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Chapter 4 guinto.

Themes Frequency Core ideas

Discipline and General .....consider removing children from the program if their
Behavior Management behavior doesn't improve.

..Children are sent to the office and may face removal if they
repeatedly don't comply with rules.

...encounter challenges dealing with defiant children who

require repeated reminders.

Communication and Typical ... struggle to adjust to the diverse behaviors and beliefs of
Cultural Differences children from various cultural backgrounds.

.,..face difficulties when dealing with children who may not

communicate effectively or require constant reminders....

Accountability and Typical ....House parents have to question why some children
Supervision attempt to run away...

..Lack of proper supervision results in children returning

home without notification, leading to consequences.

Discipline and Behavior Management

Discipline and Behavior Management as a challenging experience for wards towards their foster

parents highlight the struggle to strike a balance between discipline and understanding. The

foster parents' methods, such as spot reports, withholding supplies, or potential removal from

the program, can create an environment of fear and uncertainty for the wards. These

disciplinary approaches may not always consider the diverse backgrounds, circumstances, and

individual needs of the children.

This statement proven by the participants as he started that;

Ang pinaka effective talaga na strategies ng house parent naming based lang san a observed ko

is pina spot report kami tapos kapag matigas na talaga yung mga ulo nila is isinusombong na sa

office at kapag hindi na talaga kaya is drop na talaga( The most effective strategy our house

parents employ, based on what I've observed, is to request spot reports from us. When the kids

become exceptionally difficult, they report them to the office. If the behavior doesn't improve,

they consider removing them from the program.)RQISQIP1

Further, another participants said that;

Yung mga strategies na nakikita ko na ginagawa NG mga house parent para ma disiplina yung

mga government wards, first talaga is tinututo talaga kung paano maging disiplinado, pag hindi

ka parin maniwala sa kanila is pina pa punta kana sa office pag tatlong beses kana napunta sa

office idrop ka talaga nila(From what I've seen, the strategies used by house parents to

discipline government wards involve teaching discipline first. If the wards still don't comply,

they're sent to the office, and if this happens three times, they're removed from the


Moreover, one of the participants also agreed, as she stated that;

So yung na iincountered ng mg house parent is ano talaga, yung mga bata na pasaway na ayaw

maniwala sa kanila kailangan balikbalikan pa sila sa room para lang mag linis ng area, napaka

tigas ng ulo(The most common problem house parents encounter is dealing with defiant
children who refuse to listen and need to be repeatedly reminded or even sent back to their

rooms to clean up.)RQ1SQ2P4

Ensuring a conducive and nurturing environment for the wards requires a reevaluation of

disciplinary strategies. Foster parents should strive for a more empathetic and personalized

approach, tailoring discipline according to each child's unique circumstances and needs. Open

communication, active listening, and fostering a trusting relationship can enhance discipline

strategies, promoting a sense of safety and understanding among the wards. It's vital to balance

discipline with empathy and individualized support to foster a positive and healthy relationship

between foster parents and the wards.

Discipline and behavior management are essential aspects of creating safe and productive

learning environments for students. In a study conducted by the National Education

Association, researchers found that “teachers who provide clear expectations, consistent rules,

and appropriate consequences for misbehavior can create an orderly classroom and support

student learning” (NEA, 2017). This is an important reminder for teachers that providing clear

expectations and rules can help to create an environment that is conducive to learning.

Additionally, research conducted by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

suggests that “positive behavior support systems, such as behavior contracts and peer

coaching, can help students learn to take ownership of their behavior” (NASP, 2018). By

fostering a supportive learning environment and providing students with the resources to take
ownership of their behavior, teachers can ensure that their students are well-disciplined and

behave appropriately in the classroom.

Communication and Cultural Differences"

"Communication and Cultural Differences" emerges as a significant theme in understanding the

most challenging experiences faced by wards in their relationship with foster parents. This

theme highlights the struggles that arise when children from diverse cultural backgrounds

interact with foster parents who may not fully understand or appreciate their unique

perspectives and ways of communication. The challenges often stem from misinterpretations,

misunderstandings, and varying expectations between the two parties.

This statement proven by the participants as he started that;

Isa sa mga na incountered ko supoosed marami talaga, but then magsasabi lang ako ng some

example na na encountered ng house parent sa mga bata, kasi nga we are the tri- people here

so may ibat-ibang norms cultural differences tapos may ibat-ibang perspective ng mga bata, so

one of the first nan a encounter ng house parent is kung paano mag adjust by that certain

behaviour ng mga bata, kase hindisila mag kaka pareho may ibat- ibang ugali, ibat-ibang

paniniwala so yun yung pinaka the best, pinaka worst na naincounter ng house parent kung

paano nila eh adjust kung paano nila equal trait yung isa kasi nga may ibat-ibang paniniwala

yung mga bata so by that mag kakaroon minsan ng misunderstanding kasi mostly sa mga bata

hindi mabigyan ng equal trait imbis nan a madisiplina yung mga bata lumalaban na( One of the
major challenges faced by house parents is adjusting to the diverse behaviors and beliefs of

children, especially since we come from different cultural backgrounds. This can lead to

misunderstandings and difficulties in disciplining us.)RQ1SQ2P5

Further, another participants said that;

Ang problema na eencountered ng house parent namin ay kapag may mga bata na tamad

mahihirapan talaga sila kase paulit-ulit pang sabihan at saka kapag may nangyare masama sa

bata sa kanila talaga binabalik kung bakit Hindi nababantayan NG maayus Kaya malaki talaga

Ang responsibility NG mga house parent sa ccp(House parents face challenges when dealing

with lazy children who require constant reminders. Additionally, if something negative happens

involving a child, the responsibility often falls on the house parents for not supervising them


The presence of communication and cultural differences can hinder the development of a

nurturing and supportive relationship between wards and their foster parents. To address this

challenge effectively, foster parents should receive training and guidance on cultural sensitivity

and effective communication with children from diverse backgrounds. By fostering an

environment that embraces cultural diversity and encourages open, respectful communication,

both wards and foster parents can work together more harmoniously, promoting the well-being

and growth of the children in their care.

Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and difficulties in

communication between foster parents and wards, especially when they come from diverse

backgrounds. Research by Goemans, Van Geel, and Vedder (2015) found that children in foster

care from different cultural backgrounds often experience cultural mismatches with their foster

parents, which can result in feelings of alienation and frustration. The study highlighted the

importance of cultural sensitivity and competence among foster parents to bridge these

communication gaps.

Accountability and Supervision

The theme of "Accountability and Supervision" sheds light on one of the most challenging

experiences faced by wards in their relationships with foster parents. In this context,

accountability refers to the responsibility of the foster parents to ensure the well-being and

proper behavior of the wards, while supervision pertains to their duty to oversee the daily

activities and actions of the children under their care. These challenges arise when foster

parents are held accountable for any misbehavior or incidents involving the wards, even if they

occurred outside their immediate control or awareness. This creates a complex dynamic where

foster parents must maintain a high level of vigilance and supervision, which can be emotionally

taxing and overwhelming, as they are responsible for a significant number of children.
This statement proven by the participants as he started that;

Ang na eencountered ng mga house parent sa mg bata sa government ward is minsan may mga

bata na tumatakas SO sila yung tatanungin kung bakit hindi binabantayan maayos(One of the

challenges house parents face with government ward children is that some of them try to run

away. They have to question why these children are not being supervised properly.)RQ1SQ2P2.

Further, another participants said that;

Ang na eencountered NG house parents kapag may mgabata na tamad umuuwi na Hindi nag

paalam sila Yung napapagalitan NG director namin Kaya Ang laki NG responsibility nila (One

issue that house parents encounter is when some children return home without notifying them,

and they can face reprimands from the director due to this lack of supervision.)RQ1SQ2P8.

The implication of this theme is that foster parents need not only support and resources to

effectively supervise and manage the wards but also recognition and understanding from the

authorities overseeing the child welfare system. Acknowledging the challenges they face in

maintaining accountability and supervision can lead to improved training, support systems, and

realistic expectations for foster parents, ultimately benefiting the wards' well-being and the

overall success of the foster care system.

"Accountability and Supervision are essential aspects of the juvenile justice system as they

provide the structure and guidance necessary for juvenile offenders to reform and reintegrate
into society (Whitman, 2002). Ward experiences with accountability and supervision can be

beneficial in helping them to understand the consequences of their actions, develop positive

relationships with authority figures, and learn to make responsible decisions (Redding, 2007).

Furthermore, effective accountability and supervision can help juvenile offenders to develop

self-regulation skills, build self-esteem, and gain an improved sense of self-efficacy (Redding,

2007). Ultimately, positive experiences with accountability and supervision are essential for

successful juvenile reentry and long-term rehabilitation."

Chapter 5

This study explores the lived experiences of government wards towards their foster parents,

with a specific focus on the Custodial Care Program (CCP). It aims to shed light on the

challenges and issues faced by these children who have experienced poverty and the loss of

their parents. The research emphasizes the need to understand these government ward

residents and their unique struggles, offering insights into the development of behavioral

problems and the implementation of rules and regulations within the CCP.

The significance of this study lies in its potential to improve the understanding of government

ward students' experiences and their relationship with foster parents. The findings can serve as

a valuable reference for future researchers interested in delving deeper into this field,

ultimately contributing to the enhancement of the foster care system. However, it is important

to note that the study has limitations, focusing solely on the experiences of government wards

within the CCP and involving a limited number of participants.

The research design incorporates qualitative methods, particularly phenomenological analysis,

to provide a participant-centric perspective. The locale of the study is Barangay Doroluman in

the Municipality of Arakan, Cotabato, with government wards from the CCP as the primary

research participants. The role of the researcher involves conducting one-on-one interviews,

recording responses, and interpreting the gathered data.

The study's research instrument includes an open-ended questionnaire, comprehension test

materials, and audio recordings during interviews. Data analysis involves categorizing and

arranging responses into themes, which provide insights into the challenges faced by

government wards, including issues related to discipline and behavior management,

communication, cultural differences, and accountability and supervision.

Implications for Further Study

Further study in the realm of foster care, particularly focusing on the challenges of "Discipline

and Behavior Management" experienced by wards, could yield valuable insights into the

effectiveness of current disciplinary practices and their impact on the well-being of children in

foster care. This research could inform the development of more tailored and evidence-based

interventions, training programs for foster parents, and policies that address the unique needs

of foster children. Understanding the implications of different disciplinary approaches and their

long-term consequences on the psychological and emotional development of wards could

contribute to more supportive and successful foster care systems, ultimately benefiting the

children involved.

Implications for future researcher

The exploration of the challenges experienced by wards in the context of "Discipline and

Behavior Management" highlights the need for future researchers to delve deeper into the
impact of disciplinary strategies within foster care systems. Understanding how these strategies

influence the well-being and development of wards is crucial. Additionally, researchers should

investigate the effectiveness of various disciplinary approaches, considering the unique needs

and backgrounds of foster children. Such studies could lead to the development of more

tailored and evidence-based approaches to discipline in foster care, ultimately improving the

overall quality of care and outcomes for the children involved.

Concluding remark

Conducting this study on the experiences of wards in foster care, particularly focusing on

"Accountability and Supervision," has been both enlightening and eye-opening. I've gained

valuable insights into the challenges faced by foster children as they navigate the complex

dynamics of accountability and supervision within the foster care system. It's evident that

foster parents play a pivotal role in these young lives, and their responsibilities are immense.

However, it's equally essential to recognize the need for support and understanding for these

foster parents who undertake such a demanding role.

As I conclude this study, I believe there is a pressing need for continued research and advocacy

in the field of foster care. The welfare and well-being of foster children should remain a priority,

and a comprehensive understanding of their experiences is crucial in shaping policies, training

programs, and support systems that can enhance their quality of life. By shedding light on these
challenges and experiences, we can work towards building a more compassionate and effective

foster care system that truly benefits those it is meant to serve.


Redding, R. (2007). The effects of accountability and supervision on juvenile recidivism. International
Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 51(2), 220-238.

Whitman, J. (2002). Juvenile justice reform: Supervision and accountability. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press.


Goemans, A., Van Geel, M., & Vedder, P. (2015). Overrepresentation of non-Western ethnic minority
children in the Dutch child welfare system: An empirical analysis. Children and Youth Services Review,
57, 25-32. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2015.07.002

NEA. (2017). Discipline and Classroom Management. Retrieved from


NASP. (2018). Positive Behavior Support. Retrieved from


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