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Bots General Advice

Promoting HM General Advice

• The main downfall of Coaches / Captains in the Health Marathon is that
because the laps run back to back and it’s so good at retaining the players
who are part of it, they don’t put structured effort and focus into promoting the
next lap and attracting new players.
• Even if you have a full team you should always be ‘advertising’ for new
players. Having too many players is a great problem to have and easily dealt
• You can’t wait until the end of the lap to start promoting the next lap! If you do
this, it only gives you 3 days (over a weekend) for talking about, showing
results, having conversations and inviting to the lap.
• You should start the promotion and conversations of the next lap at least 7
days before it starts. So you are actually promoting the next lap whilst the
current lap is still running.
• This really makes the difference between the great problem of having too
many players for a team and the much worse problem of always being a
player short at the last minute.

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