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Session 1: Teacher Induction Program TIP (History and Accomplishments)

Duration of 2 hours (120 minutes)

Key  Teacher Induction Program provides a systematic and
Understandings comprehensive support system for the newly hired teachers in
to be developed order to seamlessly immerse them in the teaching profession in
(Concepts) the public school system.
 The program is anchored in the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers, K to 12 Basic Education Program, and
the TEC Law (also known as Republic Act 7784) to enhance pre-
service and in-service teacher training, retraining, orientation, and
teacher development.

Learning 1. Discuss the history of Teacher Induction Program

Objectives 2. Identify the processes on the development of Teacher Induction
3. Appreciate the importance of the development of TIP
Resources NEAP slide deck on Teacher Induction Program TIP (History and


Activity (20 min.) (This activity will determine the prior knowledge of the participants
regarding teacher induction program by examining the picture
provided )

Directions: The learning facilitator will group the participants into three and
ask them to do the following:
1. Look for the words/ group of words which they can best
associate to the Teacher Induction Program.
(group scores will depend on the number of words identified)

2. Ask the mentee

to share their
ideas about TIP
using the
identified words.
(10 mins.) After identifying group of words relevant to TIP the mentor will ask the
mentees of the following:

1. How did you feel about the activity?

2. Were you able to picture out yourself in the Teacher Induction
Program? In what extent will your participation to this program
will be?
3. Looking into the picture, how will you describe the teacher
induction development, implementation and Challenges?

Abstraction/ Allow a discussion on the following topics:

Generalization - History and accomplishments
( 45 mins.) - Policy Development (Slide Deck Nos. 8-9)
- Policy Enhancement (Slide Deck Nos. 10-15)
- Public Consultation (Slide Deck Nos.16-29)
- Highlights of the Focus Group Discussion (refer to slide deck No.30)

1.TIP addresses the gaps and issues from pre-service education

to in-service
2.Mentoring helps the newly- hired teachers to easily adapt to their
assign school
3.TIP guides the Newly-hired specifically in teaching strategies
and classroom management
4. TIP in the division is engaging
5. Enough time is allotted in the training
6. TIP facilitators are excellent
7. LAC session is helpful
8. Support of the superintendent and school head is evident
- Initial Findings (refer to slide deck No.31)
1. Among the 9 regions, only 1 conducted an orientation on the
implementation of TIAP with the Division focal persons and with the
school heads
2. Of the 14 divisions, 11 con ducted TIP orientation for Newly-hired
3. 3 out of 14 did not conduct TIP orientation due to the absence of
modules and instructions from region
4. Among the 14 divisions, only 2 oriented the school heads and asked
to submit an implementation plan for TIP
5. Some divisions conducted a 3- day orientation of all the TIAP
Modules while some conducted 3- day orientation per module
6. 6 districts were provided technical assistance since they were not
aware of the TIP
7. Various modalities were considered in the implementation.

- Recommendations from the teachers (refer to slide deck No. 32)

1. TIP should be given enough time because 3 days is not enough
2. More time should be allotted for the discussion of each module
3. There is a need for in-depth discussion of the module
4. Mentoring should be done by seasoned teachers
5. Specific details of the TIP implementation must be provided
- Recommendation for Policy Review (refer to slide deck No. 33)
1. All regions should conduct an orientation on TIP implementation
with the division focal persons.
2.Divisions should conduct TIP orientation with district supervisors
and school heads
3.All school should have implementation plan.
4.TIP should be school-based.
5.The policy should come up with different modalities of
implementation and consider the typology of school.

- Presentation of “ Ways Forward” (refer to slide deck no. 34)

Application The mentor will ask the mentee to write a personal reflection
(25 mins.) describing your overall impression of the history and accomplishment
of Teacher Induction Program.

Concluding Let the participants complete the statement

(20 mins.) With my initial knowledge about Teacher Induction Program..
I feel …
I realize….
I promise…..

Prepared by:
Learning Facilitator

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