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I General Background Information

The questions below are related to your organization and yourself. Please indicate your response
by ticking, the appropriate box or by filling the blank spaces provided, as appropriate.
Your Location, Age, Educational status, marital status, sex, and Occupation:
Location /Keble/ woreda: ……………………………..
1 Sex: male female
2 Age: 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 above 55
3 Occupation
Gov’t Employee unemployed Non-gov’t employee other
4 Educational status
 Illiterate
 Literate
1-4 5-8 9-12 certificates
Diploma Degree Masters Above masters
6. Your responsibility is
 Keble/woreda/ leader
 Keble committee
 Religious leader
 Governmental worker
 Resident
 Business man
 Other
 If you are governmental
Part II. Questionaries’ for passengers Specific objectives,
1. How do you rate accessibility of accessibility of existing public transport service
a. Very good b. Good c. Moderate D Poor e. Very poor

2. How frequently do you use public transport in Wolayta Sodo?

A) Daily C) Once a week
B) 2-3 times D) rarely or never
3. On average, how frequently do public buses operate in your area?
A) Less than once an hour C) Every 30 minutes
B) Once an hour D) more frequently than every 30 minutes
4. Are there designated bus stops within a reasonable walking distance from your residence?
a) Yes B) No
5. Do the buses that operate in your area have accessibility features such as ramps or lifts for
passengers with disabilities?
A) Yes B) No C) Not sure
6. Do public buses in Wolayta Sodo have designated seating areas for pregnant women, the
elderly, or persons with disabilities?
A) Yes C) Not sure
B) No
7. Are public transport services in Wolayta Sodo accessible for the average resident?
A) Yes C) Not sure
B) No
2. Examine affordability of public Transport
1. Are public transport fares in Wolayta Sodo affordable?
A) Yes, very affordable B) Yes, somewhat affordable
C) No, they are expensive D) I'm not sure
2. How would you rate the affordability of public transport fares in Wolayta Sodo?
A) Very affordable B) Affordable
C) Neutral D) Expensive
E) Very expensive
3. Have you noticed any changes in public transport fares over the past year?
A) Fares have significantly decreased B) Fares have slightly decreased
C) No significant change D) Fares have slightly increased
E) Fares have significantly increased
4. Are the current public transport fares in Wolayta Sodo reasonable based on the income levels
of the majority of citizens?
A) Yes, they are reasonable. B) No, they are not reasonable.
5. How does the affordability of public transport affect your overall expenses?
A) It significantly reduces my expenses. B) It moderately reduces my expenses.
C) No significant impact. D) It moderately increases my expenses.
E) It significantly increases my expenses.
6. Are there any discounted fare options available for specific groups in Wolayta Sodo? (e.g.,
students, senior citizens, people with disabilities)
A) Yes, several options are available. B) Yes, but only for a specific group.
C) No, there are no discounted fare options.
7. Does the availability of affordable public transport influence your decision to use private
vehicles instead?
A) Yes, I prefer public transport due to affordability. B) No, I still prefer private
8. What improvements would you suggest to make public transport more affordable in Wolayta
Sodo? (Choose the most relevant option)
A) Lowering fares for a l commuters. B) Increasing the availability of discounted
fares. C) Implementing loyalty programs or monthly passes. D) Introducing subsidies for
specific income groups. E) Other (please specify).
9. Are you aware of any initiatives taken by local authorities to enhance the affordability of
public transport in Wolayta Sodo?
A) Yes, I'm aware of specific initiatives. B) No, I'm not aware of any initiatives.
10. How important is it for the local government to ensure affordable public transport services in
Wolayta Sodo?
A) Extremely important B) Moderately important
C) Neutral D) Not important
3. Asses user satisfaction of public Transport
1. Which mode of transportation do you primarily use for your daily commute?
a) Private vehicle C) Motorcycle
B) Public bus D) Walking
2. Are public transport services in Wolayta Sodo accessible for the average resident?
A) Yes C) Not sure
B) No
3. How safe do you feel while using public transport in Wolayta Sodo?
A) Very safe D) Unsafe E) Very unsafe) Safe
C) Neutral
4. What is your primary reason for using public transport in Wolayta Sodo?
A) Affordability B) Convenience
C) Environmental consciousness D) Lack of personal transport options
5. How would you rate the cleanliness and hygiene of public transport vehicles?
A) Excellent B) Good
C) Average D) Poor
6. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the comfort level of public transport vehicles?
A) 1 - Very uncomfortable B) 2 - Somewhat uncomfortable
C) 3 - Neutral) D) 5 - Very comfortable
7. How would you rate satisfy of public transport in terms of physical accessibility (e.g., ramps
for wheelchair users)?
A) Excellent B) Good
C) Average D) Poor
8. How satisfied you with the information provided about public transport routes, schedules, and
A) Very satisfied B) Satisfied
C) Neutral D) Dissatisfied E) Very dissatisfied
9. Have you ever encountered any safety-related incidents or concerns while using public
transport in Wolayta Sodo?
A) Yes, frequently B) Yes, occasionally
4. Measure reliability of public Transport
1. Trip schedule setting by transport authority is convenient

a. Agree 2. Strongly agree 3. Disses agree 4. Strongly agree

2. How often do public transport vehicles arrive on time?
A) Always B) Most of the time
C) Sometimes D) Rarely D) Never
3. Do you encounter overcrowding issues during your public transport commute?
A) Never B) Rarely
C) Occasionally D) Often E) Always
4. How often do you experience delays during your public transport journey?
A) Never B) Rarely
C) Sometimes D) Often E) Always
5. Have you witnessed any mechanical breakdowns during your public transport journey?
A) Never B) Rarely
C) Occasionally D) Often E) Always
6. How satisfied are you with the reliability of public transport during peak hours?
A) Very satisfied B) Satisfied
C) Neutral D) Dissatisfied E) Very dissatisfied
7. Are public transport route schedules reliable and well-communicated?
A) Always B) Most of the time
C) Sometimes D) Rarely E) Never
8. Do you perceive public transport in Wolayta Sodo as a reliable mode of transportation?
A) Yes, always B) Mostly
C) Sometimes D) Rarely E) No, never

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