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Materials Today: Proceedings 56 (2022) 3312–3316

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A review on investigating the role of block-chain in cyber security

Bharat Kumar Aggarwal, Ankur Gupta ⇑, Deepak Goyal, Pankaj Gupta, Bijender Bansal, Dheer Dhwaj Barak
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak, Haryana, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the issue of cyber security, block-chain, which is best known for crypto currencies, is providing an
Available online 30 October 2021 interesting answer. Block-chain has excellent safeguards against information manipulation. It supports
securing access to Internet of Things (IOT) devices. Furthermore, it enables hacked IOT network instru-
Keywords: ments to be closed and unplugged. Block-chain serves as a distributed ledger system. It is used in con-
IOT junction with IOT to enable machine-to-machine interactions. It makes use of a database that contains
Block-chain a collection of transactions. These transactions are double-checked and recorded in a central ledger.
Cyber Security
On each node, these ledgers have been deployed. The idea of block chain is discussed in conjunction with
Distributed ledger
the Internet of Things in this research study. Several studies in the fields of block-chain and IOT are con-
sidered in this paper. The necessity for block-chain and its development have been discussed in terms of
its applicability difficulties. In addition, the significance of block chain in IOT-based research for online
transaction security is examined.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the First International Con-
ference on Design and Materials (ICDM)-2021

1. Introduction like Bit-coin. The name ‘‘block chain” was coined as a result of
the technical arrangement ‘‘chain block.” It implies that each block
Block-chain [1], which is best known for crypto currency, is is linked with the block before it. According to a thematic research
offering an intriguing solution to the problem of cyber security. study published by Global Data, demand for crypto currencies
Block-chain provides great protection against data tampering. It decreased by 20% in 2018 compared to previous years. The main
aids with the protection of Internet of Things (IOT) devices in dis- cause of this drop is because businesses are using traditional meth-
tributed environment [2]. It also allows for the closure and unplug- ods in the early stages of their initiatives instead using ‘‘Block-
ging of compromised IOT network devices. A distributed ledger chain technology.”
system is what block-chain is. It’s used in combination with the
Internet of Things to allow machine-to-machine communication.
It works with a database that includes a set of transactions. These
1.1. Block-chain technology
transactions are triple-checked before being entered into a central
ledger. These ledgers have been installed on each node. In this
It occurs in the form of technology that has compiled common
research study, the concept of block chain is explored in connec-
account information across many records. This data is recognized
tion with the Internet of Things. This article considers a number
as a block of information [4]. The term ‘‘chain” is used to describe
of researches in the areas of block-chain and IOT. The importance
these data. These records are gathered in a structure that is linked
of block-chain and its development has been debated in terms of
by comparable nodes. Normally, this accumulation is referred to as
its application challenges. The importance of block chain in
a ‘‘digital ledger.” All of the data in this digital ledger is very secure.
IOT-based research [3] for online transaction security is also
This digital ledger is nearly identical [5] to a Google spreadsheet. It
investigated (Figs. 1–3).
is shared among a group of computers inside a building. Transac-
Users are hearing the term ‘‘block-chain technology” a lot over
tional information is gathered in this spreadsheet based on real
the last several years, particularly in relation to crypto currencies
transactions. One of the most intriguing aspects is that information
may now be seen by anybody, yet it cannot be modified. The great
⇑ Corresponding author. security of Block-chain [6] is one of its strongest features. It is
E-mail address: (A. Gupta). impossible to change information linked to other bank accounts
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the First International Conference on Design and Materials (ICDM)-2021
Bharat Kumar Aggarwal, A. Gupta, D. Goyal et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 56 (2022) 3312–3316

Fig. 1. Working of block-chain.

Fig. 2. Block-chain and Internet of things.

1. Encryption Key
2. P2P network having distributed ledger.
3. Mechanism to accumulating network [6] transactional data via

1.3. Role of Block-chain in cyber security

Block-chain (BC) is the most recent technology to emerge from

the IOT [8]. It has been utilized in conjunction with a real-time led-
ger to store transactions in the midst of IOT nodes. Block Chain
transactions have become the main units for data translation
between IOT nodes. Devices that can interact with other IOT nodes
are known as IOT nodes. In the Internet of Things, block-chain is
needed for secure communication. It is now possible to track and
investigate transactions that take place inside BC. It is expected
that block Chain would improve IOT [9] communication security.
Year after year, the Internet of Things expands rapidly, yet it faces
security and privacy concerns. Because of the decentralized nature
of IOT devices, it is difficult to use traditional safety measures in
Fig. 3. Benefits of Block-chain with IOT [21]. communication between IOT nodes. Block Chain is a kind of tech-
nology that may simply offer security in transactions between IOT
devices [10]. Using a peer-to-peer architecture, the data in the pub-
without a specific digital signature. Furthermore, block chain sup- lic ledger is maintained automatically.
ports a decentralized system as well as the capacity to automate.
1.4. Need of research

1.2. Working of block-chain technology In the area of cyber security, block-chain has provided an inter-
esting answer. It has robust safeguards in place to prevent informa-
Businesses have been seeing that Block-chain technology is tion manipulation. It has the ability to secure Internet of Things
being used in the past several years. There is need to consider applications [11] at the access level. The block-chain method has
the working of block chain and need of block chain. Because been shown to have compromised instruments that are commonly
Block-chain based development is at its initial stage. It is having utilised in IOT applications. Block may be linked with the Internet
potential to be revolutionary [7] in the future. Block-chain is a of Things to enable machine-to-machine transactions [12]. Several
hybridization of three mechanisms: block chain applications, including as healthcare, crypto-currency,
Bharat Kumar Aggarwal, A. Gupta, D. Goyal et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 56 (2022) 3312–3316

and network security, operate well on the IOT platform [13]. In 2017, A.A. Khan et al. [8] focused their attention on the needs,
Block-chain and Internet of Things research is supposed to play sig- arrangement, tasks, and future study field of that internet of things
nificant role in improving cyber security. that are created on the basis of understanding communication
methods. They provided an overview of this kind of IOT here. They
also emphasised the practical deployment of such an IOT system.
2. Literature review They investigate the configuration and organisation of such sys-
tems. They also spoke about spectrum-related activities that are
Huh, [1] wanted to use block-chain technology to man- needed to support these systems. Finally, they highlighted unan-
age IOT devices in 2017. Since the inception of Bit-coin in the year swered issues and future study topics in support of these systems.
2000, this technology has shown itself in the form of sophisticated F. Akhtar et al. [9] identified white space as a defined perspec-
technologies. The author has contributed a block chain for use in tive in 2016. Its role in the exploration of potential scope is also
the construction of an IOT network. In the existence of this tech- discussed. In general, writers want to clarify white space’s precise
nology, IOT device management and configuration become feasi- meaning and how it differs from other types of space by analysing
ble. Controlling keys becomes feasible with the assistance of RSA the previously given specifications.
public key cryptosystems. F.A. Alaba et al. [10] conducted a study on internet of things
Dorri et al. [2] implemented LSB for the first time in 2019. The security in 2017. This research also compares potential IOT secu-
primary motivation for its creation is IOT security and its insignif- rity risks. The IOT security situation is discussed, along with an
icance. They came up with a multi-stage LSB. It becomes the ideal examination of potential threats. This research intends to serve
option for IOT requirements. Inside smart home settings, LSB is as a helpful guide to current security risks and weaknesses in the
seen as a major sample in support of larger IOT needs IOT heterogeneous environment, as well as potential solutions
Dorri et al. [3] investigated smart homes thematically on behalf for enhancing IOT security architecture.
of block-chain in 2017, taking into account IOT security and per- J. Granjal et al. [11] conducted a review of current protocols and
sonal data. Personal information security on the IOT has remained open research problems in the field of internet of things security in
a great issue, because to the network’s widely distributed class and 2015. We look at how current methods meet basic security needs
breadth. They show their approach in the form of a model inside and safeguard IOT communications, as well as the open problems
the settings of a home automation system. There are three levels and strategies for future research in the field.
to it. Cloud storage, overlay, and smart home are three examples. R. Roman et al. [12] studied key management systems. This sys-
They conducted extensive study in this area, and on the basis of tem has been used in case of sensor networks. The area of research
their findings, they emphasised several duties of a home automa- was internet of things.
tion system. J. Granjal et al. [13] responded to the issue of why IP Sec is a fea-
For the first time in 2018, [4] demonstrated how sible choice for wireless sensor networks in 2008. Many problems
block-chain works in support of IOT security. When the Internet must to be resolved before wireless sensor networks can be consid-
of Things (IOT) is placed into operation, it creates a magnified cut- ered secure (WSNs). We examine the security and efficiency con-
ting face, which requires complete safety attenuation. End-to-end siderations that cryptographic techniques in WSNs entail, as well
safety support is mostly required for mission-critical and down- as their use in conjunction with IPv6. The findings demonstrate
stream business demands. Various types of safety techniques and that IP Sec-based security architectures are feasible, as well as
tactics have previously been explored and put into practise. pointing to the successful implementation of security architecture
Block-chain played a major role in making IOT directed demands for WSNs.
safe to operate. S. Cirani et al. [14] developed a method for implementing secu-
For the purpose of IOT security, [5] reviewed block- rity measures in IP-based IOT. This article considered security
chain technologies as well as unanswered questions in 2018. They issues. Such issues arise when smart objects are deployed. Security
discussed and assessed the most significant safety issues in favour protocols at the network, transport, and application levels are
of IOT. They evaluated and classified the most significant safety addressed, as well as lightweight cryptographic algorithms that
issues based on multi-layer IOT architecture and networking pro- may be employed instead of more traditional and demanding ones.
tocols. They emphasised the need for IOT safety, as well as contin- Security issues like key distribution and security bootstrapping are
uing risks and potential solutions. In addition, we tallied and addressed, as well as application situations like secure data aggre-
plotted the most significant IOT security issues in comparison to gation and service authorisation.
the current solutions that were found in the literature. They I. Butun and colleagues [15] conducted a study of intrusion
addressed how, in particular, block-chain has become an essential detection systems in wireless sensor networks in 2014. A review
need for the answers to the most pressing IOT security issues. In of the state-of-the-art in IDSs suggested for WSNs is given in this
addition, unanswered questions in the area of IOT security were article. To begin, comprehensive information about IDSs is given.
discovered. Second, a review of suggested IDSs for MANETs is given, and the
L. Atzori et al. [6] conducted an evaluation on IOT in 2010. The systems’ applicability to WSNs is explored. Finally, suggested IDSs
author discussed IOT in this article. The combination of various for WSNs are given. The examination and comparison of each plan,
technologies and communications solutions is the main enabler as well as their benefits and drawbacks, follows. Finally, there are
of this potential Para- 22 dig. 31 Different perspectives on the rules on IDSs that may be relevant to WSNs. Our study concludes
Internet of Things paradigm are presented, as well as supporting with a discussion of open research questions in the area.
technologies. What emerges is that the research community will A. Abduvaliyev et al. [16] investigated the critical areas of intru-
continue to confront significant challenges. The most important sion detection systems in wireless sensor networks in 2013. This
of these are discussed in depth. article reviews recently suggested work on IDS in Wireless Sensor
M. Rouse et al. [7] conducted an evaluation on IOT in 2016. IOT Networks (WSNs) and provides a categorization of different IDS
is a system in which data processing units, automated and electri- methods based on the detection techniques used. The primary goal
cal equipment, humans, and a variety of other objects are all con- of the article is to cover the most current advances in this field as
nected. Each of them is assigned to a UID business. It has the well as to forecast the future path of research so that both general
capacity to transmit information even when there is no human- and specialist readers may benefit significantly.
to-human or human-to-machine contact.
Bharat Kumar Aggarwal, A. Gupta, D. Goyal et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 56 (2022) 3312–3316

R. Mitchell et al. [17] reviewed and surveyed intrusion detection need of block chain for cyber security of IOT systems must be
in wireless network applications in 2014. Based on the target wire- investigated [16]. There remains the need to consider block-chain
less network, detection method, collection procedure, trust model, mechanism to enforce better cyber security mechanisms for inter-
and analysis strategy, we categorise current modern wireless net of things.
intrusion detection system (IDS) approaches.
S. Yi et al. [18] conducted a study of fog computing security and 4. Cryptocurrency as block-chain application
privacy concerns in 2015. Fog computing is a potential computing
paradigm that brings cloud computing to network edges. Fog com- While depositing money in the bank account of a recognised
puting, like cloud computing but with its own features, presents person, the block chain method provides a scalable solution [17].
additional security and privacy issues in addition to those faced It is simple for anybody to do once they have access to their
by cloud computing. We have reviewed these problems and their account through the internet. The bank sends a message with the
answers in this article in a short way. most recent account information. It seems to be quite easy, but
The Fog Computing Security and Forensics Challenges were there is the possibility of tampering, which most of us overlook.
examined by Y. Wang et al. in 2015. A comprehensive overview It is possible to interfere with these transactions. People who are
of Fog Computing’s motivations and benefits, as well as its distinc- aware of this fact are frequently hesitant [18] to use these kinds
tive characteristics, are given and explored in this article, which of transactions, which is why third-party payment apps have
also includes a comparison between Fog Computing and Cloud grown in popularity in recent years. This is the primary flaw that
Computing in different situations. Fog security and forensics led to the development of this technology. Many of us believe that
research will be furthered by the results of this investigation. Block-chain and Bit-coin will be interchangeable [19] in the future.
In 2015 saw S. Sicari et al. [20] write a study on the IOT security, However, this is not the case in reality. There are many distinctions
privacy, and trust. Scalability issues also arise as a consequence of between them. Block-chain appears as a technology capable of
the high number of interconnected devices. Authors addressed the assisting sectors [20] such as banking, supply chain, and manufac-
main research challenges and existing solutions in the field of IOT turing, while crypto-currency appears as a currency that relies on
security. They also unresolved issues and future research the security of Block-chain [21] technology.
In 2016, R. Roman et al. [21] conducted a study and analysis of
5. Scope of research
mobile edge computing security risks and difficulties. The primary
aim of this research is to examine the security risks, problems, and
In the area of cyber security, block-chain has provided an inter-
processes that exist across all edge paradigms holistically, while
esting answer. It has robust safeguards [22] in place to prevent
also identifying possible synergies and cooperation venues. Our
information manipulation. It has the ability to secure Internet of
findings indicate that all edge paradigms should take into account
Things applications at the access level. The block-chain method
advancements in other paradigms.
has been shown to have compromised [23] instruments that are
V. Oleshchuk and colleagues [22] suggested the IOT and
commonly utilised in IOT applications. Block may be linked with
privacy-preserving solutions in 2009. In this article, we examine
the Internet of Things to enable machine-to-machine transactions.
several technical methods to protecting consumers’ privacy in
Several block chain applications, including as healthcare, crypto-
the IOT environment. We look at what kinds of issues may be
currency, and network security, operate [24] well on the IOT plat-
solved and what degree of security can be obtained by utilising
form. Block-chain and Internet of Things research is expected to
safe multi-party calculations.
play a major role in improving cyber security.
In 2017, J. Zhou et al. [23] examined the security and privacy chal-
lenges associated with cloud-based IOT in 2017. A novel privacy-
preserving data aggregation method without public k is proposed. CRediT authorship contribution statement
Author describe the architecture and specific security and privacy
needs for next-generation smart phones on cloud-based IOT, and Bharat Kumar Aggarwal: Investigation, Writing – original
point out the insufficiency of most current work. It is addressed with draft. Ankur Gupta: Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing,
some fascinating unanswered questions, as well as some sugges- Supervision. Deepak Goyal: Formal analysis, Data curation. Pankaj
tions for further research in this developing field. Gupta: Conceptualization. Bijender Bansal: Writing – review &
Z.K. Zhang et al. [24] looked at current problems and research editing. Dheer Dhwaj Barak: Conceptualization, Writing – review
possibilities for IOT security in 2014. In this article, we start with & editing, Supervision.
a basic overview on IOT information security and then go on to
the information security issues that IOT will face. Finally, we’ll dis- Declaration of Competing Interest
cuss research areas that may lead to future work on solutions to
the security problems that the Internet of Things faces. The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
3. Problem statement
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