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Aw (0-1 Jip asf) Ns Se | NS Woot KEV Py Po Been 2017” L ea a ee | lm which section of the indian Penal,Code, [Section 17 Section 18 Section 19 1)"india" is defined ? lone of the following is not a public servant for Member ofa Panchayat Secretary of Co-operative 2|the purpose of IPC - [A civil Judge liquidator lassisting a court of justice society [central Government or lUnder indian Penal Code, the word Icentral Government |Government of [Central Government or _| Government of State or 3}'Government’ denotes :- lonly jstate only IGovernment of State Local authority [The word “injury’ denotes any harm illegally : : 4}caused to any person in : Body Reputation Property JAllof these How many types of imprisonments, other than of life imprisonment , have been prescribed funder section 53 of Indian Penal Code ? 4l 5| 5] 2| [State the age limit prescribed under section 82 6|of indian Penal Code :- 17 Years [12 Years 118 Years [21 Years LF the term of imprisonment is up to 6 months, 7 |solitary confinement can't exceed :- 15 Days ]1 Month, 12 Month 13 Month [Section 95 of indian Penal Code isbasedon _|Volenti non fit g}the maxim :- injuria Vis major Jde-minimis non curatlex _|res ipsa loquitur When offence is punishable with fine only and lamount of fine does not exceed fifty rupees, Iwhat is maximum term of imprisonment in {default of payment of fine ? }15 Days 11 Month 2 Months: [3 Months Which section of indian penal Code was 10|declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court ? [Section 309 [Section 303 [Section 306. 11}section 96 of indian Penal Code deals with :- [Suicide Private defence {Petty offences Erermralnte fifo Ercan 2215 pay CPT? 9 nctg rasa ‘sentence can not be awarded in Indian] [Under Section 12|Penal Code :- . Under Section 121 __|396- |Under Section 364 A Under Section 498-A lWhich offence is defined in section 124A of —|Waging war against |Conspiracy to 13] the Indian Penal Code ? the State wage such war |Armed rebellion dition [Maximum imprisonment provided for 14| committing affray is of =- a Year |6 Months: 13 Months |. Month In calculating fractions of terms of punishment, imprisonment for life shall be 15|reckoned as equivalent to imprisonment for = |7 Vears 14 Years [20 Years 110 Years [Maximum Imprisonment of 7 Years is provided 16|under:- section 396 lsection302___ Section 121 ISection 397 Disclosure of the identity of a victim of rape is 17| punishable under = lsection 229 PC __|Section 228 1PC_|Section 376 IPC. ISection 228 -AIPC lUnder the indian Penal Code when property is in possession of a person's, on ‘account of that person, itis in that person's 18|possession :- wife Friend Father Mother 19]An offence punishable with fine only Is under :-|Section 135 lsection 136 __|Section 137 [Section 138 MA" has sexual intercourse with an adult 20|widow with her consent. "A" is guilty of:- _|Rape. ‘Adultery Insulting modesty of Widow |No offence |When two or more persons agree to do, an itegal act o an act which is not illegal by illegal Criminal 2a]mean, such an agreement is designated :-__|Sedition lConspiracy Dacoity lUniawful assembly Which of the following offence can't be 22|committed at private place ? Riot Jaffray lassauit [Criminal Force JA. finds @ rupee on the highway not knowing [Dishonest mis- Jto whom the rupee belong. A picks upthe —_ [appropriation of Dishonesty receiving stolen 23)rupee. A, has committed the offence of : lproperty eft roperty No offence ‘24[Mens rea implies : - Intention Knowledge Motive [A guilty mind Brea ded BPO Brecon 2015S Law P-L) Shon 1 What is maximum term of Imprisonment for, 25|fouling water of public spring or reservoir? _|3 Months J6 Months 4 Year I3 Year [Rash riding section 279 of the Indian Penal Code, deals lvehicle on private| Rash driving or riding 26|with offence of Rash driving vehicle [way Rash driving or riding vehicle lvehicle on public way Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt is [provided in which section of Indian Penal Code| Pat [Section 323 [Section 324 28|Dacoity is committed when minimu [section 319 Section 325 l2 or more persons |5or more fare there persons are there 17 or more persons are there }10 or more persons are there How many exception are there is Section 499 29] of Indian Penal Code ? Five Seven [Ten [Two '30|Cheating is defined in IPC under section :- __|Section 415 [Section 420 _|Section 425 [Section 417 Provision for non-attendance in obedience to 31 order from public servant provided under :-__|Section 174 ISection 172 Section 174- A Section 178 Fabricating false [punishment for giving false 32|Section 192 of Indian Penal Code deals wit levidence False Imprisonment Giving false evidence|evidence JA, with criminal intention, enters Z's house 33]through window. This is [criminal trespass__ [House trespass House breaking Lurking house trespass A meets Zon the high road, shows a pistol, land demands Z's purse. Z, in consequence, 34|surrender his purse. A has committed :- Theft JExtortion Robbery Dacoity Dishonestly Isection 410 of the indian Penal Code, Deals _|receiving stolen 35|with property. [Stolen property [Punishment for cheating Attempt of theft lwhoever commits lurking house-trespass after [Lurking house [Lurking house trespass by 36|sunset and before sunrise is sald tobe:- __|House breaking _|trespass House trespass nigint APO Ercan 2015 Eevndote LAW Cf-ED REFORM [Causing one thing to resemble another thing 37|with the intention of deception is =, |Counterfeit Fraud. ICheating., ischief |Which one of the following is not an offence 38|against Human body ? Abduction Rape Mischief kidnapping [Which offence is defined in Section 351 of 39|Indian Penal Code :~ Wrongful restrain [Force [Criminal Force Assault How many Kinds of hurts are treated a5, TT, 40|'Grievous Hurt" under section 320 of IP Five six lSeven Eight [Abetting in India the import of Export of Making instrument for _| counterfeiting out of India 41|section 236 of Indian Penal Code deals with [router coin [counterfeit coin_|counterfeiting Indian Coin__|of Coin JA common nuisance is excused on the Provision for punishment leround that it causes| lof attempt to commit lsome convenience Kidnapping is of |A person of any age can be _|murderis given in Section ‘42|Which one is Incorrect = Jor advantage. two kinds, kidnapped. 1307 of PC. which one of the following defence is related 43)to Me! Naughten's case ? Infancy Insanity Intoxication IConsent The distinction between culpable homicide land murder as defined in Indian Penal Code 4A}was pointed out in decision of = RVs. Beard IR Vs. Tolson__|R vs. Prince R Vs. govinda [What is the minimum imprisonment lprescrived for use of deadly weapons in as|dacoity ? 10 Years |7 Years 5 Years 14 Years JAbetting B to MA" instigates "B" to murder "C”. "8" refuses to|Abetting 8 to lcommit a 46|do so. "A" is guilty of __ abetting. lcommit murder. _|conspiracy. Murder JAttempt to murder. When the right of private defence, in case of House-breaking 47|property, does not extend to causing death :-_|Robbery [by night Mischief [Theft BPO Exam Qos Beedle LAW (PE afer |A wife giving harbour to her deserter husband.| . : : 4a|She shall be punished by imprisonment for = _|2 Years 1 Years I6 Months No Punishment Under which of the section of Indian Penal 49|Code, preparationis not punishable [section 122 Section 126 _|Section 399 Section 302 What should be maximum age of minor for 16 Years for male _|18 Years for male |16 Years if Male, iffemale, 18 Years if Male, if female, S0)offence of kidnapping ? land female both. [and female both. |18 Years [21 Years Maximum sentence of fine which can be 5iimposed by Chief Judicial Magistrate i= 110,000 Rupees__|25,000 Rupees _|50,000 Rupees No Limit |Where the offence has been lWhere the Vitim 52|Ordinary place of trial is lcommitted. resides. lWhere the Accused resides. |Where the F..R. lodged. [Enforcement of order of maintenance is i Section 126 53)provided under section 125 cr.P.c._|cr.P.C. section 127 Cr.P.C. [Section 128 Cr..C. Under the Cr.P.C,, duty of publicto give information about certain offences is provided salunder :- Section 36 |Section 37 section 38 Section 39 \section 259 of Cr.P.C. deals with the power of |Summons cases to Warrant cases to |Summons cases to summary |Warrant cases to summary '55|Court to convent :- lwarrant cases jSummons cases_|trial triats |Where the person sumamoned under Cr.P.C. [adult female can't be found, the summon may be served to |Adult male member |members of his Any adult servant of his 56|:- of his Family family lAny member of his family family Non-baifable 57|Section 437 of Cr.P.C. is related to Ballable offences offence Anticipatory bail Plea bargaining lwho has been who hasbeen | Whos reasonably lAny public officer can't arrest a person without|concerned in any [proclaimed as an |suspected of being deserter |Who is offender of Non- salwarrant :- lcognizable offence offender from any armed forces. __|cognizable case. Excoundede. PPO Gran 201 AW PAD) BPom 1s Under section 122 of Cr.P.C,, what is the . . . | maximum period for which any person can be ‘59| imprisoned for failure to give security :- 6 months ja Year 2 Years 3 Years |Who Is given protection from arrest under 60}section 45 af Cr.P.C. President of India Judicial Officer [Members of Parliament Members of Armed Forces Recording of Non-Recording of iconfession by jstatement by Statement to police notto |Statement to police to be 61|Section 164 of Cr.P.C. deals with :- Magistrate [Magistrate be signed jsigned Power of High Court for revision is provided |_62|under Cr.P.C. in = [Section 372, |Section 395, Section 401, [Section 406, [Dismissal of complaint provided under section 63}of CrP.C. +. }Section 200 [Section 201 Section 202, section 203 Which section provides for joint charge and Section 223 64} joint trial :- Section 222 Cr.P.C,_|Cr.P.C. |Section 221 Cr.P.C. Section 219 Cr.P.C. 65|Plea Bargaining is contained in Cr.P.C. [Chapter XX -A Chapter Vil-A__ [Chapter XxIL [Chapter XxVI [Classification of offences is given in the Code 66{of Criminal Procedure under :~ Section 320 |The 1st Schedule |The 2nd Schedule [Section 6 lUnder section 280 of Cr.P.C., a Judge or [Demeanour of |Character of 67|Magistrate will record his remarks regarding :- [witness [witness Personality of witness Integrity of witness Maintenance of case dairy by an Investigating |Section 154 of Section 172 of 68|officer is mandatory under which section ? ICr.P.C. ICr.P.C. Section 164 of Cr.P.C. [Section 190 of Cr.P.C_ |Which section of Cr.P.C. deals with cognizance 69] of offences by the Court of Sessions ? Section 190 Section 192 Section 193 Section 199 JA case can be committed to the court of |Section 209 of Section 328 of 70|sessions by a Magistrate under :~ |Cr.P.C. CrP.c. Section 324 of Cr.P.C. Section 203 of Cr.P.C. |The inherent power of the High Court are Section 151 of [Section 462 of 71Jcontained in :- [Cr.P.C, jCr.P.C. [Section 482 of Cr.P.C. [Section 154 of Cr.P.C_ Geom Dade APo Eoom 20187 LA aedris CPL offence : . : offence punishable |punishable with : . with fine not Hine not loffence punishable with lUnder section 206 of Cr.P.C., petty offences exceeding 100 lexceeding 250 _ [offence punishable with fine [fine not exceeding 1000 72\means :- Rupees. Rupees. not exceeding 500 Rupees. (Rupees. Magistrate of First class Which of the following is not empowered to {Chief Judicial Metropolitan specially empowered In this, 73|try summarily =~ Magistrate Magistrate behalf by the High Court__|Magistrate of second class The provisions of proving previous conviction Is envisaged in which of the following section 7alof CrP. section 296 section 297 _|Section 298 [Section 299 1A Magistrate is empowered to hol 75|under which provisions of Cr.P. section 174 (2) ___|Section 174(3)_|Section 174 (4) Section 174 (5) Ho which of the following does the Evidence |Non-Iudicial Jarbitration| 76|Act not apply? Proceeding Proceeding Judicial Proceeding Affidavit Previous and subsequent T7|section 8 of Evidence Act does not deal with :- [Motive Preparation __|eonduct Evidence 78|Which of the following is not documents ?__|Photo graph Map inscription on a stone loral Evidence lin which section of the Indian Evidence Act, 79|the plea of Alibi is laid down ? lsection 7 Section 24 [section 27 Section 11 Isection $ of the Evidence Act provides that [Facts in Issue and Partly of facts in issue and 80levidence may be given of :- relevant facts Facts in issue only|Relevant Facts only artly of relevant facts Section 13 of the Evidence Act provides for |_81]fact relevant when in question. lOnty Right JOnly Duty Jonty custom Right or Custom lUnder which section of Evidence Act, 82|canfession before Police is not admissible :-_|Section 25 Section 27 lsection 42, section 17 lWhich section of Evidence Act related to 83]Hostile witness ? [section 152 ISection 54 [Section 151, fro Eman, 21s Gronwdore LAW OP-ED aS [Secondary Proof of contents of |, 24|Section 63 of the Evidence Act deals with:- [Primary evidence evidence Jdocuments Judicial Notice, in which section of indian Evidence Act, £85 |opinion of third person is relevant ? Section 17 Section 34 section 45 Section 241 May be asked in IMay be asked in examination in [May be asked in re- Ican not asked in any 86 {Leading Questions :- [cross examination _|chief lexamination circumstances lWhich section of the Evidence Act is related to 87|presumption as to dowry death :- Section 113 section 113-A__|Section 113-8 ISection 112 (Chapter V of the indian Evidence Act, 1872 [Documentary 88|deals with JOral Evidence Evidence Burden of Proof Examination of witness Section 26 of the indian Evidence Act, 1872 89|deals with confession by accused white in :- [Jail Custody of Police |Untawful Custody Court jstatement is made Circumstances of the transaction |section 32(1) of the Indian Evidence Act does by a person as to the|which resulted in |Cause of that person's death’ 90|not deal with :- cause of his death. _|his death, jinto Question. Missing Person |The list of judicially noticeable facts is provided} 91|in which section of Evidence Act = Section 56 Section 57 Section 58 None of These Professional lorfictal lCommunication d 92|Section 159 if Indian Evidence Act deals with - [communications __lcammunications [marriage Refreshing memory Electronic record as documentry evidence ‘93|included in the Year :- 2000| 2001] 2005| 2008} Maternity and ISection 112 of Indian evidence Act, 1872 make paternity of Child |When parentag 94}conclusive proof about := |Maternity of Child_Jboth [Paternity of Child unknown, En dhe Po Goan De LAw (P-L) &f eos Which Kind of presumption can be drawn by the court under section 85;€ of the Indian Electronic , [electronic | Electronte Signature ‘ . 95|Evidence Act, 1872? JAgreements signature Certificate Electronic Records |Which of the following section of indian Evidence Act does not deal with criminal 96|matters ? section 23, lsection 27 section 53 section 133 IA witness who Is unable to speak, gives his evidence by writing. Evidence so given shall be 97|deemed to be lWritten Evidence _|Oralevidence _|Primary evidence Secondary [Any thing, state of things or relation of things, 98)capable of being perceived by the senses, is:~_|An evidence Fact Facts in issue None of These |Opinion 2s to hand writing, Opinion as to digital 99|Section 47 of Evidence Act deals with : lOpinion of Experts _|when relevant _|Opinion as to wages signature, when relevant [Section 137 of Evidence Act does not deal with cross 100):- Examination in Chief [examination lOrder of Examination [Coca plant means the plant of any species oF 101)the genus Icannabis Erythroxylon__|Charas |Co caine What is maximum punishment for 102/embezzlement of opium by cultivator ? I7 Years 10 Years 14 Years J20 Years Maximum number of members of The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance 103|committee is :- 10) 22] 15] x Every offence punishable under the N.DPS. [Cognizable or non las per the criminal 104|Act shall be = ICognizable Non cognizable _|cognizable procedure code lWhich section of Cr.P.C. shall not apply under section 18 of the SC/ST (Prevention of 105|Atrocities) Act, 1989 2 [section 437 section 438__|Section 439 Section 440 What is the minimum punishment of limprisonment under section 3(1) of the SC/ST 106| (Prevention of Atrocities) Act ? [3 Months [6 Months [1 Month 112 Months _L Errante: PPO Bream Qos LAW (PDD 85= por [Section 8 of the SC/ST (Prevention oF Forfeiture of 107|trocities) Act deals with = .___}Property Special Court__|Special Public Prosecutor _|Presumption as to offences} |Under section 2(b) of the SC/ST (Prevention of [civil Procedure 108] Atrocities) Act, ‘Code’ means indian Penal Code__|Code [criminal Procedure Code _|Evidence Act What is maximum punishment for using any arms or ammunition in contravention of 109|section § of Arms Act? 3 Years 5 Years l7 Years 10 Years Who has not Who has not Iwho is young person under section 9 of Arms [completed the age |completed the |Who has not completed the | Who has not completed 110]Act, 1959? lof 24 Years lege of 16 Years _|age of 18 Years the age of 21 Years Punishment for [Power to. 111|Section 32 of the Arms Act deals with :- subsequent offences confiscate JOffences by companies _|None of These lUnder section 10 of the Arms Act, the word Tourist’ means a person who visit India for a 112] period not exceeding :- 2 Months 13 Months, I6 Months 1 Month 113 [Under Excise Act, Tola’ means = 10.242 grms 10.142 grmas [10.568 grams 13.638 grams Isection 23 of Excise Act, prohibits employment 114]of children under the age of = 114 Years 16 Years 18 Years 21 Years [The control of the administration of Excise [Ioint excise Deputy Excise 115|Department shall be vested in Icommissioner__|Commissioner_[District Excise Officer Excise Commissioner Interest payable on failure to pay excise 1 percent per | 116) revenue under section 30-A of the Excise Act ;-|2 percent per Month|Month 1.5 percent per Month percent per Month |Which of the following is not an essential 117|commodity under Essential Commodities Act ? [Cattle fodder Cotton textile iron hak 118)Sugor includes = [Glucose Refined Sugar _[Sacerin Zuggary Ereonndle APO Gear 20 LAW (P-L) BE pT |Any person aggrieved by an order of . : [confiscation under section 6-A of Essential 119|Commodities Act may appeal to :- District Judge State Government Provision for attempts and abetment under the Essential Commodities Act provided Under 120|:- Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 [Section 7 (A) |"Embryo" means a doveloping human 121 organism after fertilisation tithe end of -__|4 weeks ls weeks 12 weeks 316 weeks [Under PC & PNDT Act, 1994 the registration certificate of a Genetic counselling |centre/Genetic laboratories or genetic cli shall be granted by the appropriate authority 122)in = Section 18 ISection 19 Section 20 section 21 A court competent to try offences punishable court of District |court of Judicial Magistrate |Court of Judicial 4z3]under PC & PNOT Act shall be := court of sessions _|Magistrate First Class Magistrate Second Class [Under which section of PC & PNDT ACT, 124|ditermination of Sex is prohibited ? section 5 section 6 Isection 9 lsection 12 Every offence under PC & PNDT Act shall not 125}be = |Cognizable Non bailable __|Non compoundable Baitable lwhat does "Child" means under Protection of |Person below the —_}Person below the |Person below the age of 18 |Person below the age of 21) 126|Child from Sexual Offences Act ? jage of 14 Years __|age of 16 Years _|Years Years Central Government in State Government in consultation with Iconsuttation with the Chief| [Under section 28 of POCSO a special court is the chief Justice Justice of High Court of the| 127|designated by = [Central Government] of supreme court| __ State Government state PP Eranre16 Bean date 21 TL pay (PPD Qr-10-157 [What is the eligibility for an advocate to be appointed as 2 special Public Prosecutor under, Practice for not less Practice for not, Practice for notigss than 7 )Practice for not less than 128|the POCSO Act? than 3 Years less than 5 Years [Years 10 Years 129|Agreement forgiving or taking dowry to be :=_|Hlegal Jvoidable Legal void Penalty for taking Penalty for giving |dowry & Penalty for demanding. 130]Section 3 of Dowry Prohibition Act deals with :-Jdowry punishment __| Punishment for giving dowry|dowry 131|Dowry Prohibition Officer appointed by:- [Sessions Judge _|District Collector |central Government [state Government lwhere any dowry is received by any person other than the woman in connection with whose marriage itis given, that person shall 132|transfer it to the : {Wornan Police Her parents Dowry Prohibition officer [Examination [Conducted by Railway Public Examination is —-- under the Rajasthan Examination recruitment Examination conducted by 133|Public Examination Act. conducted by RPSC_|Board Rajasthan high Court All of these lunauthorised help rom any person lwhile answering | Unauthorised under the Rajasthan Public Examination Act, |questions in # public [possession of [Unauthorised disclosure of 134|'unfair means’ mean Jexamination Jquestion paper_|question paper lll of these (Chairman of State lWho has power to amend schedule under the |Public service chief ustice of 135|Rajasthan Public Examination Act = lcommission High Court [central Government None of These lWhat is maximum fine for contravention of section 3 of Rajasthan Public Examination Act 136)? 1000 Rupees l2000 Rupees _|5000 Rupees 10,000 Rupees Exeanaeleter _ APO Exam 2013 pw (PD) 26-lon te [Offence punishable under the Indecent [Non-cognizable and |Cognizable and |Cognizable and non 137|Representation of Women Act shall be :- Inon-bailable bailable , |Non-cognizable and bailable |bailable . Central, ovement in Which of the following has power to make rule|Central Government |consultation with State Government in lunder section 10 of Indecent Representation |by notification in the |the chief Justice consultation with: 138|of Women Act ? official Gazette lof Supreme court |State Government. |Governor |Who has power to enter and search under the |Any police officer |Any police officer |Any. Gazetted officer Isection 5 of the Indecent Representation of authorised by Jauthorised by Jauthorised by State 139|Women Act ?- |sessions Judge \Collector |Government_ Any of them [Under the indecent representation of Women 140] Act, advertisement includes :- Label \Wrapper Label and Wrapper both Label, wrapper and notice [How many sections are under Food Safety and 141|standard Act 24) 37 63] 101) |General (Chapter Ill of the Food Safety and Standards |General principles of|provisions as to |Special responsibilities as to 142] Act, 2006 deals with :- food safety larticles of food _| food safety |All of these |Whole of India lexcept the State _|Whole of India except the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 extend to, of Jammu & state of Jammu & Kashmir |Whole of India except the 143|the |Whole of India Kashmir Jand state of Nagaland |State of Nagaland Nasa ofce of he Food hho al be 144jat Mumbai Kolkata |Hyderabad Vaipur Maximum age of chairperson of Food 145]Authority :- 60 Years: |62 Years [65 Years 58 Years [Food safety Appellate Tribunal is established State [Central Government or 146|by = Central Government |Government_ [State Government Isupreme Court What is maximum penalty for sub-standard 147|food :- [50 Thousand Rupees |1 Lakh Rupees 5 Lakh Rupees 110 Lakh Rupees: 148] Bovine animal does not include Bull Calf Bullock |Boselaphus (Nilgai) Exxrvadake— _ 5 : 2ols Law 0-2) Q¢rforss Transportation of . beef andbeef | , : 149] |Sale of beef product [product ISlaughter of bovine animal_ |All of these |Whoever intentionally causes grievous injuries lto a bovine animal shall, on cor Lyearsimple | 4 year rigorous 7 year rigorous 150|maximum punishment can be given :- Imprisonment, Imprisonment_|3 year simple Imprisonment, Imprisonment.

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