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Multi-Modal Biometric Authentication and Secure Transaction

Operation Framework for E-Banking

Article in International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking · January 2017
DOI: 10.4018/IJBDCN.2017010109


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1 author:

Munish Sabharwal
IILM University


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International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking
Volume 13 • Issue 1 • January-June 2017

Multi-Modal Biometric Authentication

and Secure Transaction Operation
Framework for E-Banking
Munish Sabharwal, School of Engineering and Technology, KITE Group of Institutions, Meerut, India


The rationale of the research work is to suggest a multi-modal biometric authentication and secure
transaction operation framework for E-Banking. The literature survey identifies the various types of
E-Banking Channels available as on-date, the various types of biometric technologies available as
on-date as well the significant metrics affecting their performance while deploying them in various
different e-banking channels. The performance analysis of various types of biometric technologies
based on significant metrics for Biometrics Implementation further identifies the currently
implementable biometric technologies for the various different e-banking channels. Subsequently
a requirement analysis of potential e-banking channels is followed by System Suitability Analysis
to identify which multi-biometrics and support mechanisms are suitable for particular e-banking
channels. The final conclusion suggests a viable multi-modal biometric authentication and secure
transaction operation framework for various e-banking channels.

Biometrics Deployment, Biometric Technologies, E-Banking, Multi-Modal Biometric Authentication,
Performance Analysis, Secure Transaction Operation Framework, Significant Metrics for Biometrics


The use of internet is becoming almost obligatory not just for the purpose of communication and
business but particularly for e-banking and e-commerce, the user authentication is become significant
in today’s technology leading era and there is an crucial necessity for technologies that have the
potential to make authentication secure and foolproof.
The reliance of businesses on e-commerce has increased manifolds, so has the use of internet,
proportionately the frauds have also increased manifolds specifically in e-banking and e-business
Security as well as privacy of installations and systems has always been important and challenging
but they have become more critical in this era of e-business, where it is regarding the security as
well as privacy of data in electronic form. In the contemporary society personal identification or
authentication has a very vital role as it facilitates in enhancing the security by the identification of
a person.
Passwords or PIN (Personal Identification Number) are extensively used by IT based systems
to validate a user to a system but the Password or PIN recognition does not mean the recognition
of the person’s individuality since access to a token like Personal Identification Number, Password,
Card or any other similar kind of ‘key’ that is required to get access to a system or installation can

DOI: 10.4018/IJBDCN.2017010109

Copyright © 2017, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking
Volume 13 • Issue 1 • January-June 2017

be gained by anybody fraudulently. This clearly suggests that installations or systems that require
high access security cannot completely and permanently depend on such kinds of tokens; since they
cannot guarantee that a user is same as whom s/he claims to be.
In today’s technology and gadget intensive world, an individual has to memorize several different
passwords like at least one each for organizational login, professional and personal emails, social
networking websites, cloud storages, e-stores, net banking, mobile banking, and other linked sites,
with virtually every few days there is an additional password to remember. Not only remembering
these passwords is becoming more and more cumbersome and forgetting them causes a lot of stress
but the larger worry is that any revelation or giveaway may prove to be lethal. Therefore, an innovative,
handy as well as secure technology is a requisite for authentication as well as transaction operation.
The core of modern business is Information and the all-encompassing influence of IT in attaching,
gathering and processing vast volumes of information is ultimate. In such a scenario, it is essential
to ensure the confidentiality of information while sticking to accepted privacy rules and making it
accessible to legitimate users at the suitable time becomes vastly important. The above situation
essentially implies more aptly for the banking sector because the day-to-day banking operations
are focused entirely on information and information processing, which are exceedingly Technology
dependent. IT has become the backbone of all banking activities and its support is allowing banks are
coming out with new and innovative products and Uninterrupted service is ensured 24x7 Days to the
customers due to total automation of banking transactions through various channels of e-banking are
ATM, Electronic Money (e.g. Electronic Funds Transfer, Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Prepaid Cards,
POS (Point of Sale) Terminals), Online Banking or Net Banking, Tele-banking, Mobile Banking as
well as Mobile ATM and Mobile Bank but these have led to the use of precise authentication as an
necessity in banking.
In order to cover the limitations associated with the conventional authentication methods,
authentication method based on what you are that is “biometrics” was initiated. Instead of traditional
methods like PIN’s or passwords, biometrics could be used to gain access to an installation or system
or device. The biometrics based authentication mechanism can be used to prevent access to restricted
areas and installations as well as critical information.
There are two types of biometrics systems i.e. physical and behavioral. Physical biometrics
measures and analyses the physical characteristics of individual while behavioral biometrics measures
and analyses the behavioral characteristics. The common physical biometrics techniques or “static
biometrics” are fingerprint, face, retina, hand geometry, iris, palm, vein and DNA are hard to spoof,
but they are static data that could be stolen and they also force users to go through another pesky step
in the authentication process while the behavioral biometrics -- or “passive biometrics,” like signature,
gait, voice biometrics, mouse usage dynamics, navigation habits, keystroke dynamics like the speed
with which you type and the pressure you hit the keys with, gesture dynamics like swipe speed and
distance -- all things you do unconsciously which happen to be very unique to you. There are also
some biometrics techniques that are in research pipe line e.g. ear biometrics, Lips shape biometrics,
body prints, Brain prints etc. The above mentioned distinctive biometrics traits exclusively identify a
person and not only they are firmly associated to an individual but they cannot be forgotten, revealed,
stolen or hacked as well. Biometrics can help resolve the problems relating to access control, frauds
as well as theft that are the primary reason for majority of organizations considering biometrics an
answer to their security dilemmas.
Any Biometric system operation includes Enrollment that is storing individual characteristics
of a user, Utilization that is the use of a biometrics system by a user through his individual biometric
characteristics for authentication, Periodic Update that is updating of the biometric data of the
user as there may be some change in the individual biometric characteristics with time. Traditional

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