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Name: Crishalou Camay Español

Section/Course- BSEd 1A
Facilitator: Mr. Luzcar Abatayo
Date: 10/27/22



1.From your own perspective, how relevant is the environment around you?
- In my own perspective environment is relevant to everyone including the animals.
Environment is everything that is around us, which includes both living and nonliving things
such as soil, water, animals and plants, which adapt themselves to their surroundings. It is
nature's gift that helps in nourishing life on Earth. Environment gives us countless benefits
that we can't repay our entire life. We can breath, eat and live happily because of the
environment. That is why environment is relevant to everybody.
2. Do you have any environmental program that implemented in your Barangay? Please
elaborate and how do they implement it? Kindly expound your answer.
- Yes, our barangay implemented an environmental program which is the WASTE
MANAGEMENT wherein, our barangay captain and officials applying the 3R to maintain
waste, the reduce, reuse, and recycle wherein the reduce is we cut back on the amount of trash
we generate. Reuse is we find new ways to use things that otherwise would have been thrown
out. And lastly, the recycle, we turn something old and useless (like plastic milk jugs) into
something new and useful (like picnic benches, playground equipment and recycling bins) .
3. How nature is important to you? Did you try to get close to nature? If yes, expound your
-Nature is very essential to us. The natural world is an phenomenal wonder that motivate us
all. It derives our economy, our society, indeed our very existence. Our forests, rivers, oceans
and soils provide us with the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we irrigate our crops
with. Yes I get close to the nature, being connected to nature can produce similar benefits to
well-being, regardless of how much time one spends outdoors.
4. Do you believe that human activities contributed so much to climate change? If yes/no, what
should you do about it?

- Yes, I believe that human activities contributed so much in climate change, such as by
burning fossils fuels, cutting down the trees, over grazing, mining and quarrying too have
contributed significantly in land egradation. To avoid climate change we must take care our
mother earth for the better environment to live in. Everyone can help limit climate change.
From the way we travel, to the electricity we use and the food we eat, we can make a
difference, save energy at home walk, cycle or take public transport. The world’s roads are
clogged with vehicles, most of them burning diesel or petrol, it can destroyed our ozone layer.
5. From your own point of view, how will you protect the environment? Kindly expound your
- As a student, I will protect our environment by conserving water, applying the 3R the
reduce, reuse, and recycle to maintain the cleanliness of our surroundings, save electricity,
avoid littering anywhere and volunteer to join the clean up drive that our barangay
6. What is your strategy to conserve energy? Is there any connection with the environmental
protection? Kindly expound your answer.
- Energy conservation is the practice of using less energy in order to lower costs and reduce
environmental impact. Turning off the light when you leave the room, unplugging appliances
when they're not in use and walking instead of driving are all examples of energy
conservation. The two main reasons people conserve energy are to gain more control over
their energy bill and reduce the demand on the earth's natural resources.
7. How will you describe when you hear or read about “Global Warming”? Is there a chance to
heal this environmental phenomenon?
- When I hear the word Global Warming, is our Earth is full of poison gaseous that can make
our world hot because of our ozone layer is now ruined by the different poison gas. If we avoid
things that can ruined our world there is a big chance to heal our environmental phenomenon.
Let's make different and save our MOTHER EARTH.
8. How the government implemented this Primer R.A. 9003 also known as “Ecological Solid
Waste Management”? Why? Kindly expound your answer.
-9003, widely known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, provides the
required policy framework, institutional mechanisms and mandate to the Local Government
Units (LGUs) to achieve 25% waste reduction target through establishing an integrated solid
waste management plan based on the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle).
9. Do you recycle? If yes, how and what kind of things do you recycle?
- Yes, I do recycle such as, bottles, newspapers. The first thing to do is I will cut the bottle into a
half, then I cover it with the newspaper. And the result is, I have now my ballpen holder.
10. As an individual, what will be your greatest contribution to achieve the healthy
environment? Please explain your answer thoroughly.
- As an individual, my greatest contribution is I conserve everything like water, electricity and
more. Re-using items saves the natural resources and energy needed to manufacture new ones
- as well as saving money. Being in the healthy environment can make our life long.

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