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After watching the “ Sacred Geometry Taught in a Donald Duck Cartoon '', new

ideas about mathematics came across my mind. I learned that Mathematics is not just a
number, Mathematics is all around us and helps us understand things better.

At first, I thought that learning Mathematics was just a waste of time because I
can’t imagine how I can apply those formulas into real life, but after watching the video, I
realized that Mathematics is not just all about solving problems with those formulas. I
learned that Mathematics has always been part of our life, that even before we discover
Mathematics, it is already existing within us. It was explained in the video how people
invented many things by just cutting the edge of the shapes using Mathematics. For me,
the most useful aspect of Mathematics for human kind is that by discovering and
applying Mathematics, they are able to invent different kinds of life-changing technology
that improves our daily lives. Mathematics can also predict the behavior of nature and
phenomena in the world by observing the patterns of the past weather events and by
predicting all possible movements and behavior of nature. Just like what I mentioned
earlier, Mathematics helps us invent life-changing technology that improves our daily
lives. Some of these technologies help control nature and occurrences. The invention of
renewable energy technologies, such as wind, solar and hydroelectric power help
reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and reduce climate change.

Therefore, we can conclude that Mathematics has played a big part in the
advancement of the world. Mathematics is already existing even before we are born,
therefore we can all agree to the words of Galileo that Mathematics is the alphabet with
which God has written the universe.
Sacred Geometry Taught in a Donald Duck Cartoons

Genel Christian C. Deypalubos

Mathematics in Modern World
Mrs. Vilma Adonis
March 22, 2024

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