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Question 5

A) Describe the process of urine formation.

^ The kidney filter the unwanted substance from the blood and produce urine to excrete them. There
are three main steps of urine formation

 Glomerular filtration
 Reabsorption
 Secretion

This process ensure that only waste excess water are removed from the body.

B) What does the color of Mr B`s urine tell Tracey about how concentrated or dilute it is? How does Mr
B`s urine color/ concentration compare to the urine specific gravity at the same time?

^ The more the urine color becomes dark yellow the higher the specific gravity at the same time. When
the urine color changes from least to strong which is dark the specific gravity also increases rapidly.

C) Based on the urine color and specific gravity what might Tracey conclude about the hydration status
of Mr B`s body at the three different times?

^ Before exercise hydration status of Mr B`s body is at rest, immediately after exercise hydration
increases rapidly and six hours after the exercise then hydration decreases slowly.

D) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) regulates the formation of concentrated or dilute urine. In which time
period is Mr B`s body secreting it`s highest amount of ADH? Explain your answer.

^ Mr B`s body secrete its highest amount of ADH immediately after exercise because the body has now
used a lot of water to form urine hence this ADH helps to regulate the formation of concentration or
dilute urine to guard against acidosis.

E) Lactic acid accumulation can be a consequences of intense exercise. Tracey notes that Mr B`s kidneys
are not working to defend his against acidosis. How can she tell? Describe this mechanism.

^ During exercise there is a deficit of oxygen required to enable all the muscles cells to generate energy
aerobically. Muscle cells then respire anaerobically and produce lactic acid. Accumulation of lactic acid in
the muscles causes cramps hence lactate production cause acidosis and in turn causes muscle fatique
during intense exercise.

F) Based on Max`s urinalysis data, should he drink more water prior to exercise to ensure that he
doesn`t dehydrate during intense activity? Explain your answer.
^ Yes he should drink more water prior to exercise to ensure that he doesn`t dehydrate during intense
activity. As we know that water is universal solvent and has a ph of 7 which is neutral, water is necessary
during intense training to avoid acidosis as well.

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