Supplement To Inside The Microsoft Build Engine - Using MSBuild and Team Foundation Build (PDFDrive)

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Supplement to Inside the

Microsoft Build Engine: Using


MSBuild and Team Foundation


Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi

William Bartholomew

Published by Microsoft Press

I would like to dedicate this book to my parents Sayed A. Hashimi and Sohayla Hashimi. Without
them I wouldn’t be here to write this book.
I dedicate this book to my parents Rosanna O’Sullivan and Roy Bartholomew for their unending
support and to Lauren Taylor and Jillian Bartholomew for the joy they bring each day.
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Ah, the thankless life of the Build Master. If they do their job well, you’ll never
know they exist! If they don’t, well, everyone knows it’s the Build Master’s
fault, right?
I’ve been a builder in one form or another since my first foray into managing the
build. Nearly 15 years ago now, I worked on an extremely large system with a
team of hundreds. When it came time to build, we used Fred’s machine. Yes, I
learned that day that we built and shipped large systems on Fred’s laptop.
This is also how I came to find that learning a new build system is similar to
boiling a frog. If you throw a frog into hot water, it jumps out. But if you turn the
water up slowly, the frog doesn’t realize it’s getting hot, so it stays in the pot and
gets boiled. The team didn’t realize how big the system had become and how
complex the build was getting.
I realized immediately, somewhat intuitively, that we needed build box. Fast-
forward some years, and now every group I work with uses Continuous
Integration. Groups I work with have build farms, one with a “Siren of Shame,”
a flashing light to effectively shame the build-breaker. We have build artifacts as
complex and elegant as actual preconfigured virtual machines that pop out the
end of our build.
All this was made possible by the power of automation and the surprising
flexibility of MSBuild. Sayed and William have written what amounts to the
“missing manual” for MSBuild. MSBuild, and its enterprise support counterpart
Team Foundation Build, are almost unapologetically powerful. However, they
need to be.
Today’s software systems are multilayered, multitiered, and iterate at a speed
previously unheard of. All our software development practices and team
building comes together at one pinch point: the build.
This essential reference to MSBuild gives us the knowledge not only into how to
create an adaptable and vigorous build system, but also valuable insights into the
“why” of the product. William is a senior development lead on engineering
systems within the Developer division at Microsoft, while Sayed is a program
manager overseeing build and pushing for the Microsoft Azure Cloud and Web
Tools. I could think of no better people to help me understand a large build
system than the folks building large systems themselves.
Sure, we’ve all started with “Build.bat” and called it our build system. Perhaps
we’ve put together a little schedule and called it an automated build. But these
simple constructs don’t scale across a large team or a large product. This book is
what the documentation should have been—a guide that takes us through the
humble beginnings of MSBuild as a supporting and unseen player in the .NET
ecosystems to complete and sophisticated team build solutions.
More importantly, Sayed and Bill dig into the corners and edge cases that we all
find ourselves bumping up against. They elaborate on the deceptively deep
extensibility model that underlies MSBuild and give us the tools to bring both
stock and custom components together into a complete team workflow.
MSBuild continues to evolve from version 2, to 3.5, and now to version 4 and
beyond. This updated supplemental edition builds (ahem) on the good work of
the previous editions and includes new sections on the updates to the MSBuild
core, changes in Team Build, and even updates to Web Publishing in Microsoft
Visual Studio 2012.
I’m glad that this book exists and that people who care about the build like
Sayed and William exist to light the way. Now, if I can just find out what I did
just now that broke my build . . .
— Scott Hanselman Teacher, coder, blogger, podcaster

Build has historically been kind of like a black art, in the sense that there are just
a few people who know and understand it and are passionate about it. But in
today’s evolving environment, that is changing. Now more and more people are
becoming interested in build and making it a part of their routine development
activities. Today’s applications are different from those that we were building 5
to 10 years ago. Along with that, the process that we use to write software is
different as well. Nowadays, it is not uncommon for a project to have
sophisticated build processes that include such things as code generation, code
analysis, unit testing, automated deployment, and so on. To deal with these
changes, developers are no longer shielded from the build process. Developers
have to understand the build process so that they can employ it to meet their
Back in 2005, Microsoft released MSBuild, which is the build engine used to
build most Microsoft Visual Studio projects. That release was MSBuild 2.0.
Since that release, Microsoft has released three major versions of MSBuild—
MSBuild 3.5, MSBuild 4.0, and now MSBuild 4.5. Along with the updates
included in MSBuild 4.5, there are many build-related updates in related
technologies. For example, with Visual Studio 2012, you now have the ability to
share projects with Visual Studio 2010. Another great example is the usage of
NuGet. In many ways, NuGet has changed how we develop and build
applications. In this book, we will look at the updates included in MSBuild 4.5,
as well as other related technologies.
Team Foundation Build (or Team Build as it is more commonly known) is now
in its fourth version. Team Build 2005 and Team Build 2008 were entirely based
on MSBuild, using it for both build orchestration and the build process itself.
Team Build 2010 moved build orchestration to Microsoft Windows Workflow
Foundation and continues to use MSBuild for the low-level build processes.
Team Build 2012 continues this architecture but now supports building in the
cloud using the Team Foundation Service, an updated task-focused user
interface, gated check-in improvements to improve throughput, and better
support for unattended installation.
When developing automated build processes, the next step in many cases is to
automate the publish process. In Visual Studio 2010, the initial support for the
Web Deploy tool was added. In Visual Studio 2012, there have been a lot of
updates to how web projects are published, including first-class support for
publish profiles from the command line, sharing of publish profiles with team
members, database publishing, and many more. In this update, we will describe
these updates and show you some real-world examples as well. You’ll see how
the process used in Visual Studio 2012 is much more straightforward than what
was provided in Visual Studio 2010.

Who should read this book

This book is an enhancement to our Inside the Microsoft Build Engine, Using
MSBuild and Team Foundation Build, Second Edition (Microsoft Press, 2011), a
book whose content is still relevant and accurate. Rather than add these three
chapters to that book and release it as a third edition, we decided to offer this
shorter (and cheaper) supplement. Think of the three chapters in this supplement
as an addition to Inside the Microsoft Build Engine.
The second edition and this supplement to it were written for anyone who uses
or is interested in using MSBuild or Team Build. If you’re using Visual Studio to
build your applications, you’re already using MSBuild. Inside the Microsoft
Build Engine and its supplement are for all developers and build masters using
Microsoft technologies. If you’re interested in learning more about how your
applications are being built and how you can customize this process, you need
these books. If you are using Team Build or thinking of using it tomorrow, these
books are must-reads. They will save you countless hours.
The second edition and this supplement will help the needs of enterprise teams
as well as individuals. To get the most out of these materials, you should be
familiar with creating applications using Visual Studio. You are not required to
be familiar with the build process, but if you are not, make sure to begin with the
second edition because it starts with the basics and goes on from there. Because
one of the most effective methods for learning is through examples, both the
second edition and this supplement contain many examples.

To get the most from this supplement, you should meet the following profile:
You’re familiar with MSBuild 4.0 and Team Foundation Build 2010.

You should be familiar with Visual Studio.

You should have experience with the technologies you are interested in

You should have a solid grasp of XML.

Who should not read this book

This supplement to Inside the Microsoft Build Engine covers the new and
changed functionality in MSBuild 4.5 and Team Foundation Build 2012, so it’s
not aimed at people new to MSBuild and Team Foundation Build. If you’re new
to MSBuild and Team Foundation Build, we highly recommend reading Inside
the Microsoft Build Engine first.

Organization of this book

This book is divided into three chapters, each of which focuses on a different
build technology. Chapter 1, covers the new and changed functionality in
MSBuild 4.5, including compatibility with previous versions, out-of-process
tasks, and NuGet. Chapter 2, covers the new and changed Team Foundation
Build functionality, including the introduction of Team Foundation Online, a
new customizable task-focused user interface, improved debugging and
administration, and a number of gated check-in improvements. Chapter 3,
includes details on the updated web publish experience in Visual Studio 2012.
This includes updates to publish profiles, database publishing support,
web.config transform updates and more.
Conventions and features in this book
This book presents information using conventions designed to make the
information readable and easy to follow.
Each exercise consists of a series of tasks, presented as numbered steps (1, 2,
and so on) that list each action you must take to complete the exercise.

Boxed elements with labels such as “Note” provide additional information or

alternative methods for completing a step successfully.

Text that you type (apart from code blocks) appears in bold. In code blocks
code in bold indicates code added since the previous example.

System requirements
You will need the following hardware and software to complete the practice
exercises in this book:
One of Windows 7 (x86 or x64), Windows 8 (x86 or x64), Windows Server
2008 R2 (x64), or Windows Server 2012 (x64).

Visual Studio 2012, any edition (multiple downloads may be required if using
Express edition products)

Computer that has a 1.6 GHz or faster processor

1 GB (32-bit) RAM (add 512 MB if running in a virtual machine)

10 GB of available NTFS hard disk space

5,400 RPM hard disk drive

DirectX 9 capable video card running at 1,024 x 768 or higher-resolution


DVD-ROM drive (if installing Visual Studio from DVD)

Internet connection to download software or chapter examples

Depending on your Windows configuration, you might require Local
Administrator rights to install or configure Visual Studio 2012.
You will need the following minimum level of hardware and software to use the
virtual machine used for the practical exercises in Chapter 2 of this book:
Either Windows Server 2008 R2 with the Hyper-V role enabled, Windows
Server 2012 with the Hyper-V role enabled, or Windows 8 with Hyper-V

Intel VT or AMD-V capable processor (SLAT-compatible processor required

if using Windows 8)

6 GB of free physical RAM (8 GB or more is recommended)

3 GB of RAM assigned to the virtual machine (4 GB or more is


50 GB of available NTFS hard disk space (more is recommended if using


Code samples
Most of the chapters in this book include exercises that let you interactively try
out new material learned in the main text. All sample projects, in both their pre-
exercise and post-exercise formats, can be downloaded from the following page:
Follow the instructions to download the MSBuild2ESupp_678163_Companion file.

In addition to the code samples, your system should meet the System Requirements listed

Installing the code samples

Follow these steps to install the code samples on your computer so that you can
use them with the exercises in this book.
1. Unzip the file that you
downloaded from the book’s website to C:\InsideMSBuild\.

2. If prompted, review the displayed end user license agreement. If you

accept the terms, select the Accept option, and then click Next.

If the license agreement doesn’t appear, you can access it from the same webpage from which
you downloaded the file.

Using the code samples

After extracting the samples you will see a folder for each chapter. Within each
subfolder you will find all the samples for that chapter.

The authors are happy to share the following acknowledgments.

Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi

Wow. This will be my fourth book and my third with Microsoft Press. I’m not
sure how I ended up here, but it certainly was not on my own. Throughout each
book there were key contributors who helped us create the final product. Even
though this book is much smaller than my previous ones, it’s still no easy task.
We still have to go through the entire process and involve basically the same
number of people to help us. Being an author, I receive a majority of the credit
for the result, but there are plenty of others who deserve credit as well.
I’d like to start by thanking my co-author, William Bartholomew. William also
works at Microsoft. William is a known Team Build expert, and it shows in his
writing. I’ve had so many people approach me and tell me how good the Team
Build chapters are. Most times, I smile and quietly accept the praise—that’s part
of being a co-author—thanks, William! William has helped me since the first
edition of this book. I love working with him and hope that I can do so again in
the future.
In the second edition, we had a wonderful technical editor, Marc Young.
Thankfully, we were able to convince him to come on board for this supplement
as well. I’m really glad that we were able to do so. He did a brilliant job on the
second edition and a great job for this supplement, too. Marc is not shy when it
comes to letting authors know that they are wrong! He goes to great lengths to
verify, or disprove, author statements and code samples. I appreciate all of his
efforts, and readers should as well. His feedback is also critical in shaping the
content of the book.
Devon Musgrave, the man behind the scenes at Microsoft Press, deserves a lot of
credit here. I remember having dinner with Devon in Bellevue one night in the
summer of 2012. We discussed the idea of an update to the book. We both knew
that a full rewrite wasn’t the best idea. The vast majority of the second edition is
still relevant, so it would have been better if we could just publish what’s new.
We decided to try out a new format for Microsoft Press books: the supplement.
This will be the first supplement Microsoft Press delivers. I’m really happy that
we were able to make this work, and if it weren’t for Devon, this wouldn’t have
Valerie Woolley, our Project Editor at Microsoft Press, was critical to the
delivery of this book. She has helped us stay on track with our deliverables and
ensure that things keep moving. Thanks for keeping us on track, Valerie, and I
apologize for not turning in all my content on the dates you requested.
In addition to the people that I have listed here there are several others who
contributed to this book. With any significant project there are names that go
unknown. I truly appreciate all the efforts of everyone involved in this book. I
wish that I could name them all here. Thank you.
Last but certainly not least, I’d like to thank all the readers. You guys have stuck
by us for two editions. I appreciate all the support and kind words that have been
expressed about the books. Because of your support, we were able to publish the
second edition, as well as this supplement. Please continue to let us know how
we are doing. Hopefully, you will enjoy this supplement as much as the second
William Bartholomew
First, I’d like to thank my third-time co-author, Sayed, because without him, this
book would not be as broad as it is. From Microsoft Press, I’d like to thank
Devon Musgrave, Valerie Woolley, and the art team for their efforts (and
tolerance) in converting our ideas into a publishable book. Thanks must go to
Marc Young for his technical review efforts in ensuring that the procedures are
easily followed, the samples work, and the book makes sense. Finally, I’d like to
thank the Team Build Team, in particular Justin Pinnix and Patrick Carnahan, for
their tireless support.
Errata & book support
We’ve made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this book and its companion
content. Any errors that have been reported since this book was published are
listed on our Microsoft Press site at
If you find an error that is not already listed, you can report it to us through the
same page.
If you need additional support, email Microsoft Press Book Support at
Please note that product support for Microsoft software is not offered through
the addresses above.

We want to hear from you

At Microsoft Press, your satisfaction is our top priority, and your feedback our
most valuable asset. Please tell us what you think of this book at
The survey is short, and we read every one of your comments and ideas. Thanks
in advance for your input!

Stay in touch
Let’s keep the conversation going! We’re on Twitter:
Chapter 1. What’s new in MSBuild

The latest version of MSBuild is 4.5, which was released along with Microsoft
.NET Framework 4.5 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. Typically, someone
thinking of MSBuild includes items that are not technically a part of MSBuild.
For example, it’s very common to include updates to the build process or the
web build and publish process for Visual Studio projects as a part of MSBuild.
In reality, this support is built on top of MSBuild. With the release of .NET
Framework 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012, you’ll find many updates to pieces
surrounding MSBuild, but only a few updates to the core MSBuild technology
itself. In this chapter, we’ll cover updates to MSBuild, as well as related
technologies that you might already categorize as being part of MSBuild.

Visual Studio project compatibility between 2010

and 2012
One of the most requested features, if not the most requested feature, of Visual
Studio 2012 was the ability to open a solution in Visual Studio 2012 while
maintaining the ability for users to continue development with Visual Studio
2010 as well. This has been a common request for several versions of Visual
Studio. With the 2012 release, this is now supported. With a few exceptions, you
can have developers working on the same solution in either Visual Studio 2010
SP1 or Visual Studio 2012. This will enable a subset of your team to try out
Visual Studio 2012 without requiring the entire team to upgrade overnight. Let’s
talk about what changes were required to accomplish this and what you need to
know about it.
The solution file (.sln) has always had a file format version number built into it.
The file format version for Visual Studio 2010 is 11.0, whereas for 2012 it is
12.0. Prior to Visual Studio 2010 SP1, if you opened an .sln file with a file
format higher than what was expected, the solution would not be opened. In
2010 SP1, that behavior was relaxed. If 2010 SP1 is used to open an .sln file
with the file format of 12.0, the file will be allowed to open. If the projects
within that solution are supported with 2010, then they will be opened;
otherwise, they will be left unloaded.
When you open an .sln file in Visual Studio 2012, there are three different
possible outcomes:
All projects are opened without any changes.

One or more changes are required to make the projects compatible with both
Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and 2012.

One or more projects are left unloaded due to lack of support.

For the most part, your solutions should fall into the first category. The
difference between the first and second options are that changes are required to
one or more projects to ensure that they can be loaded by both versions. A good
example of this are web projects. If you have a web project created with Visual
Studio 2010, it will be modified slightly when it’s first opened in Visual Studio
2012. The project will be modified to use a property for the location of the
related .targets file instead of a hard-coded value. For the third case, there are
some projects that 2012 no longer supports, so you will not be able to load those.
For example, 2012 no longer supports Setup and Deployment projects,
Extensibility projects for 2010, Web Deployment projects, and a few others. A
new property, VisualStudioVersion, was introduced to assist in scenarios where
multiple versions of Visual Studio may be used for a given project. Let’s discuss
this new property now.

VisualStudioVersion property
One of the enablers of sharing projects between Visual Studio 2010 and 2012
was the introduction of a new MSBuild property, VisualStudioVersion. When a
project is built in Visual Studio, or from a developer command prompt, this
property will be set to 11.0 or 10.0 for 2012 and 2010 SP1, respectively. One
example of how this property is used can be found in the web project file. If you
open the .csproj/.vbproj file of a web project, you will see these elements:
<VisualStudioVersion Condition="'$(VisualStudioVersion)' ==
Condition="'$(VSToolsPath)' == ''">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" >
<Import Project="$(VSToolsPath)\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets"
Condition="'$(VSToolsPath)' != ''" >
<Import Project=
Condition="false" />

Here, you can see that the VisualStudioVersion property is initialized to 10.0 if it
is not defined already. That property is used to determine the path to the
Microsoft.WebApplication.targets file that is imported. Web projects created
with 2010 previously hard-coded this value. By using the VisualStudioVersion
property, these projects can be opened in either Visual Studio 2010 or 2012.

You might have noticed the last import, which has v10.0 with a hard-coded
Condition="false" code. Believe it or not, this is by design. Without this import, Visual
Studio 2010 would treat the project as if it were out of date and “update” it by reinserting the
import for the v10.0 targets file. To keep this from happening, the import cannot be removed.

When you are building solutions or projects from the command line, you should
be aware of this property and know how it might affect your builds. First, let’s
cover how this property is being set, as it is not a reserved property. This
property is set in the following way:
1. If VisualStudioVersion is defined as an environment variable or global
MSBuild property, that is used as the value of this property.

2. If building an .sln file, the value used will equal Solution File Format
Version - 1.
3. Choose a default: 10.0 if Visual Studio 2010 is installed, or else the value
will be the highest version of the sub-toolset that is installed.

When you open a Visual Studio 2012 developer command prompt,

VisualStudioVersion is defined as a global MSBuild property, so it is always
available. If you are building .sln files from the command line, then you
shouldn’t have to worry about setting this property, but if you are building the
project files, then you should set this value to ensure that there are no
inconsistent behaviors from one machine to another. When building web projects
specifically, you should always pass the correct value for VisualStudioVersion.
For example, when building a web project using the build tools delivered with
2012, you can call Msbuild.exe in the following way:

msbuild.exe myproject.csproj /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0

By invoking Msbuild.exe and passing in VisualStudioVersion as a command-line

parameter, the property is declared as a global property. Because global
properties have the highest priority, you can be sure that this value will be used.
If you are using the MSBuild task to build a project, then you can pass the
property into the Properties attribute. Now that we have covered Visual Studio
compatibility, let’s discuss some new ways that you can invoke tasks.

Out-of-process tasks
In MSBuild 4.0, it was difficult to invoke a task under a different context than
the one that the build was executing in. For example, suppose you have a .NET
task that needs to execute under a specific CPU architecture. In the past, you
would have to be a bit creative to ensure that it was executed in the correct
context. The task execution would be the same as the Msbuild.exe process.
There are two different versions of Msbuild.exe: a 32-bit version and a 64-bit
version. If you executed your build using the 32-bit version, then your task
would be loaded in a 32-bit context, and the same goes for 64-bit.
In MSBuild 4.5, it’s a lot easier to ensure that your tasks are loaded in the correct
context. Two updates in MSBuild 4.5 enable this: new parameters for the
UsingTask element and Phantom Task parameters. Let’s start with the updates to
the UsingTask declaration.

UsingTask updates
In the previous edition of this book, we showed many different examples of
using tasks inside MSBuild project files, and we detailed the attributes of
UsingTask in Chapter 4, “Custom tasks.” The two new attributes that have been
added in MSBuild 4.5 are listed in Table 1-1. When these attributes are present,
they will affect all invocations when that task is loaded.

Table 1-1. New attributes of UsingTask

Attribute Description

Architecture Sets the platform and architecture and bitness. The allowed values are x86, x64,
CurrentArchitecture, or * for any of them.

Runtime Sets the Common Language Runtime (CLR) version for the task context. Allowed
values are CLR2, CLR4, CurrentRuntime, or * for any of them.

For example, if you have a task that requires that it always be executed under a
64-bit architecture, you would add the attribute Architecture=“x64” to the
UsingTask declaration. Without this, if the build was executed with the 64-bit
version of Msbuild.exe (which can be found under %Windir%\Framework64\),
then you would be OK, but if the 32-bit version (which can be found under
%Windir%\Framework\), you would encounter errors. Let’s see this in action.
Let’s create a task that we can use as an example. We won’t go over the details
of how to create a task here. If you need a refresher, visit Chapter 4 in the
previous edition. In the following snippet, you’ll see the definition of the
PrintInfo task:

using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;

public class PrintInfo : Task {

public string Bitness {

get {
if (System.IntPtr.Size == 8) {
return "64 bit";

return "32 bit";


public string ClrVersion {

get {
return System.Environment.Version.ToString();

public override bool Execute() {

".NET CLR version: {0}\tBitness: {1}",

return true;

You can find this task in the samples that accompany this book. First, let’s look
at the default behavior when invoking this. The next code fragment shows the
contents of Printinfo-01.proj:

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Demo"


<UsingTask TaskName="PrintInfo"

<Target Name="Demo">
<PrintInfo >

Now let’s take a look at the result when this task is executed. From a Visual
Studio 2012 Developer command prompt, execute the command msbuild
printinfo-01.proj. The result is shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1. The default result when building printinfo-01.proj.

Here, you can see that the task is running under CLR 4.0, in a 32-bit context.
You may be wondering why it’s not running in a 64-bit context. Because we did
not specify the architecture on the UsingTask declaration, the task is loaded in
the context in which the build is executing. So it inherits the architecture of
Msbuild.exe. In this case, we have invoked the 32-bit Msbuild.exe. The Visual
Studio 2012 Developer command prompt will use the 32-bit version of
Msbuild.exe by default. Now let’s invoke it with the 64-bit version of
Msbuild.exe and see the result. To make this simple, in the Visual Studio 2012
Developer command prompt, I created an alias to this executable using doskey
$*. In Figure 1-2, you can see the result of running msbuild64 printinfo-

Figure 1-2. The result when building printinfo-01.proj with the 64-bit version of Msbuild.exe.

In Figure 1-2, you can see that the PrintInfo task is now executed in a 64-bit
context. If you need a task to load with a specific architecture or CLR run time,
you can tweak the UsingTask element to indicate this. In the following code
snippet, you will see the contents of Printinfo-02.proj, which is very similar to
the previous sample:

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Demo"


<PrintInfoArch Condition="'$(PrintInfoArch)'==''">x86</PrintInfoArch>

<UsingTask TaskName="PrintInfo"

<Target Name="Demo">
<Message Text="PrintInfoArch: $(PrintInfoArch)" >
<PrintInfo >

Here, you can see that a new property, PrintInfoArch, has been added. The
default value for this property is x86. The value of this property is passed in as
the value for the Architecture parameter on the UsingTask element. This will
ensure that the task is always loaded with the specified architecture. Let’s take a
look at the result. In Figure 1-3, you will see the result of executing
msbuild.exe printinfo-02.proj /p:PrintInfoArch=x64.

Figure 1-3. The result when building Printinfo-02.proj and specifying an x64 architecture.

Even though we are using the 32-bit version of Msbuild.exe, the task is loaded
under a 64-bit context. You can use the Runtime attribute on UsingTask to load a
task specifically under CLR 2.0 or CLR 4.0.
In the samples, you will find a few different varieties of the PrintInfo task. Each
class contains the same code, but the containing project targets a different run
time/architecture. The sample shown here, taken from Printinfo-03-v2.proj,
shows how we can ensure that the PrintInfo task is loaded with CLR 2:
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Demo"

<UsingTask TaskName="PrintInfo"

<Target Name="Demo">
<PrintInfo >

Here, we pass CLR2 as the Runtime attribute value. Similarly, we can ensure that
it’s loaded under CLR 4.0 with the following code from Printinfo-03-v4.proj:

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Demo"


<UsingTask TaskName="PrintInfo"

<Target Name="Demo">
<PrintInfo >

The results of building all these project files are shown in Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4. The result showing the PrintInfo task loaded under CLR 2.0 and then CLR 4.0.
Figure 1-4 demonstrates that we were able to load a task successfully under a
specific .NET CLR version. We have seen how to control the context in which a
task gets loaded by modifying the UsingTask attribute. What may not be entirely
obvious at this point is that you can actually load different versions of the same
task. You can use a couple of new attributes on the task to indicate which version
should be picked up automatically. Let’s see how this works.

Phantom task parameters

From the previous edition, you know that a task can contain any number of
inputs and outputs. All those inputs and outputs would be passed in using
attributes of the task itself. With MSBuild 4.5, two new attributes are allowed for
task invocations: MSBuildRuntime and MSBuildArchitecture. These parameters
control the context in which the task is loaded and are not actually passed to the
task itself. The task is not aware of the presence of these parameters, and there is
no way to detect their presence (the task itself can determine the execution
context in code if needed). This is why they are called phantom task parameters.
Suppose that you have a task that has been implemented for both CLR 2.0 and
CLR 4.0. How could you use both these tasks in the same MSBuild script? To
keep things simple, I have created a SayHello task which has four slightly
different implementations, depending on which architecture or version of the
CLR it supports. In the following code block, you will find the implementation
for the CLR 4.0 version of the task:

using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;

public class SayHello : Task {

public override bool Execute() {
Log.LogMessage("Hello using .NET CLR 4");
return true;

The other implementations of the task are similar. In the code snippet that
follows, you will find the contents of the file Say-hello-01.proj:

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Demo"

<UsingTask TaskName="SayHello"

<UsingTask TaskName="SayHello"

<Target Name="Demo">
<SayHello MSBuildRuntime="CLR2">
<SayHello MSBuildRuntime="CLR4">

<SayHello >

In this sample, you can see that we are loading two versions of the SayHello
task. One is built targeting .NET CLR 2.0, and the other invokes .NET CLR 4.0.
In the Demo target, we can see three invocations of the SayHello task. The last
one does not pass any parameters, and the first two specify the value for
MSBuildRuntime. First, let’s take a look at the result and then delve into the
details. You can see the result of building this project in Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-5. The result of building Say-hello-01.proj.

Here, you can see that, as expected, the correct version of the task was invoked
based on the MSBuildRuntime value for the first two invocations. From the
message displayed from the third invocation, it is clear that the CLR 2.0 version
of the task is invoked. When MSBuild encounters a task invocation inside a
target, it will use the following information to find the corresponding task: the
task name, MSBuildRuntime value, and MSBuildArchitecture value. It will
search through all the available tasks (those that have been registered with
UsingTask) and find the first task that meets the criteria. In the previous sample,
when <SayHello MSBuildRuntime="CLR2" /> is encountered, MSBuild will
return the task declared in the first UsingTask, which is Runtime="CLR2". If
there is no UsingTask declaration with Runtime="CLR2", then the first SayHello
task is returned. In our case, the first UsingTask declaration indicated
Runtime="CLR2", so that one was loaded when <SayHello /> is encountered. If
we had defined the Runtime="CLR4" UsingTask declaration first, then that
version would have been loaded instead. In the samples, you can find Say-hello-
02.proj, which demonstrates this case. Now let’s take a look at something new: a
package manager called NuGet.

When you are developing an application, the odds are that you will be reusing
components created by others. For example, you would like to add logging to
your application. Instead of writing your own logging framework, it would be
much easier to use one of the existing ones out there, such as log4net or NLog.
In the past, you would typically have integrated external dependencies in your
application by following these basic steps:
1. Find the developer’s website and download binaries.

2. Add one or more references to these binaries in Visual Studio.

3. Copy and paste sample code from the website into your project.

After that, you would have to update those references manually. NuGet makes
this process much simpler.
NuGet is available from its home page,, as well as the Visual Studio
gallery. On the NuGet extension page in the Visual Studio gallery, NuGet is
described as “A collection of tools to automate the process of downloading,
installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing packages from a VS Project.”
Essentially, NuGet is a package manager for Visual Studio projects. A package is
a self-contained unit that can be installed into a project. NuGet packages can do
all sorts of things, including adding references, adding code files, and modifying
Web.config. NuGet is integrated with Visual Studio 2012, but it is available for
Visual Studio 2010 as well.

Managing NuGet packages

In this scenario, integrating a logging framework into your project using NuGet
requires just one step. You simply need to install the NuGet package for the
logging framework you want. You do not need to know the developer’s web
address or which references need to be added. In many cases, if an update is
required for Web.config or App.config, the NuGet package will make those
changes as well.
There are two ways to add a NuGet package to a project: using the Manage
NuGet Packages dialog box or the Package Manager Console. We will describe
both methods next.
You can open the Manage NuGet Packages dialog box by right-clicking a project
in Solution Explorer and selecting Manage NuGet Packages. You will see the
dialog box shown in Figure 1-6.

Figure 1-6. The Manage NuGet Packages dialog box.

The installed packages will vary based on your project. For example, if you open
this dialog box for a default C# Class Library project, the list will be empty. C#
class libraries do not add any NuGet packages by default, but some other project
types do. From this dialog box, you can manage your NuGet packages. You can
find new packages on the Online tab. You can use the search bar on the right to
locate specific packages. For example, Figure 1-7 displays the results when I
searched for “log4net” while looking at the Online tab.

Figure 1-7. The search results for “log4net” in the Manage NuGet Packages dialog box.

To install the selected package, you simply click Install. Then the package will
be downloaded and installed into your project automatically. NuGet packages
can depend on other packages. If the package being installed depends on other
packages, they will be installed automatically as well.
When a package is installed for the first time into a project, a few things happen:
A Packages folder is created in the solution directory.

A Packages.config file is dropped into the project’s folder.

The package is installed into the project.

The Packages folder contains the downloaded packages. The Packages.config
file is an XML file that lists all the installed NuGet packages for a given project.
The Packages folder contains a folder for each package. These packages are
shared across the entire solution. If a package contains any assemblies that will
be added as a reference, they will be placed inside the folder for that particular
package. Typically, you do not want to check in the Packages folder, so we need
a way to download those packages on demand. This is where package restore
comes in. We will cover package restore in the Package Restore section later in
this chapter, after we discuss managing packages.
In this same dialog box, you also can update packages. If you open the Manage
NuGet Packages dialog box, you can see what packages have updates by
clicking the Updates tab. For example, in Figure 1-8, you can see that the
selected project has two NuGet packages with updates available.

Figure 1-8. The Updates tab of the Manage NuGet Packages dialog box.

To update a selected package, you simply click Update. You can also use the
Install Packages tab to uninstall packages. Simply click the Uninstall button on
the selected package itself. Earlier we mentioned that you can also manage
NuGet packages in the Package Manager Console. Let’s take a look at that

Package Manager Console

To access the Package Manager Console, we need to first load the window. To
do this, from the View menu, go to Other Windows and select Package Manager
Console. Then you will see the console shown in Figure 1-9.

Figure 1-9. The Package Manager Console in Visual Studio.

This prompt is actually a Windows PowerShell prompt with the NuGet

functionality already loaded. You can issue any Windows PowerShell command,
but there are a few NuGet-specific commands as well. For example, you can
execute the following commands:



To see the full list of NuGet-specific commands, simply execute get-help

NuGet. Because this is a Windows PowerShell prompt, you get all the benefits of
using a Windows PowerShell prompt, including statement completion, piping of
commands, and object inspection. Because of this, you do not need to memorize
all the parameters for the Install-Package command. You can simply press Tab to
be shown a list of the parameters. The simplest command to install a package is
Install-Package <package-name>. For example, to install Modernizr, execute
Install-Package Modernizr.
Using the Package Manager Console, you have more control over package
management. For example, you can install a specific version of a package from
the console. At this time, the latest released version of the Entity Framework
NuGet package is 5.0.0. If you needed to install the 4.3.1 version, you can
execute the command Install-Package EntityFramework -Version 4.3.1.
Note that when browsing packages at, you will find the command
required to install that specific package.

Package Restore
Because it’s recommended that you do not check in the Packages folder (after
all, you don’t want a bunch of binaries clogging your repository), there is an
additional step that needs to be taken before checking in a project using NuGet.
You need to enable Package Restore. After this is enabled, when the project is
built it will automatically download the packages as needed. To enable Package
Restore, right-click the solution in Solution Explorer and select Enable NuGet
Package Restore.

Alternatively, you can install nuget.exe in a well-known location on your build server and use
that for Package Restore. This would prevent you from checking in several different copies of
nuget.exe for each solution. We won’t cover that here, though.

When you enable package restore on a given solution, a few things happen:
A .nuget folder is created with the required files, including Nuget.targets.

The solution is updated to show these files in a solution folder.

Each project with NuGet packages is updated to import the Nuget.targets file.

After package restore has been enabled, the missing NuGet packages will be
downloaded automatically each time the solution or project is built. Enabling
package restore is essentially a requirement for team scenarios. Because package
restore is implemented using MSBuild, the package restore functionality will be
invoked automatically when your project is built from Visual Studio, the
command line, or a build server. Let’s take a closer look at the package restore
After enabling package restore, if you open the .csproj/.vbproj file, you will find
the Import statement <Import
Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\nuget.targets" />. This MSBuild
.targets file defines the RestorePackages target. This target is injected into the
build process using the following property declaration:

<!-- We need to ensure packages are restored prior to assembly resolve -->
<ResolveReferencesDependsOn Condition="$(RestorePackages) == 'true'">

If the RestorePackages property is set to True, then the RestorePackages target

will be executed before the references are resolved for a given project. The
RestorePackages target does not restore the packages; rather, it calls Nuget.exe
to do this. Nuget.exe will examine the Packages.config file and restore the
missing packages. Nuget.exe is one of the files that are placed in the .nuget
folder when package restore is enabled. In the following code block, you can see
how the RestorePackages target is defined:

<Target Name="RestorePackages" DependsOnTargets="CheckPrerequisites">

<Exec Command="$(RestoreCommand)"
Condition="'$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT' And Exists('$(PackagesConfig)')" >

<Exec Command="$(RestoreCommand)"
Condition="'$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT' And Exists('$(PackagesConfig)')" >

After the execution of this target, all the required assembly references will have
been downloaded into the Packages folder, and your build happily continues. For
more details on the package restore process, take a look at the NuGet.targets file.
Now that we have covered NuGet, we will take a look at another useful Visual
Studio extension.

XML updates with SlowCheetah

Have you ever been developing an application that targeted different
environments and wish you had an easy way to debug your application with
different settings? In the past, when I found myself in this situation, I would
have to update App.config manually with the environment that I wanted to
debug. After debugging the environment, I would have to remember to roll back
my settings. This is a painful, error-prone way to solve this problem. It would be
great if there were a way to do this automatically when you use F5 in Visual
A relatively new Visual Studio extension, SlowCheetah, allows you to do exactly
that. SlowCheetah is available for both Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio
2012. It uses XML Document Transforms (XDTs), also known as Web.config
transforms, to execute the transformations. In Chapter 18 of the previous edition,
“Web Deployment Tool, Part 2,” we showed how to create Web.config
transforms. We also covered all the details on creating XDTs. If you need to
brush up on XDT syntax, take a look back at that chapter. SlowCheetah is
available for download at the Visual Studio gallery
7e854ba318b5). The project is open-source. For more info on SlowCheetah,
For web projects, the Web.config transforms are invoked during a publish or
package operation. They are not executed during build (F5). This is the default
behavior for web projects. SlowCheetah may be able to invoke the transforms on
F5 for web projects, but that support is not implemented yet.
For non-web projects, after installing SlowCheetah, you can add an App.config
transform by right-clicking app.config and selecting Add Transform. Once you
do this, you will see a transform file for each project build configuration. In
Figure 1-10, you can see the result for a project that only has Debug and Release
Figure 1-10. The Add Transform result for a project with two build configurations.

After this, each time you build your application, the App.config file will be
transformed with the appropriate transform. This is true if you
are building in Visual Studio or from the command line. Let’s see how this
In the samples accompanying this book, you will find a console project file,
TransformSample.Console.csproj, which uses SlowCheetah. You will need to
have installed SlowCheetah for this sample to work correctly. This project will
read the application’s configuration file and output the application settings to the
console. Since the App.config file will be updated during build (or F5 in Visual
Studio), this application should output different values when the build
configuration is switched. Let’s take a look at the App.config file for this project,
shown in Example 1-1.
Example 1-1. App.config file contents
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="appName" value="console-default">
<add key="url" value="http:/localhost:8080/"/>
<add key="email" value="">

<connectionStrings configSource="connectionStrings.config" >


The App.config file here is very basic; it just includes a few application settings.
The connection strings are loaded from another file. These are the values that the
application would normally be loaded with. Now let’s take a look at the
transforms. Example 1-2 shows the contents of the App.Debug.config transform.
Example 1-2. App.Debug.config contents
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
<add key="appName" value="Demo-Debug"
xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Match(key)">

<add key="url" value="http:/debug:8080/"

xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Match(key)"/>

<add key="email" value=""

xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Match(key)">


From the previous listing, you can see that XDT is being used to update the three
appSettings entries when the project is built using Debug mode. Similarly, the
App.Release.config file updates these entries as well, as shown in Example 1-3.
Example 1-3. App.Release.config contents
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">

<add key="appName" value="Demo-Release"
xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Match(key)">

<add key="url" value="http:/"

xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Match(key)"/>

<add key="email" value=""

xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Match(key)">


Let’s see what happens when we run this application in Debug and Release
mode. In Figure 1-11, you can see the result when the application is run in
Debug mode, and Figure 1-12 has the results for Release mode.
Figure 1-11. The TransformSample result when running in Debug mode.

Figure 1-12. The TransformSample result when running in Release mode.

In these two images, we can see that the three application settings (appName,
url, and email) are updated automatically when we hit F5 in Visual Studio. You
can see that the connection strings are updated as well. Because the
connectionStrings element includes
configSource="connectionStrings.config", the values for connection
strings will be taken from ConnectionStrings.config. This file is also transformed
with SlowCheetah. When using SlowCheetah, you are not limited to
transforming App.config; it can transform any XML file. The extension of the
file does not have to be .config. We will not discuss the transformation for
ConnectionString.config here, but you can find it in the samples. Now that we
are familiar with the transformations, let’s take a look at how we can invoke
them on a build server.

SlowCheetah build server support

SlowCheetah build server support can easily be implemented with the help of the
SlowCheetah NuGet package. This package is installed automatically the first
time that you invoke the Add Transform menu option. Let’s take a look at how
SlowCheetah integrates into your projects, and then we will discuss how to set
up your build servers.
When the SlowCheetah package is installed, the following elements are added to
your project file:

<PropertyGroup Label="SlowCheetah">
Condition=" '$(SlowCheetah_EnableImportFromNuGet)'=='' ">

Condition=" '$(SlowCheetah_NuGetImportPath)'=='' ">
SlowCheetah.\tools\SlowCheetah.Transforms.targets ))

Condition=" '$(SlowCheetah_EnableImportFromNuGet)'=='true' and
Exists('$(SlowCheetah_NuGetImportPath)') ">

<!-- Other project elements will appear between these -->

<Import Project="$(SlowCheetahTargets)" Condition="Exists('$(SlowCheetahTargets)')"

Label="SlowCheetah" />
The property SlowCheetahTargets will be populated with the location of the
.targets file that will be imported. Next to the .targets file is an assembly that
contains the TransformXml MSBuild task. This is the task responsible for
executing the transformations. Because these files are delivered using NuGet, for
automated builds, we can employ Package Restore to download the needed files.
If you plan on executing builds from a build server, you should make sure to
enable Package Restore on the solution.
When the package is installed, the following changes are applied:
The required files are placed in the Packages folder.

Your project is updated to load the .targets file from the Packages folder.

A PackageRestore.proj file is created at the root of your project.

Now when you build your project, the .targets file will be imported from the
Packages folder. As covered in the Package Restore section earlier in this
chapter, a NuGet package that extends the build process needs to be restored
before the build for your solution/project starts. This is where the
PackageRestore.proj file comes into play. If you open the PackageRestore.proj
file, it will look like the following code block:

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="RestorePackages"


Condition="$(SolutionDir) == '' Or $(SolutionDir) == 'Undefined'"

<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\nuget.targets" >


If you did not have Package Restore enabled when the package was installed, you should
enable Package Restore and then manually uninstall and reinstall the SlowCheetah package.
This is a very basic MSBuild file. All it does is define the SolutionDir property
and then import the Nuget.targets file. If this looks familiar, it’s because this is
the same type of edits that are made to your project file when you enable
package restore. The PackageRestore.proj file itself does not do the work of
restoring the packages; this is left to Nuget.targets. In order to restore your
packages, you can execute the command msbuild packageRestore.proj. This
will restore all the packages that your project utilizes. Let’s see how we can
configure Team Build for this scenario.
If you are using Team Build, it is very easy to build the PackageRestore.proj file
before your solution/project is built. When configuring your build definition on
the Process tab, you can select the items that will be built from the Items To
Build list. You can see these items highlighted in Figure 1-13.

Figure 1-13. The Items To Build list on the Process tab.

When you edit the Items To Build list, you should add the PackageRestore.proj
file to the list and make sure that it is at the top of the list (see Figure 1-14).
Figure 1-14. The Items To Build dialog box.

Because the PackageRestore.proj file is at the very top of the list, it will be built
before the other items. Once this project is built, it will restore the necessary
package and the transforms will be executed as expected on your build servers.
That is all you need to enable the transformations to be executed on your build
servers. Now that we have covered SlowCheetah, let’s move on to the next
section where we will do some hands-on experimentation.

This section presents instructions on how to implement and customize some of
the new features in MSBuild 4.5.
How to extend the solution build
One of the most commonly asked questions is “How can I extend the build
process for my solution?” It’s easy to extend the build process for a project, but
extending the solution build is an entirely different thing. It is possible to extend
the solution build process from the command line, but not from within Visual
Studio. The content in this answer relates to command-line builds only.
The .sln file is not an MSBuild file. MSBuild is able to build an .sln file, though.
Because of this, we cannot use the techniques that we’ve already learned to
execute additional targets. Before we get to the specific implementation, let’s
discuss what happens when Msbuild.exe builds an .sln file.
When MSBuild attempts to build an .sln file, it is first converted to an MSBuild
file in memory. That is how MSBuild consumes the solution file. When building
an .sln file at the command prompt, you can have MSBuild write out the
MSBuild version of the .sln file. To do this, create the environment variable
MSBuildEmitSolution and set it to 1. If you set this using the Environment
Variables dialog box, you will need to reopen your command prompt before this
change can take effect. With this environment variable present when you build
an .sln file, two files will be generated in the same folder as the .sln file. Those
two files are named {SolutionName}.sln.metaproj and
{SolutionName}.sln.metaproj.tmp, and they can provide some insight into the
If you open the .metaproj.tmp file, you will see that the contents are roughly as
shown in the next code segment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"



Condition="'$(ImportByWildcardBeforeSolution)' != 'false'
and exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\SolutionFile\
ImportBefore')" >

targets')" >

<!-- Properties/items removed from here -->

Condition="'$(ImportByWildcardBeforeSolution)' != 'false' and



targets')" >

<!-- Targets removed -->


Some irrelevant elements were removed from this code for the sake of space. In
the .metaproj.tmp file, there are two pairs of Import statements: one pair at the
top of the file, which imports MSBuild files before the content in the
.metaproj.tmp file, and another pair at the bottom, which imports MSBuild files
after the content. The difference between importing your MSBuild files before or
after the content is subtle but important. When your file is imported before the
.metaproj.tmp file’s content, that means you will not be able to use any
properties/items that are declared in the .metaproj.tmp file. The advantage of this
approach is that it gives you a chance to set the properties/items first. Typically, I
default to importing my files by using one of the after Import statements. This
way, I can use all the properties and items if needed.
In each pair of Import statements, the first Import uses the
$(MSBuildExtensionsPath) property. The code snippet above the Import
declaration in one case is
On a 64-bit machine, this evaluates to C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\4.0\SolutionFile\ImportAfter\* by default. If there are
any files in this folder, they will be imported into the build process for every .sln
file that is built from the command line using Msbuild.exe. This is a good
solution for build servers, but it’s also a bit heavy-handed. It affects every single
build on that machine. Typically, it’s preferred to have a more targeted solution.
That is where the second Import element is used.
In the previous sample, the Import declaration from the bottom pair imports
The pattern here is that the .targets file is placed in the same folder as the .sln
file and named after .{SolutionName}.sln.targets, where {SolutionName} is the
name of the solution. This is the preferred method to extend the solution build.
Included with the samples is a solution named ExtendSlnBuild.sln. This sample
contains a single project, ClassLibrary.csproj. In the same folder as
ExtendSlnBuild.sln, there is a file called After.ExtendSlnBuild.sln.targets, which
will be picked up and imported into the build process automatically. Let’s take a
look at the contents of that file and then discuss the details. The contents of
After.ExtendSlnBuild.sln.targets are shown in the following code fragment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Project xmlns="">

<Target Name="GenerateCode" BeforeTargets="Build;Rebuild">

<Message Text="***********************************" Importance="high">
<Message Text=" Generate Code " Importance="high">
<Message Text="***********************************" Importance="high">

<Target Name="AnalyzeCode" AfterTargets="Build;Rebuild">

<Message Text="***********************************" Importance="high">
<Message Text=" Analyze Code " Importance="high">
<Message Text="***********************************" Importance="high">


In this MSBuild file, there are two targets: GenerateCode and AnalyzeCode.
They will be executed before and after the solution build process, respectively.
These targets are injected into the build process using the BeforeTargets and
AfterTargets attributes. A solution file will always have the following four




For this example, we want to execute our targets whenever a build is occurring.
You might have noticed in the sample that in the BeforeTargets/AfterTargets, the
value was defined as “Build;Rebuild” instead of simply Build. The solution file
does not attempt to interpret Build and Rebuild; it simply invokes the
appropriate target on each project file. Because of this, when calling Rebuild on
the solution, the Build target is not invoked on it. This is different from the
typical case for project files. When you build the ExtendedSlnBuild.sln file from
the command prompt, the result will be similar to Figure 1-15.

Figure 1-15. The result of building ExtendSlnBuild.sln using Msbuild.exe.

In Figure 1-15, you can see that the GenerateCode target is executed before any
project is built and the AnalyzeCode target is executed after all the projects in
the solution have completed.

How to execute a target only if the project is actually built

In many cases, you may need to run a tool if, and only if, your output is rebuilt.
For example, in a C# project, you might want a target to run only if the C#
compiler is called. In general, this is not a straightforward task with MSBuild.
But there is a special hook that we can use for this specific case. Before
describing this, let’s discuss the typical case and why it is so difficult.
Skipping of targets is handled by incremental building. In Chapter 6 of the
previous edition, “Batching and Incremental Builds,” we covered incremental
building in detail. When a target is executed, if it has inputs and outputs, they
will be examined to see if the target needs to be executed. The check is based on
timestamps. If the timestamps of all the outputs have a later timestamp than the
inputs, then the target will be skipped.
In the following sample, you will find the contents of Inc-build-01.proj:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="CopyFiles"

<FilesToCopy Include="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\*.proj" >

<Target Name="CopyFiles" Inputs="@(FilesToCopy)" Outputs="@(FilesToCopy-

<Copy SourceFiles="@(FilesToCopy)"
(Extension)')" >
<Target Name="AfterCopyFiles" AfterTargets="CopyFiles">
<Message Text="***** AfterCopyFiles target executing">

<Target Name="Clean">
<_FilesToDelete Include="$(OutputFolder)*.proj">
<Delete Files="@(_FilesToDelete)">

In this project file, we have just three targets defined. The CopyFiles target will
copy a set of .proj files to the BuildOutput\IncBuild folder. The files to copy are
placed in the FilesToCopy item list. The CopyFiles target has its inputs and
outputs set up so that the target will be skipped if all the files are up to date. The
AfterCopyFiles target will be executed after the CopyFiles. Let’s take a look at
the behavior when the BuildOutput\IncBuild folder is clean. The result of
invoking Inc-build-01.proj in MSBuild is shown in Figure 1-16.

Figure 1-16. The result of building Inc-build-01.proj when the BuildOutput\IncBuild folder is empty.
Because the files in the BuildOutput\IncBuild directory do not exist, all the
source files will be overwritten. You can see from the result in Figure 1-16 that
the AfterCopyFiles target was successfully executed as expected. Now let’s see
what the result is when we build Inc-build-01.proj a second time. The result is
shown in Figure 1-17.

Figure 1-17. The result of building Inc-build-01.proj again.

In the result, you can see that the CopyFile target was completely skipped, but
the AfterCopyFiles target was not skipped at all. Because the AfterCopyFiles
target does not have any inputs or outputs, it will never be skipped. So how can
we execute AfterCopyFiles only if the CopyFiles target is executed? You might
think that you could copy the inputs and outputs from CopyFiles and paste them
on the AfterCopyFiles target. This doesn’t work because the CopyFiles target
executes before AfterCopyFiles, so all the outputs will be up to date every time
AfterCopyFiles target is ready to execute. Because of that, the target will always
be skipped.
In short, there is no straightforward way to ensure that the AfterCopyFiles target
gets executed only when CopyFiles is. You could manage the inputs and outputs
of the AfterCopyFiles target to achieve this, but there is no built-in support that
we can use for the general case.
So now let’s go back to the original question, which relates specifically to how
Microsoft Visual Basic and C# projects are built. The target that calls the C# or
Visual Basic compiler is CoreCompile, which you can find in the
Microsoft.CSharp.targets file for C# and Microsoft.VisualBasic.targets file for
Visual Basic. If you look at that target carefully, you might notice the following
CallTarget invocation at the end:
<CallTarget Targets="$(TargetsTriggeredByCompilation)"
Condition="'$(TargetsTriggeredByCompilation)' != ''"/>

In this case, CallTarget is being used to invoke the targets in the property
TargetsTriggeredByompilation. In order to have your target executed when your
project artifacts are built, all you need to do is to append your target to this list.
You can find an example of how to accomplish this in
CoreCompileExtension.csproj. The elements added to this file are shown in the
following code fragment:


<Target Name="CustomAfterCompile">
<Message Text="********* CustomAfterCompile executed"

Here, you can see that the CustomAfterCompile target is appended to the
TargetsTriggeredByompilation list. You append to this list instead of simply
overwriting it because other targets may be using this same feature. By using this
technique, if the CoreCompile target is skipped, your target will not be executed
either. Now let’s move on to another sample, which shows how we can inject a
new target into the build process of a project.

How to extend the build process without modifying the

project you are building (target injection)
There are many scenarios where you may need to extend the build process for
several different projects. For example, when you are executing a Release build
on your build server, you may want to run a custom tool on all your source files
before the project is built. How can we extend the build process for projects
when they are executed on your build server, but only for Release builds? In the
previous edition, in Chapter 8, “Practical Applications, Part 1,” we described
how the Microsoft.Common.targets file will import known files automatically, if
they exist. We already have described one way to achieve this goal, but that
solution would affect every build on the build server. We want to be able to have
a bit more control when the file gets imported in this scenario. Two properties
can help us with that.
If you remember from Chapter 8, in Microsoft.Common.targets at the top of the
file, you will find the following Import statement:

<Import Project="$(CustomBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets)"
Condition="'$(CustomBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets)' != '' and

And similarly, at the bottom of the file, you will find the next Import statement:

<Import Project="$(CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets)"
Condition="'$(CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets)' != '' and

From the sample in Chapter 8, we simply placed the file in the default location
for these files. Instead of that, we can simply specify the file path for either
CustomBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets or
CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets. By default, I use
CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets to ensure that all the properties/items of
the project itself are made available to my build script. There may be some cases
where you will need to use the alternate property. Now let’s show how to use this
In the samples, you will find Extend-build-01.proj, the contents of which are
shown in the following code block:

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Demo"


<ProjectsToBuild Include="Samples.Ch01\Samples.Ch01.csproj">
<ProjectsToBuild Include="Samples.Ch01.v2\Samples.Ch01.v2.csproj">
<ProjectsToBuild Include="Samples.Ch01.v4\Samples.Ch01.v4.csproj">

<Target Name="Demo">
<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectsToBuild)"
<Output ItemName="ProjOutputs" TaskParameter="TargetOutputs">

<Message Text="ProjOutputs: @(ProjOutputs)">


In this build script, you can see that we have defined an item called
ProjectsToBuild. This contains a list of C# projects that will be built. We pass
this item list to the MSBuild task so that it can be built. When we do so, we pass
the additional property
build-01-After.proj. Because of this, the file Extend-build-01-After.proj will be
imported automatically into the build process for each of the C# projects. Let’s
look at the contents of that file, shown in the next code snippet:

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"

<Target Name="RunCustomTool" Outputs="@(Compile)">

<Message Text="*** Running custom tool on the following source files. ***"

<Message Text="%(Compile.FullPath)">



This project file is pretty simple. It contains one target declaration, as well as a
PropertyGroup. The target, RunCustomTool, will run the custom tool on all the
source files. In this sample, we just output the full path of the files that will be
compiled. This target gets appended to the targets that will be executed by
prepending it to the BuildDependsOn property. Let’s look at the output when we
execute the command msbuild.exe extend-build-01.proj (see Figure 1-18).

Figure 1-18. The result when building Extend-build-01.proj.

In Figure 1-18, you can see that when each project is built, the RunCustomTool
target is executed before the build process for each individual project. This is
actually really fascinating, and it also can be very useful for build lab scenarios. I
like to call this target injection, as we can literally inject targets (and other
elements) into the build process for a given project without even changing it.
The approach shown here is good, but it has one drawback. It requires that you
create and maintain two different MSBuild files. It would be better if we could
achieve the same thing with a single file. As it turns out, we can; let’s see how to
do that.
In the previous example, we have two different MSBuild files being used:
Extend-build-01.proj, which is the file driving the build process, and Extend-
build-01-after.proj, which is the file containing the elements being injected. We
can basically combine both of these files. Take a look at the contents of the file

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Demo"


<ProjectsToBuild Include="Samples.Ch01\Samples.Ch01.csproj">
<ProjectsToBuild Include="Samples.Ch01.v2\Samples.Ch01.v2.csproj">
<ProjectsToBuild Include="Samples.Ch01.v4\Samples.Ch01.v4.csproj">

<Target Name="Demo">
<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectsToBuild)"

<Output ItemName="ProjOutputs" TaskParameter="TargetOutputs">

<Message Text="ProjOutputs: @(ProjOutputs)">


<!-- This section is the portion which is required to be imported -->

<Target Name="RunCustomTool" Outputs="@(Compile)">
<Message Text="*** Running custom tool on the following source files. ***"

<Message Text="%(Compile.FullPath)">



This project file contains all the elements from both files, and the invocation of
the MSBuild target has been updated to pass in
CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets=$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath)". If
you build this file, you will see that the result is the same as building the Extend-
build-01.proj file. The drawback of having everything in a single file is that
when your target projects get built, you will be importing elements that may be
irrelevant to that build process. For example, the Demo target is imported for
each C# project being built, and it is not always needed. In many cases, this will
not be an issue, but if there is a property/item name collision, that could cause
some conflicts.
In this chapter, we have covered what’s new with MSBuild 4.5 as well as
updates to related technologies. There may not have been a lot of core updates to
the MSBuild engine, but there have been significant updates to how projects are
built. For example, when Visual Studio 2010 was released, NuGet and Project
Compatibility were not available with older Visual Studio versions. Both of
these items have a significant impact on the build process for Visual Studio
solutions. Now that we have covered what’s new in and around MSBuild, let’s
move on to look at the Team Build updates.
Chapter 2. What’s new in Team
Foundation Build 2012

In the first part of this chapter, we’ll look at the new features that are available in
Team Foundation Build 2012, as well as the improvements to Microsoft
Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5 that you can use when customizing or
creating build process templates. In the second part of this chapter, we’ll look at
how to use some of these new features, step by step.

The installation process for Team Foundation Build 2012 is largely unchanged
from Team Foundation Build 2010, but there have been some changes to system
requirements as well as improved support for unattended installation, which
we’ll cover in this section.

System requirements
The system requirements for Team Foundation Build 2012 have not changed
significantly. The hardware requirements are the same, but Team Foundation
Build 2012 now supports the following operating systems:
64-bit version of Windows Server 2008 with SP2 (Standard or Enterprise

64-bit version of Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1 (Standard or Enterprise


64-bit version of Windows Server 2012

32-and 64-bit versions of Windows 7 with SP1 (Home Premium,

Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate edition)
32-and 64-bit versions of Windows 8

This means that Team Foundation Build 2012 is not supported on Windows XP,
Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, or 32-bit versions of Windows Server

Unattended installation
Team Foundation Build 2012 also supports unattended installation by allowing
configuration to be done unattended using the Tfsconfig command-line tool.
There are three steps to performing an unattended installation of Team
Foundation Build 2012:
1. Create an unattended configuration file. A stub configuration file can be
created by running tfsconfig unattend create type:build

2. Perform an unattended installation by running tfs_server.exe /quiet

from the installation media. Because installing Microsoft .NET Framework
4.5 requires a reboot if it’s not already installed, it may be necessary to run
this command, reboot, and then run it again before Team Foundation Build
2012 is fully installed.

3. Perform an unattended configuration by running tfsconfig unattend

configure unattendfile:unattend.ini using the Unattend.ini file
created in step 1.

The Tfsconfig.exe file is located in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Team Foundation Server
11.0\Tools once Team Foundation Build 2012 has been installed.

In the Team Foundation Build 2012 cookbook section later in this chapter, we’ll
look at how to implement a common unattended installation scenario in more
Team Foundation Service
Perhaps the biggest change in Team Foundation Build 2012 is one that isn’t
technically part of Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 or Team Foundation Server
2012—the introduction of Team Foundation Service.
The Team Foundation Service is a cloud-based version of Team Foundation
Server, which allows you to use Team Foundation Server in a matter of minutes,
without having to set up your own infrastructure. A Free Plan is available, which
supports up to five users with an unlimited number of team projects. It also
supports a wide variety of the features available in the on-premise Team
Foundation Server, including the following:
Version control (including Git support)

Work item tracking

Agile planning tools

Build (currently in “preview”)

Test management (currently in “preview”)

Currently, the Build service is in “preview,” which means it can be used without
charge. According to the service’s pricing page, when the feature exits this
“preview” mode, a certain number of builds will be available for free each
month (if you’re on the Free Plan), and builds beyond that will incur an
additional charge.
The Team Foundation Service supports both on-premise build controllers and
agents (where they’re hosted on your hardware and network) and a single build
controller/agent (per account) hosted in the cloud. To use the hosted build
controller/agent, simply select Hosted Build Controller from the Build Defaults
tab of the New Build Definition dialog box, as shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1. Selecting the Hosted Build Controller.

On this tab, you may also notice a new option for the drop location (now called
Staging Location) that allows you to put the build outputs into version control.
This option is available only for build definitions on the Team Foundation
Service and is very important because the Team Foundation Service does not
have access to a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to drop the build
outputs. This path needs to be placed under the drop’s folder at the root of each
team project, and a subdirectory will be created automatically under the selected
path based on the build definition’s name. If you choose to delete drops as part
of your retention policy, the drop’s folder in version control will be destroyed so
that that space can be reclaimed by the database.
Each time you build using the Hosted Build Controller, you’ll notice a short
delay before the build begins. This delay is because the build controller/agent is
reimaged automatically before each build.
The Hosted Build Controller is a single machine per each account, so it will be
shared across all the team projects and build definitions in that account. It is the
quickest and easiest way to start using builds in the Team Foundation Service,
but it does have a number of limitations that may affect its suitability for your
purposes. This machine will run only a single build at a time, which may be a
problem if you have a large number of build definitions or need to process a
large number of builds.
If you determine that the Hosted Build Controller won’t meet your needs, then
you can use on-premise build controllers/agents, which is discussed in the Team
Foundation Build 2012 cookbook section of this chapter. Some of the limitations
of the Hosted Build Controller are
The build process does not run with administrative privileges on the build

The build controller/agent may not have the software installed that your build
process requires. A list of the software installed on the build controller/agent
is available at

The most significant limitation is that the Hosted Build Controller cannot
build Windows Store applications.

Because the build process does not run with administrative privileges, you
can’t install software as part of the build process template to work around this
limitation. However, you can use software that can be XCopy-deployed
(including NuGet packages).

The build controller/agent has 1 GB of free space for source code,

intermediate outputs, and build outputs.

The build process is limited to a maximum execution time of 1 hour.

The build controller/agent does not run interactively, so it cannot run tests
that require an interactive session (such as Coded UI tests).

You do not have the capability to log on to the build controller/agent

machine, which may affect your ability to debug custom build process

You can still customize build process templates in the Team Foundation Service,
just as you can for Team Foundation Server. However, you need to keep these
limitations in mind to ensure that your customizations work in the hosted
environment. You can detect programmatically whether you’re running in the
Team Foundation Service by using the IsVirtual property of IBuildServiceHost,
which is accessible using the ServiceHost property from either IBuildController
or IBuildAgent.

User interface (UI) enhancements

This section covers the user interface (UI) enhancements that are in Visual
Studio 2012 and Team Foundation Server 2012 Web Access, including the
significant update to Team Explorer.

Team Explorer
Visual Studio 2012 includes a significant update of the Team Explorer user
interface, which is now streamlined to make common tasks easier to complete
and to provide “at-a-glance” information within Team Explorer itself. The
hierarchical tree that had been in previous versions is now replaced with a series
of pages that focus on specific tasks. Figure 2-2 shows the Builds page of Team
Explorer, which replaces the Builds tree node from Visual Studio 2010.

Figure 2-2. Builds page of Team Explorer.

My Builds
The My Builds section (see Figure 2-3) automatically shows your six most
recent builds, which allows you to see at a glance the outcome of recent builds
that you’ve triggered. Double-clicking a build takes you to that build’s details,
and right-clicking it allows you to take actions quickly, such as retaining a build,
retrying a failed build, or reconciling your workspace after a gated checkin. You
can also click Actions and My Builds to open Build Explorer in a form that is
filtered based on builds you queued.

Figure 2-3. My Builds section in Team Explorer.

All Build Definitions

The All Build Definitions section provides a number of improvements from the
Builds tree view that was available in Visual Studio 2010.
Teams with a large number of build definitions will appreciate that Build
Explorer now has the ability to filter the list of build definitions, as shown in
Figure 2-4. As you type in the Search box (signified by the magnifying glass
icon), the list of build definitions will be filtered to ones whose names contain
the search text.

Figure 2-4. Build definition search.

Each build definition now has an icon that provides two pieces of information
about it: what type of trigger it uses, and an overlay that indicates whether it is
paused or disabled. Figure 2-5 shows a build definition of each trigger type,
along with its associated icon and information on its status (Batched, Paused,
Disabled, and so on).

Figure 2-5. Trigger icons for build definitions.

One feature that at first appears to be missing from Visual Studio 2012 is the
ability to double-click All Definitions to view the whole build queue. However,
you can still get to this view by clicking Actions and then Manage Queue.

You can mark a build definition as a favorite by right-clicking it in Team
Explorer and choosing Add To Favorites. You’ll then see the build definition
listed in the My Favorite Build Definitions section, as shown in Figure 2-6, with
a summary of the most recent build that completed and a histogram showing the
last nine builds for that build definition. Pausing over the definition will give you
a summary of the definition, including what trigger it uses, whether it’s enabled
or not, and information about the most recent build. It is also possible to make a
build definition a Team Favorite, but this can be done only from Web Access.

Visual Studio 2012 supports extending Team Explorer by adding new pages and
adding sections to existing pages. In the Team Foundation Build 2012 cookbook
section of this chapter, we’ll show you an example of extending the Builds page
with new functionality.

Queue details
In Visual Studio 2010, you couldn’t double-click a queued build to view details
about it; but in Visual Studio 2012, when you double-click a queued build
(technically a build request), you see the Build Request window, shown in
Figure 2-7. This window provides information about how many requests are
queued for the build controller, as well as the build definition that this build
request is for, the position of this specific request in the queue, and the average
wait time in the queue and build time based on previous builds. In addition, the
Build Request window warns you if the build definition has been paused.

Figure 2-6. Favorite build definitions in Team Explorer.

Figure 2-7. Queue details in the Build Request window.

Web Access
One of the side effects of the introduction of the Team Foundation Service is that
web access in Team Foundation Server 2012 has become more feature-rich. The
home page for a team (see Figure 2-8) shows a tile for each build definition that
has been marked as a Team Favorite. This tile shows the same histogram that is
shown in Team Explorer, and although pausing over the bars of the histogram
will show you information about each of the builds, clicking an individual bar
won’t take you to that build’s details as it does in Team Explorer. Rather,
clicking anywhere inside the time will take you to Build Explorer and show you
recently completed builds for that build definition.
Figure 2-8. Team Favorites in Web Access.

Now you can also queue builds from within Web Access by clicking the Queue
Build link on the Build Explorer page. You can specify basic settings when
queuing the build, as shown in Figure 2-9, but you can’t specify values for any
custom parameters, which may limit the usefulness of this feature.
Figure 2-9. The Queue Build dialog box in Web Access.

Visual Studio Test Runner

Visual Studio 2010 was limited to running MSTest-based unit tests, but Visual
Studio 2012 now supports third-party unit testing frameworks, and this support
extends to Team Build 2012. Individual unit testing frameworks may have their
own installation and configuration steps, but at a high level, the process for using
a third-party unit testing framework is as follows:
1. Install the unit test framework’s Visual Studio extension on the developer’s
machines to install the necessary test assemblies and provide integration
with Test Explorer.

2. Check the unit test framework’s assemblies into your build controller’s
custom assemblies location to allow the tests to be run automatically as
part of the build.
3. Modify the build definition to use the Visual Studio Test Runner, as shown
in Figure 2-10. To get to this dialog box, click the Process tab in the build
definition, click the Automated Tests parameter in the Basic category, and
then click the ellipsis button that appears.
Figure 2-10. Selecting the Visual Studio Test Runner.
When upgrading from Team Foundation Server 2010 to Team Foundation Server 2012, the
build definitions will default to using the MSTest.exe Test Runner or the MSTest Test
Metadata File Test Runner, each of which provides backward compatibility with Team
Foundation Server 2010.

Pausing build definitions

In Team Build 2010, build definitions could have only two statuses: enabled or
disabled. Team Build 2012 introduces a new Paused status for build definitions,
as shown in Figure 2-11.

Figure 2-11. Paused queue status.

When a build definition is disabled, manual builds can’t be queued; scheduled,

rolling, and continuous integration builds won’t be queued; and checkins that
normally would be gated by the definition will be checked in directly.
When a definition is paused, builds will be queued as if the definition is enabled,
but they won’t be processed until either the build definition is enabled or the
build is forced to start by an administrator. Builds can be forced to start by right-
clicking the paused build in Build Explorer and choosing Start Now.
Being able to pause definitions can be valuable when you have a high
throughput of checkins and need to make potentially destabilizing changes to the
branch. For example, here’s how you could use the Pause Definition feature to
take an integration into a branch while minimizing the disruption to other
developers that are submitting changes:
1. Pause the build definition that covers the branch.

2. Perform the integration and submit it to gated checkin. It will be queued

but not processed, like any other checkin.

3. Right-click the build for the integration and choose Start Now.

4. If the build succeeds, enable the build definition, which will allow the
other queued builds to be processed.

5. If the build doesn’t succeed, submit checkins to fix the issues and force
them through using Start Now. Once all the issues have been resolved,
unpause the build definition.

For teams with a high volume of checkins or long running builds, adopting gated
checkin can result in throughput that doesn’t keep up with demand. Team Build
2012 introduces the concept of batching, which will group multiple gated
checkins into a single build in an attempt to build them together. If this succeeds,
all the changesets will be checked in; otherwise, the checkins will be retried
individually as separate builds.
Batching is enabled by checking the Merge And Build Up To X Submissions
check box on the build definition’s Trigger tab (see Figure 2-12) and entering the
maximum number of submissions that can be in each batch.
Figure 2-12. Enabling batching when editing a build definition.

Batching too many builds together can increase the chance of merge conflicts and build and
test failures, which can result in decreased throughput. Therefore, you need to experiment to
determine the optimal batch size for your build definitions.

Batching is based on a new concept in Team Build 2012 called requests.

Anytime a build is needed, it starts as a request. If the trigger does not support
batching, then each request will trigger a single build. However, if the trigger
does support batching, then a build may include multiple requests. Figure 2-13
displays a batched gated checkin build that includes two requests.
Figure 2-13. Build Explorer showing a successful build containing two requests.

If the build succeeds, then these requests have now been completed. However, if
the build fails, those requests can be pushed back into the queue and trigger
additional builds. This means that a build can include multiple requests, but also
that a request may be part of multiple builds. In Figure 2-14, you can see a
request that is included as part of multiple builds.
Figure 2-14. Build Explorer showing a failed build containing two requests.

In Figure 2-14, you can also see a second batching behavior. The build
20120516.8 contains two requests: one that contained a change that would
compile successfully (Build Request 13) and one that wouldn’t (Build Request
14). This build failed because of a compilation error, but the
DefaultProcessTemplate then queued the requests to be retried individually. The
retries subsequently became builds 20120516.9 (which contained Build Request
13) and 20120516.10 (which contained Build Request 14). Because Build
Request 13 compiled successfully by itself, it was committed; but Build Request
14 still failed to compile, so it was rejected (and not retried again).
You can also determine what requests make up a build and what builds a request
was part of using the Team Build application programming interface (API). The
IBuildDetail interface has a new property called Requests, which returns a
readonly collection of IQueuedBuild instances that initiated the build. You can
also determine the builds that a request was a part of during its lifetime using the
Builds property on IQueuedBuild.
This default behavior provides the best of both worlds because changes that
batch together successfully will provide high throughput. When the batch fails to
build successfully, though, the individual requests will be built individually,
providing additional feedback about the cause of the failure and allowing valid
requests to still be committed. This behavior exists during the sync, build, and
test phases of the build process, although during sync, because it’s possible to
determine the specific requests that caused the failure, only the requests that
failed to unshelve will be retried, and the rest will continue to build.
Besides batching, there are other ways in which a request may be associated with
multiple builds. If you retry a build (as described in the User interface (UI)
enhancements section earlier in this chapter), the requests in that build will be
associated with the new build. If a build controller loses connectivity with the
Team Foundation Server, any builds that it runs will be retried automatically,
causing the requests in those builds to be associated with multiple builds.
The logic that accepts, rejects, or retries requests is driven by activities called
from the workflow, which enables you to add batching support to your custom
build process templates or modify the default batching logic in the out-of-the-
box template.

Team Build 2012 introduces two new features to help debug build and
infrastructure issues. The first, diagnostic logging, makes diagnostic logs
available regardless of the logging verbosity shown in the build log; and the
second is Operational and Analytic logs on the build controllers and agents

Diagnostic logging
Diagnostic logging is one of the most useful tools when debugging build process
template issues because it includes the inputs and outputs for each activity, as
well as including activities that have been configured to log only at higher
verbosity levels. In Team Build 2010, you enabled diagnostic logging by setting
the Logging Verbosity option to Diagnostic in the build definition, or when
queuing the build, which would increase the verbosity shown in Visual Studio
when opening the build.
In previous versions of Team Build, it wasn’t practical to leave diagnostic
logging on because it made the build log harder to read, decreased the
performance of viewing it, and increased the size of the TFS database
unnecessarily. This meant that diagnostic logs were usually turned off, and as a
result, they were rarely available when you needed them, so you would have to
enable them temporarily, try to reproduce the issue (which may be time
consuming or impossible), and then disable them again.
In Team Build 2012, diagnostic logs are copied to the build’s drop location in
XML format regardless of the logging verbosity configured in the build
definition or at queue time. Because these logs are always there, it is
significantly easier to investigate intermittent issues, and because they’re not
stored in the TFS database, they don’t have an impact on the size of the database
or the performance of viewing the build log in Visual Studio.
These diagnostic logs are dropped automatically by the build controller and
agents when either the build completes (for the build controller) or the
AgentScope exits (for the build agents). These logs are dropped to the Logs
subdirectory, and you’ll find a separate XML log file for the build controller and
for each build agent involved in the build, as well as an Extensible Stylesheet
Language (XSL) transform that will format the XML files for viewing. (See
Figure 2-15 for an example of this.) To view the formatted XML files, simply
open them with Windows Internet Explorer, and the XSL transformation will be
applied automatically, as shown in Figure 2-16.

Figure 2-15. Diagnostic log XML files and stylesheet dropped for a build.

For long-running builds, you may want to access the diagnostic logs while the
build is still running. You can do this by selecting Diagnostics and then Request
Logs from the build log, as shown in Figure 2-17. When you do this, the
intermediate logs will be copied to a Logs\Intermediate\<Timestamp> directory
within the build’s drop location. You can select Diagnostics and then View Logs
to view the most recent intermediate diagnostic logs, or you can select the
specific set of intermediate logs you’d like to view if you’ve requested them
multiple times during the build. On the build controller and build agent, these
logs are temporarily written to %Temp%\<BuildController|BuildAgent>\

Figure 2-16. ActivityLog.xml opened in Internet Explorer, showing the stylesheet applied automatically.

Figure 2-17. Requesting intermediate diagnostic logs.

Because the diagnostic logs are copied to the drop, they’ll be available only if
the build definition specifies a drop location on the Build Defaults tab (this is
also required to request intermediate logs). If you’re creating a custom build
process template, then you also need to call the SetBuildProperties activity to set
the drop location for the build.

Operational and Analytic logs

While diagnostic logs are useful for diagnosing build failures caused by the way
the build definition is configured or by customizations that have been made to
the build process template, they’re of limited use in diagnosing infrastructure
and connectivity issues. This is where the Operational and Analytic logs are
The Operational log is low volume; it includes only events critical to the
service’s lifetime, such as starting the service, losing connectivity (and its
subsequent return), and stopping the service. This log is enabled by default and
is accessed in Event Viewer by selecting Applications And Services Logs,
Microsoft, Team Foundation Server, BuildServices, and Operational, as shown
in Figure 2-18.

Figure 2-18. The Operational log in Event Viewer.

The Analytic log is very detailed; it includes all events in the service’s lifetime,
as well as events in each build’s lifetime, such as agent reservations, workflow
execution, and communications. This log is disabled by default and is accessed
in Event Viewer by selecting Applications And Services Logs, Microsoft, Team
Foundation Server, BuildServices, and Analytic. Event Viewer hides debug and
analytic logs by default, so to view this log, you’ll need to select Show Analytic
And Debug Logs from the View menu in Event Viewer. To enable the log, right-
click it in Event Viewer and choose Enable Log.
The Analytic log is limited to 20 MB by default and, unlike other event logs,
newer events will be discarded when the size limit is reached. You can change
this behavior by right-clicking the log, choosing Properties, and then choosing
Overwrite Events As Needed. However, if you do this, you’ll no longer be able
to view the log. To view the events that have been logged, you need to disable
the log first.
Analytic and debug logs are more difficult to navigate in Event Viewer than
other log files because you can only page forward through them. To make the
Analytic log easier to work with, you can export it to a file by right-clicking the
log and choosing Save All Events As.

Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5

Team Build 2012 is based on Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5 (rather than
Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0, which was used in Team Build 2010). This
means that this release also includes a number of improvements to the Workflow
Designer and Workflow Runtime. In this section, we’ll cover some of the
improvements that affect Team Build 2012.

For a more comprehensive list of Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5 changes, visit
Workflow Designer
This release brings a number of features to the Workflow Designer that
drastically improve the productivity of working with the build process templates
in Team Build.

Quick Find and Find In Files

Visual Studio 2010 didn’t support finding content in workflow files particularly
well, which made working with large workflows or projects with a large number
of custom activities difficult. In Visual Studio 2012, this functionality is now
supported by Quick Find and Find In Files.
The first improvement is Quick Find, which is invoked by pressing Ctrl+F from
within the Workflow Designer. When doing a search in the current document, it
will match workflow arguments and variables, as well as activity properties and
arguments (including their display names). In Figure 2-19, you can see the result
of doing a Quick Find in a build process template (especially the tooltip, which
describes where the match was found).
Figure 2-19. Performing a Quick Find in a build process template.

Visual Studio 2012 also includes improvements to Find In Files. When you
double-click a search result, it will open the associated Extensible Application
Markup Language (XAML) file and automatically navigate to the location of the
search result within that workflow.

Outline view
Navigating around a large workflow in Visual Studio 2010, you either needed to
expand the entire workflow and browse it that way, or search for the correct
hierarchy to expand to find what you want. In either case, you were slowed
down by the Workflow Designer repainting as you navigated around the
interface. While the find improvements help somewhat, that’s only if you know
what you’re looking for.
Visual Studio 2012 now supports the document outline view (which was
available previously for other hierarchical files such as HTML) for workflow
files. You can open this view by clicking View, Other Windows, and Document
Outline. In Figure 2-20, you can see the document outline for the
DefaultProcessTemplate build process template. Note that when you click an
activity in the document outline, it will take the Workflow Designer to the
location of that activity and select it.

Figure 2-20. The document outline view of the DefaultProcessTemplate build process template.

Auto-Surround with Sequence

Most activities which have children (such as If, While, and Parallel) only
support a single child activity. This isn’t as much of a limitation as it seems
because that single child activity can be a Sequence, which can contain multiple
children. However, it can make using the Workflow Designer in Visual Studio
2010 frustrating.
For example, if you had an If activity that you only wanted to execute for a
single activity, you’d just drag that activity in. But if you decided later that you
wanted to add a second activity, you’d need to remove that activity, replace it
with a sequence, add the original activity back in, and then add your new
The Workflow Designer in Visual Studio 2012 includes a new feature called
Auto-Surround With Sequence. With this feature, if you drag an activity to a
location that supports only a single activity and there’s already an activity in that
location, the Workflow Designer will surround them both with a new Sequence
activity automatically.

Clear and concise comments that describe intent improve the understandability
of code and, because workflows are essentially graphical code, they’d benefit
just as much from containing comments. In Visual Studio 2010, there were a
couple of workarounds that allowed you to do this: either adding XML
comments to the XAML itself (which wouldn’t be visible in the Workflow
Designer), or adding such comments as the DisplayName to activities that don’t
have any behavior, such as sequences (which adds noise to the workflow’s
structure). Both of these approaches have their drawbacks.
Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5 adds a first-class commenting feature called
annotations. You can add an annotation to any activity by right-clicking it,
clicking Annotations, and then clicking Add Annotation. Figure 2-21 shows an
activity which has had an annotation applied to it.
Figure 2-21. Workflow activity with an annotation applied.

Workflow Runtime
Because Team Build is its own workflow host, the majority of improvements to
the Workflow Runtime don’t apply to the Team Build environment. There is one
improvement worth discussing, however, and that is support for C# expressions.

C# Expressions
One of the most anticipated features of Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5 is
support for C# expressions. Unfortunately, Team Build 2012 does not fully
support this feature. The build process templates themselves are still restricted to
using Microsoft Visual Basic expressions because they do not get compiled. If
you try to deploy a build process template that uses C# expressions, you’ll see a
Custom activity libraries, which get deployed as a compiled assembly, can fully
use C# expressions and can be consumed by the build process template without
any problems. Note that you can’t mix and match activities that use different
expression languages in the same assembly, so if you have existing assemblies in
your custom activities, you’ll either need to fully convert the existing activities
to use C# expressions or put your C# activities in a separate assembly.

Team Foundation Build 2012 cookbook

In this section, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement and
customize some of the new features in Team Foundation Build 2012, as well as
address common questions and problems that people have encountered when
using Team Foundation Build.

Unattended installation and configuration

The most common unattended installation scenario is providing a new build
agent and adding it to an existing build controller, so that’s the situation we’re
going to show you. To perform these steps, you’ll need a machine that already
has a Team Foundation Server 2012 installation on it, which can be either the
server itself or an existing build controller or agent.
The first task is to generate a configuration file for the unattended installation,
which is done by performing the following steps:
1. Open a command prompt in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Team Foundation
Server 11.0\Tools.

2. Run tfsconfig.exe unattend create type:build

/unattendfile:”%Temp%\Unattendbuild.xml” to create a stub
configuration file. You can replace %Temp%\Unattendbuild.xml with the
location and file name of your choice.

3. Edit %Temp%\Unattendbuild.xml (or whatever file you are working with)

using the text editor of your choice. The stub configuration file assumes
that you’re setting up a new controller and agents, so you’ll need to make a
few changes to implement this scenario.
4. Change ConfigurationType from create to scale, which causes agents to be
added to an existing controller rather than creating a new one.

5. Verify that the AgentCount setting is the number of agents you want
created on each machine that you perform the unattended installation on.

6. Rename the NewControllerName setting to ExistingControllerName and

change its value to the name of the controller you want the agents to be
added to. This is the name of the controller as it’s shown in the Manage
Build Controllers dialog box in Figure 2-22, not the machine name.

Figure 2-22. The Manage Build Controllers dialog box showing the controller name.

7. Verify that the CollectionUrl setting is correct. If you generated the stub
configuration file from a machine that is already connected to the correct
Team Project Collection, then this should already be correct.

8. Specify the credentials that the Team Build service will run with in the
ServiceAccountName and ServiceAccountPassword settings. Depending
on how your Team Foundation Server is configured, you can either use a
built-in account (for example, NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE)
or a domain account.
9. Save the file and copy it to a location that is available from the build
machines you want to configure. In this example, we’ll assume that the file
was copied to the same location (%Temp%\Unattendbuild.xml, or the file
name you chose to work with) on the machine being configured. The
resulting file for this example is


Assembly=Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Admin, Version=, Culture=neutral,


; You can submit information about your Team Foundation Server configuration
and administration
experience to Microsoft.

; The type of build configuration to perform. 'Create' creates and agent and
'Scale' adds agents to new or existing controller, 'Replace' replaces a host,
controller and/or
agents, and 'HostOnly' just creates a service host

; The number of build agents to configure


; The name of the new build controller. This is typically the machine name
that the controller
runs on.
ExistingControllerName=VSALM - Controller

; Determines whether to clean up old build controllers and agents when

configuring new ones

; The collection Url the build service will be configured for.


; Boolean to determine whether the account is a built-in account


; Account that the build Windows service will run as. On a domain joined
machine, this can be
a domain account or NT Authority\Network Service. On a workgroup machine, it
can be a local
account or NT Authority\Local Service

; Port that the TFS web site binds to. The port must be an integer greater
than 0 and less than

; The maximum number of concurrent builds that the controller will create.

Next, perform the unattended installation to put the Team Foundation Server
2012 binaries on the build machine by running tfs_server.exe /quiet from
the installation media. As mentioned earlier in the chapter, if the machine
doesn’t already have .NET Framework 4.5 on it the first time you run this
command, it will install only the prerequisites (including .NET Framework 4.5)
and then exit. You then need to reboot the machine and rerun this command to
install the Team Foundation Server 2012 binaries.
At this point, the Team Foundation Server 2012 binaries are on the machine, but
it hasn’t been configured as a build agent. That is where the unattended
configuration file that we created earlier comes in. To configure the machine as a
build agent, run this code:

"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 11.0\Tools\tfsconfig.exe" unattend


If you’d like to verify the configuration before applying it, you can run the
following command, but this needs to be done on a machine that hasn’t already
been configured:

"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 11.0\Tools\tfsconfig.exe" unattend

unattendfile:"%temp%\unattendfile.xml" /verify

Connect on-premise build machines to the Team

Foundation Service
While the easiest way to get up and running with builds on the Team Foundation
Service is to use the hosted build controller/agent (and it’s also the easiest one to
maintain), there are some limitations to this configuration, which we discussed
earlier in this chapter. If those limitations don’t apply to your requirements, then
rest assured that you can use on-premise build machines with the Team
Foundation Service. In this section, we’ll describe how to configure this.
1. On the build machine, install the Team Foundation Server 2012 binaries by
running Tfs_server.exe from the installation media and following the
installation steps.

2. After the installation completes, the Team Foundation Server

Configuration Center (shown here) opens. Select Configure Team
Foundation Build Service and click Start Wizard to configure the machine
as a build controller and/or agent.

3. Click Next on the Welcome To The Build Service Configuration Wizard

4. On the Select A Team Project Collection page, click Browse. In the
Connect To Team Project Collection dialog box, click Servers, and then
click Add.

5. In the Add Team Foundation Server dialog box, shown here, enter the URL
of your Team Foundation Service account and click OK.

6. You’ll now be prompted to authenticate your Team Foundation Service

account, as shown here. The credentials that you enter will be used by
Team Build whenever it needs to authenticate.
7. Click Close from the Add/Remove Team Foundation Server dialog box and
then select the Team Project Collection you want to connect Team Build to.
Click Connect, and then click Next.

8. If you’d like to configure this build machine as a build controller or a build

controller and some number of build agents, then, on the Build Services
page (shown here), choose the Use The Default Setting option and then
select the number of build agents you’d like to run on the build machine (if
you want the build machine to be just a build controller, select 0). For other
scenarios (such as adding build agents to an existing build controller),
select Configure Later. Click Next to continue.

9. On the Configure Build Machine page (shown here), enter the credentials
you want to run the Team Build service as. Unlike when configuring Team
Build for an on-premise Team Foundation Server, these credentials won’t
be used to connect to the Team Foundation Service. However, because the
service runs under these credentials, they will affect access to local or
network resources (such as the drop location) and, depending on the
corporate network configuration, may also affect the service’s ability to
connect to the Internet (and therefore the Team Foundation Service). Click
Next to continue.

10. Review the configuration and click Next.

11. The wizard will now run the readiness checks, as shown here. If there are
issues, you need to resolve them before you can complete the
12. Finally, click Configure, and the configuration settings will be applied.

Extending Team Explorer

In this example, we’re going to demonstrate adding a section to the existing
Builds page of Team Explorer that shows some basic Team Build statistics.

For a broader overview of extending Team Explorer in Visual Studio 2012, visit Chad Boles’s
sample on the Visual Studio Developer Center at

To extend Team Explorer, you first need to install the Visual Studio 2012
software development kit (SDK), which can be downloaded from Once this is
done, you can proceed.
Start by creating a new project using the Visual Studio Package template in the
Extensibility category of the language of your choice, as shown in Figure 2-23
(this example uses Microsoft Visual C#).

Figure 2-23. The New Project dialog box for a Visual Studio Package.

This will start the Visual Studio Package Wizard. For this example, you can
accept the defaults on each page of the wizard, although in a real-life scenario,
you should enter information to identify your package on the Basic VSPackage
Information page of the wizard (shown in Figure 2-24).
Figure 2-24. The Basic VSPackage Information page of the Visual Studio Package Wizard.

In the generated package project, add references to version of the

following assemblies:
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client (contains the Team Build API)

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client (contains the core Team Foundation Server


Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Controls (contains the Team Explorer API)

Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.Build from
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio
11.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies (contains the Team Build Visual
Studio integration API)

System.ComponentModel.Composition (contains the Managed Extensibility

Framework, which is used to discover extensions)

The first thing to do once the project is created is modify the Visual Studio
Extension (VSIX) manifest to specify that this project should be installed as a
Managed Extensibility Framework component. To do this, perform the following
1. Double-click source.extension.vsixmanifest in Solution Explorer.

2. Click the Assets tab.

3. Click New to add a new asset to the manifest.

4. From the Type drop-down list, select


5. From the Source drop-down list, select A Project In Current Solution.

6. From the Project drop-down list, select the project that contained
source.extension.vsixmanifest. At this point, the dialog box should look
like this:
7. Click OK.

8. Save the manifest and close it.

We’re now going to add a class to the Visual Studio package that represents our
new Builds page section. Right-click the project; choose Add, Class; name the
new class BuildStatisticsSection; and change its accessibility to public. You
should end up with a class that looks like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Company.BuildStatisticsSample
public class BuildStatisticsSection

Next, we’ll add the following namespace imports that we’ll need:





Team Explorer uses attributes to discover page and section extensions. Next,
we’re going to apply the TeamExplorerSection attribute to our new class so that
Team Explorer can discover it. This attribute takes the following three
An ID for the section. This should be a GUID that is unique to your custom
section (that is, if you create multiple sections, they should not share the same

The ID of the page you want the section to appear on. This is another
GUID that identifies which Team Explorer page the section is a part of. The
IDs for the built-in pages are available from

The priority of the section within that page. This is an Int32 value that
represents how the section should be sorted within the page, Team Explorer
will show the sections in order of priority, so you can use this value to add
your section at a specific location within the page.

We also need to implement the ITeamExplorerSection interface and property

change notification so we can participate in the page’s life cycle and expose the
content that we want to display. Here’s what the class now looks like (with
changes shown in bold):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Controls;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.Build;

namespace Company.BuildStatisticsSample
public class BuildStatisticsSection : ITeamExplorerSection
public BuildStatisticsSection()
Title = "Build Statistics";
IsExpanded = true;
IsVisible = true;
IsBusy = false;
public void Cancel()

public object GetExtensibilityService(Type serviceType)

return null;

private IServiceProvider m_ServiceProvider;

public void Initialize(object sender, SectionInitializeEventArgs e)
m_ServiceProvider = e.ServiceProvider;

private bool m_IsBusy;

public bool IsBusy
get { return m_IsBusy; }
private set { m_IsBusy = value; OnPropertyChanged("IsBusy"); }

private bool m_IsExpanded;

public bool IsExpanded
get { return m_IsExpanded; }
set { m_IsExpanded = value; OnPropertyChanged("IsExpanded"); }

private bool m_IsVisible;

public bool IsVisible
get { return m_IsVisible; }
set { m_IsVisible = value; OnPropertyChanged("IsVisible"); }

public void Loaded(object sender, SectionLoadedEventArgs e)


public void Refresh()


public void SaveContext(object sender, SectionSaveContextEventArgs e)


public object SectionContent

get { return null; }

private string m_Title;

public string Title
get { return m_Title; }
private set { m_Title = value; OnPropertyChanged("Title"); }

public void Dispose()


public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

At this point, if you debug the package (by clicking Debug, Start Debugging), it
will start an experimental instance of Visual Studio; and if you connect to a
Team Foundation Server and switch to the Builds page in Team Explorer, you’ll
see your new section, as shown in Figure 2-25.
Figure 2-25. A custom section in Team Explorer.

Stop debugging (by closing the experimental instance of Visual Studio), and now
we’ll add some static content to this section. To do this, create a user control that
will contain our content as follows:
1. Right-click the project and choose Add, User Control. Name the user
control BuildStatisticsSectionView and click Add.

2. Add a TextBlock with the text “Hello World” as a child of the Grid
element, so that the XAML now looks like this:

d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<TextBlock Text="Hello World" />

3. Finally, modify the BuildStatisticsSection class by implementing the

SectionContent property, adding a strongly typed wrapper property named
View, and initializing the SectionContent property in the constructor:

public BuildStatisticsSection()
Title = "Build Statistics";
IsExpanded = true;
IsVisible = true;
IsBusy = false;
SectionContent = new BuildStatisticsSectionView();

private object m_View;

public object SectionContent
get { return m_View; }
private set { m_View = value; OnPropertyChanged("SectionContent"); }

public BuildStatisticsSectionView View

get { return SectionContent as BuildStatisticsSectionView; }

Now if you start debugging again and switch to the Builds page in Team
Explorer, you’ll see that the section now contains the static content you added, as
shown in Figure 2-26.

Figure 2-26. The custom section in Team Explorer showing static content.

Stop debugging again, and now we’ll modify the section to display some
dynamic content instead of the static content. Do this by performing the
following steps:
1. Open the BuildStatisticsSectionView user control code-behind file (by
right-clicking it and choosing View Code).

2. Modify the constructor to set DataContext to the current class. It should

look like this:

public BuildStatisticsSectionView()
DataContext = this;

3. Add a dependency property that we can use to pass information into this
view. For this example, we’re going to add an integer that represents the
number of builds that have completed in the last hour:

public int RecentlyCompletedBuildCount

get { return (int)GetValue(RecentlyCompletedBuildCountProperty); }
set { SetValue(RecentlyCompletedBuildCountProperty, value); }

public static readonly DependencyProperty RecentlyCompletedBuildCountProperty

DependencyProperty.Register("RecentlyCompletedBuildCount", typeof(int),
typeof(BuildStatisticsSectionView), new PropertyMetadata(0));

4. Switch to the design view by right-clicking the file in Solution Explorer

and clicking View Designer.

5. Replace the Hello World TextBlock added earlier with the following code:

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="0,0,4,0">Recently Completed
<TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Top" Text="{Binding
RecentlyCompletedBuildCount}" />

6. Save and close the BuildStatisticsSectionView.xaml file and open the

BuildStatisticsSection class so we can implement the business logic to
update the view.

7. Modify Initialize to call the Refresh method so that a refresh will be forced
when the Initialize method is called by Team Explorer:

public void Initialize(object sender, SectionInitializeEventArgs e)

m_ServiceProvider = e.ServiceProvider;

8. Add an asynchronous method to perform a refresh. In this example, we’re

querying the current team project (determined using the
ITeamFoundationContextManager service) to find how many builds have
completed in the last hour, and then passing that count to the dependency
property on the view that was created earlier:

public async Task RefreshAsync()

IsBusy = true;

var contextManager =
var buildService =
var buildServer = buildService.BuildServer;

var buildDetailSpec = buildServer.CreateBuildDetailSpec(

buildDetailSpec.Status = BuildStatus.All ^
BuildStatus.InProgress ^ BuildStatus.NotStarted; //Only
completed builds
buildDetailSpec.MinFinishTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1);

//Performance optimizations
buildDetailSpec.InformationTypes = new string[] { };
buildDetailSpec.QueryOptions = QueryOptions.None;

IBuildQueryResult buildQueryResult = null;

await Task.Run(() =>
buildQueryResult = buildServer.QueryBuilds(buildDetailSpec);

View.RecentlyCompletedBuildCount = buildQueryResult.Builds.Length;
IsBusy = false;

9. Modify the implementation of ITeamExplorerSection.Refresh to call the

RefreshAsync method:

public async void Refresh()

await RefreshAsync();

Now when you start debugging and switch to the Builds page in Team Explorer,
you should see the number of recently completed builds (as shown in Figure 2-
27), and this will refresh the view each time you click the Refresh button at the
top of the Team Explorer window.

Figure 2-27. A custom section in Team Explorer showing dynamic content.

Chapter 3. What’s new in web

In Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, the MSBuild-based web publishing experience

was introduced for Web Application Projects (including both ASP.NET MVC
and Web Forms). Along with that release came the foundation for the wave of
updates that are included with Visual Studio 2012. The Visual Studio web team
is also releasing regular updates to the web publishing experience, along with
ASP.NET updates and changes to the Azure software development kit (SDK).
The updated web publishing experience has been made available for Visual
Studio 2010 SP1 as well. You can install the latest web publishing support,
including both Visual Studio 2012 and 2010 SP1, from the Azure SDK, which
you can find at
Since Visual Studio 2012 was initially released, there have already been a few
updates to the web publishing experience. At this time, the latest Azure SDK is
version 1.8. The content in this chapter has been written on the assumption that
the Azure SDK 1.8 has been installed. We will highlight any new content that is
not built into Visual Studio 2012. For the remainder of the chapter, we will
discuss the updates in terms of Visual Studio 2012, but all the material also
applies to Visual Studio 2010 with the Azure SDK.

Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

In Visual Studio 2010, the Publish Web dialog box was pretty basic. It had some
profile management options at the top and minimal publishing settings. You can
see the Publish Web dialog box from Visual Studio 2010 in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1. The Visual Studio 2010 Publish Web dialog box.

In Visual Studio 2012, the Publish Web dialog box has been extensively updated.
The dialog box now consists of several different tabs. Even though the dialog
box has more functionality, the overall experience is simpler. This is especially
the case when the Import functionality is used to populate the settings. In
Figure 3-2, you can see the new Publish Web dialog box.
The Publish Web dialog box consists of four tabs. On the Profile tab, you can
manage your profiles. To create a new profile, you can either click Import and
select an existing .publishSettings file, or you can create a new profile manually
by selecting the New option from the Select Or Import A Publish Profile drop-
down list. A .publishSettings file is a simple XML file that contains the
publishing information. This file is produced by many web hosting providers and
can be used with Visual Studio or Web Matrix. If your hosting provider does not
make these files available, you should demand that they do. These
.publishSettings files are different from the .pubxml files created with Visual
Studio. The .pubxml files contain the remote endpoint information, as well as
values that are specific to the publishing requirements of your project. In
contrast, the .publishSettings file just contains the publishing endpoint
information. The other difference is that a .publishSettings file can contain more
than one set of publish settings. For example, Windows Azure Web Sites
includes both a Web Deploy profile and the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Figure 3-2. The Visual Studio 2012 Publish Web dialog box.
Here is a basic publishing scenario: You have an existing ASP.NET project that
you need to publish to a remote web host. Your host provides a .publishSettings
file, which you can import into Visual Studio. In my case, I’m publishing to
Windows Azure Web Sites, but this flow works for any hosting provider that
supports .publishSettings files. To open the Publish Web dialog box, right-click
the web project in Solution Explorer and select Publish, which will open the
dialog box shown in Figure 3-2. You can use the Import button to import the
.publishSettings file. After importing the file, you will be brought to the
Connection tab automatically. You can see this tab in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3. The Connection tab of the Publish Web dialog box.

The values from the .publishSettings file are used to populate all the settings on
the Connection tab. Depending on your hosting provider, you may need to
specify the User Name and Password information here. You can also click
Validate Connection to double-check that all the settings are correct. We will
discuss the Connection tab in more detail when we demonstrate creating a
package in the Building web packages section later in this chapter. The next tab
in this dialog box is the Settings tab, shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4. The Settings tab of the Publish Web dialog box.

On this tab, you can specify the build configuration that should be used during
publishing by choosing an item from the Configuration drop-down list. When
you configure this value, keep in mind that these values are drawn from the
project build configurations, not solution build configurations. If you expect to
see an additional value in the drop-down list but do not, odds are that you
created a solution build configuration, but not a corresponding project build
configuration. You can fix this by using the Configuration Manager in Visual
Studio. One thing to be aware of with respect to this value: it’s used only for the
Visual Studio publishing process. For command-line scenarios, you need to
specify the value for Configuration, as you would for any other build. Sayed has
a good blog post with more details at
After you click Next, you will be taken to the Preview tab.
On the Preview tab, you can see the operations that will be performed when you
publish your application. There are two areas: Files and Databases. In Figure 3-
5, you can see the Preview tab populated with data from the SampleWeb project.

Figure 3-5. The Preview tab of the Publish Web dialog box.

You can double-click a file to see the difference between the local file and the remote file.

Because this project, SampleWeb, does not contain any databases, you only see
file-related operations. When dealing with files, there are three possible Action
types: Add, Update, and Delete. Because I’ve never published this project
before, all the Action values are set to Add. At this point, we are ready to go, so
click Publish to start the process. You can monitor the progress in the output
window. After publishing your project, if a value was provided for the
Destination URL on the Connection tab, that URL will be opened in a browser
after a successful publish. Now that you have been introduced to the Publish
Web dialog box, let’s discuss how to create a web package in Visual Studio

Building web packages

In Visual Studio 2012, you may have noticed that a menu option, Build
Deployment Package, has disappeared. Don’t worry—it’s still easy to create a
package. To create a web package in Visual Studio 2012, you can use the Publish
Web dialog box. When you open the Publish Web dialog box, you can create a
new profile on the Profile tab. To do that, use the New option in the Select Or
Import A Publish Profile drop-down list. On the Connection tab, select Web
Deploy Package from the Publish Method drop-down list. There are many
benefits to using a publish profile for packaging, some of which include the
1. Packages can include database artifacts.

2. You can customize the package process by using the .pubxml file.

3. You can package from the command line in the same way that you publish.

When you create the package profile in the Publish Web dialog box, the
Connection tab will look like Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-6. The Connection tab for the package profile.

In Figure 3-6, you can see two input fields: Package Location and
Site/Application. Package Location should contain the path to the .zip file that
you want to produce. This is a required field. The value for Site/Application is
optional, but if you know the website or application that you are publishing to,
you can provide the site name or application path here. When the package is
published, this value will be used for the Web Deploy parameter IIS Web
Application Name. Now let’s create a package and take a look at the .pubxml file
that was created.
Included in the samples is the PackageSample project. If you open that project,
you will see that a package profile is defined. This profile, like other profiles, is
stored in the PublishProfiles folder under Properties (My Project for Microsoft
Visual Basic). Here are the contents of the ToPkg.pubxml file:
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"
<SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish >
<DeployIisAppPath >
<Objects xmlns="" >

In this profile, you can see that WebPublishMethod is set to Package, which
indicates that this is a profile that can be used to create a package. The path for
the package is stored as the MSBuild property DesktopBuildPackageLocation.
The other notable item here is the PublishDatabaseSettings property. Because
my application did not contain any databases, this property is essentially empty.
Even though it is empty, you should not remove it from the .pubxml file. You can
easily automate the process of creating a package by following the same
technique you use to automate the publishing process. Specifically, you’ll create
a publish profile and then use it to automate the process. Let’s now take a closer
look at publish profiles, including how to use them to automate packaging and

Publish profiles
When using the Publish Web dialog box after publishing or packaging, a publish
profile is created. The publish profile contains all the settings entered into the
Publish Web dialog box, as well as options that have not yet been seen in the
dialog box. We can use these profiles from either Visual Studio or the command
line. After your first publish profile is created, when you reopen the Publish Web
dialog box, you are taken to the Preview tab with the most recently used profile
automatically selected. On the Preview tab, you can switch profiles quickly
using the drop-down list at the top of the dialog box. If you need to publish to a
new destination, just go back to the Profile tab and create a new profile. You can
have as many profiles defined as you like.
Publish profiles are saved in a folder named PublishProfiles under Properties
(My Project for Visual Basic projects). Each profile will be saved into its own
file with the extension of .pubxml. These files will be added to the project, and to
source control, by default. Your publishing password will be saved in a .user file,
which can only be decrypted by you, and not checked into version control, so
you don’t have to worry about any unauthorized publishing actions. If you want
to keep a profile out of the sight of others, you can simply exclude the .pubxml
file from the project and source control. When the Publish Web dialog box is
opened, it will inspect the folder for the list of all profiles, not just profiles that
are a part of the project. Now let’s take a closer look at a sample .pubxml file.
In the following code block, you will see the contents of a Visual Studio publish
profile that was created when I imported a .publishSettings file (these files are
provided by hosting companies):

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"
<LastUsedPlatform>Any CPU</LastUsedPlatform>



From this code block, you can see that the .pubxml file is an MSBuild file. The
properties declared are specific to the publishing method that is being used. Each
.pubxml file has a single profile and contains all the values that are used by the
Publish Web dialog box for this particular profile. This file is used by the Visual
Studio user interface, but you can also employ this from the command line.
Command-line publishing is supported only for the following publishing
methods: Web Deploy, Web Deploy Package, and File System.
Web publish profiles are designed to allow you to extend the build and
publishing process for a given publishing operation. When a publish profile is
used to publish your application, the publish profile will be imported into the
project itself. Because the .pubxml file is imported into the project file, you have
full access to all MSBuild properties and items defined in the project. Because of
this, from the .pubxml file, you can customize the build process and the
publishing process. From the second edition, you may remember that you could
customize the publishing process by editing the .wpp.targets file. Let’s look at
how to use this profile to publish the project from the command line.

Automating web publishing using a publish profile

Publishing from the command line is much easier than it used to be. If you
remember from Chapter 19, “Web deployment tool practical applications,” when
publishing from the command prompt, you were required to pass in about 10
properties. Let’s take a look at how simple the new command can be. This
command can be used to publish SampleWeb using the profile named to-prod:

msbuild SampleWeb.sln p:DeployOnBuild=true p:PublishProfile=to-prod /p:Password=


Depending on the web host that you are publishing to, you may need to also add

If you are building a Visual Studio project file instead of the solution file, you should also
specify the value for /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0. Without this, the default value of 10.0
will be used.
With this command, the solution file will be built and published. When the
DeployOnBuild property is set to True, the build process will be extended to
publish the project as well. The name of the publish profile is passed in as the
PublishProfile property. When specifying the value for PublishProfile, you have
two options. You can pass in the name of the profile, in which case the build will
use the named profile from the default location, or you can pass in the file path
to the .pubxml file. Now let’s look at how to use this same approach to create

Automating web packaging using a publish profile

You can use this same technique when creating a package from the command
line. The PackageSample project has a profile named ToPkg, which will create
the web deploy package at C:\InsideMSBuild\PublishOutput\PkgSample-
default\ In order to create this from the command line, we
can execute the following command when building the project:

msbuild PackageSample.csproj p:DeployOnBuild=true p:PublishProfile=ToPkg


With this command, you can override specific properties as well. For example,
we showed previously that the package location is stored in the .pubxml file as
an MSBuild property, DesktopBuildPackageLocation. If you would like to
override the location where the package is created, pass the property as a
command-line argument. For example, if I wanted to publish the package to
C:\Temp\AltDest\, you can use the following command (which
shows the value for DesktopBuildPackageLocation in bold).

msbuild PackageSample.csproj p:DeployOnBuild=true p:PublishProfile=ToPkg


Because the DesktopBuildPackageLocation property is specified as a command-

line parameter, it overrides the value in the .pubxml file. Following the execution
of this command, the package is written to the location provided. Now that
we’ve shown how you can publish and package from the command line using a
publish profile, we will discuss how the .pubxml file relates to the .wpp.targets

Relationship between publish profiles and .wpp.targets

In the second edition of this book, we showed how to customize the publishing
process by creating a file named {ProjectName}.wpp.targets in the root of your
project folder. The support for importing the .wpp.targets file has been in place
since Visual Studio 2010. When a web project is built, it will look for a file in
the same folder as the project file, with the naming pattern
{ProjectName}.wpp.targets. If the file exists, it will be imported using the
MSBuild Import element. This is very similar to how publish profiles work.
There is one significant difference though. The .wpp.targets file will be imported
for every build, not just for publishing. Because of this, you have to be a bit
more careful, as it may affect other scenarios besides publishing.
For publishing customizations, it’s recommended that you place those
customizations inside the publish profile instead of a .wpp.targets file. This is
because the modifications will only affect that particular publish profile, and it is
much easier for others to diagnose any issues with publishing. Not many users
would think to check for a .wpp.targets file if there are publishing issues.
You should use a .wpp.targets file if one of the following conditions exists:
You want to extend the build process.

You want to extend the publishing process for all publish profiles.

If you have existing projects with a .wpp.targets file, you do not need to modify
them. They will continue to work. For new projects, you should place publish
customizations in the publish profile. Let’s move on to discuss the database
support that exists in the web publish support.

Database publishing support

With the release of Visual Studio 2012, you now have the ability to publish
database artifacts incrementally. Visual Studio has support for publishing
databases in two ways: using Entity Framework (EF) Code First migrations and
using a data-tier application package (DACPAC). We will first discuss EF Code
First support and then discuss DACPAC support.

EF Code First migrations

If you have a web application that uses EF Code First, the recommended method
to publish its database artifacts is to use EF Code First migrations. As you
change your web application’s database model, those changes are captured in
code called migrations. When executed, migrations make the necessary changes
to the database, thus keeping your database model and database in sync. You can
easily move from one version of your database model to another by executing
those migrations. Let’s take a quick look at how EF Code First migrations work
and then we will describe the support offered by the Publish Web dialog box.
When using EF Code First, you will create a context class, which you will use to
access your database. After creating your context class, you will create one or
more migration classes using the Package Manager Console. There are two ways
to execute these migrations against a database: by using the Package Manager
Console and by executing them at run time. The Publish Web dialog box
involves the latter mechanism. You can configure your application to execute
migrations at run time in two ways: by adding some code to your project to
invoke the migrations, or by adding some elements to the Web.config file. The
Publish Web dialog box uses the second approach to enable the migrations. Let’s
take a closer look at that.
If you have a web project with EF Code First contexts (classes extending
DbContext), when you open the Publish Web dialog box, you will see those
contexts on the Settings tab. Figure 3-7 shows what the dialog box looks like
when you have an EF Code First context in your project but there are no
migrations associated with it.
Figure 3-7. No mitigations are associated with your project.

In Figure 3-7, you can see the ContactsContext class on the Settings tab of the
Publish Web dialog box. In this case, there is a message indicating that you will
need to create EF Code First migrations to publish the database associated with
the context. Once you add migrations for the context, then the Execute Code
First Migrations check box will be enabled. After adding a migration, when you
re-enter the Publish Web dialog box, you can enter a destination connection
string and enable the migrations to be executed. The connection string provided
will be used for executing both the migrations and the run-time connection

If you have a project with an EF Code First context and do not see it in the Publish Web dialog
box, close the dialog box, rebuild the project, and then reopen the dialog box.
When you publish or package your web project, the final Web.config file will
have the elements required to invoke the migrations. The migrations will be
executed the first time that the EF Code First context is accessed. If your
Web.config file does not have a connection string entry for the EF Code First
context, then one will be added automatically to the published Web.config file.
Now that we have discussed EF Code First contexts, let’s move on to discuss the
DACPAC support that is built in.

Incremental database publishing with DACPACs

If you need to publish the schema for a database incrementally, you can use a
DAC package, also known as a DACPAC. A DACPAC is defined as follows in
the MSDN library:
A DAC is a self-contained unit of SQL Server database deployment that enables data-tier developers
and database administrators to package SQL Server objects into a portable artifact called a DAC
package, also known as a DACPAC.

In other words, a DACPAC contains all the schema artifacts that the database
consists of. The significance of the words portable artifact should be highlighted
here. The aspect that makes a DACPAC portable is the incremental publish
support that is built on top of it. When using a DACPAC during publish time, the
schema captured in the DACPAC is compared to that of the target database. The
publish process will compute the difference between the DACPAC and the target
database and then execute the difference against the target database. If the two
are equal, then a no-op will be performed. Let’s see how this works during the
Publish Web workflow.
When you open the Publish Web dialog box, if you have any connection strings
in the Web.config file that are not associated with an EF Code First context, then
you will see those on the Settings tab. For example, in Figure 3-8, you can see
the Settings tab for the ContactsSample project.
Figure 3-8. The Publish Web dialog box with a database selected for publishing.

When you check the Update Database check box on the Settings tab when your
web project is published or packaged, a DACPAC is created from the source
connection string. This DACPAC is then transferred to the remote server to
publish the database-related artifacts. This is facilitated by the new dbDacFx
Web Deploy provider. This process is depicted in Figure 3-9.
Figure 3-9. A Web and DACPAC publishing diagram.

In Figure 3-9, you can see that a DACPAC is created from the source database
and placed in a Web Deploy package (or a folder for the direct publish case), and
the web content is also placed there. The database schema will be published first,
followed by any web updates. Both of these processes will be incremental; that
is, only the changes will be applied, not a full publish. In Figure 3-9, the dotted
line represents a firewall that may be in place. When publishing, if you do not
have direct access to the remote database (which is common for many cloud
hosting providers by default), that is OK so long as the Web Deploy server has
access to it. When creating a Web Deploy package, the DACPAC will be placed
inside the package and Web Deploy parameters will be created so that you can
update the connection string during publishing. We will now discuss how to
create a Web Deploy package with a DACPAC.
In the samples, you will find the ContactsSample project, which is a basic web
application that stores contacts in a Microsoft SQL Server database. When
creating a package for this on the Settings tab, I’ve chosen to package the
database and provide a default connection string as well. This was shown
previously in Figure 3-8. The resulting package will have the DACPAC for the
source database in the root of the package. Let’s see what happens when you
import this package using the Microsoft IIS Manager user interface. Using IIS
Manager, you can right-click a site and then select Import Application under the
Deploy menu to import a Web Deploy package (see Figure 3-10).
Figure 3-10. The Import Application option is the IIS Manager.

If you do not see the Import Application option, you need to install Web Deploy with the IIS
Manager Extensions option checked.

After selecting the package to be imported, you will be prompted to fill in the
values for the Web Deploy parameters (as shown in Figure 3-11).
Figure 3-11. Parameter prompts in IIS Manager for the ContactsSample package.

In Figure 3-11, you can see three parameters. The first parameter will define the
IIS App path where your application will be installed. The next two parameters
are connection strings for the DACPAC. The first is for the connection string
used to publish the database related artifacts, and the final one is for the run-time
connection string that goes in the Web.config file. If you want to use a lower-
privileged connection string at run time, you can do so. After clicking Next, the
database publish operations will be performed, followed by an update of the site
itself. Now that we’ve discussed database publishing with DACPACs, let discuss
the updates that are available for Web.config transforms.

Profile-specific Web.config transforms

In Visual Studio 2010, Web.config transforms were introduced, which you can
use to update the Web.config file during the publish/package operation. If you
are rusty on the basics of transforms, take a look back at Chapter 18, “Web
deployment tool, part 2,” in the second edition. In Visual Studio 2010, these
transforms were tied to the build configuration. If you published using the
Release build configuration, then the Web.config file would be transformed
using Web.release.config. In Visual Studio 2012, you can now also have profile-
specific transforms. A convention is used to associate a profile with a specific
transform. To have a Web.config transform for a given profile, create a file with
the pattern web.{ProfileName}.config next to Web.config. When the file is
detected, it will be applied after the build configuration transform. You can see
the Web.config transforms in Figure 3-12.

Figure 3-12. A Web.config transformation illustration.

When the Web.config file is being transformed, if either the build configuration
transform or the profile-specific transform does not exist, that particular
transform will simply be skipped. Let’s take a look at how this works.
When Visual Studio 2012 was initially released, the underlying support to
invoke these transforms existed in the web MSBuild targets, but there was no
way to create these transforms easily. You had to create the transforms manually.
In the ASP.NET 2012.2 update for Visual Studio 2012, a new context menu was
added to help you create these transforms. With this update, you can create a
profile-specific transform easily by right-clicking the .pubxml file and selecting
Add Config Transform. You can see this new menu option in Figure 3-13.
Figure 3-13. The Add Config Transform menu option for publish profiles.

When you invoke the Add Config Transform command, it will create the
Web.config transform in the root of the project with the correct name and open it
automatically. In the samples, you will find a project, TransformSample, that
contains the ToPackage.pubxml publish profile. This publish profile is used
when creating a web deploy package for this project. In this project, we have
created the following transforms:



Along with the Web.config file, the contents of these transforms are shown next.
We will leave off the Web.debug.config file because it is not used in this demo.
Web.config file


<add key="default" value="default">
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" >



<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
<add key="release" value="from-release" xdt:Transform="Insert">

<compilation xdt:Transform="RemoveAttributes(debug)" >


<configuration xmlns:xdt="">

<add key="to-package" value="from-ToPackage-transform" xdt:Transform="Insert">


The Web.release.config transform adds a new appSettings entry named release

and removes the debug attribute from the compilation element. The
Web.ToPackage.config transform adds a new appSettings entry named to-
package. Packaging the application using the ToPackage profile produces the
following Web.config file:
Final web.config after transforms


<add key="default" value="default">
<add key="release" value="from-release">
<add key="to-package" value="from-ToPackage-transform">

<compilation targetFramework="4.0" >


In this file, you can see that the release transform inserted the release app setting
and removed the debug attribute from the compilation element. You can also see
that the Web.ToPackage.config transform was invoked. Another subtle thing to
notice here is the order in which the app settings were inserted. The release
setting was inserted before the to-package element. This indicates that the
Web.release.config transform was invoked before Web.ToPackage.config.
Another feature released with Visual Studio 2012 is the ability to preview these
transforms. In Visual Studio 2010, if you wanted to see the resulting Web.config
transform, you would have to either publish or package your project, which
made developing these transforms much more difficult than it should have been.
In Visual Studio 2012, however, you can now preview Web.config transforms
easily. The preview functionality works for build configuration transforms as
well as profile-specific ones. You can right-click and select Preview Transform
on any of the transforms. This new option is shown in Figure 3-14.

Figure 3-14. The Preview Transform menu option.

Once you invoke this preview, you will be able to see the final Web.config
transform. When you preview a profile-specific transform, it will invoke the
correct build configuration transform before applying the profile-specific one. It
mimics the behavior that it will show when publishing. When you are viewing
the preview results, you can see which transforms have been applied in the
upper-right corner (see Figure 3-15).

Figure 3-15. A Web.config transform preview.

With these updates for Web.config transforms, it’s much easier to create and use
Web.config transforms. This concludes the Web.config transform content, as
well as the section covering the new features. We will now move on to look at
some real-world examples.


How to publish a package to multiple destinations

One of the most common questions that I’m asked is, “How can I create a Web
Deploy package that can be used to publish to multiple servers?” Any Web
Deploy package can be published to any destination, but you may need to tweak
the content for the destination. This is particularly true for Web.config. One of
the challenges when creating a package from Visual Studio that can target
multiple destinations is the handling of Web.config. When you create a package
in Visual Studio or from the command line, the Web.config that is placed in the
resulting package is already transformed. This makes these packages difficult to
publish to multiple different locations by default. There is an extension created
by Sayed that can help here, called PackageWeb.
PackageWeb can be used to help create portable packages that can be published
easily to multiple destinations. PackageWeb is a NuGet package that can be
installed into web projects. Let’s see how PackageWeb works. To use
PackageWeb, you will need to add the package to your web project. You can do
this either from the Manage NuGet Packages dialog box or from the Package
Manager Console. From the Package Manager Console, you can execute the
following command:

Install-Package PackageWeb

Once the package has been installed in your project, it will extend the package
process. When you create a package after installing PackageWeb, you will see a
new file, Publish-Interactive.ps1, in the output location. This is a Windows
PowerShell script that can be used to publish this package. From a PowerShell
prompt, you can invoke this script to start the publish process. Once you invoke
this script, you will be prompted for the following set of values:
Web.config transform to execute

Web Deploy publish settings

Web Deploy parameter values

After providing these values, the Web.config file will be transformed with the
given transform and the publish operation will be invoked. Let’s see this in
action. In the samples, the project PkgWebDemo already has PackageWeb
installed. After creating the package, you can invoke Publish-Interactive.ps1 to
start the publish process. Figure 3-16 shows PackageWeb prompts for the Web
Deploy publish settings. Because there are no Web Deploy parameters created
for the sample, you are not prompted for those.
Figure 3-16. PackageWeb prompts for the Web Deploy settings.

After completing the prompts, Msdeploy.exe is called to start the publish

process. In Figure 3-16, you can see the call to Msdeploy.exe that is invoked.
The password value in this image is blurred for security reasons. Once you fill in
the prompts and publish your package, a new file,
PublishConfiguration.ps1.readme, will be created in the same folder. This file
contains all the values for the prompts that were entered. The only value not
persisted is the password; you will need to update this value manually. In order
for PakageWeb to pick up this file automatically, just remove the .readme
When PackageWeb is invoked, it will look for a file named
PublishConfiguration.ps1 in the same folder as the Publish-Interactive.ps1 file. If
that file exists, it will be imported, and you will not be prompted for values.
(This is a very brief discussion of PackageWeb; for more details visit Let’s move on to discuss a neat trick that
you can use during the package process.

Customizing the folder structure inside the package

When you create a package in Visual Studio by default, the full source structure
is replicated inside the package. For example, when packaging the
PackageSample project using the ToPkg profile, you can see how the contents
are structured in the resulting .zip file in Figure 3-17.
Figure 3-17. The default folder structure for the PackageSample project.

In Figure 3-17, you can see that the source folder structure is replicated inside
the generated file. This behavior is annoying, but it can go
beyond that and cause real difficulties if you need to expand this package. When
publishing with Web Deploy, the depth of these folders does not matter, but if
you expand them on disk and manipulate the files, you may exceed the
maximum path length. To avoid this, it would be better to create a Web Deploy
package that did not have these unnecessary folders. Let’s see what it would take
to simplify the folder structure here.
When creating a package using web projects, the following basic steps are
1. Build a project.

2. Gather all files in a Temp directory.

3. Create the package by calling Web Deploy.

Step 3 is executed by creating an XML file that describes how to create the
package. This is referred to as a Source Manifest file. You can find this file in the
same folder in which the package is created. If you inspect the file generated
when packaging the PackageSample project, you will find the contents to be as
shown in the following code block:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<IisApp path="C:\InsideMSBuild\ch03\PackageSample\obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp"
managedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" />
<setAcl path="C:\InsideMSBuild\ch03\PackageSample\obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp"
setAclResourceType="Directory" />
<setAcl path="C:\InsideMSBuild\ch03\PackageSample\obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp"
setAclResourceType="Directory" >

In this manifest, you can see that three Web Deploy providers will be called
when the package is created. Each of these providers references the full path to
the temporary package folder. These are the values shown in bold in this code,
and this is what we want to update during the package creation process. You can
see the goal in Figure 3-18.

Figure 3-18. The process to update file paths for the generated package.

As you can see, we will replace the path during the package operation. We will
do this with a Web Deploy replace rule. Let’s see how to do that with some
customizations to the .pubxml file.
When creating a package using Web Projects, you have the ability to replace
values as the .zip file is being created. This is facilitated by using a replace rule.
The replace rule that we want to create should match the package path and
replace it with a much simpler value. To add a Web Deploy replace rule, you
need to populate the MSDeployReplaceRules item list in the .pubxml file before
the package is created. The next code fragment needs to be added to the .pubxml
file to simplify these paths. The entire profile can be found in the
PackagePath.pubxml file in the PackageSample project.

<PackagePath Condition=" '$(PackagePath)'=='' ">website</PackagePath>

<Target Name="AddReplaceRuleForAppPath">
<_PkgPathFull Condition=" '$(WPPAllFilesInSingleFolder)'!='' ">
<!-- $(WPPAllFilesInSingleFolder) is not available on VS2010 so fall back to
$(_PackageTempDir) -->
<_PkgPathFull Condition=" '$(_PkgPathFull)' == '' ">

<!-- escape the text into a regex -->

<EscapeTextForRegularExpressions Text="$(_PkgPathFull)">
<Output TaskParameter="Result" PropertyName="_PkgPathRegex" >

<!-- add the replace rule to update the path -->

<MsDeployReplaceRules Include="replaceFullPath">

In this fragment, you can see the AddReplaceRuleForAppPath target. This target
is injected into the package process by appending it to the PackageDependsOn
property. When this target is invoked, it will determine the full path to the
temporary package folder. This path is converted to a regular-expression format
by using the EscapeTextForRegularExpressions task. Then the value is appended
to the MSDeployReplaceRules item list. As a result, when the package is
created, the complex folder structure will be replaced with a folder named
Website, defined in the PackagePath property. When you create the package
after these changes, you can see the new structure of the created .zip file in
Figure 3-19.
Figure 3-19. A simplified view of the package structure.

In Figure 3-19, you can see that the complex folder structure has been replaced
with the Website folder, in which all the web content that will be published
resides. Now that we’ve shown how to create better web packages, we will move
on to the next sample.

How to publish a folder with Web Deploy

There are many scenarios in which it would be helpful to simply publish the
contents of a local folder to a remote IIS server. For example, your web project
may serve some binary content created by another group, and that content is not
in source control. In this case, you can directly use Msdeploy.exe to publish that
content. We will show how to publish a folder to a remote site using Web
Deploy. The exact command that is required may vary based on how the IIS host
is running Web Deploy. For this sample, we will be demonstrating this while
publishing to Windows Azure Web Sites. Windows Azure Web Sites host
MSDeploy using the Web Management Service (WMSvc), which is the common
method for most third-party IIS hosting companies. Let’s see how to accomplish
The Web Deploy provider that has the information on how to publish a folder is
the contentPath provider, and this is what we will be using. When invoking
MSDeploy to sync a folder, the basic command structure is as follows:

Because we are attempting to synchronize two folders, the sync verb is used and
we use contentPath for both the source and destination. The source folder that
we want to publish is C:\InsideMSBuild\Ch03\FolderPublish\ToPublish, and we
would like to publish it to the Media folder under the FolderPub site. Let’s make
a first attempt to figure out what the final command might look like:


This command would work great if the site you want to publish to was running
on the local box. Because it is not, we will need to start adding some information
to the destination to indicate the server against which this command should
execute. We will need to add the following parameters to the command:
ComputerName. The URL, or computer name, that will handle the publish

Username. The user name for the publish operation.

Password. The password for the publish operation.

AuthType. Describes what authentication mechanism is used. The options

here are either Basic or NTLM. Typically, you will use Basic when Web
Deploy is running under WMSvc and NTLM for when it is hosted using the
Remote Agent Service.

In this case, the values that we will use for these are
ComputerName. https://waws-prod-bay-

Username. $FolderPub

Password. <Publishing password>, where Publishing password is whatever

password you have chosen

AuthType. Basic
For Windows Azure Web Sites, you can find these values in the publish profile,
which you can download from the Azure portal. Let’s add these values to the

-verb:sync -source:contentPath="C:\InsideMSBuild\ch03\FolderPublish\ToPublish"

In this command, we’ve added the destination values, as well as two additional
options: -enableRule:DoNotDeleteRule and -whatif. We pass the
DoNotDeleteRule to ensure that any files in the folder that are on the server but
not the client remain on the server. For now, we are also passing -whatif, which
displays the command’s operations without actually performing them, but we
will remove that when we are ready to publish the folder. You can find the result
of this command in Figure 3-20.

Figure 3-20. The result of invoking the Msdeploy.exe command.

At this point, we are ready to execute this command and publish the folder. You
can find this command in the samples for Chapter 3 in the file
FolderPublish\publishFolder-standard.cmd. There is another cmd file in that
same folder, called PublishFolder-auto.cmd. This file shows how you can use
this same technique with the -dest:auto provider. We won’t cover that here, but it
is in the samples for you to reference.
In this chapter, we have covered a lot of new material, including the Publish Web
dialog box, updates to website project publishing, packaging, publish profiles,
and more. That’s a lot of material to discuss in just a few pages, and we didn’t
even cover all the new features. This chapter should serve as a solid starting
point for your journey in web publishing. From here, the best thing to do is
practice. If you get stuck, try (and you can typically find
Sayed hanging around there as well—if you see him, say hello).
Appendix A. About the authors

SAYED IBRAHIM HASHIMI has a computer engineering degree from the

University of Florida. He works at Microsoft as a program manager, creating
better web development tools. Previously, he was a Microsoft Visual C# MVP.
This is Sayed’s fourth book on MSBuild. Sayed also has written for several
publications, including MSDN Magazine. Sayed has also spoken at various tech
conferences, including TechED. Before joining Microsoft, Sayed worked as a
developer and independent consultant for companies ranging from Fortune 500
corporations to start-ups.

WILLIAM BARTHOLOMEW is a lead software development engineer at

Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, Washington. He is a member of the
Developer Division Engineering Systems group, which includes the build lab
responsible for building and shipping Microsoft Visual Studio.


A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears.
Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have
several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in
the text in which the marker appears.

$(MSBuildExtensionsPath) property, How to extend the solution build

.publishSettings file, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box,

Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box, Building web packages

.pubxml file
comparison to .publishSettings file, Overview of the new Publish Web
dialog box

for building web packages, Building web packages

profile specific transforms, Incremental database publishing with


replace rules in, Customizing the folder structure inside the package

.sln (solution file), What’s new in MSBuild 4.5, How to extend the solution

.targets file, Package Restore, SlowCheetah build server support

.wpp targets, Automating web publishing using a publish profile

diagnostic logs, Diagnostic logging

operational logs, Diagnostic logging

account authentication, Connect on-premise build machines to the Team

Foundation Service

activities (see workflow activities)

Add Config Transform command, Incremental database publishing with


Add Transform menu option, Package Restore, SlowCheetah build server


build agents to build controllers, Workflow Runtime

classes to Visual Studio packages, Extending Team Explorer

comments to workflow activities, Auto-Surround with Sequence

content to Visual Studio packages, Extending Team Explorer

NuGet packages, Phantom task parameters

sections to build page, Extending Team Explorer

AddReplaceRuleForAppPath target, Customizing the folder structure

inside the package

AfterCopyFiles target, How to execute a target only if the project is actually


AfterTargets attribute, How to extend the solution build

All Build Definitions feature, My Builds

analytic logs, Operational and Analytic logs

AnalyzeCode targets, How to extend the solution build

annotations, Auto-Surround with Sequence

App.config transforms, Phantom task parameters, Package Restore

App.Debug.config transform, XML updates with SlowCheetah

App.Release.config transform, XML updates with SlowCheetah

debugging, XML updates with SlowCheetah

developing, Phantom task parameters

updating, Package Restore

Architecture attribute, UsingTask updates

authentication, account, Connect on-premise build machines to the Team

Foundation Service

Auto-Surround With Sequence, Outline view

Azure SDK 1.8, What’s new in web publishing

batching, Batching

BeforeTargets attribute, How to extend the solution build

build agents, Workflow Runtime

build configurations
application, Package Restore

project, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

build controllers
adding build agent to existing, Workflow Runtime

diagnostic logs for, Batching

on-premise, Connect on-premise build machines to the Team Foundation

operational and analytic logs for, Diagnostic logging

single, Team Foundation Service

build definitions
all build definitions feature, My Builds

drop locations for, Team Foundation Service

filtering, My Builds

hosted build definition selection for, Team Foundation Service

marking favorite, All Build Definitions

pausing, Pausing build definitions

storing favorite, All Build Definitions

web access to team, Web Access

Build Explorer
filtering build definitions in, My Builds

Queue Build link in, Web Access

queued build requests in, My Builds

build machines, Connect on-premise build machines to the Team

Foundation Service
build process
gated check-in, Batching

requests, Batching

build process templates

batching, Batching

C# expressions in, Workflow Runtime

debugging, Batching

finding files in, Workflow Designer

build requests, queued, My Builds

Build servers, SlowCheetah build server support

Build target, How to extend the solution build

adding sections to, Extending Team Explorer

batching, Batching

diagnostic logs for, Batching

queuing, Web Access

retrying, Batching

viewing recent, My Builds

C# expressions, Workflow Runtime

CallTarget, How to execute a target only if the project is actually built

Clean target, How to extend the solution build

command line
building from, VisualStudioVersion property

building solution files from, SlowCheetah build server support

publishing from, Publish profiles

comments, adding, Auto-Surround with Sequence

compatibility, What’s new in MSBuild 4.5

Configuration Manager, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

on-premise build machines, Connect on-premise build machines to the
Team Foundation Service

unattended installation, Workflow Runtime

connection strings, XML updates with SlowCheetah, Incremental database
publishing with DACPACs

Connection tab (Publish Web), Overview of the new Publish Web dialog
box, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

connectivity issues, Diagnostic logging

content, importing files before/after, How to extend the solution build

contentPath provider, Customizing the folder structure inside the package

CopyFiles target, How to execute a target only if the project is actually built

CoreCompile target, How to execute a target only if the project is actually


custom activity libraries, Workflow Runtime

CustomAfterCompile target, How to execute a target only if the project is

actually built

CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets, How to execute a target only if the

project is actually built

CustomBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets, How to execute a target only if the

project is actually built

source folder structure, How to publish a package to multiple

web publishing, Automating web publishing using a publish profile

DACPACs (DAC packages), Incremental database publishing with

data-tier application package (see DACPACs)

database artifacts, Building web packages, Relationship between publish

profiles and .wpp.targets, Incremental database publishing with DACPACs

databases, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

Debug mode, XML updates with SlowCheetah

applications, XML updates with SlowCheetah

build process templates, Batching

connectivity issues, Diagnostic logging

infrastructure, Diagnostic logging

Visual Studio package, Extending Team Explorer

definitions (see build definitions)

deployment, Incremental database publishing with DACPACs

diagnostic logs, Batching

document outline view, Outline view

drop locations, Team Foundation Service, Diagnostic logging, Connect on-

premise build machines to the Team Foundation Service

EF (Entity Framework) Code First, Relationship between publish profiles
and .wpp.targets

DoNotDeleteRule option, How to publish a folder with Web Deploy

Environment Variables dialog, How to extend the solution build

EscapeTextForRegularExpressions task, Customizing the folder structure

inside the package

Event Viewer, Diagnostic logging

extensibility, All Build Definitions, Extending Team Explorer

file format version number, What’s new in MSBuild 4.5

file paths, Customizing the folder structure inside the package

File system method, Publish profiles

building, VisualStudioVersion property

document outline view, Outline view

finding, Workflow Designer

previewing, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

viewing, Outline view

Find In files, Workflow Designer

customizing package, How to publish a package to multiple destinations

publishing, Customizing the folder structure inside the package

synching, Customizing the folder structure inside the package

gated check-ins, My Builds, Pausing build definitions

GenerateCode targets, How to extend the solution build

Hosted Build Controller, Team Foundation Service, Connect on-premise
build machines to the Team Foundation Service

IIS Manager, Incremental database publishing with DACPACs

Import statements, How to extend the solution build

incremental builds, How to execute a target only if the project is actually


infrastructure, Diagnostic logging

NuGet packages, Managing NuGet packages

Team Foundation Build 2012, Unattended installation

ITeamExplorerSection, Extending Team Explorer, Extending Team


ITeamFoundationContextManager, Extending Team Explorer

Items to Build list, SlowCheetah build server support

libraries, custom activity, Workflow Runtime

locations, changing package, Automating web publishing using a publish

diagnostic, Batching

operational and analytic, Diagnostic logging

Managed Extensibility Framework, Extending Team Explorer

metaproj files, How to extend the solution build

metaproj.tmp files, How to extend the solution build

Microsoft IIS Manager, Incremental database publishing with DACPACs

Microsoft.Common.targets, How to execute a target only if the project is

actually built

migrations, Relationship between publish profiles and .wpp.targets

MSBuild 4.5
build process, How to execute a target only if the project is actually built

solution builds, SlowCheetah build server support

targets in rebuilt project, How to extend the solution build

updates for loading tasks, VisualStudioVersion property

MSbuild.exe, VisualStudioVersion property, How to extend the solution


MSBuildArchitecture, UsingTask updates

MSBuildRuntime, UsingTask updates

Msdeploy.exe, How to publish a package to multiple destinations,

Customizing the folder structure inside the package

MSDeployReplaceRules, Customizing the folder structure inside the


My Builds feature, My Builds

My Favorite Build Definitions, All Build Definitions

NTLM, How to publish a folder with Web Deploy

NuGet,, Phantom task parameters

operational logs, Diagnostic logging

outline view, document, Outline view

Package Location field, Building web packages
package management, Phantom task parameters

Package Manager Console, Package Manager Console

Package Restore, Package Manager Console, SlowCheetah build server


PackageDependsOn property, Customizing the folder structure inside the


PackagePath property, Customizing the folder structure inside the package

customizing source folder structures in, How to publish a package to
multiple destinations

publishing, How to publish a package to multiple destinations

PackageWeb, How to publish a package to multiple destinations

pausing, build definitions, Pausing build definitions

phantom task parameters, UsingTask updates

portable artifacts, Incremental database publishing with DACPACs

Preview tab (Publish Web), Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box,
Building web packages

Preview Transform option, Profile-specific Web.config transforms

databases, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

files, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

Web.config transforms, Profile-specific Web.config transforms

Profile tab (Publish Web), Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box,
Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box, Building web packages

profiles (see publish profiles)

build configurations, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

creating in Visual Studio Package, Extending Team Explorer

rebuilt, How to extend the solution build

replace rules in, Customizing the folder structure inside the package

publish profiles
benefits of using, for packaging, Overview of the new Publish Web
dialog box

in Visual Studio 2010, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

overview, Building web packages

Publish target, How to extend the solution build

Publish Web, What’s new in web publishing file, How to publish a package to multiple


PublishFolder-auto.cmd, How to publish a folder with Web Deploy

automating, Publish profiles

database artifacts, Building web packages, Relationship between publish

profiles and .wpp.targets, Incremental database publishing with

folders, with Web Deploy, Customizing the folder structure inside the

incremental database, Incremental database publishing with DACPACs

packages, How to publish a package to multiple destinations

to multiple servers, How to publish a package to multiple destinations

using DACPACs, Incremental database publishing with DACPACs

using EF (Entity Framework) Code First, Relationship between publish

profiles and .wpp.targets
PublishInteractive.psl,, How to publish a package to multiple destinations

Queue Build link, Web Access

queues, build request, My Builds

Quick Find, Workflow Designer

Rebuild target, How to extend the solution build

refresh, Extending Team Explorer

Release mode, XML updates with SlowCheetah

Remote Agent Service, How to publish a folder with Web Deploy

replace rules, Customizing the folder structure inside the package

batching multiple, Batching

queued build, My Builds

RestorePackages target, Package Restore

RunCustomTool target, How to extend the build process without modifying

the project you are building (target injection)
Runtime attribute, UsingTask updates, UsingTask updates

SectionContent property, Extending Team Explorer

sections, Extending Team Explorer

sequences, Outline view

build, SlowCheetah build server support

publishing to multiple, How to publish a package to multiple


Settings tab, Relationship between publish profiles and .wpp.targets

Settings tab (Publish Web), Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

Site/Application field, Building web packages

SlowCheetah, Package Restore

solution file (.sln), What’s new in MSBuild 4.5, How to extend the solution

source folder structure, How to publish a package to multiple destinations

Source Manifest file, Customizing the folder structure inside the package
Staging Location, Team Foundation Service

target injection, How to execute a target only if the project is actually built

.wpp, Automating web publishing using a publish profile

call, How to execute a target only if the project is actually built

compile, How to execute a target only if the project is actually built

copy file, How to execute a target only if the project is actually built

in solution files, How to extend the solution build

injection, How to execute a target only if the project is actually built

Microsoft.Common.,, How to execute a target only if the project is

actually built

skipping of, How to execute a target only if the project is actually built

TargetsTriggeredByCompilation list, How to execute a target only if the

project is actually built

task execution, VisualStudioVersion property

task invocation, UsingTask updates

Team Explorer
adding sections to build page in, Extending Team Explorer

build definitions, My Builds

My Builds feature, My Builds

user interface (UI) enhancements, Team Foundation Service

Team favorites tiles, Web Access

Team Foundation Build 2012

batching in, Batching

building package restore file in, SlowCheetah build server support

configuration, Connect on-premise build machines to the Team

Foundation Service

extending Team Explorer, Extending Team Explorer

installation, What’s new in Team Foundation Build 2012

logging in, Batching

on-premise build machine connections, Connect on-premise build

machines to the Team Foundation Service

paused build definitions in, Pausing build definitions

system requirements for, What’s new in Team Foundation Build 2012

unattended installation, Workflow Runtime

unit testing frameworks in, Web Access

Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5 and, Operational and Analytic logs

Team Foundation Server 2012

build definitions, Visual Studio Test Runner

Team Foundation Service and, Unattended installation

unattended installation, Workflow Runtime

web access, Web Access

Team Foundation Service, Unattended installation, Web Access, Connect

on-premise build machines to the Team Foundation Service

Test Runner, Web Access

Tfsconfig command-line tool, Unattended installation, Workflow Runtime

timestamps, How to execute a target only if the project is actually built

transforms, VisualStudioVersion property

(see also specific types)

naming convention for, Incremental database publishing with DACPACs

previewing, Profile-specific Web.config transforms

profile specific, Incremental database publishing with DACPACs

unit testing frameworks, Web Access

applications, Package Restore

NuGet packages, Managing NuGet packages

user interface (UI), Team Foundation Service

UsingTask, UsingTask updates

version number, file format, What’s new in MSBuild 4.5

views, refresh, Extending Team Explorer

Visual Studio 2010

compatibility with Visual Studio 2012, What’s new in MSBuild 4.5

Publish Web dialog box, What’s new in web publishing

Visual Studio 2012

Azure SDK 1.8, What’s new in web publishing
build definitions in, Team Foundation Service

building web packages, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

compatibility with Visual Studio 2010, What’s new in MSBuild 4.5

extensibility in, All Build Definitions

finding files, Workflow Designer

previewing transforms in, Profile-specific Web.config transforms

Publish Web dialog box, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

Team Explorer UI enhancements, Team Foundation Service

version property, Visual Studio project compatibility between 2010 and


viewing workflow files, Outline view

Visual Studio Extension (VSIX), Extending Team Explorer

Visual Studio Package

adding classes, Extending Team Explorer

adding dynamic content, Extending Team Explorer

adding static content, Extending Team Explorer

creating projects in, Extending Team Explorer

debugging, Extending Team Explorer

modifying Visual Studio Extension manifest, Extending Team Explorer

VisualStudioVersion property, Visual Studio project compatibility between

2010 and 2012

Web Access, Team Foundation Service, All Build Definitions

Web Deploy method, Publish profiles, Customizing the folder structure

inside the package

Web Deploy Package method, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box,
Publish profiles, Incremental database publishing with DACPACs, Profile-
specific Web.config transforms, How to publish a package to multiple

Web Management Service (WMSvc), Customizing the folder structure

inside the package

web packages
automating, Automating web publishing using a publish profile

building, Overview of the new Publish Web dialog box

Web Projects, Customizing the folder structure inside the package

Web.config transforms
defined, Phantom task parameters

in packages, How to publish a package to multiple destinations

previewing, Profile-specific Web.config transforms

profile specific, Incremental database publishing with DACPACs

SlowCheetah and, Package Restore

-whatif option, How to publish a folder with Web Deploy

Windows Azure, Customizing the folder structure inside the package

Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5, Operational and Analytic logs

WMSvc (Web Management Service), Customizing the folder structure

inside the package

workflow activities
adding comments to, Auto-Surround with Sequence

sequencing, Outline view

Workflow Designer, Workflow Designer

Workflow Runtime, Workflow Runtime

XML Document Transforms (XDTs), Package Restore
About the Authors
Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi is a consultant, trainer, and senior software developer
who has designed large-scale distributed applications using a variety of
programming languages and platforms, with specific expertise on MSBuild.
William Bartholomew is a software development engineer in the Microsoft
Developer Division Engineering Systems group, which includes the build lab
responsible for building and shipping Microsoft Visual Studio software.
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Supplement to Inside the Microsoft® Build Engine: Using
MSBuild and Team Foundation Build
Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi
William Bartholomew
Devon Musgrave

Copyright © 2013
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Library of Congress Control Number (PCN): 2013935725
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Acquisitions Editor: Devon Musgrave
Developmental Editor: Devon Musgrave
Project Editor: Valerie Woolley
Editorial Production: Christian Holdener, S4Carlisle Publishing Services
Technical Reviewer: Marc Young w/ CM; Technical Review services provided by Content Master, a member of CM Group,
Copyeditor: Susan McClung
Indexer: Jean Skipp
Cover: Twist Creative • Seattle and Joel Panchot
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