1) 第三段主要是關於什麼? (A)貝都因人是誰以及他們現在住在哪裡。 (B)伊斯蘭教如
何形塑貝都因人的生活方式。 (C)為什麼貝都因人不再過著游牧的生活。 (D)伊斯蘭教如何幫助貝
(2) 根據本文,下列有關貝都因人的敘述何者為非? (A)貝都因人是一個游牧阿拉伯族群,有著豐
富歷史及重要的文化影響。 (B)貝都因人是高明的商人,在連結不同區域上扮演重要的角色。 (C)
貝都因人擁抱伊斯蘭教並且幫助它傳播至其他地方。 (D)貝都因人的領導者稱為 sheikhs,是根據他
(3) 根據本文,在貝都因人團體中被高度重視的價值為何? (A)智慧、知識和教育。 (B)創意、創
新和韌性。 (C)榮譽、好客和忠誠。 (D)力量、獨立和正直。
(4) 從本文可推論出什麼? (A)儘管有現代化,貝都因人仍然保存他們的文化。 (B)由於現代化,
貝都因人現在已經定居在同一個地方。 (C)自從引進伊斯蘭教,貝都因人已經採用全新的社會制度。
According to some, the village takes its name from an ancestor* called Mangus, who led a tribe to this
place and settled here a long time ago. Others claim that the name was taken from a species of oak tree that
grows in the region. Regardless of the origin of its name, the village of Smangus* remains one of the most
fascinating and isolated locations in all of Taiwan.
Situated in the heavily forested mountains of Hsinchu County, Smangus is home to about twenty
families of the Atayal* tribe who live in traditional homes made of wood or bamboo. Electrical power only
reached the village in 1979, and until 1995, there was no paved road connecting the village with the outside
world. Getting to Smangus from the nearest densely populated town involved a three-hour drive. Even with
modern conveniences like electricity and modern roads, Smangus retains an authentic sense of remoteness.
Once a road link was established, however, tourists slowly began to discover the village. Now, they come to
hike in the cool mountain climate and observe the giant cypress trees—some more than 2,500 years old—that
the region is famous for. A small number of inns have been established in the village to accommodate visitors
who wish to stay overnight.
However, what truly makes Smangus unique is that the village is run as a cooperative*. Residents are
assigned jobs and duties to perform. They work together to farm the fields, and income is distributed equally.
Also, the villagers receive money to cover their medical and educational costs. Everyone works together for
the common good in this system, which is designed to eliminate distrust and competition. According to proud
local residents, young people who leave Smangus for big city life eventually return to the peaceful isolation
of village life to raise their families. They discover that the grass is not always greener on the other side.
註:ancestor 祖先 Smangus 司馬庫斯(位於新竹縣尖石鄉的泰雅族部落) the Atayal 泰雅族
cooperative 合作社組織
( )(1) What is the purpose of this passage? (A) To introduce the village of Smangus. (B) To
explain why there was no electricity in Smangus. (C) To attract more tourists to stay overnight in Smangus.
(D) To emphasize the importance of protecting cypress trees.
( )(2) According to the passage, which of the following statements about Smangus is NOT true?
(A) It is a village known for its giant cypress trees. (B) It is a village completely cut off from the outside
world now. (C) The Atayal tribe live in traditional homes made of wood or bamboo. (D) It now offers
some accommodation for tourists to stay overnight.
( )(3) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an aspect of the cooperative system in
Smangus? (A) Young people work together to support the whole village. (B) The villagers all have
assigned jobs and responsibilities. (C) The fields are farmed together, with the income shared equally. (D)
Villagers receive money for their medical and educational fees.
( )(4) What can be inferred from the final sentence of the passage? (A) Young people would rather
find jobs in big cities than stay in Smangus. (B) Young people find that the plants are indeed greener in
Smangus than in the outside world. (C) Young people find that living in Smangus is a better option than
living in a big city. (D) Young people would rather compete with their own villagers than with outsiders.
解答 (1)A (2)B (3)A (4)C
解析 (1) 本文的目的為何? (A)介紹司馬庫斯村落。 (B)解釋為什麼司馬庫斯以前沒有電。
(C)吸引更多遊客來司馬庫斯過夜。 (D)強調保護柏樹的重要性。
(2) 根據本文,下列有關司馬庫斯的敘述何者為非? (A)它是一個以巨大柏樹聞名的村落。 (B)它
是一個現在和外在世界完全隔絕的村落。 (C)泰雅族人住在用木頭或是竹子做成的傳統房屋。 (D)
(3) 下列何者並未被提及是司馬庫斯合作社系統的一部分? (A)年輕人一起工作養活全村落。 (B)
所有村民都有指派的工作和任務。 (C)大家一起耕作田地,收入也均分。 (D)村民會得到金錢支付
(4) 從本文最後一句可以推論出什麼? (A)年輕人寧願在大都市找工作也不願待在司馬庫斯。 (B)
年輕人發現司馬庫斯的植物的確比外面世界的綠。 (C)年輕人發現在司馬庫斯生活比在大都市生活
是更好的選擇。 (D)年輕人寧願和他們自己的村民競爭而不願和外來者競爭。
九 、 混合題(素養題)(2 小題,每格 0 分,共 0 分)
註:Qualified 合格的 Safety orientation 安全說明 cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病
(1) What is the primary purpose of this web page?
(A) To introduce popular scenic spots on Orchid Island.
(B) To encourage people to engage in snorkeling activities.
(C) To promote a water activity on Orchid Island.
(D) To remind people to stay safe while snorkeling.
(2) For which of the following persons is snorkeling a suitable activity?
(A) A professional swimmer who is expecting her first baby.
(B) A young man who has never tried snorkeling before.
(C) A student who is nearsighted but refuses to wear contact lenses.
(D) A retired teacher who is on medication for her heart problems.
(3) Why is this person able to participate? Please COPY the sentence from the web page that supports your
解答 (1)C (2)B (3)Beginners without prior snorkeling experience are welcome.
解析 本篇試題以浮潛活動促銷網頁為主題,結合文本閱讀,測驗同學資訊整合及訊息擷取的能力。

(1) 此網頁的主要目的為何?
(2) 浮潛對下列哪一個人來說是一項適合的活動?
從文本中 Additional Information 當中的 Beginners without prior snorkeling experience are welcome.可推
(3) 為何此人可以參加浮潛?請從此網頁抄下能佐證答案的句子作為證據。

➊ The Galapagos Islands are situated in the Pacific Ocean about a thousand kilometers west of Ecuador. The
area consists of an archipelago* of thirteen major islands and more than a hundred other small islands. ➋ In
Spanish, Galapago is an old word meaning “tortoise,” but the islands and their surrounding waters have
much more to offer. ➌ In addition to giant tortoises, they are also home to iguanas, sea lions, and sharks. ➍
The landscape offers just as much variety with everything from high volcanic mountains and craters* covered
with cacti* to lush* forests and grasslands on display to delight the senses. ➎ As a result, the Galapagos
Islands are often referred to as a unique living museum and showcase of evolution.
On his travels to the islands, Charles Darwin found that different Galapagos finches had different beaks,
which are the hard and pointed part of a bird’s mouth. There were, for instance, finches with huge beaks good
for cracking open nuts, and finches with long beaks good for catching insects. He also noticed that they were
similar to one species he had previously discovered in South America. As Darwin concluded in his On the
Origin of Species, one type of finch from South America must have flown to one of the islands and then
slowly adapted to the various environments there. In time, a diverse set of similar but different finches
appeared, all 14 of which form a group known as Darwin’s finches.
註:archipelago 群島 crater 火山口 cacti 仙人掌 lush 植被茂盛的
(1) From which of the following books could we most possibly read the two passages?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
(2) Which of the following pictures best illustrates the evolution of Darwin’s finches?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
(3) What was the factor that contributed most to the evolution of Darwin’s finches? Please write down the
sentence number that best supports your answer.
解答 (1)B (2)D (3)➍
解析 本篇試題以兩篇有關連性的文本為主題,測驗同學訊息對照及圖文轉譯的能力。
(1) 我們最有可能在下列哪一本書讀到這兩篇短文?
從左邊文本“a unique living museum and showcase of evolution”及右邊文本提及的生物族群,可知文
(2) 下列何者最能圖示達爾文雀群的演化?
線索有二:①從右邊文本... one type of finch from South America must have flown…可得知達爾文雀可
能是鳥。②從右邊文本 There were, for instance, finches with huge beaks good for cracking open nuts, and
finches with long beaks good for catching insects.可得知。
(3) 造成達爾文雀群演化最主要的原因是什麼?請寫下最能支持答案的句子代碼。
十 、 篇章結構(3 小題,每格 0 分,共 0 分)
(A) This involves calling on the spirits and inviting them to share in the big feast.
(B) These have a special power to invite the spirits and should not be performed at any other time.
(C) With a population of around 210,000, many are mainly located in the eastern Taiwanese counties of
Hualien and Taitung.
(D) First of all, when wine is offered, do not refuse.
Taiwan consists of sixteen officially recognized indigenous tribes. The Amis tribe is the biggest of all of
them. __①__
During an important event known as the Harvest Festival, these proud people come together to celebrate
their special traditions. This is a time for showing appreciation to the tribal ancestors for protection and good
luck. It typically lasts three to seven days. On the first day, the tribe prepares for the celebrations by catching
fish and slaughtering* pigs. At night, only the men participate in a welcoming ceremony for their ancestors.
__②__ The next three days feature dancing and singing to entertain these special visitors. At the same time, a
big feast is offered to the elders of the tribe. By the fifth day, it is the turn of other special guests to be offered
food and drink. They also get to participate in the dancing. Finally, the last day marks the big send-off for the
spirits, and women wrap up the event with more dancing.
To show one’s respect for all these important cultural customs, there are some rules that should be
followed. __③__ The tribe believes it has the power to chase away evil spirits. Additionally, people only sing
the Harvest Festival songs during the festival itself. __④__
The celebration of the Harvest Festival marks the start of a new year for the Amis tribe. Although it has
undergone quite a change in modern days, its core themes of respect and teamwork have stood the test of
註:slaughter 屠宰
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________
解答 ①C ②A ③D ④B
解析 ①前一句提到「阿美族是臺灣最大的原住民部落」,因此接著介紹阿美族的人口總數以及居
住地點。 ②前一句提到「男人參加一個歡迎祖靈的典禮」,因此後一句銜接「這涉及邀請祖靈來
分享盛宴」。 ③前一句提到「必須遵守的原則」,因此後一句開始列點說明,使用 first of all。
(A) The government, in fact, has banned this practice because of the poisonous gases it releases.
(B) Instead, bring traditional items such as images of the Sun God or other handicrafts.
(C) The owners decorate the animals, feed them fruit, and give thanks.
(D) When the large container starts to overflow, participants blow on shells and shout, “May this rice boil
The southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu is on many travelers’ bucket lists. There are many festivals held
in its local towns, the most famous of which is a harvest festival. Pongal, as it is called, is a four-day festival
celebrated around mid-January every year that includes many special traditions and customs.
Locals usually dedicate the first day’s celebrations to the Sun God in order to show their gratitude for a
good harvest. Homes are thoroughly cleaned to get rid of any bad energy, and families burn old items that are
no longer needed. For good luck, the entrances of the houses are also painted and decorated with a mixture of
colored rice, sand, and flower petals. The second day marks the main festival day. Family and friends unite in
the morning, and women boil a pot of milk with freshly harvested rice grain and cane sugar. __①__ This
tradition signifies their wish for good things to happen in the year. Day 3 focuses on honoring farm animals,
such as cows and bulls, for helping out in the fields. __②__ Finally, for the last day of Pongal, the focus
shifts to reunions and prayers for family members’ well-being. Locals therefore often make trips to visit their
loved ones or faraway acquaintances.
For foreigners who would like to join in on all the Harvest Festival fun, there are some simple rules to
follow. First, avoid bringing cookies and cakes when visiting someone’s house. These treats normally contain
egg, and some people may not want to eat them. __③__ Additionally, do not burn rubber when throwing out
old household goods. __④__ Most importantly, arrive with a big smile and a heart full of thanks. This is by
far the best way to wrap up the past year and welcome in the new!
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________
解答 ①D ②C ③B ④A
解析 ①前一句提到「煮了一鍋米」,所以才有下一句「願米溢出來」。 ②前一句提到「幫忙耕
作的動物」,所以下一句才會提到「裝飾動物」。 ③前一句提到「不宜贈送的東西」,下一句用
instead 表語氣轉折,提出「建議贈送的東西」。 ④這一句出現「有毒氣體釋放」,可見和上一句
(A) Moreover, a small, decorated skull made of sugar and with the name of the dead child on it, is also placed
on the altar.
(B) Meanwhile, it is fine to photograph public altars as long as this is done with respect.
(C) In fact, they like to come face-to-face with it through a festival known as the Day of the Dead.
(D) However, this time is mainly devoted to the adults who have passed away.
Death is often a sad and heavy topic which many people do their best to avoid. Mexicans, however, treat
it quite differently. __①__
The Day of the Dead is a time for the living and the dead to reunite. It is meant to be a joyous occasion
to revisit memories of those who are no longer present. The holiday usually spans a period of two days,
during which locals welcome the spirits of the departed back to Earth. On the first day, November 1, the
spirits of children who have passed away are believed to return for 24 hours. Families set up altars to
welcome them back and to express their undying love. The child’s favorite items and food are placed on top.
__②__ This is a way of honoring the dead and saving them a spot in the next life. Later on, the families
make their way to the graveyard. Huge feasts are brought along to be eaten as people clean tombstones, sing,
and “talk” to the spirits.
On the second day, similar festivities continue. __③__ The altars take on a more mature theme with
alcohol and traditional bread. By noon, public celebrations start in the streets. People parade through the
cities with elaborate costumes and skeleton face paint. Finally, after the dead have returned to their graves at
night, families and friends wrap up the event by putting away the altars and decorations.
While the holiday is one big party for both locals and visitors alike, there are still some culturally
sensitive guidelines that should be followed. First, do not confuse this festival with Halloween or Cinco de
Mayo. The tone and symbolic meanings of the event are very different. Second, do not touch the private
altars and the items on them unless you are given permission. A similar rule applies to taking pictures of these
objects, so always be sure to ask first. __④__ As long as participants follow these rules, they can eat, drink,
and be merry to their hearts’ content.
The Day of the Dead is a holiday quite unlike any other. It celebrates both death and life at the same
time. Most importantly, it reminds everyone that death is a natural part of life.
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________
解答 ①C ②A ③D ④B
解析 ①前一句提到「許多人迴避死亡的話題」,然而事實上墨西哥人選擇以節慶的方式面對死亡。
中間用 “however” 銜接表示語意相反。 ②前一句提到紀念過世孩童的方式,這一句繼續延伸同樣
的主題,因此用 “moreover” 來銜接語句。 ③前一句提到「在第二天,類似的慶祝活動持續」。
相較於第一天為紀念逝去的孩童,第二天的對象是成人,因此用 “However” 來銜接。 ④前一句提

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