Reaction Paper Competence

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Montenejo, Ian BMMA4A

Hidden Figures (2016)

Reaction Paper

Theodore Melfi

"Hidden Figures" is a remarkable cinematic journey that unveils the previously untold
story of three extraordinary African-American women who, with their brilliance and
determination, overcame the challenges of an era marked by segregation and gender bias.
Directed by Theodore Melfi, the film, complemented by outstanding performances, offers an
intimate portrayal of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, whose invaluable
contributions to NASA's early space missions reshaped history.

The film's prowess lies in its adept balancing of personal narratives with the broader
socio-political backdrop. Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, and Janelle Monáe breathe life into
their characters, infusing them with depth and authenticity. Henson's portrayal of Katherine
Johnson is especially notable, capturing her intellectual prowess and the quiet strength she
exhibited in the face of systemic prejudice. Spencer and Monáe complement Henson's
performance with equally compelling portrayals of Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson,
respectively. Their on-screen chemistry creates a believable camaraderie that forms the
emotional core of the film.

"Hidden Figures" strongly revolves around the theme of expertise and proficiency. It
portrays the exceptional abilities of three African-American women—Katherine Johnson,
Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson—in mathematics, engineering, and computing. Despite
encountering racial and gender biases, these women exhibited outstanding skills in their
respective roles at NASA. Their competence played a pivotal role in the success of early space
missions, including John Glenn's historic orbit around the Earth. They adeptly handled intricate
calculations and problem-solving tasks that were vital for mission accomplishments and safety.
The movie underscores that competence transcends gender and racial distinctions. It
emphasizes the importance of recognizing and valuing talent and expertise regardless of one's
background. The main characters in "Hidden Figures" stand as potent examples of individuals
who not only possessed extraordinary skills but also overcame systemic hurdles to make
significant contributions to space exploration. Ultimately, the film champions the notion that
competence is universal and merits acknowledgment and appreciation irrespective of race,
gender, or any form of discriminatory bias.

One of the film's most compelling aspects is its ability to inspire. The determination
exhibited by these women in the pursuit of their dreams is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Their
unwavering commitment to excellence, despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds, serves
as a beacon of hope and empowerment. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit,
offering a powerful reminder that the potential for greatness knows no bounds. Pharrell
Williams' contributions to the soundtrack infuse the film with a contemporary vibrancy,
underscoring the timeless relevance of the story. The music complements the narrative,
enhancing pivotal moments without overshadowing the gravity of the events.

In conclusion, "Hidden Figures" is a cinematic triumph that not only educates but also
profoundly moves its audience. It brings to light the invaluable contributions of Katherine
Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, whose legacy continues to inspire generations.
The film's powerful performances, meticulous attention to historical detail, and poignant
storytelling make it an essential viewing experience for all. "Hidden Figures" stands as a
testament to the indomitable human spirit and the boundless potential within us all. A truly
magnificent movie to watch and recommend.

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