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A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Physical Education 5
prepared by: Sarah Jane G. Vidad
At the end of a 45 minutes discussion, pupils are expected to achieve 80% of proficiency of the
grade 5 section:
a. Identify what are the components of fitness
b. Perform the different fitness measurement of each fitness components
c. give importance to our health
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Fitness
Sub-Topic: Components of fitness
typesexamples.html, Materials: Visual aids, Dice


A. Preliminary Activities
Good Morning Class! Good Morning Ma’am
Please all stand and let us pray, Jane kindly lead ( Jane will lead the prayer) Our Father in
the prayer Heaven…….(Amen)

2. Classroom Management
Before you take a seat, kindly pick up the pieces of
paper and candy wrapper under your chair and
you may take a seat.

3.Checking of attendance
As I call your name say, please say “ present” (The students will say present as I call in their
name )
4. Review of the past lesson
Before we proceed to our new lesson, Let’s have a
short review!

What is our past lesson all about? Yes Jessica Ma’am is all about Motor skills

Very Good! What is Motor skills? Jennilyn Motor skills are actions that require the use of
muscles in specific ways to achieve a desired
Very Good! Are we all clear in motor skills? ( Yes ma’am)
B. Motivation.
Before we proceed to our lesson let’s
have a game first, are you all excited ? (Yes ma’am)

This game called “roll a task” I will roll a

dice and if the dice stop in #1 you will
do the task that assign to #1 .For
example is the dice stop in #1 an the
task is running in place you will do the
running in place. Do you understand ? (Yes ma’am)

Do you have any question before we

start ? (none ma’am)

Okay Let’s start the game

( Done doing the energizer game)
Did you have fun? (yes ma’am)

C. Presentation /Discussion
For today’s lesson ,we will talk
about the components of fitness,
but before that lets define what is
fitness first.

Fitness is defined as 'the ability to

carry out daily tasks with vigor and
alertness, without undue fatigue,
and with ample energy to enjoy
leisure-time pursuits and respond to
emergencies.' Based on this
definition, fitness involves
everything from getting out of bed
to hiking to performing CPR.

Total fitness can be defined by how

well the body performs in each one
of the components of physical
fitness as a whole. It is not enough
to be able to bench press your body

Do you understand what is fitness

now ? (yes ma’am)
Now Let’s move on to the
components of fitness.

We have 5 components of fitness,

the first one is the Cardiovascular

Cardiovascular endurance is the

ability of the heart and lungs to
work together to provide the
needed oxygen and fuel to the body
during sustained workloads.

For example is jogging ,cycling and

swimming. The Cooper Run is used
most often to test cardiovascular

Do you understand what is

cardiovascular endurance class?

Very Good! Let’s now proceed to

Muscular strength.

Muscular strength is the amount of

force a muscle can produce.
Typically measured by how much
weight can be moved in relation to
repetitions. Exercises involving
multiple joints and muscle groups
such as squats or bench press are
often used. The push up test is most
often used to test muscular

Are we clear to the muscular

strength ?

Do you have questions?

Let’s continue our discussion. The

third one is the muscular

Muscular endurance is the ability of

the muscles to perform continuous
without fatiguing.

Examples would be cycling, step

machines and elliptical machines.
The sit up test is most often used to
test muscular endurance.

Second to the last is the flexibility.

Flexibility is the ability of each joint

to move through the available range
of motion for a specific joint.

Typically measured by how far a

muscle group can be stretched or
joint can be moved. The most
common tests involve the
hamstrings and shoulders.

And the last on is the Body


Body composition is the amount of

fat mass compared to lean muscle
mass, bone and organs. This can be
measured using underwater
weighing, Skinfold readings, and
bioelectrical impedance. This is the
amount of fat on the body versus
other tissues such as muscle, bones
and skin.

Do you understand the 5

components of fitness class?
Let me see if you really listening and
you learned something today.

What is Fitness? Yes Christian,

kindly stand

Exactly! Thank you Christian, you

may take your seat.

What are the Components of

fitness? Will you give one kriszel.

Very Good! What is cardiovascular

endurance ? Ciarah

Very Good! Kriza will you give

another one. What is muscular
strength? Myra

Very good! Will you give example

of muscular strength, Hazel

Very good! Another components of

fitness, Daine

What is the meaning of muscular


Exactly! Will you give the another

two components of fitness, Katrina

Very Good! What is Flexibility,


Very Good Angelica!

What about the body composition,


Very Good! Again what are the 5

components of fitness class ?

Very Good! You really all

understand and learned to our
lesson for today.
D. Generalization
I will group you into 5 groups each
group will perform the components
of fitness that assigned to them.

The group 1 will be perform the

cardiovascular endurance.

Group2 will be the muscular


Group 3 will be the muscular

endurance ‘

Group 4 will be the flexibility and

the last group will be the body

E. Evaluation

Answer the following questions

below and write it in a 1 whole
sheet of paper.

1. What is fitness?
2. What are the 5 components of
3. Give atleast 2 examples of each
components fitness.

V. Assignment.

In our next meeting wear your P.E uniform and bring extra clothes and water.

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