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Phytocemindo Product List 1

No Product Name Indications Plant Part Form

01 Abrus precatorius (Saga) Expectorant, bronchitis Leaf Powder
Rosary Pea

02 Allium sativum (Bawang hitam) Antihypertension Tubers Powder

Black garlic

03 Aloe vera (Lidah buaya) Laxative, digestive disorder Leaf Powder

Aloe vera

04 Alpinia galanga (Lengkuas) Antiinflammatory, antimicrobial Rhizoma Powder

Greater galangal

05 Alyxia stellata (Pulosari) Cough, sore throat, appetite stimulant Cortex Powder

06 Amomum cardamomum (Kapulaga) Carminative Fruit Powder

Green cardamom

07 Andrographis paniculata Immunostimulant, hepatoprotector, diabetes, diarrhea Leaf Powder

King of bitters

08 Annona muricata (Sirsak) Anticancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, Leaf Powder
Graviola/Soursop antibacterial, antifungal

09 Anredera cordifolia (Binahong) Diabetes, anticholesterol, appetite stimulant Leaf Powder

Madeira vine

10 Apium graveolens L. (Seledri) Lower blood pressure, diuretic, arthritis Herb Powder

11 Areca catechu (Pinang) Gallstone, dysentery, edema Seed Powder

Areca palm

12 Azadirachta indica (Mimba) Antibacterial Leaf Powder

Indian lilac

13 Blumea balsamifera (Sembung) Expectorant, tonic, stomach disorder, diabetes, Leaf Powder
Sembong diarrhea

14 Boesenbergia pandurata Reduce fat, laxative, diuretic Rhizome Powder

(Temu kunci)
Finger root

15 Caesalpinia sappan (Secang) Antioxidant, analgesic, menstrual disorder, Bark Powder

Sappan wood antiinflammatory

16 Camellia sinensis (Teh hijau) Antioxidant, appetite suppresant, burn calorie, Leaf Powder
Green tea improve fat metabolism

17 Camellia sinensis (Teh hitam) Antioxidant, heart health, diabetes, Parkinson's Leaf Powder
Black tea disease, anticholesterol, kidney stone

18 Carica papaya (Pepaya) Diarrhea, typhoid, thrombocyte enhancer, dengue Leaf Powder
Papaya fever

19 Cassia angustifolia (Senna) Constipation, hemorrhoid, losing weight Leaf Powder


20 Centella asiatica L. (Pegagan) Would healing, keloid, dermatitis, diuretic, anemia Herb Powder
Gotu kola

21 Cinnamomum burmani Diabetes, anticholesterol, sedative, antitussive, Bark Powder

(Kayu manis) antihypertension

2 Phytocemindo Product List

No Product Name Indications Plant Part Form
22 Citrus aurantifolia Antioxidant, antibacterial, relaxing Leaf Powder
(Daun jeruk nipis)
Key lime

23 Coffea arabica (Kopi hijau) Slimming Seed Powder

Green coffee

24 Cordyceps militaris Antioxidant, stamina Mycelium Powder


25 Coriandrum sativum (Ketumbar) Sprue, antiemetic, antimicrobial, rheumatoid Fruit Powder


26 Cosmo caudatus (Kenikir) Antinausea, appetite stimulant Leaf Powder

King’s salad

27 Curcuma aeruginosa Asthma, cough, antibacterial, carminative, antiemetic Rhizome Powder

(Temu hitam)
Black turmeric

28 Curcuma domestica (Kunyit) Antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, hepatoprotector, Rhizome Powder

Turmeric immunostimulant, prevent Alzheimer's disease,

29 Curcuma heyneana Antioxidant, constipation, stamina, smooth skin, Rhizome Powder

Temu giring slimming

30 Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Temulawak) Antioxidant, hepatoprotector, antiviral, antibacterial, Rhizome Powder

Java turmeric appetite stimulant, anticholesterol, biliary disorders,

31 Curcuma xanthorrhiza oil Antimicrobial Rhizome Volatile

(Minyak temulawak) Oil
Java turmeric oil

32 Curcuma zedoaria (Temu putih) Antioxidant, antitumor, analgetic, expectorant, Rhizome Powder
White turmeric tuberculosis

33 Cyperus rotundus (Teki) Maintain health digestion, PMS, skin Rhizome Powder
Nut grass

34 Echinacea purpurea Immunostimulant, relieve pain, antiinflammatory, Herb Powder

Echinacea hormonal effect, antiviral, and antioxidant effects

35 Elephantopus scaber Asthma, diabetes, antiinflammatory, antitumor, Herb Powder

(Tapak liman) hepatoprotector, antibacterial
Elephant’s foot

36 Eleutherine bulbosa Antihypertension, antipyretic Tuber Powder

(Bawang dayak)
Tears of virgin

37 Eugenia caryophyllata Antiinflammatory, appetite stimulant Leaf Powder


38 Eurycoma longifolia Aphrodisiac, antihypertension, antimalaria, improve Root Powder

(Pasak bumi) stamina, immunostimulant

39 Foeniculum vulgare (Adas) Expectorant, analgetic, cough, constipation, Fruit Powder,

Fennel hemorrhoid liquid

40 Ganoderma lucidum Boost immunity, fight fatigue, improve memory, Mycelium Powder
Lingzhi increase energy and stamina, anticholesterol, reduce
inflammation, relieve stress, reverse the aging process,
stimulate circulation

41 Garcinia atroviridis Obesity, slimming Fruit Powder

Asam gelugur

42 Garcinia mangostana Antioxidant, antibacterial, immune system, respiratory Rind Powder

(Manggis) health

43 Glycine max (Kedelai) Skin aging, anticholesterol, prevent heart disease, Seed Powder
Soybean estrogen replacement therapy, lower cancer risk

44 Glycyrrhiza glabra (Akar manis) Cough, sprue, antiinflammatory, sore throat Bark Powder

Phytocemindo Product List 3

No Product Name Indications Plant Part Form
45 Graptophyllum pictum L. (Wungu) Hemorrhoid, gallstone, diuretic, constipation Leaf Powder
Caricature plant

46 Grav-X® Annona muricata Anticancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, antibacterial, Leaf Powder
(Sirsak) antifungal

47 Grifola frondosa Anticholesterol, improve artery function and overall Mycelium Powder
Maitake cardiovascular health, lower risk of heart disease

48 Guazuma ulmifolia Fat burner, astringent Leaf Powder

(Jati belanda)
Bastard cedar

49 Gynura procumbens Diabetic, antibacterial Leaf Powder

Sambung nyawa

50 Helicteres isora (Kayu ules) Antiinflammatory Fruit Powder,

Indian screw tree Liquid

51 Hibiscus sabdariffa Antioxidant, anticholesterol, diuretic, tonic, Calyx Powder,

(Rosella) expectorant, stomach disorder, antiscorbutic, liquid
Roselle refrigerant

52 Imperata cylindrica Diuretic, detox, cleansing Root Rhizome

Cogon grass

53 Kaempferia angustifolia Slimming, stomach disorder Rhizome Rhizome

Kunci pepet

54 Kaempferia galanga (Kencur) Digestive disorders, cough, regulate blood circulation, Rhizome Rhizome
Aromatic ginger arthritis

55 Labisia pumila (Kacip fatimah) Aphrodisiac, antidysmenorrhoea, antioxidant, skin Leaf Powder
Kacip fatimah protection

56 Lentinula edodes Immunostimulant, support hearth health, natural Mycelium Powder

Shiitake energy, fights cancerous cells, support healthy skin &
hair, antiinflammatory, anticholesterol

57 Lumbricus rubellus Antipyretic, typhoid Body Powder

(Cacing tanah)

58 Matcha tea powder (Teh hijau) Antioxidant, appetite suppresant, burn calorie, improve Leaf Powder
Green tea fat metabolism

59 Mentha arvensis Antitussive, expectorant Leaf Powder,

Mint Liquid

60 Merremia mammosa Antipyretic, antiinflammatory Rhizome Powder

(Bidara upas)

61 Momordica charantia (Pare) Diabetes, breast cancer, lower cholesterol and Fruit Powder
Bitter melon triglyceride, digestive aid

62 Morinda citrifolia (Mengkudu) Antioxidant, antihypertension, diabetes, Fruit Powder

Noni immunostimulant

63 Moringa oleifera (Kelor) Appetite stimulant, antiinflammatory, gout Leaf Powder


64 Murraya paniculata (Kemuning) Astringent, slimming Leaf Powder

Orange jessamine

65 Myristica fragrans (Pala) Insomnia, carminative, digestion problem, migraine, Rind Powder
Nutmeg diarrhea, antiemetic

66 NaDCurmin® Curcuma domestica Antiinflammatory, hepatoprotector, anticancer, diabetic Rhizome Powder

(Nano dispersion Turmeric extract)

4 Phytocemindo Product List

No Product Name Indications Plant Part Form
67 NanoLacta® Sauropus androgynus Lactagogue (stimulate milk production) Leaf Powder
(Nano dispersion Sauropi extract)
Sweet leaf

68 NanoMori® Moringa oleifera Appetite stimulant, antiinflammatory, gout Leaf Powder

(Nano dispersion Moringa extract)

69 Nigella sativa (Jinten hitam) Antioxidant, asthma, respiratory system, cardiovascular Seed Powder
Black cumin system, antiulcer, immunostimulant, antiinflammatory,

70 Ocimum citriodorum (Kemangi) Fever, muscle pain reliever, antinausea Leaf Powder
Lemon basil

71 Orthosiphon aristatus Diuretic, gallstone, diabetes Leaf Powder

(Kumis kucing)
Cat’s whisker

72 Oryza nivara Anticholesterol, antihypertriglyceridemia, antioxidant Bran Powder

(Bekatul beras merah)
Red rice bran

73 Oryza sativa (Protein beras) Help to reduce blood pressure and blood fat Seed Powder
Rice protein

74 Panax ginseng Memory and thinking skills, erectile dysfunction, Root Powder
Ginseng stamina, immune system

75 Parameria barbata Reduce fat, astringent Cortex Powder

Kayu Rapat

76 Persea gratissima (Alpukat) Lower blood pressure, antiinflammatory, antioxidant Leaf Powder

77 Phaleria macrocarpa Antitumor, anticancer, diabetes, antihypertension Rind Powder

Mahkota dewa

78 Phaseolus vulgaris (Buncis) Fiber & nutrient source, eye health, bone health Seed Powder
Kidney bean

79 Phyllanthus niruri (Meniran) Diuretic, hepatoprotector, immunostimulant Herb Powder


80 Physalis angulata (Ciplukan) Diabetic, lupus erythematosus Herb Powder

Morel berry

81 Pimpinella pruatjan (Purwoceng) Aphrodisiac, diuretic Root Powder


82 Piper betle L. (Sirih) Antiseptic, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, antitussive Leaf Powder


83 Piper cubeba (Kemukus) Antiemetic, nausea, carminative Fruit Powder

Cubeb pepper

84 Piper retrofractum (Cabe jawa) Antioxidant, antiinflammatory, stimulant, antibacterial, Fruit Powder
Javanese long pepper antidepressant

85 Pisum sativum Aid muscle growth, weight loss and heart health Seed Powder
(Protein kacang polong)
Pea Protein

86 Plantago mayor (Daun sendok) Gallstone, kidney stone Herb Powder

Broadleaf plantain

87 Pluchea indica (Beluntas) Antibacterial Leaf Powder

Indian camphorweed

88 Psidium guajava (Jambu biji) Diarrhea, gastroenteritis Leaf Powder


89 Punica granatum (Delima) Antioxidant, astringent, appetite suppressant, diarrhea, Rind Powder
Pomegranate diabetes

Phytocemindo Product List 5

No Product Name Indications Plant Part Form
90 Quercus infectoria (Manjakani) Antimicrobial, astringent, antioxidant, gynecological Galls Powder
Gall oak disorders

91 Sauropus androgynus (Katuk) Lactagogue (stimulate milk production) Leaf Powder

Sweet leaf

92 Sida rhombifolia (Sidaguri) Analgetic, rheumatism Herb Powder

Rhombus leaved sida

93 Smallanthus sonchifolius Diabetes Leaf Powder

(Daun insulin)

94 Sonchus arvensis (Tempuyung) Diuretic, appetite stimulant, uric acid, kidney stone, Leaf Powder
Field milk thistle anticholesterol

95 Strobilanthus crispus Diuretic, gallstone, kidney stone, hemorrhoid Leaf Powder

Keji beling

96 Swietenia mahagonia (Mahoni) Diabetes, antihypertension, improve blood circulation Seed Powder

97 Syzgium polyanthum Diabetes, antihypertension, anticholesterol, uric acid Leaf Powder

Indonesian bay leaf

98 Tamarindus indica (Asam jawa) Appetite stimulant, antipyretic, antiemetic, laxative Fruit Powder

99 Tinospora crispa Diabetes, antipyretic, bactericide Stem Powder


100 Tribulus terrestris Energize, vitalize, improve sexual function and physical Herb powder
Tribulus performance in men

101 Trigonella foenum-graecum Breast enhancement and health, increasing breast Seed Powder
(Klabet) milk, sexual desire, PMS, blood sugar, antioxidant,
Fenugreek menopause

102 Typhonium flagelliforme Anticancer Tuber Powder

(Keladi tikus)
Rodent tuber

103 Uncaria gambir Aphrodisiac, astringent, stomachic, diarrhea, Leaf Powder

Gambir dysentery

104 Usnea thallus (Kayu rusuk angin) Muscle pain reliever, cough, fever Cortex Powder

105 Zingiber aromaticum Analgetic, hemorrhoid Rhizome Powder

(Lempuyang wangi)
Fragrant ginger

106 Zingiber officinale var. amarum Expectorant, cough, antiemetic, antiinflammatory, Rhizome Powder,
(Jahe emprit) carminative liquid

107 Zingiber officinale var. officinarum Antioxidant, antiemetic, nausea Rhizome Powder
(Jahe gajah)
Big ginger

108 Zingiber officinale var. Rubra Antitussive, stimulant, antiemetic, rheumatism Rhizome Powder,
(Jahe merah) liquid
Red ginger

109 Zingiber purpureum (Bangle) Antiinflammatory, stomach disorder, hepatitis, cough Rhizome Powder

110 Zingiber zerumbet Antinociceptive, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, Rhizome Powder

(Lempuyang gajah) antiallergic, immunostimulant, antimicrobial
Bitter ginger

6 Phytocemindo Product List

Phytocemindo Product List 7
No Product Name Functional Application Form Plant Part Form

01 Actinidia chinensis (Kiwi) Brightening, smooth the skin Face mask Fruit Liquid

02 Aleurites moluccana Hair growth Lotion Seed Liquid, oil


03 Aloe vera (Lidah buaya) Moisturizer, sunburn, acne Face mask Inner leaf Liquid,
Aloe vera powder

04 Ananas comosus (Nanas) Moisturizing, smooth the skin Face mask, hair tonic, Fruit Liquid
Pineaple cream, toner

05 Apium graveolens (Seledri) Antidandruff, antiinflammatory Face mask, shampoo Leaf Liquid

06 Areca catechu (Pinang) Natural coloring agent, Hair dye, natural dye Seed Liquid
Areca palm antioxidant

07 Green tea (Teh hijau) Improves skin complexion, Face mask, essential oil Leaf Liquid
Green tea reduces puffy eyes and dark (for acne)

08 Caprae lac (Susu kambing) Brightening, smooth the skin, Body wash, cream Milk Powder
Caprae lac moisturizer

09 Carica papaya Moisturizer, smooth the skin Face mask, body wash, Fruit Liquid
Papaya body lotion, cream

10 Centella asiatica (Pegagan) Moisturizer, antiinflammatory, Cream, toner, face mask Leaf Liquid
Gotu kola antiaging, wound healing

11 Citrullus vulgaris Antiaging, moisturizer, smooth Face mask Fruit Powder

(Semangka) the skin

12 Citrus ambylcarpa Brightening, moisturizer Face mask, toner Fruit Liquid

(Jeruk limau)

13 Citrus limon (Lemon) Brightening, moisturizer, smooth Face mask, serum, toner Fruit Liquid
Lemon the skin

14 Cordyceps militaris Antioxidant, antiaging Cream Mycelium Liquid


15 Cucumis sativus (Timun) Moisturizer, smooth the skin Face mask Fruit Liquid

16 Curcuma domestica Antiinflammatory, antimicrobial Cream, face mask Rhizome Liquid


17 Curcuma xanthorrhiza Antiinflammatory, antimicrobial Cream, face mask Rhizome Liquid

Java turmeric

18 Curcuma xanthorrhiza oil Antiinflammatory, antimicrobial Toothpaste, mouthwash Rhizome Liquid

(Minyak Temulawak)
Java turmeric oil

19 Eclipta prostrata Hair growth Shampoo Leaf Liquid

(Urang aring)

8 Phytocemindo Product List

No Product Name Functional Application Form Plant Part Form

20 Fragaria x ananasa
Moisturizer, smooth the skin Face mask Fruit Liquid,

21 Garnicia mangostana
Antioxidant, skin brightening Cream Rind Liquid


22 Glycine max (Kedelai)

Antiaging, moisturizer, smooth
the skin
Face mask Seed Liquid

23 Glycyrrhiza glabra
(Akar manis)
Help to reduce red skin, acne, dry
skin, brighten dull skin.
Toner, serum, cream, scrub Root Liquid,

24 Honey (Madu)
Moisturizer, smooth the skin Face mask - Liquid

25 Kaempferia angustifolia
Kunci Pepet
Antioxidant, antiinflammatory Cream, lotion Rhizome Powder

26 Labisia pumila
Kacip fatimah
Antioxidant, skin smoothing,
Cream Leaf Liquid

27 Matcha tea powder

(Teh hijau)
Antioxidant, skin smoothing,
Powder Leaf Powder

Green tea

28 Matricaria recutita
Antiinflammatory, fragrance, skin
Cream, lotion, face mask Flower Powder

29 Mentha arvensis
Improve skin appearance, reduce
acne, dry skin
Cream Leaf Liquid

30 Merremia mammosa
Bidara upas
Antiinflammatory Cream, lotion Leaf Liquid

31 Moringa oleifera (Kelor)

Sun protection, antioxidant Cream, lotion Leaf Liquid

32 Myristica fragrans (Pala)

Whitening, fragrance,
antioxidant, antimicrobial
Cream, lotion, tonic, face
Fruit Liquid

33 Oryza nivara
(Bekatul beras merah)
Moisturizer, antioxidant, nutrient
Cream, lotion Bran Liquid

Red rice bran

34 Pachyrhizus erosus
Brightening, moisturizer, smooth
the skin
Face mask, cream, body
Fruit Liquid,

35 Panax ginseng (Ginseng)

Panax ginseng
Brightening, antiaging, overcome
hair loss
Face mask, serum, cream,
Root Liquid

36 Parameria laevigata
Kayu rapat
Feminine area cleaners Feminine hygiene Cortex Liquid,

37 Pearl
Improve skin appearance, skin
Cream, face mask - Liquid

38 Persea gratissima
Helps reduce wrinkles, revitalize
Face mask, body lotion,
body wash
Fruit Liquid


39 Phoenix dactylifera
Improve skin health, antiaging Cream Fruit Liquid,
Palm fruit

40 Piper betle (Daun sirih)

Piper betle
Feminine area cleaners Feminine hygiene,
Leaf Liquid

41 Piper ornatum
(Sirih merah)
Feminine area cleaners Feminine hygiene Leaf Liquid

Celebes pepper

42 Prunus amygdalus
Moisturizer, makes the skin
healthier, reduces dark circles
Face mask, cream, body
Seed Powder


Phytocemindo Product List 9

No Product Name Functional Application Form Plant Part Form

43 Punica granatum
Antiaging, help reduce red
skin, acne, dry skin, or brighten
Face mask, serum, cream Rind Liquid,
Pomegranate dull skin.

44 Pyrus malus (Apel)

Antiaging, moisturizer, smooth
the skin
Face mask Fruit Liquid

45 Quercus infectoria Feminine area cleaners Feminine hygiene Fruit Liquid

Gall oak

46 Rosa rubiginosa (Mawar) Moisturizer, antiinflammatory, Cream, lotion Flower Liquid

Rose fragrance, sun protection

47 Rubus fraxinifolius Antiaging, fragrance, antioxidant Cream, lotion, lipstick/ Fruit Liquid
Raspberry lip balm

48 Theobroma cacao (Coklat) Moisturizer, makes the skin Face mask, cream, body Seed Liquid
Cocoa bean healthier, reduces dark circles lotion

49 Uncaria gambir Antiinflammatory, antiacne, Cream, lotion Leaf Liquid

Gambir antiaging, antiallergenic

50 Vaccinium cyanococcus Antiaging, moisturizer, skin Face mask, cream, toner Fruit Liquid
Blueberry whitening, fragrance

51 Vaccinium macrocarpon Moisturizer, smooth the skin Face mask Fruit Liquid

52 Vitis vinifera (Anggur) Antiaging, moisturizer, smooth Face mask Seed Liquid
Grape seed the skin

53 Zingiber officinale Rosch Rejuvenate the skin, overcome Toner, scrub, cream Rhizome Liquid
(Jahe emprit) dandruff, hairloss

10 Phytocemindo Product List

Phytocemindo Product List 11
No Product Name Application Plant Part Form
01 Actinidia deliciosa (Kiwi) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder

02 Allium sativum (Bawang hitam) Beverages Bulbus Powder

Black garlic

03 Aloe vera (Lidah buaya) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Leaf Powder

Aloe vera

04 Amaranthus gangeticus (Bayam) Savory, beverages, confectionary, baked goods, Leaf Powder
Spinach dairy

05 Ammomum cardamomum Savory, beverages Seed Powder

Green cardamom

06 Ananas comosus (Nanas) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder


07 Apium graveolens (Seledri) Savory, beverages Leaf Powder


08 Beta vulgaris (Bit) Savory, beverages, confectionary, baked goods, Tuber Powder
Beetroot dairy

09 Brassica oleracea (Brokoli) Savory, beverages Flower Powder


10 Brassica oleracea var. bortrytis Savory, beverages Flower Powder

(Kembang Kol)

11 Camellia sinensis (Teh hijau) Beverages, confectionary Leaf Powder

Green tea

12 Camellia sinensis Beverages, confectionary, dairy Leaf Powder

(Teh hijau matcha)

13 Camellia sinensis (Teh hitam) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Leaf Powder

Black tea

14 Capsicum annuum L. (Paprika) Savory Fruit Powder


15 Carica papaya Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder


16 Cinnamomum burmani Savory, beverages, confectionary, baked goods, Bark Powder

(Kayu manis) dairy

17 Citrus aurantifolia (Jeruk nipis) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder

Key lime

18 Citrus aurantifolia (Jeruk nipis) Savory, beverages Leaf Powder

Key lime

19 Citrus aurantium (Jeruk nipis) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder


12 Phytocemindo Product List

No Product Name Application Plant Part Form
20 Citrus lemon (Lemon) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder

21 Cocos nucifera (Santan kelapa) Beverages, seasoning Fruit Powder

Coconut milk

22 Coffea arabica (Kopi hijau) Beverages Seed Powder

Green coffee

23 Coriandrum sativum (Ketumbar) Savory, beverages Fruit Powder


24 Cucumis melo (Melon) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder


25 Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder


26 Cucumis sativus (Timun) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder


27 Curcuma xanthorrhiza Savory, beverages, dairy, confectionary Rhizome Powder

Java turmeric

28 Cymbopogon citratus (Sereh) Savory, beverages Leaf Powder


29 Daucus carota (Wortel) Savory, beverages Rhizome Powder


30 Fragaria virginiana Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder


31 Garcinia atroviridis Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder

Asam gelugur

32 Garcinia mangostana Beverages Fruit rind Powder


33 Glycine max (Kedelai) Savory, beverages Seed Powder


34 Hibiscus sabdariffa Beverages Calyx Powder


35 Honey (Madu) Beverages, dairy, sweet, savory Powder

36 Hylocereus polyrhizus Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder

(Naga merah)
Red dragon fruit

37 Ipomoea batatas (Ubi ungu) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Tuber Powder

Sweet potato

38 Kaempferia galanga (Kencur) Savory, beverages Rhizome Powder

Aromatic galangal

39 Lycium barbarum Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder

Goji berry

40 Mangifera indica (Mangga) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder


Phytocemindo Product List 13

No Product Name Application Plant Part Form

41 Mentha arvensis Beverages, confectionary, baked goods Leaf Powder


42 Morinda citrifolia (Mengkudu) Beverages Fruit Powder

Morinda / Noni

43 Moringa oleifera (Kelor) Beverages, dairy, confectionary Leaf Powder


44 Musa paradisiaca (Pisang) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder


45 Myristica fragrans (Pala) Savory, beverages Fruit Powder


46 Nigella Sativa (Jinten hitam) Beverages Seed Powder

Black cumin

47 Ocimum citriodorum (Kemangi) Savory, beverages Leaf Powder

Lemon basil

48 Oryza sativa (Protein beras) Beverages Seed Powder

Rice protein

49 Pachyrhizus erosus (Bengkuang) Beverages Fruit Powder


50 Panax ginseng Beverages, baked goods, confectionary, dairy Root Powder


51 Persea gratissima (Alpukat) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder


52 Phaseolus vulgaris (Buncis) Savory, beverages Seed Powder

Kidney bean

53 Phoenix dactylifera Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder

Palm Fruit

54 Piper betle (Daun sirih) Beverages Leaf Powder


55 Prunus amygdalus Beverages, dairy, confectionary Seed Powder


56 Punica granatum (Delima) Beverages Rind Powder


57 Pyrus malus (Apel hijau) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder

Green apple

58 Pyrus malus (Apel merah) Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder

Red apple

59 Raphanus sativus var. Savory, beverages Rhizome Powder

longupinnatus (Lobak cina)

60 Sauropi androgynus (Katuk) Beverages, dairy, confectionary Leaf Powder

Sweet leaf

61 Solanum lycopersicum (Tomat) Savory, beverages Fruit Powder


62 Tamarindus indica (Asam jawa) Beverages, savory, confectionary Pulp Powder


14 Phytocemindo Product List

No Product Name Application Plant Part Form

63 Theobroma cacao (Cokelat) Beverages, baked goods, confectionary, dairy Seed Powder

64 Trigonella foenum-graecum Beverages Seed Powder


65 Vaccinium cyanococcus Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder


66 Vitis vinifera Beverages, confectionary, dairy Fruit Powder

(Anggur hitam)

67 Zingiber officinale var. amarum Savory, beverages, baked goods, confectionary, Rhizome Powder
(Jahe emprit) dairy

68 Zingiber officinale var. Savory, beverages, baked goods, confectionary, Rhizoma Powder
Officinarum (Jahe gajah) dairy
Big ginger

69 Zingiber officinale var. rubra Savory, beverages, baked goods, confectionary, Rhizome Powder
(Jahe merah) dairy
Red ginger

No Product Name Application Plant Part Form

01 Fruits Blend Beverages, Baked goods, Confectionary, Dairy Fruit Powder

(combination more than 2 fruits in
single extract)

02 Veggies Blend Savory, Beverages, Baked goods, Leaf, seed Powder

(combination more than 2 veggies in Confectionary, Dairy
single extract)

03 Fruits & Veggies Blend Savory, Beverages, Baked goods, Fruit, leaf, seed Powder
(combination more than 2 fruits & Confectionary, Dairy
veggies in single extract)

No Product Name Application Plant Part Form

01 Banana powder Beverages, Baked goods, Confectionary, Dairy Fruit Powder

02 Blueberry powder Beverages, Baked goods, Confectionary, Dairy Fruit Powder

03 Lemon powder Beverages, Baked goods, Confectionary, Dairy Fruit Powder

04 Mixberries powder Beverages, Baked goods, Confectionary, Dairy Fruit Powder

05 Orange powder Beverages, Baked goods, Confectionary, Dairy Fruit Powder

06 Strawberry powder Beverages, Baked goods, Confectionary, Dairy Fruit Powder

Phytocemindo Product List 15

No Product Name Application Plant Part Form

01 Phytocol® - MAG Savory, Beverages, Baked goods, Tuber Powder

(E162, Beetroot Extract) Confectionary, Dairy

02 Phytocol® - RED Savory, Beverages, Baked goods, Fruit Powder

E160c, Paprika Extract Confectionary, Dairy

03 Phytocol® - YEL Savory, Beverages, Baked goods, Rhizome Powder

E100, cI 75300 Curcumin extract Confectionary, Dairy

No Product Name Application Plant Part Form

01 Citrus hystrix Savory Leaf Oil

Jeruk purut oil

02 Cymbopogon citratus Savory Stem Oil

Serai indonesia oil

03 Etlingera elatior Savory Flower Oil

Kecombrang oil

04 Parkia speciosa Savory Seed Oil

Petai oil

05 Zanthoxylum acanthopodium Savory Seed Oil

Andaliman oil

16 Phytocemindo Product List

Phytocemindo Product List 17
No Product Name Indications Plant Part Form

01 Aloe vera (Lidah buaya) General tonic and promote wound healing for all food Leaf Powder
Aloe vera producing species

02 Alpinia galanga (Lengkuas) Increase the performa of of lactating barki goat Rhizome Powder

03 Andrographis paniculata Stimulates the immune system, increases appetite, helps Leaf Powder
(Sambiloto) restore health in poultry
King of bitter

04 Annona muricata folium Inhibit the growth of M. gypseum, which causing dermatitis Leaf Powder
Soursop complex in dogs

05 Area cathecu (Pinang) Prevent intestinal worms in chicken Fruit Powder

Betel nut

06 Azadiracta indica (Mimba) Protect liver cells from damage, optimize the performance Leaf Powder
Indian lilac in chicken

07 Blumea balsamifera Stimulates the immune system and increase the appetite Leaf Powder
(Sembung) in broiler

08 Boesenbergia pandurata Enhances fish growth, feed efficiency, FCR, immunity, and Rhizome Powder
(Temu kunci) resistance against infection by the bacteria A. hydrophila
Finger root and P. fluorescens

09 Camellia sinensis (Teh hijau) Pig: Suppression of feces odor Leaf Powder
Green tea Pig: Gut health status
Chicken: Antiinfluenza
Chicken: Antioxidant, immunostimulant
Goat: Good effects on growth and meat quality
Goat: Immunostimulant
Cow: Energy-corrected milk, lower concentration of
triacylglycerols and cholesterol in the liver
Shrimp: Therapy for white spot syndrome viruses

10 Carica papaya Linn (Pepaya) Decrease the infection of endoparacyte and increase milk Leaf Powder
Papaya production in cow

11 Centella asiatica L. (Pegagan) Promote wound healing for all food producing species Herb Powder
Gotu kola

12 Coleus amboinicu Lour Increase milk production in goat Leaf Powder


13 Cordyceps militaris Alternative growth promoter in weaned pigs Mycelium Powder


14 Curcuma aeruginosa Prevent intestinal worms (Ascaridia galli) in chicken Rhizome Powder
(Temu hitam)
Black turmeric

15 Curcuma domestica (Kunyit) Increase the quality of eggs in quail Rhizome Powder
Turmeric As additive in multivitamin, mineral & amino acid for

16 Curcuma xanthorrhiza Help optimize FCR, increase appetite and chicken carcass Rhizome Powder,
(Temulawak) quality oil
Java turmeric

18 Phytocemindo Product List

No Product Name Indications Plant Part Form

17 Elephantopus scaber Dietary supplementation to improve meat quality and Herb Powder
(Tapak liman) intestinal development in ducks
Elephant’s foot

18 Foeniculum vulgare (Adas) Increase the appetite of Holstein dairy calves Fruit Powder
Fennel Increase the quality of carcass & eggs in chicken

19 Garcinia mangostana Increase the milk production in mammals Rind Powder


20 Glycine Max (Kedelai) Feed additives for calves, swine, and poultry Seed Powder

21 Hibiscus sabdarrifa Improve the growth performance of starter broilers Flower Powder,
(Rosella) liquid

22 Kaempferia galanga (Kencur) Help optimize FCR, increase appetite and chicken carcass Rhizome Powder
Aromatic ginger quality

23 Mentha arvensis (Mint) Improves the egg quality of laying hens Leaf Powder

24 Momordica charantia (Pare) Anthelmintic (for Ascaridia galli) in chicken Fruit Powder
Bitter melon

25 Morinda citrifolia (Mengkudu) Help optimize FCR, increase appetite and chicken carcass Fruit Powder
Morinda/noni quality
Optimize catfish growth

26 Moringa oleifera (Kelor) Increase appetite and chicken carcass quality Leaf Powder
Moringa Increase growth of pig

27 Nigella sativa (Jintan hitam) Improve animal performance in camel Seed Powder
Black cumin Increase daily gain of goat compared with placebo
Gained more weight in calves

28 Origanum vulgare Treatment of coccidiosis in chicken Leaf Powder

Oregano Imporve the quail performance

29 Phaleria macrocarpa Reduce the number of E. coli in infected chicken Leaf Powder
(Mahkota dewa)
Mahkota dewa

30 Phyllanthus niruri Againts Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection which causes Herb Powder
(Meniran) Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) in broiler chickens
Stonebreaker Stimulates the immune system in chicken

31 Piper betle L (Sirih) As antimicrobial agent to control fish diseases Leaf Powder
Betel Improve the egg quality in quail
Increase the weight gain and feed conversion in broilers

32 Piper retrofractum Antigenotoxic effect of Piperine in broiler chickens Fruit Powder

(Cabe jawa) intoxicated with aflatoxin B1
Javanese long pepper

33 Psidium guajava Improving intestinal barrier function in piglets Leaf Powder

(Jambu biji)

34 Punica granatum Anthelmintic (for Ascaridia galli) in chicken Rind Powder


35 Sauropus androgynus (Katuk) Increase milk production in cow Leaf Powder

Sweet leaf

Phytocemindo Product List 19

No Product Name Indications Plant Part Form
36 Tamarindus indica Increase weight gain in broilers Fruit Powder
(Asam jawa)

37 Trigonella foenum-graecum Increase milk production & milk quality in cow Seed Powder

38 Zingiber aromaticum Increase appetite and FCR in broiler Rhizome Powder

(Lempuyang wangi)
Fragrant ginger

39 Zingiber officinale Increase appetite and FCR in chicken Rhizome Powder

(Jahe emprit)

40 Zingiber officinale var. Increases the production of digestive enzymes, optimize Rhizome Powder
Rubrum (Jahe merah) nutrient absorption, warm the body, reduce stress in chick
Red ginger after transport

20 Phytocemindo Product List

Phytocemindo Product List 21
No Product Functional Application Form Plant Form
Name Part

1 Chrysopogon Acne, cuts and wounds, normalizing Natural essential oil ingredient for soap, Root Essential
zizanioides Root oily skin, arthritis, rheumatism, general candles, natural perfume, essential oil oil
Oil (Minyak akar muscular aches and pains, immune system blending fixative. Use in oil diffuser or
wangi) stimulation, depression, insomnia, stress, diffuse for its calming aroma.
Vetiver meditation, yoga, relaxation therapy

2 Cinnamomum Antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, Oil diffusers (use sparingly), potpourri, Bark Essential
burmani Cortex antispasmodic, constipation, exhaustion, as a blending ingredient for adding oil
Oil (Minyak kayu flatulence, insecticide, lice, low blood pure essential oil essence to massage
manis) pressure, rheumatism, scabies, stress, oil, perfume, bath oil, bath salt, bath
Cinnamon herpes, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral and shower gels, spa treatment oils and
creams, soap making, candle making

3 Cryptocarya Analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, Oil diffusers, incense, natural perfume, Bark Essential
massoia Cortex antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, skin care, bath and body products, oil
Oil (Minyak antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, candles and soap, home fragrance,
mesoyi) digestive, expectorant, stimulant, meditation, spiritual blends
Massoia stomachic, vermifuge

4 Cymbopogon Acne, athlete's foot, antifungal, excessive Oil diffusers, potpourri, as a blending Herb Essential
citratus Leaf Oil perspiration, insect repellent, open pores, ingredient for adding pure essential oil oil
(Minyak sereh pediculosis, scabies, tissue toner, muscular essence to massage oil, perfume, bath
dapur) pain, poor circulation and muscle tone, oil, bath salt, bath and shower gels,
Lemongrass slack tissue, cellulite, colitis, indigestion, spa treatment oils and creams, soap
gastroenteritis, headaches, nervous making, candle making
exhaustion, stress related conditions, fevers,
antidepressant, astringent, insecticide

5 Cymbopogon Antiseptic, bactericidal, excessive Oil diffusers, potpourri, as a blending Herb Essential
nardus Folium perspiration, fatigue, headache, insect ingredient for adding pure essential oil oil
Oil (Minyak sereh repellant, oily skin essence to massage oil, perfume, bath
wangi) oil, bath salt, bath and shower gels,
Citronella spa treatment oils and creams, soap
making, candle making

6 Myristica fragrans Analgesic, antibacterial, antirheumatic, Oil diffusers, potpourri, bath oil, Seed Essential
Semen Oil antiseptic, antispasmodic, arthritis, bath salt, bath and shower gels, spa oil
(Minyak pala) carminative, digestive, fatigue, flatulence, treatment oils and creams, soap and
Nutmeg frigidity, gout, impotence, indigestion, candle making
mental stimulant, muscular aches, nausea,
neuralgia, rheumatism

7 Piper cubeba Diarrhea, stomachache, indigestion, Antiseptics, Aromatherapy, topical Fruit Essential
Fructus Oil gastroenteritis, diabetes, edema, cold, medication, inhaled medicine oil
(Minyak kemukus) arthritis, asthma, and traumatic injury

8 Pogostemon Acne, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, curbing Oil diffusers, potpourri, as a blending Leaf Essential
cablin Folium Oil appetite, athlete's foot, cellulite, dandruff, ingredient for adding pure essential oil oil
(Minyak nilam) dermatitis, eczema, exhaustion, frigidity, essence to massage oil, perfume, bath
Patchouli fungal infection, oily hair care, hives, oil, bath salt, bath and shower gels,
impetigo, insect repellent, chapped skin, spa treatment oils and creams, soap
oily skin, sores, stress, water retention, making, candle making
wrinkles, cracked and chapped skin, open
pores, wounds, nervous exhaustion, stress

9 Syzygium Acne, analgesic, antibacterial, antiseptic, Oil diffusers, potpourri, as a blending Bud Essential
aromaticum Flos antiviral, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, ingredient for adding pure essential oil oil
Oil (Minyak bunga rheumatism, sprains, strains, toothache essence to massage oil, perfume, bath
cengkeh) oil, bath salt, bath and shower gels,
Clove spa treatment oils and creams, soap
making, candle making

10 Syzigium Acne, analgesic, antibacterial, antiseptic, Oil diffusers, potpourri, as a blending Leaf Essential
aromaticum antiviral, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, ingredient for adding pure essential oil oil
Folium Oil rheumatism, sprains, strains, toothache essence to massage oil, perfume, bath
(Minyak daun oil, bath salt, bath and shower gels,
cengkeh) spa treatment oils and creams, soap
Clove making, candle making

22 Phytocemindo Product List

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