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PERS PE C T IV E Adjusting Risk Adjustment

The graph also highlights two risk-score adjustment. Teal areas tional studies that compare the
HRRs in Texas that have been (in general, the West and Mid- outcomes of patients in supposed-
frequently discussed since the west) have patient populations ly similar health who are exposed
publication of Atul Gawande’s that are less healthy than one to different treatments, as well as
New Yorker article “The Cost Co- would expect on the basis of raw in public reporting programs in
nundrum”: McAllen and El Paso.3 risk scores — that is, they have which patient choices or physi-
Unadjusted risk scores suggest providers who tend to diagnose cian referrals may be based on
that patients in McAllen are 25% less aggressively. Purple areas (in risk-adjusted quality measures.
sicker than patients in El Paso, general, the Northeast and South) Disclosure forms provided by the authors
but our adjusted estimates sug- have patient populations that are are available at

gest that patients in McAllen are more healthy than standard risk- From the Department of Economics, Massa‑
only 15% sicker. In other words, adjustment measures would pre- chusetts Institute of Technology (A.F., P.H.,
in keeping with Gawande’s con- dict — that is, they have provid- H.W.), and the National Bureau of Econom‑
ic Research (A.F., M.G., H.W.) — both in
jecture, a nontrivial share of the ers who tend to have greater Cambridge, MA; and the Department of
difference in measured health be- diagnostic intensity. Medicare Ad- Economics, Stanford University, Stanford,
tween the two areas can be ex- vantage payments based on our CA (M.G.).
plained by more intensive diag- adjusted risk score measures
1. Song Y, Skinner J, Bynum J, Sutherland J,
nostic practices by doctors in would tend to increase by as much Wennberg JE, Fisher ES. Regional variations
McAllen than doctors in El Paso. as 10 to 15% in the dark teal areas in diagnostic practices. N Engl J Med 2010;​
If risk scores were adjusted to ac- of the map and fall by 10 to 15% 363:​45-53.
2. Finkelstein A, Gentzkow M, Williams H.
count for this finding, the gap in in the dark purple areas. Sources of geographic variation in health care:
risk score–based reimbursements Our goal here is to provide an evidence from patient migration. Q J Econ
between McAllen and El Paso example of how the area-specific 2016;​131:​1681-726.
3. Gawande A. The cost conundrum: what
would shrink by about 10 percent- adjustment factors we calculated a Texas town can teach us about health care.
age points. may be useful in practice. We ex- The New Yorker. June 1, 2009.
The map shows the geographic pect that the adjustment factors DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1613238
patterns that emerge from our may also be useful in observa- Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Adjusting Risk Adjustment

New Vaccines against Epidemic Infectious Diseases

New Vaccines against Epidemic Infectious Diseases

John‑Arne Røttingen, M.D., Ph.D., Dimitrios Gouglas, M.Sc., Mark Feinberg, M.D., Ph.D., Stanley Plotkin, M.D.,
Krishnaswamy V. Raghavan, Ph.D., Andrew Witty, B.A., Ruxandra Draghia‑Akli, M.D., Ph.D., Paul Stoffels, M.D.,
and Peter Piot, M.D., Ph.D.​​

T he vaccine-development re-
sponse to the 2014 Ebola epi-
demic in West Africa, though a
vaccines advancing through more
than 15 accelerated clinical trials
in a year. But the testing of Ebola
infected, and too many of them
died. Moreover, there is no guar-
antee of similar risk-taking efforts
valiant effort, was too little, too vaccine candidates had previously in the future, especially given the
late. Three vaccine candidates stalled, though several candidates poor market potential and the
were tested successfully under could have been ready for efficacy great clinical and regulatory un-
challenging conditions.1-3 Govern- testing before the epidemic if the certainties.
ments and foundations mobilized necessary investments had been Vaccines can prevent outbreaks
funds quickly. Companies and made. In the absence of data on of emerging infectious disease
research-and-development institu- safety, immunogenicity, and dos- from becoming humanitarian cri-
tions brought vaccine candidates ing in humans, it was challeng- ses. The WHO recently deemed
into the field. Collaborations ing to progress quickly with effi- 11 pathogens as the most likely
among the World Health Organi- cacy trials in West Africa. As a to cause severe outbreaks in the
zation (WHO), funders, academia, result, people who could have near future and will regularly up-
civil society, and industry saw been protected instead became date its list (see table). There are

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PE R S PE C T IV E New Vaccines against Epidemic Infectious Diseases

feasible vaccine candidates for Top Emerging Pathogens Likely to Cause Severe Outbreaks in the Near Future.*
some of these diseases. When
such candidates exist, timely vac- Diseases to be urgently addressed under the WHO Research and Development
cine development can avert global Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus
public health emergencies, con- Filovirus diseases (Ebola and Marburg)
tain loss of life, and limit social Highly pathogenic emerging coronaviruses relevant to humans (Middle East respi‑
ratory syndrome coronavirus [MERS-CoV], severe acute respiratory syndrome
and economic damage. coronavirus [SARS-CoV])
An efficient global system of Lassa fever virus
vaccine research-and-development Nipah virus
Rift Valley fever virus
preparedness is needed. Since we Any new severe infectious disease
generally have poor clinical vac- Serious diseases necessitating further action as soon as possible
cine-development pipelines for epi- Chikungunya
Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome
demic infectious diseases,4 such Congenital abnormalities and other neurologic complications associated with Zika
diseases can emerge and spread virus
faster than we can successfully
* Information is from the Research and Development Blueprint for action to prevent
develop vaccines. Platform tech- epidemics, plan of action, May 2016, World Health Organization. Prioritization crite‑
nologies that could reduce devel- ria included human transmissibility (including population immunity and behavioral
opment times in an emergency factors); severity or case fatality rate; spillover potential; evolutionary potential; avail‑
able countermeasures; difficulty of detection or control; public health context of the
are often not validated for human affected areas; potential scope of outbreak (risk of international spread); and poten‑
use in advance, which delays the tial societal impact. The group of experts who developed the list represented a range
start of clinical trials. Delays can of disciplines, including virology, microbiology, immunology, public health, clinical
medicine, mathematical and computational modeling, product development, and
also result from the time taken to respiratory and severe emerging infections. The conclusions of the experts were re‑
reach agreement on appropriate viewed by the Blueprint’s independent Scientific Advisory Group.
clinical trial design, even when
products are ready for testing.
And regulatory pathways are not risk sharing by governments seek- medical countermeasures against
easily adaptable to epidemic con- ing their help. emerging infections. Since the
texts, especially in regions with To address these problems, Davos meeting, more than 80 or-
weaker regulatory capacity and leaders from governments, foun- ganizations and more than 200
where outbreaks are more likely. dations, industry, and civil soci- individuals have collaborated to
Current vaccine-development ety came together at the January create the Coalition for Epidemic
efforts are fragmented, with no 2016 World Economic Forum Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).
sustainable mechanism to sup- meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Its mission is to stimulate, fi-
port them across national bor- and agreed to explore new ways nance, and coordinate the develop-
ders and direct them toward to drive vaccine innovation for ment of vaccines against epidemic
global epidemic risks. Several high-priority public health threats. infectious diseases, especially in
countries have invested in research The meeting was inspired by a cases in which market incentives
targeting prevention of the emer- call for a new vaccine fund5 — alone are insufficient.5
gence and spread of pathogens and by proposals and expressions Between February and June
likely to cause outbreaks that of interest from major vaccine 2016, CEPI convened three expert
could affect them. But countries manufacturers for new and dedi- task teams to assess challenges
at the epicenter of outbreaks of cated partnership structures. It and potential solutions for patho-
emerging infectious diseases usu- was supported by an emerging gen prioritization, clinical devel-
ally lack such research capacity. consensus from the 2015 Oslo opment, manufacturing capacity,
Uncoordinated government fund- consultation on Financing of and regulatory pathways; partner-
ing cannot efficiently and sus- R&D Preparedness and Response ship models; and funding strate-
tainably address global epidemic to Epidemic Emergencies and the gies. The teams recommended
risks. Vaccine developers end up process outlined in the WHO that CEPI initially draw on the
spending their own resources to Research and Development Blue- disease priority list in the WHO
test products for epidemic condi- print for creating a global financ- Blueprint as it gradually develops
tions without any guarantee of ing facility for developing bio- its own vaccine-prioritization pro-

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PERS PE C T IV E New Vaccines against Epidemic Infectious Diseases

cess. CEPI will initially focus on accelerate development of feasi- tional stockpiles and vaccines
investments in essential gaps in ble vaccines that can have a pub- available in sufficient quantities
product development, especially lic health impact and to provide in affected territories and for set-
from late preclinical studies to equitable access to affordable vac- ting prices as low as possible.
proof of concept in humans cines for priority populations. To Product costs should also be
(phase 2 trials); support for tech- this end, CEPI has developed a minimized through these risk-
nical and institutional platforms business plan with a budget of sharing arrangements.
that can be used for rapid vac- $1 billion for the next 5 years5 A Joint Coordination Group
cine development against known focusing on two main objectives: was established in November
and unknown pathogens in the advancing at least four candidate 2016 to help align CEPI’s efforts
event of a new epidemic; partner- vaccines against two or three high- with those of other organizations
ship arrangements building on priority pathogens to the proof- in order to facilitate early devel-
capabilities of advanced vaccine of-concept stage (by supporting opment and to address clinical,
developers and manufacturers; and phase 1 and 2 trials) to enable regulatory, access, and manufac-
end-to-end coordination among clinical efficacy testing (phase 3) turing issues. CEPI will soon issue
stakeholders through plans to during the initial stages of an its first requests for proposals for
mobilize resources, manage and outbreak, and building technical funding, focusing on pathogens
distribute stockpiles, and acceler- and institutional platforms to ac- prioritized by its scientific advi-
ate vaccine testing and approval celerate the research-and-develop- sory committee. CEPI also aims
to collaborate with procurement
agencies to facilitate investments
Without cross-sector coordination or focus in vaccine stockpiles for emer-
on timely vaccine-development capabilities, gency use beyond its own invest-
ments in smaller investigational
even the effort mounted against Ebola stockpiles.
CEPI is in a strong position,
will be hard to replicate. with several governments and
foundations having promised in-
during epidemics. Priority will ment response to the emergence vestments to meet its budgeted
also be given to contributions to of pathogens. CEPI will plan for needs for 5 years. We have al-
finishing the job on Ebola vac- and mobilize resources for phase ready partnered with experienced
cines. 3 efficacy trials as well as support vaccine manufacturers with global
Building on the task teams’ small stockpiles, and it is explor- reach, members of the Develop-
recommendations, CEPI has tran- ing ways of supporting research ing Countries Vaccine Manufac-
sitioned into a startup phase. An and development of multivalent turers Network, and vaccine bio-
international nonprofit associa- Ebola vaccines and facilitating reg- technology companies. We have
tion has been founded by the ulatory preparedness and stock- accumulated expertise through our
governments of Norway and India, piling. task teams and working groups
the Wellcome Trust, the Bill and CEPI plans to ensure the sus- and have benefited from the evi-
Melinda Gates Foundation, and the tainability of its partnership ap- dence generated through the
World Economic Forum, and CEPI proach by securing industry par- WHO Research and Development
stakeholders are invited to be- ticipation in collaborations in Blueprint process. To succeed, we
come formal partners. An interim which the risks and benefits of will have to continue to attract and
board and scientific advisory vaccine development are shared retain a broad range of top experts
committee have been appointed. and by supporting the develop- and institutional champions.
An interim secretariat is ensuring ment of regional capabilities for Without cross-sector coordina-
CEPI’s launch, with functional epidemic vaccine preparedness. tion or focus on timely vaccine-
nodes in Norway, the United King- To ensure achievement of public development capabilities, even the
dom, and India. benefit, CEPI and its partners effort mounted against Ebola will
CEPI will measure key out- will need to agree to reasonable be hard to replicate. We hope that
comes to assess its capacity to obligations for making investiga- CEPI’s capabilities and partner-

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PE R S PE C T IV E New Vaccines against Epidemic Infectious Diseases

ships will enable it to adequately GlaxoSmithKline (A.W.), and the London 2. Ewer K, Rampling T, Venkatraman N,
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine et al. A monovalent chimpanzee adenovirus
address epidemic vaccine-develop- (P.P.) — all in London; the International Ebola vaccine boosted with MVA. N Engl J
ment needs and help contain out- AIDS Vaccine Initiative (M.F.) and Johnson Med 2016;​374:​1635-46.
breaks quickly, providing a sort & Johnson (P.S.) — both in New York; the 3. Milligan ID, Gibani MM, Sewell R, et al.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Safety and immunogenicity of novel adeno-
of global health insurance policy. (S.P.); the Department of Biotechnology, virus type 26- and modified vaccinia Ankara-
We look forward to collaborating Ministry of Science and Technology, New vectored Ebola vaccines: a randomized clini-
with all relevant actors to achieve Delhi, India (K.V.R.); and the Directorate cal trial. JAMA 2016;​315:​1610-23.
General for Research and Innovation, Euro‑ 4. CEPI. Coalition for Epidemic Prepared-
these goals. pean Commission, Brussels (R.D.-A.). ness Innovations preliminary business plan
Disclosure forms provided by the authors 2017–2021. November 2016 (http://cepi​.net/​
are available at This article was published on January 18, sites/​default/​f iles/​CEPI%20Preliminary%20
2017, at Business%20Plan%20061216​.pdf).
5. Plotkin SA, Mahmoud AAF, Farrar J.
From the Coalition for Epidemic Prepared‑ 1. Henao-Restrepo AM, Longini IM, Egger
ness Innovations (CEPI), the Norwegian In‑ Establishing a global vaccine-development
M, et al. Efficacy and effectiveness of an
stitute of Public Health, and the University fund. N Engl J Med 2015;​373:​297-300.
rVSV-vectored vaccine expressing Ebola sur-
of Oslo — all in Oslo (J.-A.R., D.G.); the face glycoprotein: interim results from the DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1613577
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Guinea ring vaccination cluster-randomised Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society.
New Vaccines against Epidemic Infectious Diseases

Boston (J.-A.R.); Chatham House (J.-A.R.), trial. Lancet 2015;​386:​857-66.

The Common Rule, Updated

The Common Rule, Updated

Jerry Menikoff, M.D., J.D., Julie Kaneshiro, M.A., and Ivor Pritchard, Ph.D.​​

F or the first time since it was

issued in 1991, the Common
Rule — the set of federal regu-
submitted, from a fairly wide
swath of the public, including in-
dividuals, institutions, organiza-
cern that implementing this pro-
posal could significantly harm the
ability to do important research,
lations for ethical conduct of tions, and societies. These com- without producing any substan-
human-subjects research — has ments, and influential reports tial off-setting benefits. The pub-
been updated. Most of the new including one from the National lic response was particularly note-
requirements, many of which in- Academies of Sciences, Engineer- worthy, given that the premise
crease flexibility, will go into ef- ing, and Medicine,3 led to a long behind the proposal was specifi-
fect in 2018, which gives insti- process of deliberation and dis- cally tied to public sentiment:
tutions a year to work toward cussion. The result is a final rule the NPRM had stated that con-
implementation. that differs significantly from tinuing to allow research on un-
The public saw the begin- what was initially proposed. identified biospecimens without
nings of this effort in 2011, Most notably, the new rule consent would place “the publicly-
when the Department of Health does not adopt the proposal to funded research establishment in
and Human Services issued an cover researchers’ use of uniden- an increasingly untenable posi-
Advance Notice of Proposed Rule- tified biospecimens (such as left- tion because it is not consistent
making, signaling an interest in over portions of blood samples) with the majority of the public’s
modernizing the regulations by and to require informed consent wishes.” That premise now seems
enhancing protections for human for such research. This proposal questionable. Accordingly, the pro-
research participants and reducing generated far more comments posals that would have made it
unnecessary burden and ambigu- than any other, and by a substan- harder to do research with un-
ity for researchers.1 In September tial margin those comments op- identified biospecimens are not
2015, a Notice of Proposed Rule- posed the proposal. Commenters included in the new rule.
making (NPRM) identifying nu- in every category — institutions, The rule also does not include
merous proposed changes was researchers, people working in proposals that were unpopular at
released for public comment, gen- programs that protect research least in part because they were
erating a robust and energetic dis- participants, and people with no dependent on additional rules or
cussion of the proposals’ merits.2 employment connection to the criteria that were not yet devel-
More than 2100 comments were research world — expressed con- oped (and thus could not be

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