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June 30, 2023

Hatice Küçükaltay

Islamic Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis can be defined as focusing, relaxing, concentrating and turning inward

enough to lose awareness of what is happening around it. The human mind is very unique and
complex, so during its development hypnotherapy adopted many psychotherapeutic principles
derived from psychology. In hypnotherapy it is applied in a very deep calm state (trance), so it
is a more effective treatment method than psychotherapy. While in psychotherapy it takes at
least 12 meetings to heal phobias and trauma, in hypnotherapy hypnotherapists usually need 1-
2 sessions to overcome phobias and trauma. This treatment gives very useful results especially
for lowering the pain threshold and for the treatment of anxiety. It gives beneficial results for
post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders and depression.

The person in hypnosis appears to be asleep and disconnected from the moment, but
actually lives at a higher level of awareness. The individual becomes suggestive and susceptible
to the influence of the hypnotist and can recall forgotten events and alleviate psychological
symptoms (WHO, 1994). Hypnotherapy uses the effect of words conveyed through certain
techniques. The only power of hypnotherapy is communication. (Kahija YF., 2007) The basic
principle of hypnotherapy is to use words, which is to enter a series of suggestions into the
client's subconscious. The decrease in ACTH hormone (adrenocorticotropic hormone) as the
effect of hypnosis makes the person experiencing it more relaxed and calm (Daryanti &
Mardiana, 2020). Hypnotherapy works like a tool that installs positive programs that will make
the person better than before, and removes negative programs and viruses in the mind. With
this treatment, it is possible to get rid of bad feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

The common belief about hypnotherapy and hypnosis methods is that they are mystical
and mysterious practices. However, hypnotherapy is not a mystical method, it is a subconscious
state that provides intense attention and focus to the person. The therapist's ability to
communicate with the client is an indication of our conscious being during hypnosis. After the
therapy is over, the client will know and remember what happened during the therapy process.
All that needs to be done to attend a hypnotherapy session is to be prepared to accept all of the
therapist's instructions. Modern patient-oriented hypnotherapy methods have the role of
'opening' the patient's awareness to find the root problem and helping the patient heal or resolve
the problem on their own.

The soul, which is perhaps the basis of the science of psychology, is mentioned in the
Qur'an: "They ask you about the soul. Say: The Spirit is from the command of my Lord. You
have been given only a little information" (Quran, 17:85). It is possible to see the Spirit as a
command or a law. If a corpse and consciousness were given to the laws of the universe, they
would also be human. Likewise, if man did not have a corpse and consciousness, it would be a
law. Just as the laws are fixed and unchangeable, even the soul will exist eternally. The soul is
like the energy of the body. The most expensive and high-quality phone without energy, that
is, without a battery, is only worth the value of the material it creates. Since it is of no use to
anything, its value is under no obligation. If man did not have a soul, he would be just a piece
of meat. Therefore, it is the spirit that makes man human.

Humans have other emotions besides heart and mind. In fact, there are such emotions
that they are always in a receptive function. The subconscious state is one of them. If we place
the message in our subconscious, we begin to believe in it, whatever dream or fear we add, we
take action to fulfill it. This is how delusions and panic attacks often occur. This is the basic
principle of hypnotherapy. A message is sent to the subconscious of the hypnotized person and
the person believes in the reality of that message and takes action accordingly. For this reason,
it is important that the subconscious mind, which affects the soul, is sound.

Islamic hypnotherapy is one of the specific therapeutic techniques in hypnosis with an

additional spiritual component. Spiritual Hypnotherapy with an Islamic Approach (SPHIA) has
added a few elements to hypnotherapy texts such as "Prayer, Azan, Dhikr, Prayer". Islamic
hypnotherapy aims to create a healing effect by directing the hypnotized person into himself in
a very calm (trance) state. The principles of Islamic hypnotherapy encourage the patient to use
suggestions about Islamic values so that the patient always remembers Allah. Islamic
hypnotherapy is a branch of psychology that examines the benefits of suggestion to overcome
the problems of thought, emotion and behavior in Islamic values. Islamic hypnotherapy is a
mind therapy and healing technique. Our religion is Islam; offered all the healing prescriptions
necessary for human peace and happiness, such as "faith, taqwa, submission, consent, patience
and gratitude...". It has also been proven that the concepts of ikhlas, ihsan, and forgiveness used
in hypnotic therapies facilitate the client's recovery process. When this is carried out with full
hope and a correct understanding, it will have a healing effect.

Besides being done by a therapist, hypnotherapy can also be done for self-healing in
the form of autohypnosis. In fact, some diseases originate in our minds. Diseases such as stress,
dizziness, insomnia, phobias, migraine and weight loss can be treated with autohypnosis. In
healthy people, autohypnosis can also be used to avoid negative recordings, prevent illness,
and increase resilience. When a healthy body condition is provided, the body's resistance also
increases and the body becomes less susceptible to diseases. Self-prophecies or hypnotic
suggestions often come true because our minds incorporate suggestions into the thought
process. Just as we are sure that when we get caught in the rain, we will experience a headache
or dizziness from the rain.

A person who has a strong belief and practices his religion can cope with psychological
disorders better than a person who does not practice his religion. Integrating Islamic spiritual
elements into hypnotherapy, listening to prayer, dhikr, prayer and Quran recitation will have a
healing effect on the patient. Integrating and applying hypnotherapy with Islamic spiritual
elements in this way will be a long-term and permanent healing.


Yusufi, A. (2017). Hypnosis in Islamic Perspective (An Analysis of Bin Baz's

Fatwa). Ijtimā'iyya: Journal of Muslim Society Research, 2(2), 153-170.

Ping, S. L. S., Hassan, S. A., Noah, S. M., Krauss, L. S., & Zainudin, Z. N. (2018). Unveiling
the Experiences through Feeling in Undergoing Spiritual Hypnotherapy with Islamic Approach
(SPHIA) for Female Children Victim of Incest. International Journal of Academic Research
in Business and Social Sciences, 8(6), 507-519.

Mushoffa, W., & Wahidin, D. Methods of Ruqyah, Hypnotherapy, and Spiritual: Strategy in
Handling Family Problems.


Öztürk, A. Ö., & Öztürk, G. (2019). Tıbbi Hipnozun Klinik Uygulamaları. Journal of
Biotechnology and Strategic Health Research, 3, 119-130.

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