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Immanuel kant

Social studies

September 29 2023

One of the many famous philosophers of the time was Immanuel Kant, he was a
German philosopher and one of the central Enlightenment thinkers, he was born in
Konigsberg April 22 1724 and went to the Konigsberg university where he studies many
subjects which are not only philosophy, subjects such as
mathematics,physics,logic,metaphyisics,ethics and natural law but he pointed out to
become one of the greatest philosopher know till this day, his work on the philosophy
subject such as his comprehensive and systematic works was one of the many reasons
he was famous and influential to others at that time, he is known to influence many
famous people such as Karl max and many other famous philosophers, he crated
several work of philosophy such as the critique of pure reasons, he introduced his idea
of transcendental idealism and argue about how interaction shapes knowleged between
innate human faculties and sensory experience, second is his categorical imperative
where he states that actions should be guided by moral duty and rationality rather then
mere consequences, this ideology influence modern moral philosophy, his third one is
his enlightenment thinker, this writing consist of political philosophy such as the
“perpetual peace” which helps the development of liberal democratic thinking, fourth is
his metaphysics of morals in the year 1785 which he emphasizes the importance of
moral agents playing a part on accordance with the moral law and his legacy continues,
Kants idea had a profound and a long lasting impact on the nature of philosophy, he is
now known as one of the most influential philosophers in western history. Sadly, he died
on the time of February 12 1804 but his work on philosophy will never die and will
always impact modern philosophers and philosophy

Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.
-Immanuel Kant

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