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Short prayer

Diva Bhandari: "Dear Heavenly Father,

As we gather before you in this morning assembly, we humbly come seeking your presence and
guidance. In moments when doubts cloud our hearts and minds, we turn to you for strength.

Help us to remember that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. Fill us with the
assurance of your love and the confidence that comes from knowing we are your children.

As we begin this day, we place our trust in you, knowing that with you by our side, we can overcome
any challenge. May our thoughts, words, and actions reflect your grace and truth.

We ask this prayer in your holy name amen.





Today’s assembly is continued by the students of class 12th B and the topic of our assembly is
overcoming challenges: that is Self Doubt for today’s assembly

Have you ever second guessed yourself? or doubted your abilities because you think there are more
deserving and better people out there than you, even when it comes to let’s say participating in a
mere debate competition that would be held in your own classroom? Or even found out about a
career option that you could do for the rest of your like but just dropped the idea whole together
because you just don’t think it could ever be possible

But what exactly can you do to stop these thoughts? To know that we must know the root cause so
we have something that could help you dealing with Self Doubt


Janvi: *sad*

Hanshika: what happened? Why do you look depressed?

Jiya: yea what happened? Is something wrong?

Janvi: I feel like I’m not good enough for anything, I can’t help but doubt myself for every move I
make in my life

Hanshika: what? You’re amazing at what you do, I literally look up to you

Jiya: Exactly! We could help you increase your self esteem

Hanshika: Yes! here are some ways that can help


Jiya: first and foremost, avoid negative Self talk, you are more likely to do good on a test by saying “I
CAN” than “I CANNOT”

Hanshika: if you think someone is better than you, take it as a learning, its rather good that you can
acknowledge the areas you can improve

Jiya: celebrate even the tiniest of your achievements? You woke up 15 minutes earlier than your
usual time? Congrats that’s progress

Hanshika: forgive yourself, you’re only human in this vast universe, you are here for learning and that
only happens through mistakes

Jiya: focus on the fact that you are building the courage to go through something than its outcome

Hanshika: shut the voices of other people, they are NOT going to love your life as you will

Janvi: thank you for support and the wonderful advice you both have shared


CONCLUSION- RIDIMA : in conclusion we can say that the word “Self Doubt” is not just a title that
can be given to negative self thought but a layer by layer formed tower where the bricks are initially
put by the society and then we come to a point where we put these bricks ourselves, but remember
we all have the power within us to break the tower – thank you and have a wonderful day ahead



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