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Describe the differences between Career Guidance and

Career Counselling.

 Career guidance is a specialized service which assists individuals

to make choices regarding education and occupation in their career
whereas counselling is a process of helping individuals to learn and
understand about themselves through the assessments. Career
guidance is a broader one and comprehensive while career
counselling is a part of it and narrow. Guidance always helps
everyone in choosing the best possible choices, but counselling
tries to get the solution for personal and psychological problems.
Mostly guidance is given by experts in the field that we have
already chosen. However, counselling is given by counsellors who
have high level of skill and professional training. In the guidance,
guide takes decision for the student. On the other hand, counsellor
encourages the client to take decisions on their own.

2. “Career guidance is not only for the process of selection

for a job” Discuss this fact.

 We can say that career guidance is not only for the process of
selection for a job, but also it gives knowledge, skills, information
and experience regarding their career. Moreover, it helps
individuals in development of their overall personality and
performance in every situation. It helps everyone to make wise
choices in their career path. In addition, guidance makes
individuals independent and, it improves self-understanding.

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