Reviewer in LITR 102

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LITr 102-ASEAN Literature ● Indirect foreshadowing (or covert foreshadowing) folklore, literature, and music.

reshadowing) folklore, literature, and music.” Borrowed from the karma concept,
people explain an unexpected, overwhelming infatuation in
Bruneian Culture 5 Foreshadowing Techniques metaphysical terms: They were meant for each other because of
1. The family is the focal point of the social structure. 1. Dialogue destiny (bu-phay vassana) or they had made merit together in
2. The role of face, shame, and honor are crucial to Bruneians. “Dad was not ill when he died. He committed suicide by taking previous lives. Premarital sex outside the commercial-sex context is
3. Most Bruneians are Muslims and as such their lives revolve poison,” Yazid forbidden, and the distinction between love and lust is inculcated in
around the duties afforded to them by Islam. “Everyone has the right to choose on how he wants to die.” young people to deter them from premarital sex within a romantic
4. Age and position are revered. (dialogue of Yazid) relationship.
5. It’s best to avoid touching between members of the opposite sex “Why do you want to talk about death?” (Jamal) Third Buddhist Precept
while conversing. “Because death is necessary,” Yazid replied, “to sever something.” -states that Buddhists should not engage in sexual misconduct
He avoided looking at Jamal’s face Lyrical poetry
Borneo's Green Heart 2. Title - song-like and emotional words to describe a moment, an object, a
Title: known moniker of Brunei 3. Setting feeling, or a person.
Speaker: either a citizen or resident of Brunei He crossed the bridge and looked down. The water was black due to “Ode” - a short lyric poem that praises an individual, an idea, or an
Tone: proud; Mood: pride / patriotism the oil spill. In between puddles of oil, he saw his own reflection, his event.
Theme: Tourism; Patriotism head white, covered with dew. CHORUS:
Usage of language: Visual imagery From above, all Yazid could see were black and grey roofs among Begin with the head and end with the toes;
Type of Poetry: Free verse the white tanks. His eyes hurt from the piercing glare of the sun. My praise shall be strong as the tide
- Descriptive poetry The black river flowed to the sea. That flows.
Rhythm: Caesura - refers to a break or pause in the middle of a line 4. Metaphor or simile
of verse. 5. Character traits Figurative Language
- A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things in
The Oilfield Laborers Kinds of Characters an interesting way using the word
Theme: Home 1. Protagonist "like" or "as." The purpose of a simile is to spark an interesting
Plot Device: CLIFFHANGER -a plot device in which a component of a 2. Antagonist connection in a reader's or listener's mind.
story ends unresolved, usually in a suspenseful or shocking way, in 3. Deuteragonist Three Line Poem
order to compel audiences to turn the page or return to the story in
- These characters often overlap with confidants. Thai haiku- have no formal requirements except the line count
the next installment
- A deuteragonist is close to the main character, but the story’s main
plot does not directly correspond with their own character arc. MYANMAR LITERATURE
Famous Cliffhanger in Literature
“One thousand and one nights” or “The Arabian Nights” 4. Love interest “Close Proximity”
-a centuries-old stories-within-a-story 5. Tertiary characters populate the world of the story Theme: Home
-frame story 6. Foil character primarily exists to bring the protagonist’s qualities Culture: Modesty and Face; Social Hierarchies
-Story of Scheherazade and King Shahryar into sharper relief Sensitive Interaction
(Includes the following stories: Aladdin, Ali Baba, and Sinbad the - It is exhibited in the story where the couple suppress their
Sailor) THAILAND LITERATURE sentiments towards one another,
Theme:LOVE - In Burmese culture, people are very considerate to others’
Literary Device: Foreshadowing Ideas About Love and Romance in Thai Culture feelings.
- a valuable literary technique a writer can use to create and build Encyclopedia of Sexuality: Thailand: - Burmese are very empathetic people and tend to assume a
suspense that will keep your readers turning the page personal approach to everything.
- the word “hint” is the key
“Most cultures glorify and idolize romance between men and - Criticism is often taken to heart
women, and Thai people are no exception. Themes of quests for Gender Roles
2 Types of Foreshadowing
eternal love and the consequences of passion - ecstasy, aspirations, - Burmese women have generally enjoyed a high social and
● Direct foreshadowing (or overt foreshadowing)
heartbreaks, jealousy, elopements, and deaths - abound in the Thai economic status, relative to neighbouring traditional cultures. A
sense of equality is encouraged between husband and wife, and Autobiography
women have had equal access to education, inheritance rights, and Literary journalism
property rights in divorce. - narrative journalism or new journalism
Household Structure - combines factual reporting with narrative techniques and stylistic
- Burmese Families are generally matrilocal, matrilineal, and strategies
patriarchal. Travel writing
- This means they trace the family through the female line of - writing about visiting different places.
heritage and may stay in the wife’s family’s home for a year after Nature writing
marriage before moving out together. - the natural environment (or a narrator's encounter with the
Relationships and Marriage natural environment) serves as the dominant subject
- Arranged marriages are also customary in Myanmar. And just like Sportswriting
in Vietnamese culture. In some cases, the families may consult an Personal essay
astrologer who can determine a couple’s compatibility. - serves to describe an important lesson gathered from a writer’s
- Divorce is considered shameful. life experiences.
Spirituality, Stoicism, and Patience Interviews
- People from Myanmar tend to maintain a modest and calm Elements of Creative Nonfiction
disposition. ● Facts
- Face indicates a person's reputation, dignity, and honor. ● Extensive research
Literary Devices: ● Reporting
Irony - the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of ● Personal experiences or opinions
what is actually said ● Exposition or explanations
Situational Irony - at play when an expected outcome is subverted ● Figurative language
Parallelism- also known as parallel structure, is when phrases in a ● Imagery
sentence have similar or the same grammatical structure. ● Point of view
● Dialogue
The Kindergarten Teacher ● Theme
Theme: Passion
Creative Nonfiction
● “creative” refers to the use of literary craft, the techniques
● stories about real people and events—that’s the “nonfiction” part
● goal - to communicate a bit of the real world in an artistic way
● Telling- supplying information
● Showing- paints a picture
Nonfiction Genres
- “memoir” comes from the French “mémoire” or “memory.”
- a narrative, written from the perspective of the author, about an
important part of their life
- an informational narrative and account of the life history of an
individual person, written by someone who is not the subject of the

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