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Bài 1:Housework should be share equally between mum and dad.

Sharing housewok has been of concern in recent years.There is a considerable body of opinion that we
should share housework equally between the mum and dad.In my thought,I partitailly agree with that

What draws much of my attention is the improvement in family happiness.It cannot be denied that
sharing housework means to reduce stress and pressure in work.Thanks to this,people in family can talk
together and share with each other all the moment in thei day.As a result,father and mother are likely to
reduce the conflict between them.This leads to the fact that the family will able to be united.More
interestingly,when housework is shared,health increasment is invetible.The fact is that,sharing
housework is a golden chance to decreased the mass of work that one family member will do.As a
matter of fact,the body has the potential to rest and heal back.With this in mind, their mentality will
much improve.Eventually,this probably give rise to increase family happiness.

On the other hand,what I don’t agree is we shouldn’t share it equally.Each work take different skills and
it means you are unfair between mum and dad.This leads to the angry between them and reduce family
happiness.As a result,the rate of being divorce will increase.To improve this,each family should base on
which work they are doing to devide the work reasonable.

To sum up,sharing housework is highly recommended.But to make it efficiency,we shouldn’t share it


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