Particle Distribution in Cast Metal Matrix Composites-Part II

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 258–263

Particle distribution in cast metal matrix composites—Part II

J. Hashim, L. Looney, M.S.J. Hashmi*
Materials Processing Research Centre, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Accepted 25 January 2002


In order to achieve a good distribution of reinforcement particles in a cast metal matrix composite (MMC), the stirring action must be
efficient enough to disperse the particles in a homogeneous way. In normal practice stirring takes place in a closed vessel or crucible, where
efficiency cannot be seen, and simulation methods are required to inform experimental research. For this research finite element analysis,
employing a specialised computational fluid dynamics package, is used to simulate the fluid flow, and thus dispersion of reinforcement
material in a molten matrix alloy during stirring. The emphasis is on investigating optimum stirring conditions in order to achieve effective
flow patterns to disperse the solid particles in the melt, without breaking the surface layer of the melt.
The simulation shows that the stirring parameters such as stirring speed, and impeller position in the crucible have a significant effect on the
flow behaviour of the fluid. These parameters interact, with various combinations generating suitable conditions for composite mixing. The
model was validated using a visualisation experiment which indicates that, despite some limitations arising from the simplification of the
physical situation, the model is a useful tool in specifying process parameter in the production of MMCs. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: CAD; Bar rolling; Roll pass design; Roll profile design; Roll speed; Heat transfer

1. Introduction crucible cannot be seen, and the result of the stirring can only
be deduced from the solidified MMC, using optical exam-
The fabrication of metal matrix composites (MMCs) ination [2], and may not be clear due to contributing
using a stir casting technique represents a potential means solidification effects.
of producing complex shaped components. In the present Actual measurement of fluid flow characteristics is expen-
research, an aluminium based, SiC particle reinforced MMC sive, time consuming, and in the case of molten metal may
is being made using a stir casting technique. In this method be dangerous. Also all relevant parameters may not be
the matrix material and the reinforcement particles are included. Additionally, the scale-up to industrial sized units
placed in a crucible, together with a wetting agent, and is neither straightforward nor well established, since most
are subsequently heated under an inert gas atmosphere until stirrer-vessel systems perform several functions simulta-
the matrix material melts, as shown schematically in Fig. 1. neously (for example dispersion, reaction and heat transfer).
A stirrer is then applied after the matrix material is com- In these situations computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can
pletely melted. A crucial part of this process is the efficiency provide a means for understanding the details of flow. In the
of the mixing action to disperse the reinforcement particles, past decade rapid progress has been made in numerical
which are initially at the bottom of the crucible. solution of turbulent flow problems using CFD. However,
The importance and difficulty of achieving a uniform application of this knowledge to mechanically stirred vessels
distribution of particle reinforcement in the molten matrix, is still in the early stages, because an impeller or stirrer
and also during solidification of the MMC, have been induces a complex flow field. However, if the stirring action
discussed in detail in Part I of this paper [1]. It is known could be simulated, that would be very advantageous. In this
that effective stirring action is necessary to control distribu- paper, flow generated by a stirrer in a cylindrical crucible is
tion from immediately after the addition of the particles into studied. CFD analysis using the finite element analysis
the melt, until pouring into a mould. However, in normal (FEA) ANSYS1 package is used to simulate the fluid flow
practice, the efficiency of the stirring action in the closed representative of casting of an aluminium matrix composite.
The objective of this paper is to study the effect of stirrer
Corresponding author. Fax: þ353-1-704-5345. position in the crucible and stirring speed on the flow pattern
E-mail address: (M.S.J. Hashmi). of particles. The computer simulation presented is compared

0924-0136/02/$ – see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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J. Hashim et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 258–263 259

requirement in the chemical industry, where large vessels

or long transport distances can be involved. In stir casting for
MMC fabrication, there are however other factors that need
to be considered. As well as dispersing the solid particles
uniformly, the stirring action must not be allowed to intro-
duce gasses into the melt, which would be detrimental to the
final product. A vortex created during stirring can suck in
even non-wetting particles and also bubbles into a molten
alloy. Particles often attached to the bubbles, counteracting
the buoyancy which would normally helps them to float out
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of MMC fabrication technique used. of the melt. As a result, it has been observed that porosity
content in a stircast composite varies almost linearly with
with visualisation experiment results using glycerol and particle content [5]. It is necessary to create turbulence
polystyrene particles in a perspex crucible. The information during stirring, but it should be only in the bottom region
derived from the computer model will be used in parameter of the fluid.
specification in subsequent MMC production by stir casting, To correlate particle lifting with flow parameters, one
in order to disperse reinforcement particles in the molten defines a particle dispersion number (PDN) as the ratio of the
matrix as uniformly as possible. axial velocity of secondary flow to the terminal settling
velocity. If PDN is greater than one, the settling velocity is
smaller than the axial velocity of the secondary flow, and the
2. Stirring particles will be carried to the top of the melt. On the other
hand if PDN is smaller than one, the particles will remain at
In composites produced by a foundry technique inhomo- the bottom. For homogeneous dispersion PDN should be
geneous distribution of ceramic particles in the casting has greater than four [6]. PDN is given by
been identified as one of the primarily problems. Mechanical
H0 ðmOÞ1=2
stirring is usually used during melt preparation or holding PDN ¼ 1=4
and, in this context, the stirring condition, melt temperature, ri d 3=4 Vt
and the type, amount and nature of the particles are some of where H0 is the height of the melt, O the angular velocity of
the main factors to consider when investigating this phe- the container, ri the radius of the inner cylinder, d the gap
nomenon, [3,4]. In general stirring helps in two ways: to between the inner and outer cylinder, Vt the particles settling
transfer particles into the liquid metal, and to maintain the velocity and m the viscosity of the slurry.
particles in suspension. Several types of stirrers are available The stirrer diameter is also an important factors to be
for stirring purposes. In some cases, the stirrers are design in considered. When the stirrer diameter is too small, the solid
order to provide a high degree of axial flow, hence mini- particles remain suspended at the periphery of the vessel in
mizing power requirements. This may be an important spite of the lack of deposits at the centre. When the diameter

Fig. 2. Pattern of fluidisation of solid particles: (a) pattern 1; (b) pattern 2 [7].
260 J. Hashim et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 258–263

is too large, solid particles are apt to remain un-dispersed in value [7]. This is a complex phenomenon dependent on
the centre of the vessel bottom. Therefore the optimum stirrer design, shape and size of the vessel and particle
diameter of the stirrer is the size at which solid particles properties. Two type of fluidisation of solid particles is
are fluidized in both the central and peripheral part at the observed as shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b).
same speed. It has been found [7] that for a flat bottom
vessel, stirrer diameter, d should be equal to 0.4D, where D
is the diameter of the vessel, and the blade width b, should be 3. Simulation
equal to 0.1–0.2D.
In case of agitation of solid particles in a liquid in a In general, fluid flow can be approached in two different
cylindrical vessel, a deposit of solid particles is observed on ways. One can choose to include the elementary flow units
the bottom when the agitator speed is low, and all the (for example molecules, particles, aggregates, etc.) or to
particles are fluidized when the speed reaches a certain describe flow in macroscopic or continuum terms. The latter

Fig. 3. The flow pattern for the position of the stirrer of: (a) 20% from the crucible base for 1000 rpm; (b) 20% from the crucible base for 100 rpm; (c) 70%
from the crucible base for 100 rpm; (d) 10% from the crucible base for 100 rpm; (e) 20% from the crucible base.
J. Hashim et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 258–263 261

is used in this simulation to simplify analysis, but it is is representative of a fluid in an 80 mm diameter and
thought to be representative due to the fine nature of the 100 mm height graphite crucible. Meshing for the fluid in
particles involved in the casting of the particular composite the crucible was carried out by assigning 50 nodes at the
being researched. Although this simulation is to study the crucible wall in the vertical (y) direction, and 20 grid points
dispersion of the reinforcement particles in the molten for the crucible base in the horizontal (x) direction. The
aluminium during stirring, no simulation of the solid par- meshing was then reploted to generate 1000 of nodes in a
ticles was made. It is assumed that the particles are very fine regular grid pattern. Boundary conditions were then applied
(<10 mm average diameter). According to Thomas [8], the to these nodes. The validity of a CFD prediction depends
particles below 10 mm in size are almost always carried fully largely on the boundary conditions imposed. In this case the
suspended in the liquid and gravitational effects are negli- boundary representing the crucible wall was specified as a
gible. From this assumption, if the wettability between the solid surface which is smooth and frictionless. This is
particles and the molten aluminium is good, it is expected justified as molten aluminium does not wet graphite, as
that the particle will follow the fluid flow pattern, which is was demonstrated experimentally. However the top surface
generated by the stirrer. The FEA package used also does not was allowed a degree of freedom to displace, such that
support multiphase flow analysis. Newtonian flow of the zero pressure would be maintained. The input viscosity
aluminium was presumed for the purposes of simulation. of the fully molten aluminium is 1:0  103 Pa S, with
The application software ANSYS1 Flotran-CFD was density of 2.30 g/cm3 which is assume to be constant.
used in this simulation, the model being built using two The viscosity and density of glycerol are 1.15 Pa S and
dimensional elements. The simulation focuses on the fluid 170 g/cm3, respectively.
flow pattern for different positions of a stirrer in a crucible, Because of the fact that this CFD package does not
and different speeds of stirring for two fluids: molten support solid elements, another means of representing the
aluminium, and glycerol. The stirrer geometry was therefore stirrer, and its motion was required. The load was therefore
kept as simple as possible, and a flat blade stirrer, as seen in considered as the velocity of a group of elements. These
Fig. 3(a)–(e) was used. Due to the axisymmetrical shape of elements represented the shape and position of the stirrer. In
the crucible and the stirrer, only half of the real shape was the case of this 2D simulation, the stirrer rotation speed is
included in the simulation, and the element coordinate given as radial velocity. The rotation speeds used were in the
system used is axisymmetric about the Y vertical axis. range 50–1000 rpm, for four different heights of 10, 20, 50
The model was built by initially creating a rectangle, and 70% of the total height, as measured from the crucible
representing the shape of the crucible in 2D. The simulation base. The rotational speed range was chosen to encompass

Fig. 4. Visualisation experiment for glycerol at the stirrer position of 20% from the crucible base, 100 rpm.
262 J. Hashim et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 258–263

the lowest and highest speeds nominally being used in the crucible base, but there is a ‘dead’ zone at the centre of
casting of MMCs. The position levels include those both the crucible. Above the impeller the circulation zone is
above and below the 30% optimum indicated by other centred 35% h from the crucible base, and extends vertically
research [7], and also positions expected to cause a vortex over a further height of 30% h. The region at the top of the
on the melt surface. vessel (constituting approximately 35% h) has little or no
The results from this simulation using glycerol were motion.
compared with those from a visualisation experiment. Streak As speed increases the flow pattern below the impeller
photography of tracer particles in such a visualisation remains essentially the same. The difference lies only in the
experiment is a good method for indicating the overall flow magnitude of the velocity of the fluid elements. At one
pattern, and existence of stagnant regions of fluid. However sample position, 10 mm from the crucible wall at the base,
it is noted that it is not suitable for showing the rate of mixing the velocity increases almost by 30 times from 6.4 to
between different parts of a vessel. To physically simulate 186 rad/s as impeller speed increases from 100 to
the molten aluminium and SiC particles, a 90 mm diameter 1000 rpm. This increase in speed causes even fluid at the
perspex vessel, filled to 100 mm height with the transparent bottom centre of the vessel to be effected by the circulation
glycerol fluid was used. Particles of white polyethylene were region at the highest speeds. Above the impeller, at higher
added to the fluid, and mixing was carried out using a digital speeds the circulation is dominated by a vertical suction
control dc motor, connected to a flat base rotor (10 mm pattern, and a vortex has formed on the fluid surface, causing
height  2 mm thickness, and diameter of 80 mm). The a maximum displacement of fluid elements of 3% h from
stirrer speed chosen was chosen in the range 50–100 rpm, their original position. From running the simulation at
as for some of the runs of the computer based simulation. impeller speed values between those shown in Fig. 3(a)
The results of this visualisation test were recorded as and (b) it is clear that the transition to this type of flow occurs
follows. The vessel was illuminated using a collimated light at very high speeds for this position. The flow pattern at
beam across a diametrical plane, and the backdrop darkened. 500 rpm for example is very similar to that shown for
Using a suitable exposure time, a streak photograph of the 100 rpm.
polystyrene particles flow pattern was recorded, one of
which is as shown in Fig. 4. 4.2. Effect of position

According to experimental observation of Nagata [7] the

4. Results and discussion stirrer should be placed no more than 30% from the base, to
avoid accumulation of particles at the bottom of the mixture.
Examples of the simulation results are shown in Fig. 3(a)– The simulation results show good agreement with this
(e), and the validity of the model predictions as found by statement. This is illustrated by Fig. 3(c) and (d), in which
comparison with the visualisation experiment results is rotor speed is maintained at 100 rpm, and the stirrer is
indicated by Fig. 4. Output from the simulation is given located at 10% h and 70% h from the crucible base,
in the form of a flow pattern, indicated graphically by respectively. At the lowest position the influence of the
velocity vectors. In interpreting the results it is important impeller is seen over the bottom half of the crucible. There
to keep in mind two desired requirements: (1) turbulence at is a circulation loop centred 25% h from the vessel base, and
the base region of the crucible which would give effective below the stirrer mainly horizontal velocity is seen, which
mixing (SiC particles are more dense than molten alumi- does extend to the crucible wall, and to the centre. At the
nium, and tend to settle, rather than float), and (2) the highest position there are three distinct flow zones within the
absence of a vortex at the surface (to avoid gas/impurity fluid. The first is a volume of little or no flow at the bottom of
entrapment). It should be noted that to aid generalisation of the crucible over 15% h, the second a circulation zone
interpretation of results, impeller position is given as a beneath the impeller, centred 50% h from the base, and
percentage of the total height of the fluid, h, and refers to the third, above the impeller, where a vortex has formed
the position of the lower edge of the impeller. accompanied by strong vertical suction within the fluid. The
transition to vortex formation occurs at positions higher than
4.1. Effect of stirrer speed 50% h in the case of 100 rpm stirring speed.

The effect of stirrer speed is illustrated taking the example 4.3. Effect of fluid viscosity
of a case where the impeller is placed with its lower edge
20% h from the base of the crucible. The speed is then The simulation was run for two different fluid types: the
changed from 100 to 1000 rpm. Fig. 3(a) shows the flow relatively low viscosity molten aluminium, and high visc-
pattern at the highest speed, and Fig. 3(b) that at the lowest. osity glycerol. The effect of viscosity change on predictions
At 100 rpm two well-defined circulation zones are apparent, was significant, as can be seen by comparing Fig. 3(b)
one below the impeller, one above. Both zones reach the (aluminium) and Fig. 3(e) (glycerol). In both figures stirrer
crucible wall. Under the impeller the flow zone extends to speed and position are the same at 100 rpm and 20% h from
J. Hashim et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 258–263 263

the base, respectively. In the higher viscosity fluid, the effect and reinforcement particles. Firstly Newtonian flow has
of stirrer rotation is more localised to the region of the been presumed. This is not strictly valid for the real process,
impeller, and centred more toward the crucible centre. In as discussed in [1]. In addition no solid elements were used
addition, rather than two circulation tracks, in the more in the model, therefore it is not possible to account for
viscous fluid a single major circulation area is clearly variations in characteristics of the particles such as size
identifiable. This area extends above and below its ‘eye’ distribution, and wettability for example.
to approximately 20% h. However there is a zone of no flow
directly beneath the impeller, and another at the top of the
vessel extending over 30% h of the fluid. 5. Conclusion

4.4. Interaction of effects A model of the stirring of molten aluminium containing

fine SiC particles has been built using FEA. The model was
It is obvious that as flow patterns are effected by both applied to the case of the more viscous glycerol fluid, and the
stirrer position and speed, several different combinations of results from this were compared with experimental results.
these parameters could result in the desired mixing condi- The general flow patterns predicted by the model have been
tions. Which combination of speed and position is chosen validated using this technique, indicating the usefulness of
may depend on constraints to resources such as equipment, the model in parameter choice for casting aluminium based
power or space. A systematic analysis of the candidate MMCs. The speed of rotation of the stirrer is shown to
combinations for the current application was not carried significantly impact on fluid flow characteristics, both velo-
out, but will be part of further analysis. city of flow, and direction. At higher speeds an undesirable
vortex forms on the fluid surface. Stirrer location is also
4.5. Comparison with visualisation experiment important. When the impeller is placed excessively
high within the fluid, little flow occurs at the base of the
As it is not possible to experimentally validate the simu- vessel where it is required to lift particles into the melt. The
lation using molten aluminium, the model was checked by model does have limitations, however is sufficiently repre-
comparing results for the more viscous fluid glycerol with sentative of the process of stirring to inform decisions on
experimental data. Fig. 4 is a photograph of the visualisation process parameters for stirring of MMCs during the casting
experiment for the same stirring conditions as those for the process.
simulation shown in Fig. 3(e) The white lines in the photo-
graph are the paths followed by the polyethylene particles
through the fluid, and reflect the general fluid flow pattern. References
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tion show a very good agreement with the experimentally [1] J. Hashim, L. Looney, M.S.J. Hashmi, Particle Distribution in Cast
MMCs—Part I, in: Proceedings of the AMPT’98, Kuala Lumpur,
observed one. This lends confidence to the validity of the
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casting situation. [3] D.J. Lloyd, J. Int. Mater. Rev. 39 (1994) 1–23.
[4] A. Mortensen, I. Jin, Int. Mater. Rev. 37 (1992) 101–128.
4.6. Limitation of the CFD model [5] S. Ray, in: Proceedings of the 1995 Conference on Inorganic Matrix
Composites, Bangalore, India, 1996, TMS, pp. 69–89.
[6] N.E. El-Kaddah, K.E. Chang, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 144 (1991) 221.
While the model has been shown to represent the flow [7] S. Nagata, Mixing Principles and Applications, Wiley, New York,
characteristics of stirred glyclerol, it does have specific 1975, pp. 250–258.
limitations in relation to simulating the stirring of aluminium [8] D.G. Thomas, AIChE J. 1 (1962) 373.

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