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Solar panels integrated into fields marks a groundbreaking development in the realm of agricultural and
biosystems engineering. By combining renewable energy infrastructure with traditional farming
practices, this innovative approach demonstrates the potential for convergence between sustainable
energy production and agricultural efficiency. Through the integration of solar panels into agricultural
landscapes, engineers can explore new avenues to optimize land use, energy generation, and
environmental stewardship.

2. As much as possible, determine the following

Solar pv module

I. Brand =Canadian solar

II. Rated power =360W

III. No of modules =24

b. Controller

I. Type: Inverter pump controller

c. System

1. Static Head

IL Discharge Head

III. Total length of pipe

iv. Pipe material

v. Total no. of bends

3 Ask questions on the following:

A) Cleaning solar panels in the field is relatively straightforward, typically requiring periodic maintenance
to remove dust, dirt, and debris that may accumulate on the surface. Regular cleaning helps optimize
the efficiency of the panels by ensuring maximum sunlight absorption. -"It is easy because the solar
panels are of easy to access and there are no of much obstacles that can make cleaning impossible and

B) Adjusting and repairing parts of solar panels in the field can be conveniently done with proper
knowledge and equipment. Simple adjustments such as tilting panels for better sunlight exposure or
replacing damaged components can be easily carried out to ensure optimal performance. -"Repairind
and adjustment of parts are easy because the panels are of not too mich in height that people can easily
reach for its parts."

C) Safety is of utmost importance when working with solar panels in the field. Workers should adhere to
safety protocols, such as wearing appropriate protective gear and following proper procedures to
mitigate risks associated with electrical components and working at heights. -"The area is safe for it has
gates and fences around it and it is guarded with such security system that can make it more safe."

D) Monitoring for failures or abnormalities in the system during and after operation is crucial for
maintaining efficiency. Common issues that may arise include reduced energy production, faulty wiring,
or damage to panels due to extreme weather conditions. Conducting regular inspections and
implementing proactive maintenance measures can help address these issues promptly, ensuring the
longevity and effectiveness of the solar panel system in the field. -"Monitoring is easy and not


In conclusion, the integration of solar panels in fields within the context of agricultural and biosystems
engineering embodies a transformative paradigm shift towards a more sustainable and efficient future.
This interdisciplinary approach not only enhances renewable energy production but also underscores
the vital role of engineering in creating synergies between technology and agriculture, paving the way
for a greener and more resource-efficient world.

Laboratory Exercise No. 5 Determination of Permanent Wilting Point of the Soil

The soil moisture content when plants permanently wilt is called the permanent wilting point or the
wilting coefficient. The permanent wilting point is at the lower level of the available moisture range. A
plant will wilt when it is no longer able to extract sufficient moisture from the soil to meet its water

Field estimates of wilting point can often be made by determining the moisture content of soils in which
plants have permanently wilted. This method can be subjected to more error and requires more/better
judgment than field capacity determination using the field method.

The tension at which permanent wilting occurs can vary from 7 atmospheres to as height as 40
atmospheres depending upon the rate of consumptive use, kind of crop grown, salt content of the soil
and soil texture.


To be able to determine the permanent wilting point of the soil.


1. sunflower seeds

2. soil sample

3. containers

4. cotton
5. paraffin

6. oven

7. weighing balance


1. Obtain soil samples, pulverize and put them in three cans or pots.

2. Grow sunflower seeds in the cans or pots and expose them to sunlight.

3. Thin the plants to only 1 (one) seedling per can.

4. When each sample plant has developed two to three pairs of leaves, wet the soil to field capacity.

5. Seal the soil surface with paraffin and cotton to prevent evaporation. Plug also the perforations at the
bottom of the cans.

6. Observe the plants, but do not irrigate. When the plants show sign of wilting, place them in a humid
chamber for 12 hours, inspect the plants every six hours to see if they recover from wilting.

7. If the plants recover from wilting, under a shade until they wilt. Then, place them again in a humid

8. If the plants fail to recover even after placing them in a humid chamber, take soil samples from each
can and determine the moisture content of the sample using the gravimetric method. (Your
instructor/professor should have noted first your wilted plants before uprooting these from the
Results and Discussion



1. Why is the moisture content at which the crop permanently wilts a function of the consumptive use
rate as well as the soil texture?

2. It is desired to increase the moisture content of an acre of farm from a permanent wilting point of
10% up to field capacity of 22% for a 5-foot depth. Assume that the dry soil weighs 100 lbs per cu ft. Find
the amount of moisture to be added per acre.

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