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Third Quarter :Argumentative Writing Activity Sheet

Abortion - a Crime or a Cause to Fight For?

To quote the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg, “The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a
woman’s life, to her well-being and dignity. It is a decision she must make for herself.” Making the decision to
bear and raise a child is not an easy task - it requires great amounts of effort, perseverance, and determination, if
one wants to do it well. This being said, while motherhood is an honorable thing, one problem arises within the
Philippines - the rising number of women who have the unwanted responsibility of becoming mothers thrust on
them. Abortion is prohibited in the Philippines; thus, a lot of women resort to unsafe and clandestine abortion to
end their unwanted pregnancies. Because of this, abortion should be a choice for every Filipina.
Women have the right to make their own choices about their bodies. This includes the right to choose
whether or not to have a child. By making abortion illegal, we are denying women this basic human right.
Women should have the ability to make choices about their own lives, including having an abortion if they so
choose. When abortion is illegal, it is often done in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, leading to health
complications and even death. Legalizing abortion would help to ensure that it is done in a safe and regulated
environment, reducing the risk of complications for women.
Legalizing abortion can also help reduce the number of children born into poverty or abusive
households. Women who are unable to care for a child may choose to have an abortion rather than bring a child
into an environment that is not safe or stable. By allowing women to make this choice, we can help prevent
children from being born into situations where they may not receive the care and support they need.
The common belief among many people is that abortion is murder. Abortion is not murder. Murder is
defined as the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse committed. A murder
would have to involve a person outside of the womb. In abortion, the fetus is still inside a woman’s womb and
since it is the decision of the mother to terminate life, it is not murder. The mother is willing for a certified
doctor to perform the operation within her body. She is making a decision for her body and not for someone
else’s body.
The debate around whether abortion should be legal continues to be a divisive issue. However, the
reasons why abortion should be legal are compelling and numerous. Women should have the right to make
choices about their own bodies, which includes the right to choose whether or not to have a child. We should
also reduce the stigma and shame surrounding the topic can create a more supportive and accepting
environment for women who have made this choice.
Thesis Statement:
Reason 1:
Reason 2:
Restatement of Thesis:
Call to Action:

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