Application Form

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UNIVERSITY OF saul 1. Post applied for 2. Campus/Department for Which Applied 3. Advertisement No. & date 4, Name of the applicant (in block letters) 8. Father's Name 6. Address i) Permanent ii) For Correspondence Mote! - 2 amen 7. Date o Birth 8. State of which you belong 9. Nationality APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS / OFFICERS FORM OF APPLICATION FOR epee Ini THE UNIVERSITY Affe Aested teen Passport (Vo be filied in by the applicant Size Phowograpn Pin Code, Tel. No.(ifany) Fax No. (if any), . Tel, Nowit any) 10. Do you belong to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe or backward Class Yes/No (Documentary evidence in support is essential) 11. Particulars of examination passed :- Examination | Subject Passed age of | Yearof] University? Board total | Passing Mavs ‘Matic BAI e7 6 ConiBOR ‘BCANFina Graduate WAMIscTH Cam Final Post Graduate M.Phil Ph. D. NET/SLET ‘Specialization ‘Any other Course 12, Field of Specialization 13. Prize, Medal & Scholarship received, if any 14. Particulars of previous employment Name of Employer | Date of | Dateot | Postion& | Salary & Reason for leaving Joining | leaving | Nature of Grade the job, if any duties (if the space is not sufficient please attach a separate sheet) 4. Teaching Experience, if any (Indicate period in years) a) Collage Level ) University Level 46. Research Experience, if any : (Indicate period in years excluding period spent for completing Ph. D /M. Phil) 17. Published work (State number of publications in each case and attach list of publications) Books Papers Abstract Articles Patents Review 48. Languages (including Indian languages) you can read, write and / or speak. Give particulars of examination (s), if any, passed in each. Read only ‘Speak only | Read &Speak | Examination (s) passed 19. Present salary and grade (Basic Pay and allowances to be mentionea separately if employed) Scale. Basic Pay. DA JHRA. LOCA. nA sneer ARY ONE 20. If appointed, what notice would you required before joining 21. Are you wiling to accept the minimum initial pay offered ? If not. Indicate clearly the initial pay you would accept. 22. Have you ever been disqualified from appearing in any examination or undertaking any University work (Say Yes Or No) 23. Have you ever been placed under suspension / dismissed from service or stopped to cross efficiency Bar ? 24, Reference :- (These should be persons residing in India and holder of responsible positions and they should intimately be acquainted with the applicant's character and work but must not be relations). 4. Name... : ‘Occupation or position. Address... ‘Telephone No./Mob. No... -E-maillD... 2. Name. Occupation or position, Address. Telephone No... 25. Additional remarks.. (Applicants may mention here any special qualification or experience which has not been given under the above heads. If the space below is insufficient for this purpose, please give full paniculars on a separate sheet and attach it to this application inserting here a reference to the sheet attached) Declaration Thereby declare that the entries in this form and the particulars furnished are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place... Date.. Signature of the applicant Remarks of the Employer / Head of the Institution 'hereby declare that the entries in this form and the particulars furnished are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. PLACE. pseeos Date... Signature with designation Stamp of the Employer IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Application should be sent to the Registrar, University of Jammu, Baba saheb Ambedkar Road, Jammu (Tawi) - 180 006, (Jammu & Kashmir) State, so as to reach him not latter than the date ‘mentioned in the Advertisement Notice. 2. Any change of address given in Sr. 5 (ii) should at once be communicated to the Registrar. The Candidate, must arrange for redirection of communication to the new address, if necessary. The University will make every effort to take account of change in candidate's address but can not accept any responsibility in this matter. 3. Candidate who apply for more than one post should submit separate application and write a separate letter with each application 4. Incase of published work to be mentioned, only number of publications already published may be mentioned. This publications in press, in preparation etc. will not be taken into account. 5. The application form should be filled up by the candidate himself/herself with neat and clean handwriting and should be sent the University under a registered cover (AD) 6. Incomplete form in any respect will not be entertained. 7. The percentage of marks in Sr. '10' Col. '3' should be out of otal aggerate of marks of the examination passed. Percentage in each subject/paper need not be mentioned. 8. The candidate are advised to attach a self addressed envelope of 23cmx10cm size with the application form bearing postage stamp of proper value to cover the cost of letter to be sent for “Tobe rium the Registrar so as to reach him ollaer han the data No. JUFBSTY.2016 204 Deere Sorry a peeled Peete or ; _under which application as applicable is |S.No.: ff... UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU 1 ona OF APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF NON-TEACHING STAFF oy (TOBE FILEDINEY THE APPLICANT) a | Form incomplete or without attested Copies of Certificates pavepert sine ‘@xamination passed together with copies of marks certificate ‘Photograph atinated ‘will not be entertained, ™ carne 2 ee 2 fen oneenaee = ence a @ eacgaral i ea Iara pases aceanaTereca 62 | seins poonmuyeaunlnceas? : (\f$0, please attach a copy of the certificate) r’s 1° Wn ong Sed Caro ibaa Gas Buon Neanual nvel Gc fates Pemeanaa Corte uprdoat eno wc 1) Siaaramean he one R jf ewmanttonbanes pciaeteae ee ee ‘ ‘Aasress for Corespondence, . ee (Phone No, ifany) ‘Any change of address given in column 9 should at once be communicated tothe Registrar. The candidate ‘must arrange for re-direction of communications to the new address, if necessary. The University will make every effort to take account of change in candidate's adress, but not accept any responsibilty in this matter. Academic qualiiation x) <4. py ‘Nameot Division | Examination - | subject & Universiy/ Yearot | Max. Marks | Marks Passed ofered | Percentage Board Passing Obtained f Matrcitigher Secondary 5 Higher Secondary Parl 12th Class) s, B.AIB.So/B.Com BBABCA Part i 4 MAIM.SesM.Com| 5. PGDBMDOM asp. 6. MPhil 7, Pao. ‘Any other Exam, Passed Nate: 1.ifthe spaceis insufficient for his purpose, please give fullpariculars ona separate sheet of paper and attach the seme wit the application form. 1. Professional Technical Qualification, i any : Nameof Dhision Examination |- Subject & Passed ofered’ -| Percentage Universiy/ Board Yearot Passing Max. Marks Marks Obtained Note: 2 183, 4 16, 16 1 19. Mth space is insufficient for this purpose, please give full ‘same with the appicatio, inserting here ina reference tothe sheet attached Doyo know Typewnting / Shorthand ? Iso mention the speed Previous experience, feny, (Professional end Administrative) Doyou know Computer Applications, Have you setved in any Government Department! Govt. Undertaking / Company Autonomous Organisation if so please state = 1. Total service rendered 2, Post held (indicating scale ofthe post) ‘3. Date of dischargertermination et. 4. Reasons for termination of Service yu are serving, Stat 1. Department where serving 2. Post held 43. Scale of post held 4.Cadre 5. Are you wiling to forego the privilege enjoyed Lnder your cadre, if appointed in the Univers ‘Whether any of your relation is employed In this Unversity. - Yes No if so, please state name(s) and relationship. Have you ever been arrested Imprisoned ‘challaned under Law of the country. -Yes / No it 0, please state ‘Typewitng WPM. Shorthand WPM. Signature ofthe Applicant riculars ona separate sheet ofpaper and attach the Character Certicate onthe folowing form from the Gazetted Offcer/M.P/M.L.A.ML.C./ Magistrate First Css. Ceti that, ‘Son Daughter of Rio, Is personaly known tome. He bears good Moral Gharactor and has never boon prsoned under Law ofthe County. Signature ofthe Attestng Authorily (with seal)

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