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Goals for Today!

▪ Identify the properties of a

well-written text.
▪ Critique and improve a
sample given text.


Properties of a
Well- Written
z Text 1. Organization
✓ is achieved when ideas are logically and
accurately arranged.
• knowledge of the parts of a composition is a
great help in adhering to the correct
organization of ideas. The sentences within
a paragraph must also be organized logically.
Read and
z analyze each event to determine which
comes first, next and last.

Despite all the Manuel, the With the financial

struggles that beset patriarch of the assistance of Bryan,
his four children, the richest among all
Bonifacio four siblings, the
they decided to stay
family, is family’s
in one roof to grant business is saved from
their father’s dying diagnosed with a bankruptcy and they
wish. lung cancer. all live in harmony and
Properties of a
Well- Written
z Text 1. Organization
Chuck Palahniuk’s novel Fight Club greatly influenced me
as a fictional writer. First, his use of the unreliable
narrator fascinated me, and I have written similar
characters in my works. Second, the theme of patriarchal
oppression can also be found in the stories I write. Third,
the novel’s stunning twist is something that I have been
trying to recreate. Thus, I am extremely grateful to have
encountered Palahniuk’s genius early in my writing
Properties of a
Well- Written
z Text 1. Organization
Chuck Palahniuk’s novel Fight Club greatly influenced me
as a fictional writer. First, his use of the unreliable
narrator fascinated me, and I have written similar
characters in my works. Second, the theme of patriarchal
oppression can also be found in the stories I write. Third,
the novel’s stunning twist is something that I have been
trying to recreate. Thus, I am extremely grateful to have
encountered Palahniuk’s genius early in my writing
Properties of a Well- Properties of a Well Written
WrittenzText 2. Coherence and Cohesion
➢ are achieved when ideas are logically,
clearly and smoothly linked to one
another; without it, the reader may not
be able to comprehend your
composition. Although these two
concepts are interrelated, they are
Properties of a Well- Properties of a Well Written
WrittenzText 2. Coherence and Cohesion
Coherence occurs when ideas are
connected at the conceptual or idea level. It
can be seen through well-defended
arguments and organized points.
Set A.z Number the sentences to form a well-
structured paragraph.

_____A. I knew that we would go to their house to celebrate her birthday but during
that time, I was still in our school because of my training for campus journalism.
_____B. I talked to her and said sorry for what I had done, and I explained my
reasons for not attending her birthday. At last, I was still thankful to her for
understanding my situation.
_____C. It was 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon when Angelita called me over the phone
and said that she was waiting for me at 7/11 store together with our other friends.
_____D. It's hard for me to choose what should I prioritize but I ended up staying in
_____E. On the next day, I saw her inside our room, and it seemed that she did not
want to look at me.
Properties of a Well-
Properties of a Well Written
WrittenzText 2. Coherence and Cohesion
Cohesion is the connection of ideas at
the sentence level. It can be readily
seen in a text through the smooth flow
of the sentences and the connection of
the ideas.
Properties of a Well- Properties of a Well Written
WrittenzText 2. Coherence and Cohesion
Cohesion can be applied using these three

First, using pronouns to refrain from using a

specific word repeatedly;
Second, using transitional devices to connect
sentences with linked ideas;
Lastly, using a repetition of keywords to tie up the
paragraphs subtly.
Properties of a Well- Properties of a Well Written
WrittenzText 2. Coherence and Cohesion
Transitional/ Cohesive Devices
Properties of a Well- Properties of a Well Written
WrittenzText 2. Coherence and Cohesion
Transitional/ Cohesive Devices
B. Combine each pair of sentences by changing one
sentence to a subordinate clause. Use an appropriate

subordinating conjunction to link the ideas.

Sample: I got tired. It was so late.
Answer: I got tired because it was so late.

1. I was studying my lesson. I heard a loud crash in the

next room.
2. I pulled the blankets on my bed. I was afraid.
3. I finally got up from where I was sitting. I heard the
cat’s meow
Properties of a Well- Properties of a Well Written
WrittenzText 2. Coherence and Cohesion

International Women’s Day is celebrated on the 8th of

March of every year. It began as a Socialist political event in
several Western countries. Then, other countries also
started celebrating the holiday just to express their love for
women. Currently, the United Nations observes the holiday
to bring to light women’s issues around the world
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
✓ refers to the appropriateness of word/vocabulary
✓ An effective language is specific, concise, familiar,
correct and appropriate.

It is important that you make good choices when it comes

to language use because how you use language affects the
tone of the text and the readers’ interpretation of it. Before
writing, you must think about and consider your target
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
✓ The way the language is used is one of the
clearest indicators of a well-written text.
✓ It enables the writer to effectively
communicate ideas without confusing the
✓ Effective language use is achieved by
observing the following time-tested
principles in writing.
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
1. Use clear and concise sentences. On average, a
sentence is 18 words long. (This does not require
every sentence to be composed of exactly 18 words.

Image is a very important factor in politics Image is a very important factor in politics.
because once the reputation of a person is Once the reputation of a person is smeared
smeared by accusations, the people’s by accusations, the people’s perception of
perception of the person is forever tainted, the person is forever tainted. The person
and it may cause him to lose credibility and may lose his credibility, even when the
trust even when the truth behind allegations allegations are not yet verified.
is not yet verified.
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
2. Avoid redundancies, wordiness, clichés, and
highfalutin language.
Although offsprings are Although children are told
taught not to obtain free not to take gifts from
gifts from strangers, at the strangers, many still do.
present moment many still
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
3. Avoid excessive use of “there” and “it” structures. These
sentences can be revised by dropping the “there” and “it”
phrase and transforming the sentences appropriately.

There are many people Many people walk on this
walking on this street during street during Sundays.
Sundays. It is important to Keeping your valuables close
keep your valuables close to to you is important.
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
4. Use precise vocabulary. Be accurate and condense
lengthy phrases into fewer words.

Shafts that control the brake Emergency levers are installed
during urgent situations are in every MRT train for the
built inside MRT trains to keep safety of the passengers.
the passengers free from
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
5. Be consistent with your pronoun’s point of
We should accept that fate is We should accept that fate is
simply an illusion; you must not simply an illusion; we must not
leave our decisions to leave our decisions to
something that does not exist. something that does not exist.
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
6. Avoid sexist language. This issue can be addressed by using
articles (a, an, and the), using plural pronouns, using his or her
instead of his, writing through a second person point of view,
or using gender-neutral nouns (e.g. chairperson instead of
chairman). Make sure not to overuse the his or her technique
as it breaks up the flow of your composition.
Eve was one of the firemen Eve was one of the firefighters
who responded to the call. who responded to the call.
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
7. Use the appropriate level of formality. The more
formal texts use an academic tone while the less
formal ones usually use a personal or colloquial
Yes, diskettes are like Diskettes may be outdated,
things of the past, but but they are still
they’re still totally cool. fascinating.
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
There are five major issues with appropriate language that
should be avoided in an effective and well-written text, as
identified by (Purdue Online Writing Lab 2020):

First, the formality of the language one uses should

depend on how formal the situation is and how the writer
and the reader are related to one another.
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
There are five major issues with appropriate language that
should be avoided in an effective and well-written text, as
identified by (Purdue Online Writing Lab 2020):

Second, jargons or specialized language used by groups of

individuals in the same field, should only be used if the
target readers belong to the same group.
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
There are five major issues with appropriate language that
should be avoided in an effective and well-written text, as
identified by (Purdue Online Writing Lab 2020):

Third, slangs and idioms should be avoided.

Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
There are five major issues with appropriate language that
should be avoided in an effective and well-written text, as
identified by (Purdue Online Writing Lab 2020):

Fourth, euphemisms or words that veil the truth shall also

be avoided.

Examples of which are “virtually challenged” for someone

who is short; “passed away” instead of died, and other
deceitful language.
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
There are five major issues with appropriate language that
should be avoided in an effective and well-written text, as
identified by (Purdue Online Writing Lab 2020):

Fifth, avoid using any biased language including those

associated with any racial, ethnic, group, or gender.
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
Hence, an effective language can be characterized
✓ Concrete and specific, not vague and
✓ Concise, not verbose
✓ Precise and clear, not obscure
✓ Constructive, not destructive
✓ Appropriately formal, not slang
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text
✓ We asked the secretary to call the professor
and get her permission for us to continue
our research.
✓ We requested that the secretary contact the
professor and obtain her permission for us
to continue our research.
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text

❖A teacher should make it a point to motivate
her students.
✓Teachers should make it a point to motivate
their students
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text

The coast guard salvaged Priscilla and her
sister after their fishing boat was damaged in
the storm
Properties of a Properties of a Well
z Text 3.Language Use
Written Text

❖There is an ongoing discourse about the ant

disestablishment assemblage and the
administrative political body.
✓There is an ongoing discussion between the
opposition and the government.
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics

✓ is the technical aspect of writing and

should not be overlooked. It is one of
the properties of a well-written text and
is characterized as a set of conventions
on how to spell, abbreviate, punctuate,
and capitalize a composition.
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics

o Always use standard English.

o Avoid contractions (e.g.,
o Avoid exclamation marks unless
they are part of a direct
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics
o Mention the full name of an institution or
organization with the abbreviation in
parenthesis, in first mention. Thereafter,
use the abbreviation.
o Numbers from zero to ten should be spelled
out while numbers higher than ten should
be written in figures.
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics
o Generally, citations are used in
academic and formal texts. However,
they are sparingly used in business
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics
Capitalization is the act of writing the first
letter of a word in uppercase while the rest of
the letters are in lowercase. There are rules in
capitalization that one has to remember.
Below are a few examples of words that
require capitalization:
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics
• Proper nouns
Alex, Manila

• Proper adjectives
• Days of the week
• Months of the year
• Specific course titles
Theater 101
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics

• Kinship names used in place of personal names and are


followed by personal names

Grandma, Dad, Aunt Paz, Uncle Alvin
• Adjectives, verbs, adverbs, nouns, and pronouns in a
title and the First and last word in a title
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found
There (literature)
• historical periods, events, documents
Great Depression, the Renaissance, the Constitution
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics

1. Periods are used to:


• End ordinary declarative and imperative


The stars look incredible.
Take my hand.
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics
1. Periods are used to:

• Indicate abbreviations. Abbreviations of

organizations and government agencies usually
do not have periods.

M.D. for Doctor of Medicine
DSWD for Department of Social Work and Development
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics

2. Comma is used to separate clauses joined by and,


but, for, or, nor, either… or, neither… nor

Example: Everything was finally ready, and we

heard the leader’s whispered signal to start.
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics

2. Comma is used to separate the elements in a


series, whether they may be words, phrases or


Joshua and Hoshi brought ice cream, barquillos,
and strawberry cake.
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics

2. Comma is used to separate adjectives that


individually and separately modify the same noun.

The peddler had a bold, calculating look on his face.
The president’s office gave us a refreshing,
liberating feel.
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics
3. A colon is used to introduce an enumeration
when the enumeration is preceded by a noun or

noun phrase. The enumeration in that case is the

appositive of the word preceding the colon.

Example: The management wanted to minimize electrical

expenses by cutting noontime activities: watching
television in the lounging areas, heating lunch in the
microwave oven, and using electric pots to cook noodles.
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics

3. A colon is used to set off expressions that


introduce formal statements, quotations, and


Example: As Rousseau said in The Social Contract: “As

soon as public services ceases to be chief business of the
citizens, and they would rather serve with their money
than with their persons, the State is not far from its fall.”
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics

3. A colon is used to separate two independent


clauses when no conjunction is used and the

second clause explains, amplifies, or illustrates the
first clause.

Example: The Korean language shares a characteristic

with Japanese and Chinese: it has no inflections for plurals
or tense.
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics

4. A semicolon is used to separate independent


clauses that are not connected by a coordinating


Example: Jona wore a blue gown to the party; Sandy had a

red one.
Properties of a
z Text Prop
4. Mechanics

4. A semicolon is used between items of a series if


the items contain commas.

Example: Daniel showed us the pictures he took of strange

sightings in Rome, Italy; Paris, France; and Vienna,

▪ If you are to give a reminder / advice to your

fellow students who are struggling in writing
effectively, what would it be?
Please complete this statement.

A well written-text is_____________.


▪ A well-organized piece of writing is

not only clear but also logical and
▪ I will not allow my child, (1) Robert to play video games. It is because violent games can make
my child more aggressive. If he will continuously (be) (2) exposed to this kind of games, he might
also imitate what he sees. There is a tendency for my child to hate other people (3). I do not (4)
want that to happen.(5)

▪ I think playing violent games will also affect his brain (6). That is what the doctor told me during
our recent consultation (7) and (8) we found out that Robert has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) (9).The health of my child cannot be compromised because of this. (10-11)

▪ Parents whose child plays games like this must watch their child closely to see if these games
affect their social and physical behavior (13). We cannot allow our society to be ruined because
of this. Their (14) social skills must be honed by playing with others in real life, not (15)through
this kind of violent game. Therefore (I conclude), we must say “NO” to our kids playing violent
video games. (16-17)

▪ 18. Why?

▪ 19. Oh my gosh!

▪ 20. I am not sure about this

Properties of a Well-Written Text

Coherence and Cohesion
Language Use
A. Identify
the property of a well –written text
that is being referred to by the given

1.It is achieved when sentences and paragraphs are

logically and accurately arranged in an essay.
2.It is the process of linking and connecting
sentences together.
3.It pertains to the use familiar and specific words
that the readers easily recognize and understand.
A. Identify
the property of a well –written text
that is being referred to by the given

4. It refers to set of rules used in writing on how to spell,

abbreviate, punctuate, capitalized, and other factors
deemed necessary for high quality writing.

5. It occurs when ideas are connected at the conceptual level

though the use of transitional devices.
Critique and rewrite a better version of the text .
Apply the ways on how you can improve the text by
observing the guidelines on the properties of a well
written text.

Rubrics for grading:

Organization 5 points
Coherence 5 point
Cohesion 5 points
Language Use 5 points
Mechanics 5 points
Total – 25 points
• laughter is the best medicine
• laughter is powerful and can help people in many

• this hormone gives the body of a person an overall
happy well-being
• according to medical doctors, smiling and laughing
release endorphins in the brains
• indeed laughter is a unibersal sign of well-being
and happiness within
• in addition, take comedians for example. They
usually live long and live happily
Laughter is the best medicine. It is
powerful and can help people in many ways.
According to medical doctors, smiling and
laughing release endorphins in the brain. This
hormone gives the body of a person an overall
happy well-being. In addition, take comedians
for example. They usually live long and live
happily. Indeed, laughter is a universal sign of
well-being and happiness within.



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