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Earth Retain = 4 m High

Top Surface = Horizontal
Unit Weight of Soil ϒ= 17 KN/m3 well drained medium dense sand
Angle of internal friction ϕ = 30 degree Cover = 40 mm
Safe Bearing Capacity of soil = 150 KN/m 2
Bar Dia Used = 20 mm
Coefficient of friction between base and soil is = 0.55
Concrete Grade = M 20
Steel Grade = Fe 415
Solution :
(1) Coefficient of earth pressure :
ka = 1 - sin ϕ / 1 + sin ϕ = 0.333333
kp = 1 + sin ϕ / 1 - sin ϕ 3
(2) Preliminary proportions of wall dimensions :
Height :
Assume 1 m depth of foundation,
The overall height of wall = 5 m
Width of base :
For Cantilever T shaped wall
The minimum base width may be taken as b = sqrt(3P/2ϒ)
P = ( 1/2 ) ka ϒ h2 = 70.83 KN
b= 2.5 m
Toe width = 0.833333 m
Consider total width of foundation = 2.7 m and width of toe = 0.9 m
Thickness of base slab :
Thickness = 333.3333 mm to 416.6667 mm or minimum 300 mm
Consider uniform thickness of 350 mm
Thickness of stem :
Maximum moment at the base of stem = (1/6) k a ϒ h3 = 94.95881 KNm
Mu = 142.438 KNm Q = 2.76
d required = 227.174 mm
D = 277.174 mm
Consider stem thickness = 200 mm
A base key of size 0.35 m x 0.55 m is provided to resist sliding.
(3) Wall stability :
Consider 1 m length of wall
Horizontal pressure at base = ka ϒ y = 28.33 KN/m2
Load Type Horizontal Load ( KN ) Distance from A ( m ) Moment about A ( KNm )
Active Pressure 70.83 1.667 -118.06
Total 70.83 KN -118.06 KNm
Vertical Load ( KN )
Wall 8.72 1.00 8.72
23.25 1.15 26.74
Key 4.81 1.075 5.17
Base 23.63 1.35 31.89
Backfill 114.62 1.975 226.38
Total 175.03 KN 298.90 KNm
Distance of c.g. of vertical forces from the face of the toe, i.e. from point A = 1.033
Eccentricity e = 0.317 m
Base properties are :
Area A = 2.7 m2
Modulus Z = 1.215 m3
Maximum pressure at A = P/A + M/Z = 110.46 KN/m2 Safe
Minimum pressure at B = P/A - M/Z = 19.19 KN/m 2
Factor of safety against overturning :
Overturning moment = 118.06 KNm
Stabilizing moment = 298.90 KNm
Factor of Safety = 2.53 1.55 Safe
Factor of safety against Sliding :
Sliding force = Active pressure = 70.83 KN
Passive pressure under the base of key = kp ϒ h = 45.9 KN/m2
Resistance to sliding = friction under the base + passive resistance taken on a depth of 900 mm on key, i.e. to the to
= μ W + (1/2) kp ϒ h2
= 116.92 KN
Factor of Safety = 1.65 1.55 Safe
Note that if the key is not provided, this check would be critical and the base width has to be increased.
The Assumed section is satisfactory
(4 ) Structural design :
Stem :
Horizontal Pressure at the base = ka ϒ y = 26.35 KN/m2
Shear = 61.26 KN
Moment = 94.96 KNm
Vu = 91.90 KN
Mu = 142.44 KNm
d= 300 mm at Base and 150 mm at Top
Mu / b d = 2
Pt = 0.488
Ast = 1463.92 mm2
Use 16 mm dia bar 201.0619 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 137.3446 mm c/c
provide 16 mm dia bar @ 130 mm c/c = 1546.63 mm2
Let us now find the depth y1 from the top of the wall where half the bars can be curtailed.
At depth y1, M1 = (1/6) ka ϒ y13
0.944444 y13 KNm
Mu1 = 1.5 M1 = 1.416667 y13 KNm
Effective depth d1 = 150 32.25806 y1 mm
Assume lever arm = 0.9 d1
Ast1 = 1416667 y13
0.87 415 0.9 150 32.25806
= Ast / 2 773.3151
4359.712 y13 = 773.3151
150 32.25806 Y1
4359.712 y13 = 115997.3 24945.65
-5.721856849 y1 -26.60663
Let's start with an initial guess,say y1 = 3
y1 = y1 - f(y1) / f'(y1)
3 -16.7722049 3.788236
3.788236 6.0815924238 3.625323
3.625323 0.2973022896 3.616503
3.616503 0.0008454162 3.616478
3.616478 6.903363E-09 3.616478
3.616478 0 3.616478
3.616478 0 3.616478
y1 = 3.616478 m
Development Length Ld = 47.01172 ϕ
The bars should extend a development length from the theoretical point of cut off, i.e. at 2864.291
Curtail half the bars at 2.8 m from the top.
Shear at base = 91.90 KN

τv = 0.306319 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.515543

τc = 0.484335 N/mm2 Safe

Shear at theoretical cut off point, i.e. at y = 3.616478 m
V = (1/2) ka ϒ y2
= 37.05692 KN
Vu = 55.58538 KN
d = 266.6606 mm

τv = 0.20845 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.29

τc = 0.382568 N/mm2 Safe

Development Length = 752.1875 mm
The bars should be anchored for 752.1875 mm inside the support.The bars are anchored in toe and key and used
Deflection need not be checked.
Maximum spacing for crack control.
For minimum secondary reinforcement, provide 0.12 % of Gross area for HYSD bars.
At base,As = 420 mm2
Use 10 mm dia bar, 78.53982
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 186.9996 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 180 mm c/c = 436.33 mm2 Safe
At 2.8 m from top
D = 290.3226 mm
As = 348.3871 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 225.4384 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 220 mm c/c = 357.00 mm2 Safe
Maximum spacing at base = 450 mm
Maximum spacing at top = 450 mm
For crack control on outer face use 0.06 % both ways on other face.
At base,use 10 mm dia bar @ 360 mm c/c 218.17 mm2
At 2.8 m from top,use 10 mm dia bar @ 440 mm c/c
Heel :
Total downward pressure = weight of earth + self-weight of heel
= 79.05 8.75
= 87.8 KN/m 2

Net pressure on heel

1.45 m

19.19 KN/m2 =
68.20553 KN/m 2


Shear = 63.9449 KN
Vu = 95.91736 KN
Moment = 54.94718 KNm
Mu = 82.42077 KNm
d= 300 mm
Mu/bd = 0.915786

Pt = 0.269
Ast = 806.28 mm2
Use 12 mm dia bar 113.0973 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 140.2704 mm c/c
provide 12 mm dia bar @ 130 mm c/c = 869.9795 mm2

τv =
0.319725 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.289993

τc =
0.382564 N/mm2 Safe
Anchorage 564.1406 mm
There is 1200 mm available for anchorage.
Distribution steel :
As =
420 mm2
Use 10 mm dia bar, 78.53982
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 186.9996 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 180 mm c/c = 436.332313 mm2
For crack control at bottom face use 0.06 % both ways at bottom face. 210
Use 10 mm dia bar, 78.53982
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 373.9991 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 360 mm c/c both ways at bottom face for crack control.
Toe :
Total downward pressure = self-weight of toe = 8.75 KN/m2
Net pressure on toe
0.9 m 0.9 m

80.04 KN/m2 =
110.46 KN/m 2
8.75 KN/m 2

Shear at distance d ( reinforcement confined by compressive reaction )

= 54.94 KN
Vu = 82.41 KN
Moment = 37.08 KNm
Mu = 55.63 KNm
d= 300 mm
Mu/bd2= 0.618
Pt = 0.178
Ast = 533.51 mm2
Use 16 mm dia bar 201.0619 mm2 201.06192983 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 376.8697 mm c/c
Half the reinforcement of stem, i.e., 16 mm dia @ 260 mm c/c = 773.3151
anchored in toe will serve as toe reinforcement.The anchorage is provided by bend and a straight length of the bar
Let internal radius of bend r = 200 mm a= 260 mm
Ld = 752.1875 mm
At centre of bend, anchorage = 257.36 mm

σs = 237.5158 N/mm2
Fbt = 47.75539 KN
Design bearing strength = 1.5 fck / (1 + 2 ϕ / α )
= 26.71233 N/mm2
Actual bearing stress = Fbt/r ϕ = 14.92356 N/mm2 Arrangement is satisfactory,provide 200 mm internal radiu
τv = 0.274698 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.257772

τc =0.363921 N/mm2 Safe

For minimum secondary reinforcement, provide 0.12 % of Gross area for HYSD bars.
At base,As = 420 mm2
Use 10 mm dia bar, 78.53982
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 186.9996 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 180 mm c/c distribution bars. 436.3323
Key :
Provide minimum reinforcement in key.
As = 420 mm2
Half the reinforcement of stem are anchored in key,
16 mm dia @ 260 mm c/c = 773.3151 mm2
Also extend temperature reinforcement of stem on outer face in the key.
10 mm dia bar @ 360 mm c/c 218.1662 mm2
Total area in key = 991.4813 mm2
Distribution bars :
As = 420 mm2 210 mm2 on each face.
Use 10 mm dia bar, 78.53982
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 373.9991 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 360 mm c/c on both faces. 218.1662


23.25 KN

4000 mm


23.63 KN

20.66 KN 550 4.81 KN

900 mm 1450 mm
45.9 KN/m 2

2700 mm
110.46 KN/m2

mm on key, i.e. to the top of the base

e increased.

mm at Top

= 0

mm from top

n toe and key and used as toe and key reinforcement.

14.20599 KN 49.73891 KN


1.45 m


r crack control. 218.1662 mm2

45.76784 KN 32.07859 KN

KN/m2 101.71
KN/m2 81.43

0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3

mm2 Safe 200

raight length of the bar along the toe.

2800 mm

4000 mm
e 200 mm internal radius of bend
internal radius r = 200



mm2 A
provide 16 mm dia @ 260 mm c/c 550
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 360 mm c/c
900 mm
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 180 mm c/c distribution bars.

250 415
15 2.22 2.07
20 2.96 2.76
25 3.7 3.45
30 4.44 4.14


70.83 KN

28.33 KN/m2 B

19.19 KN/m2
Table 7-6
Development length for single mild steel bars
fy N / mm2Tension bars Compression bars,BEAM
15 20 25 30 35 40 15 20
45.3125 250 54.375 45.3125 38.83929 36.25 31.98529 28.61842 43.5 36.25
47.01172 415 56.41406 47.01172 40.29576 37.60937 33.18474 29.69161 45.13125 37.60937
56.64063 500 67.96875 56.64063 48.54911 45.3125 39.98162 35.77303 54.375 45.3125

Fck 15 20 25 30 35 >=40
Tension milτbd 1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
Tension HYτbd 1.6 1.92 2.24 2.4 2.72 3.04
Compressioτbd 1.25 1.5 1.75 1.875 2.125 2.375
Compressioτbd 2 2.4 2.8 3 3.4 3.8

Design shear strength ‫ﺡ‬c = 0.85 √ 0.8 x fck ( √ (1 + 5 x β) - 1 )

β = 0.8 x fck / 6.89 Pt , but not less than 1.0
4.504385 4.504385
8.007613 8.007613

8.007796 8.007796

9.00877 9.00877

provide 16 mm dia bar @ 260 mm c/c

provide 10 mm dia bar @ 220 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 440 mm c/c outer face

provide 16 mm dia bar @ 130 mm c/c

provide 10 mm dia bar @ 180 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 360 mm c/c outer face

provide 12 mm dia bar @ 130 mm c/c

provide 10 mm dia bar @ 180 mm c/c

provide 10 mm dia bar @ 360 mm c/c both ways at bottom face for crack control.
provide 16 mm dia @ 260 mm c/c
1450 mm
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 360 mm c/c on both faces.

500 550 415
2 1.94 2.07
2.66 2.58 2.76
3.33 3.23 3.45
3.99 3.87 4.14
on bars,BEAM Compression bars,COLUMN
25 30 35 40 15 20 25 30 35 40
31.07143 29 25.58824 22.89474 37.5 31.25 26.78571 25 22.05882 19.73684
32.23661 30.0875 26.54779 23.75329 38.90625 32.42187 27.79018 25.9375 22.88603 20.47697
38.83929 36.25 31.98529 28.61842 46.875 39.0625 33.48214 31.25 27.57353 24.67105

φ σs / 4 τbd
σs = 0.87 fy For Tension Member Beam and Compression in Beam
0.75 fy For compression Member Column

(1 + 5 x β) - 1 )

but not less than 1.0

e for crack control.
Earth Retain = 4 m High
Top Surface = Horizontal Surcharge ws = 17 KN/m2
Unit Weight of Soil ϒ= 17 KN/m3 well drained medium dense sand
Angle of internal friction ϕ = 30 degree Cover = 40 mm
Safe Bearing Capacity of soil = 150 KN/m 2
Bar Dia Used = 20 mm
Coefficient of friction between base and soil is = 0.55
Concrete Grade = M 20
Steel Grade = Fe 415
Solution :
(1) Coefficient of earth pressure :
ka = 1 - sin ϕ / 1 + sin ϕ = 0.333333
kp = 1 + sin ϕ / 1 - sin ϕ 3
(2) Preliminary proportions of wall dimensions :
Height :
Assume 1 m depth of foundation,
The overall height of wall = 5 m
Width of base :
For Cantilever T shaped wall
The minimum base width may be taken as b = sqrt(3P/2ϒ)
P = ( 1/2 ) ka ϒ h2 + ka ws h = 99.17 KN
b = 2.95804 m
Toe width = 0.986013 m
Consider total width of foundation = 3.2 m and width of toe = 1 m
Thickness of base slab :
Equivalent height of surcharge = w s / ϒ = 1 m
h= 6 m
Thickness = 400 mm to 500 mm or minimum 300 mm
Consider uniform thickness of 450 mm
Thickness of stem : This may be assumed considering the moment criterion.
h= 4.55 m
Maximum moment at the base of stem = (1/6) k a ϒ h3 + (1/2) ka ws h2 = 147.6203 KNm
Mu = 221.4305 KNm Q = 2.76
d required = 283.2463 mm
D = 333.2463 mm
Consider stem thickness = 400 mm at base. Reduce to 200 mm at top.
A base key of size 0.4 m x 0.75 m is provided to resist sliding.
(3) Wall stability :
Consider 1 m length of wall
Surcharge is equivalent to additional height =w s/ϒ = 1 m
Total equivalent height = 6 m
Horizontal pressure at depth y from top of surcharge
= ka ϒ y = 5.67 y KN/m2
Horizontal pressure at top of the wall = 5.67 KN/m2
Horizontal pressure at base of the wall = 34.00 KN/m2
Load Type Horizontal Load ( KN ) Distance from A ( m ) Moment about A ( KNm )
Active Pressure 28.33 2.500 -70.83
70.83 1.667 -118.06
Total 99.17 -188.89
Vertical Load ( KN )
Wall 11.38 1.133 12.89
22.75 1.30 29.58
Key 7.50 1.20 9.00
Base 36.00 1.60 57.60
Backfill 139.23 2.30 320.23
Surcharge 30.6 2.30 70.38
Total 247.45 KN 499.68 KNm
Distance of c.g. of vertical forces from the face of the toe, i.e. from point A = 1.26
Eccentricity e = 0.34 m
Base properties are :
Area A = 3.2 m2
Modulus Z = 1.707 m3
Maximum pressure at A = P/A + M/Z = 127.22 KN/m2 Safe
Minimum pressure at B = P/A - M/Z = 27.44 KN/m2 Safe
Factor of safety against overturning :
With surcharge Without surcharge
Overturning moment = 188.89 KNm 118.0556 KNm
Stabilizing moment = 499.68 KNm 429.2957 KNm
Factor of Safety = 2.65 1.55 Safe 3.636 1.55 Safe
Factor of safety against Sliding :
Sliding force = Active pressure = 99.17 KN
Passive pressure under the base of key = kp ϒ h = 61.2 KN/m2
Resistance to sliding = friction under the base + passive resistance taken on a depth of 1200 mm on key, i.e. to the
= μ W + (1/2) kp ϒ h2
= 172.82 KN
Factor of Safety = 1.74 1.55 Safe
Note that if the key is not provided, this check would be critical and the base width has to be increased.
The Assumed section is satisfactory
(4 ) Structural design :
Stem :
Horizontal Pressure at the top of the wall = 5.67 KN/m2
Horizontal Pressure at the base = ka ϒ y = 31.45 KN/m2 25.78
Shear = 84.44 KN
Moment = 147.62 KNm
Vu = 126.66 KN
Mu = 221.43 KNm
d= 350 mm at Base and 150 mm at Top
Mu / b d =2
Pt = 0.568
Ast = 1987.29 mm2
Use 20 mm dia bar 314.1593 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 158.0844 mm c/c
provide 20 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c = 2094.395 mm2
Let us now find the depth y1 from the top of the wall where half the bars can be curtailed.
At depth y1, M1 = (1/6) ka ϒ y13 + (1/2) ka ϒ y12
0.94 y13 + 2.833 y12 KNm
Mu1 = 1.5 M1 = 1.416667 y + 1
4.25 y12 KNm
Effective depth d1 = 150 43.96 y1 mm
Assume lever arm = 0.9 d1
Ast1 = 1416667 y13 + 4250000 y12
0.87 415 0.9 150 43.96
= Ast / 2 1047.198
4359.712 y13 + 13079.136469 y12 =
150 43.95604 Y1
4359.712 y13 + 13079.136469 y12 =
y +
3.00 1
y -10.55819
Let's start with an initial guess,say y1 = 3
y1 = y1 - f(y1) / f'(y1)
3 -13.70438205 3.3979
3.3979 1.9628858791 3.353756
3.353756 0.0256234586 3.353165
3.353165 4.572114E-06 3.353165
3.353165 1.350031E-13 3.353165
3.353165 0 3.353165
3.353165 0 3.353165
y1 = 3.353165 m
Development Length Ld = 47.01172 ϕ
The bars should extend a development length from the theoretical point of cut off, i.e. at 2412.93
Curtail half the bars at 2.4 m from the top.
Shear at base = 126.66 KN

τv = 0.361888 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.598399

τc = 0.513562 N/mm2 Safe

Shear at theoretical cut off point, i.e. at y = 3.353165 m from top
V = (1/2) ka ϒ y2 +ka ϒ y
= 50.85845 KN
Vu = 76.28768 KN
d = 297.3919 mm

τv = 0.256522 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.352127

τc = 0.414914 N/mm2 Safe

Development Length = 940.2344 mm
The bars should be anchored for 940.2344 mm inside the support.The bars are anchored in toe and key and used
Deflection need not be checked.
Maximum spacing for crack control.
For minimum secondary reinforcement, provide 0.12 % of Gross area for HYSD bars.
( a ) Inner face :
At base,As = 480 mm2
Use 10 mm dia bar, 78.53982
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 163.6246 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160 mm c/c = 490.87 mm2 Safe
At 2.4 m from top
D = 305.4945 mm
As = 366.59 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 214.2423 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 200 mm c/c = 392.70 mm2 Safe
Maximum spacing at base = 450 mm
Maximum spacing at top = 450 mm
( b ) Outer face :
For crack control on outer face use 0.06 % both ways on other face.
At base,use 10 mm dia bar @ 320 mm c/c 245.44 mm2
At 2.4 m from top,use 10 mm dia bar @ 400 mm c/c
Heel :
Total downward pressure = weight of earth + self-weight of heel + surcharge
= 77.35 11.25 17
= 105.6 KN/m 2

Net pressure on heel

1.8 m

27.44 KN/m2 =
83.57 KN/m 2


Shear = 90.17 KN
Vu = 135.26 KN
Moment = 96.31 KNm
Mu = 144.46 KNm
d= 400 mm
Mu/bd2= 0.903
Pt = 0.265
Ast = 1058.97 mm2
Use 16 mm dia bar 201.0619 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 189.86 mm c/c
provide 16 mm dia bar @ 180 mm c/c = 1117.011 mm2

τv =
0.338148 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.279253

τc = 0.37651 N/mm2 Safe

Anchorage 752.1875 mm
There is 1400 mm available for anchorage.
Distribution steel :
As =
540 mm2
Use 10 mm dia bar, 78.53982
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 145.44 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 140 mm c/c = 560.999 mm2
For crack control at bottom face use 0.06 % both ways at bottom face. 270
Use 10 mm dia bar, 78.53982
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 290.8882 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 280 mm c/c both ways at bottom face for crack control.
Toe :
Total downward pressure = self-weight of toe = 11.25 KN/m2
Net pressure on toe
1m 1m

96.04 KN/m2 =
127.22 KN/m 2
11.25 KN/m 2

Shear at distance d ( reinforcement confined by compressive reaction )

= 63.97 KN
Vu = 95.95 KN
Moment = 52.79 KNm
Mu = 79.18 KNm
d= 400 mm
Mu/bd = 0.495

Pt = 0.141
Ast = 565.11 mm2
Use 20 mm dia bar 314.1593 mm2 314.15926536 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 555.93 mm c/c
Half the reinforcement of stem, i.e., 20 mm dia @ 300 mm c/c = 1047.20
anchored in toe will serve as toe reinforcement.The anchorage is provided by bend and a straight length of the bar
Let internal radius of bend r = 200 mm a= 300 mm
Ld = 940.2344 mm
At centre of bend, anchorage = 304.93 mm

σs = 243.9555 N/mm2
Fbt = 76.64 KN
Design bearing strength = 1.5 fck / (1 + 2 ϕ / α )
= 26.47 N/mm2
Actual bearing stress = Fbt/r ϕ = 19.16 N/mm2 Arrangement is satisfactory,provide 200 mm internal radiu

τv =0.240 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.262

τc = 0.366 N/mm2 Safe

For minimum secondary reinforcement, provide 0.12 % of Gross area for HYSD bars.
At base,As = 540 mm 2

Use 10 mm dia bar, 78.53982

Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 145.44 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 140 mm c/c distribution bars. 560.999
Key :
Provide minimum reinforcement in key.
As = 480 mm2
Half the reinforcement of stem are anchored in key,
20 mm dia @ 300 mm c/c = 1047.198 mm2
Also extend temperature reinforcement of stem on outer face in the key.
10 mm dia bar @ 320 mm c/c 245.44 mm2
Total area in key = 1292.63 mm2
Distribution bars :
As = 480 mm2 240 mm2 on each face.
Use 10 mm dia bar, 78.53982
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 327.25 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 300 mm c/c on both faces. 261.80
1000 mm Surcharge 17 KN/m2

30.6 KN


22.75 KN

4000 mm


36.00 KN

36.72 KN 750 7.50 KN

1000 mm 1800 mm
61.2 KN/m 2

3200 mm
127.22 KN/m2

mm on key, i.e. to the top of the base

e increased.

mm at Top


157079.6 46030.66 y1
y1 -36.02982 = 0

mm from top
n toe and key and used as toe and key reinforcement.

196.35 mm2

19.83 KN 70.34 KN


1.8 m


r crack control. 280.50 mm2

57.98 KN 42.39 KN

KN/m2 115.97
KN/m2 97.26

0.33 0.33 0.33 0.600 0.400

mm2 Safe 200
raight length of the bar along the toe.

2400 mm

4000 mm
200 mm internal radius of bend

internal radius r = 200



mm2 A
provide 20 mm dia @ 300 mm c/c 750
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 320 mm c/c
1000 mm
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 140 mm c/c distribution bars.

250 415
15 2.22 2.07
20 2.96 2.76
25 3.7 3.45
5.67 KN/m2 30 4.44 4.14


28.33 KN

70.83 KN

34.00 KN/m2 B

27.44 KN/m2
Table 7-6
Development length for single mild steel bars
fy N / mm2Tension bars
15 20 25 30 35 40
45.3125 250 54.375 45.3125 38.83929 36.25 31.98529 28.61842
47.01172 415 56.41406 47.01172 40.29576 37.60937 33.18474 29.69161
56.64063 500 67.96875 56.64063 48.54911 45.3125 39.98162 35.77303

Fck 15 20 25 30 35 >=40
Tension milτbd 1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
Tension HYτbd 1.6 1.92 2.24 2.4 2.72 3.04
Compressioτbd 1.25 1.5 1.75 1.875 2.125 2.375
Compressioτbd 2 2.4 2.8 3 3.4 3.8

Design shear strength ‫ﺡ‬c = 0.85 √ 0.8 x fck ( √ (1 + 5 x β) - 1 )

β = 0.8 x fck / 6.89 Pt , but not less than 1.0
3.880701 3.880701
6.594794 6.594794
8.315788 8.315788
8.8702 8.870174
provide 20 mm dia bar @ 300 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 200 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 400 mm c/c outer face

provide 20 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c

provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160 mm c/c

provide 10 mm dia bar @ 320 mm c/c outer face

provide 16 mm dia bar @ 180 mm c/c

provide 10 mm dia bar @ 140 mm c/c

provide 10 mm dia bar @ 280 mm c/c both ways at bottom face for crack control.
provide 20 mm dia @ 300 mm c/c
1800 mm
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 300 mm c/c on both faces.

500 550 415
2 1.94 2.07
2.66 2.58 2.76
3.33 3.23 3.45
3.99 3.87 4.14
(1 + 5 x β) - 1 )

but not less than 1.0

e for crack control.
Earth Retain = 6 m High
Top Surface = Horizontal
Unit Weight of Soil ϒ= 16.2 KN/m3 well drained medium dense sand
Angle of internal friction ϕ = 30 degree Cover = 40 mm
Safe Bearing Capacity of soil = 150 KN/m 2
Bar Dia Used = 20 mm
Coefficient of friction between base and soil is = 0.6
Concrete Grade = M 20
Steel Grade = Fe 415
Solution :
(1) Coefficient of earth pressure :
ka = 1 - sin ϕ / 1 + sin ϕ = 0.333333
kp = 1 + sin ϕ / 1 - sin ϕ 3
(2) Preliminary proportions of wall dimensions :
Height :
Assume 1 m depth of foundation,
The overall height of wall = 7 m
Width of base :
For Cantilever L shaped wall
The minimum base width may be taken as b = sqrt(3P/2ϒ)
P = ( 1/2 ) ka ϒ h2 = 132.30 KN
b = 4.041452 m
Toe width = 1.347151 m
Consider total width of foundation = 4.5 m and width of toe = 1.25 m
Thickness of base slab :
Thickness = 350 mm to 466.6667 mm or minimum 300 mm
Consider uniform thickness of 400 mm
Spacing of counterforts :
Spacing = 3.5 (H/ϒ)0.25
= 2.84 m
Provide counterforts at 3 m c/c.
Thickness of stem :
Pressure at bottom of the stem = ka ϒ h = 35.64 KN/m2
Mu ( - ) = 40.095 KNm Q = 2.76
d required = 120.5287 mm
D = 170.5287 mm
Consider stem thickness = 250 mm at base Reduce to 160 mm at top
d= 200 mm
(3) Wall stability :
Consider 1 m length of wall
Horizontal pressure at depth y from top
= ka ϒ y = 5.40 y KN/m2
Horizontal pressure at base of the wall = 37.80 KN/m2
Load Type Horizontal Load ( KN ) Distance from A ( m ) Moment about A ( KNm )
Active Pressure 132.30 2.333 -308.70
Total 132.30 KN -308.70 KNm
Vertical Load ( KN )
Wall 7.43 1.310 9.73
26.4 1.42 37.49
Base 45.00 2.25 101.25
Backfill 320.76 3.00 962.28
Total 399.59 KN 1110.74 KNm
Distance of c.g. of vertical forces from the face of the toe, i.e. from point A = 2.007
Eccentricity e = 0.243 m
Base properties are :
Area A = 4.5 m2
Modulus Z = 3.375 m3
Maximum pressure at A = P/A + M/Z = 117.54 KN/m2 Safe
Minimum pressure at B = P/A - M/Z = 60.05 KN/m 2
Factor of safety against overturning :
Overturning moment = 308.70 KNm
Stabilizing moment = 1110.74 KNm
Factor of Safety = 3.60 1.55 Safe
Factor of safety against Sliding :
Sliding force = Active pressure = 132.30 KN
Resistance to sliding = friction under the base
= 239.75 KN
Factor of Safety = 1.81 1.55 Safe
Note that if the key is not provided, this check would be critical and the base width has to be increased.
The Assumed section is satisfactory
(4 ) Structural design :
Stem : The stem slab is designed as a continuous slab spanning between counterforts. An interior span is consid
As the moments in the external span is large, the arrangement may be to reduce the external span to about 70% of
cantilever may be provided (scheme III ).
The design will be made at two levels, viz., 6.6 m and 3.5 m from the top.
At y = 6.6 m
Earth pressure = 35.64 KN/m2
Mu ( - ) = w l2/ 12 = 40.09 KNm
Mu ( + ) = w l2/ 24 = 20.05 KNm
Assuming 300 mm thick counterforts
Vu = w l / 2 = 72.171 KN ( based on clear span )
d= 200 mm
( + ) Mu / b d2 = 0.501
Pt = 0.143
Ast = 286.27 mm2
Use 8 mm dia bar 50.265 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 175.59 mm c/c
provide 8 mm dia bar @ 170 mm c/c = 295.68 mm2
( - ) Mu / b d2 = 1.002
Pt = 0.296
Ast = 591.88 mm2
Use 12 mm dia bar 113.097 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 191.08 mm c/c
provide 12 mm dia bar @ 190 mm c/c = 595.25 mm2
As the reinforcements are not confined by compressive reaction at the support,(means confined by tension reactio
shear at the face of the support shall be used for design.
Vu = 72.171 KN

τv =0.361 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.298

τc = 0.387 N/mm2 Safe

At point of contraflexure where moment changes sign ( at 0.15 l )
Vu = 50.52 KN

τv = 0.253 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.148

τc = 0.286 N/mm2 Safe

( a ) Distribution steel : Since difference of thickness at top and that at base is not large, average depth may be as
For minimum secondary reinforcement, provide 0.12 % of Gross area for HYSD bars.
As = 246 mm 2

Use 8 mm dia bar, 50.26548

Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
= 204.3312 mm c/c
provide 8 mm dia bar @ 200 mm c/c = 251.33 mm2
To check development length at point of contraflexure
Mu1 = 20.05 KNm , Vu = 50.52 KN
Lo = deff = 200 mm Ld = 47.01172 ϕ
Mu1 / Vu + Lo ≥ Ld
596.8254 ≥ 47.01 ϕ
ϕ ≤ 12.70 mm safe
At y = 3.5 m
D = 207.73 mm
d = 157.73 mm
Earth pressure = 18.9 KN/m2
Mu ( - ) = w l2/ 12 = 21.26 KNm
Mu ( + ) = w l / 24 =
10.63 KNm
( + ) Mu / b d = 0.427

Pt = 0.121
Ast = 191.61 mm2
minimum Ast = 246.00 mm2 246 mm2
Use 8 mm dia bar 50.265 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 204.33 mm c/c
provide 8 mm dia bar @ 200 mm c/c = 251.33 mm2
( - ) Mu / b d2 = 0.855
Pt = 0.250
Ast = 393.98 mm2 393.98 mm2
Use 10 mm dia bar 78.540 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 199.35 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 200 mm c/c = 392.70 mm2
As the reinforcements are not confined by compressive reaction at the support,(means confined by tension reactio
shear at the face of the support shall be used for design.
Vu = 38.27 KN

τv = 0.243 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.249

τc = 0.359 N/mm2 Safe

At point of contraflexure where moment changes sign ( at 0.15 l )
Vu = 26.79 KN

τv = 0.170 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.159

τc = 0.295 N/mm2 Safe

( b ) Bottom cantilever : Bottom portion of the stem acts as a cantilever.
Instead of considering exact analysis, refer to an approximate analysis from figure below.


900 900 900

e d

45 45
B e' a d' C

( a ) Elevation
Bottom cantilever of stem
At centre of the span, Aa vertical shall be considered as fixed at base.
Mu = 42.07 KNm
d= 180 mm ( second layer )
Mu / b d2 = 1.30
Pt = 0.39
Ast = 705.00 mm2
As this steel is required only at section Aa and can be reduced at ee' or dd', half the toe reinforcement is anchored
provide 16 mm dia bar @ 340 mm c/c = 591.36 mm2 201.0619
Shear Vu = 64.79 KN

τv =
0.360 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.329

τc = 0.403 N/mm2 Safe

Use 8 mm dia bar @ 200 mm c/c = 251.33 mm2
distribution bars to match with spacing of main bars at support.
( c ) Connection with counterfort :
It is usual to provide the connection between stem and counterfort in the form of two-legged stirrups to carry entir
The Horizontal pressure at any depth y = 5.40 y KN/m2
Total shear at any depth y = 5.40 y 2.7 KN/m height of stem
= 14.58 y KN/m
As = 60.57 y mm2/m.
At different depths,different shear reinforcement may be used. use 8
Minimum spacing of shear reinforcement 0.87*Fy*Asv/(0.4*'b) 302.4725 mm c/c for 300
At 6.6 m As = 399.78 mm2/m. spacing 251.46 Provide 8 mm dia two-legged stirru
At 5 m As = 302.87 mm2/m. spacing 331.93 Provide 8 mm dia two-legged stirru
At 3.5 m As = 212.01 mm2/m. spacing 474.19 Provide 8 mm dia two-legged stirru
These connection stirrups are also used as the stirrups of the counterfort.
Design of toe :

Net pressure on toe

1.25 m 1.25 m

101.57 KN/m2 =
117.54 KN/m 2
10 KN/m 2

The top is designed as a cantilever. As the ends of the reinforcement are confined by compressive reaction, shear a
M = 23.85 56.01238
= 79.86 KNm
Mu = 119.7893 KNm
Vu = 137.42 KN
d= 350 mm
Mu/bd2= 0.977872
Pt = 0.288 _______(1)

τv =
0.393 N/mm2
100As/bd = 0.288

τc = 0.382 N/mm2 Unsafe

if Shear check is unsafe , we may increase the flexure reinforcement to increase the shear capacity of the section.
consider τc = τv = 0.393 N/mm2
so, 0.85*SQRT(0.8*Fck)*(SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.393
3.4 (SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.393
(SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.115
SQRT(1+5*β) = 0.692886 β + 1
1+ 5β = 0.480091 β 2
-7.528216 β = 0
β = 0 or 7.528216
Pt = #DIV/0! or 0.308467 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 2 )
From ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) , use Pt = 0.308
Ast = 1079.635 mm 2

Use 16 mm dia bar 201.062 mm2

Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 186.23 mm c/c
provide 16 mm dia bar @ 170 mm c/c = 1182.72 mm2
Distribution steel : 0.12 % of Gross area for HYSD bars.
As = 480.00 mm2
Use 10 mm dia bar 78.540 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 163.62 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160 mm c/c = 490.87 mm2
For crack control , provide 10 mm dia bar @ 320 mm c/c on top face.
Toe reinforcement shall be sufficiently anchored for Ld = 752.19 mm half in the heel, and half in stem,
which is used as bottom stem reinforcement.
Design of Heel : The heel slab is designed as continuous slab spanning between counterforts.
Total downward pressure = weight of earth + self-weight of heel
= 106.92 10
= 116.92 KN/m2
Net pressure on heel

60.05 KN/m2 =
98.38 KN/m2

The loading on the heel slab is uniformly varying load. The design may be done stripwise, i.e. , ab , bc, cd, etc.
Unlike the cantilever wall, larger thickness is required at dd', thus, a uniform thickness is recommended.
We shall design the strip width cd and follow the same design for inner strips also.
Strip cd :
Total load = 136.30 KN
Vu = 102.23 KN
d= 350 mm
Mu ( - ) = w l2/ 12 = 51.11 KNm
Mu/bd2= 0.42
Pt = 0.12 _______(1)

τv = 0.292 N/mm2
Pt for τv = τc = 0.292 N/mm2
so, 0.85*SQRT(0.8*Fck)*(SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.292
3.4 (SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.292
(SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.086
SQRT(1+5*β) = 0.515427 β + 1
1+ 5β = 0.265665 β 2
-14.94039 β = 0
β = 0 or 14.94039
Pt = #DIV/0! or 0.155431 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 2 )
Adopt Pt = 0.155
Ast = 544.0101 mm2
Use 12 mm dia bar 113.097 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 207.90 mm c/c
provide 12 mm dia bar @ 180 mm c/c = 628.32 mm2
Mu ( + ) = w l2/ 24 = 25.56 KNm
Mu/bd = 0.209

Pt = 0.06 As it is less than minimum

Adopt Pt = 0.12 _______(1)
At 0.15 l , i.e. 0.405 m (point of contraflexure )
Vu = 71.56 KN

τv = 0.204 N/mm2
Pt for τv = τc = 0.204 N/mm2
so, 0.85*SQRT(0.8*Fck)*(SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.204
3.4 (SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.204
(SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.060
SQRT(1+5*β) = 0.360799 β + 1
1+ 5β = 0.130176 β2 0.721598
β2 -32.86626 β = 0
β = 0 or 32.86626
Pt = #DIV/0! or 0.070656 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 2 )
Adopt Pt = 0.120
Ast = 480 mm2
Use 10 mm dia bar 78.540 mm2
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 163.62 mm c/c
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160 mm c/c = 490.87 mm2
The same design is followed for inner sections also.
( a ) Distribution steel :
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160 mm c/c . 490.87 mm2
At point of contraflexure
Vu = 71.56 KN
Lo = deff = 200 mm
Mu1 = =0.87*Fy*Ast*(d - 0.42 Xu max )
Xu , max = 0.48 d
Mu1 = 49.53 KNm
Mu1 / Vu + Lo ≥ Ld
692.0931 200 ≥ 47.01 ϕ
ϕ≤ 18.97597 Safe
( b ) Heel as cantilever :
Some length of heel acts as cantilever as shown in figure. At centre of the span, the cantilever is
while at the support, it is zero.The design is made for the central section.


45 a

2700 a b 12.52




( a ) Plan
Heel as cantilever
M= 27.37 KNm
Mu = 41.06 KNm
V= 36.67 KN
Vu = 55.01 KN
d= 340 mm ( second layer )
Mu/bd2= 0.355
Pt = 0.10 As it is less than minimum
Adopt Pt = 0.12 _______(1)

τv = 0.162 N/mm2
Pt for τv = τc = 0.162 N/mm2
so, 0.85*SQRT(0.8*Fck)*(SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.162
3.4 (SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.162
(SQRT(1+5*β)-1)/(6*β) = 0.048
SQRT(1+5*β) = 0.285516 β + 1
1+ 5β = 0.081519 β 2
-54.33044 β = 0
β = 0 or 54.33044
Pt = #DIV/0! or 0.042742 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 2 )
Adopt Pt = 0.120
Ast = 480 mm2
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160 mm c/c. Anchor the reinforcement in toe.
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160 mm c/c distribution bars.
( c ) Connection with counterfort :
Referring to figure " Net Pressure on heel ", the shear force for various strips are as follows.
cd portion , V = 68.15 KN Vu = 102.23 KN
bc portion , V = 50.90 KN Vu = 76.35 KN
ab portion , V = 33.65 KN Vu = 50.48 KN
Assume 8 mm dia two-legged stirrups , Asv = 100.5 mm2
cd portion , As = 283.14 mm2
Minimum spacing of shear reinforcement 0.87*Fy*Asv/(0.4*'b) 302.4725 mm c/c for 300
Spacing of Bar = Area of one bar x 1000 / Total area of steel
required spacing = 355.06 mm c/c
provide 8 mm dia bar two-legged @ 350 mm c/c = 287.23 mm2
To use these connection bars as shear reinforcement also, provide
8 mm dia two-legged stirrups @ 330 mm c/c throughout.
Design of Counterfort :
The counterfort is designed as a cantilever beam from the base.
The assumed section and depths at various levels are worked out by simple geometry.
869.57 θ = 24.7





1250 250 3000

At y = 6.6 m
M = 776.2392 KNm
Mu = 1164.359 KNm
Mu/bd2 = 0.42
Pt = 0.12
Minimum Pt = 0.205
Adopt Pt = 0.205
Ast = 1876.718 mm2
Use 20 mm dia bar 314.1593 mm2
No. of Bar = 6 1884.956 mm2
Use 6-20 dia
V = 352.84 KN
Ve = 235.82 KN
Vu = 353.74 KN

τv = 0.386 N/mm2
100 As / bd = 0.2059

τc = 0.330 N/mm2 Unsafe

Vuc = 302.4627 KN
Vus = 51.27 KN
use 8 mm dia bar two legged 100.53 mm2
Sv = 0.87 Fy Asv d / Vus * 1000 = 2160.214 mm
Minimum spacing of shear reinforcement 0.87*Fy*Asv/(0.4*'b) 302.4725 mm c/c for 300
The connection stirrups provided 8 mm dia two-legged stirrups @ 330 mm c/c will serve the purpose.
At 5.00 m
M= 337.5 KNm
Mu = 506.25 KNm
Mu/bd2 = 0.30
Pt = 0.08
Minimum Pt = 0.205
Adopt Pt = 0.205
Ast = 1465.498 mm2
Use 20 mm dia bar 314.1593 mm2
No. of Bar = 5 1570.796 mm2
Use 5-20 dia
V = 202.50 KN
Ve = 137.35 KN
Vu = 206.02 KN

τv = 0.288 N/mm2
100 As / bd = 0.220

τc = 0.340 N/mm2 Safe

Provide minimum 8 mm dia two-legged stirrups @ 330 mm c/c .
At 3.50 m
M = 115.7625 KNm
Mu = 173.6437 KNm
Mu/bd2 = 0.19
Pt = 0.05
Minimum Pt = 0.205
Adopt Pt = 0.205
Ast = 1079.98 mm2
Use 20 mm dia bar 314.1593 mm2
No. of Bar = 4 1256.637 mm2
Use 4-20 dia
V = 99.23 KN
Ve = 68.90 KN
Vu = 103.35 KN provide 8 mm dia

τv = 0.196 N/mm2 8
100 As / bd = 0.239

τc = 0.352 N/mm2 Safe

Provide minimum 8 mm dia two-legged stirrups @ 330 mm c/c .
Use 6-20 dia at base level with proper anchorage in the heel for 940.23 mm.
Use 5-20 dia at 5.00 m level and
Use 4-20 dia at 3.50 m level and
The connection stirrups used for stem will serve the purpose of shear reinforcement.
Note : As the reinforcements are not confined by compressive reaction at the support,(means confined by tens
As the reinforcements are not confined by tension reaction at the support,(means confined by compres



26.4 KN

6000 mm


45.00 KN


1250 mm 250 mm 3000 mm

4500 mm

to be increased.

ts. An interior span is considered.

ternal span to about 70% of the interior span ( scheme II ), or a
confined by tension reaction ),

e, average depth may be assumed for calculation of distribution steel.

confined by tension reaction ),

A 28.35 KN/m2

19.14 KN

24.06 KN

a 35.64 KN/m2

( b ) Pressure diagram
ntilever of stem
reinforcement is anchored in stem.

egged stirrups to carry entire shearr force.

mm dia bar two legged 100.53 mm2

mm wide counterfort.
8 mm dia two-legged stirrups @ 240 mm c/c.
8 mm dia two-legged stirrups @ 330 mm c/c.
8 mm dia two-legged stirrups @ 330 mm c/c. ( this is less than minimum,so provide minimum spacing )

67.21 57.23 48.39 43.22

KN/m2 107.54
KN/m2 96.04

0.416667 0.416667 0.416667 0.9 0.35

mpressive reaction, shear at distance d = 350 mm may be checked.

ar capacity of the section.

β 1


n the heel, and half in stem,

27.81 KN 85.31 KN

a b c d

a' b' 44.09 KN/m2
31.32 c'
1 1 1 d'

18.54 KN/m2
e, i.e. , ab , bc, cd, etc.
s recommended.
β 1


β 1

1.35 m,

1350 1650


24.16 KN/m2
450 450

length ab as cantilever

(b ) Pressure diagram
β 1


mm wide counterfort.

tan θ = 2760 = 0.46

θ = 24.7 degree
cot θ = OA / AB
OA = 869.57 mm
y= 3.5 m , D = 1826.066 mm
d= 1756.066 mm
y= 5m, D= 2452.924 mm
d= 2382.924 mm
y= 6.6 m , D = 3121.573 mm
16.2 y d= 3051.573 mm
The counterfort is a cantilever beam with varying depth. The loading is on vertical
The depth shall be perpendicular from the loading face to the inclined face ( as ca
The effective shear is given by :
Ve = V - M tan θ /d
Loading on counterfort at any depth y = ka x ϒ x y x spacing of counterfort
= 16.2 y KN/m
At base , loading = 113.4 KN/m
Moment at any depth y, M = 2.7 y3
Shear at any depth y , V = 8.1 y2

113.4 KN/m

provide 8 mm dia bar @ 170 mm c/c

provide 16 mm dia bar @ 340 mm c/c
provide 8 mm dia bar @ 200

provide 12 mm dia bar @ 190 mm c/c

300 300

900 900 900

3000 3000

Details of plan of stem reinforcement

mm wide counterfort.
will serve the purpose.
provide 12 mm dia bar @ 180 mm c/c ( extra top )
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160 mm c/c

900 900 900


provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160

Details of heel reinforcement ( section

provide 8 mm dia bar @ 170 mm c/c

mm dia bar @ 200 mm c/c 8 mm dia bar @ 400

8 mm dia two-legged stirru

1350 8 mm dia two-legged stirru

provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160 mm c/c ( both ways )


1250 250 3000

Section A-A
provide 16 mm dia bar @ 170 mm c/c provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160 mm c/c ( both ways )
provide 10 mm dia bar @ 160 mm c/c
ort,(means confined by tension reaction for continuous support), shear at the face of the support shall be used for design.
means confined by compression reaction for simply supported ), shear at distance d of the support shall be used for design.

250 415
15 2.22 2.07
20 2.96 2.76
25 3.7 3.45
30 4.44 4.14


Table 7-6
Development length for single mild st
fy N / mm2Tension bars
45.3125 250 54.375
132.30 KN 47.01172 415 56.41406
56.64063 500 67.96875

Fck 15
Tension milτbd 1
Tension HYτbd 1.6
Compressioτbd 1.25
Compressioτbd 2
37.80 KN/m2 B

h. The loading is on vertical face.
e to the inclined face ( as calculated above ).

spacing of counterfort



mm c/c

Counterfort B


900 900 900

3000 3000

(h= 6.6 m)
mm c/c ( extra top )

300 300


900 900 900

mm c/c

heel reinforcement ( section at edge )


mm c/c ( both ways )


Horizontal stirrups
8 mm dia two-legged stirrups @ 330 mm c/c 5.0

8 mm dia two-legged stirrups @ 240 mm c/c

Horizontal stirrups
mm c/c ( both ways ) 1.6

250 3000
Vertical stirrups
Section B-B 8 mm dia two-legged stirrups @
mm c/c ( both ways )
ed for design.
used for design.

500 550 415

2 1.94 2.07
2.66 2.58 2.76
3.33 3.23 3.45
3.99 3.87 4.14

ent length for single mild steel bars

Tension bars Compression bars,BEAM
20 25 30 35 40 15 20 25 30 35
45.3125 38.83929 36.25 31.98529 28.61842 43.5 36.25 31.07143 29 25.58824
47.01172 40.29576 37.60937 33.18474 29.69161 45.13125 37.60937 32.23661 30.0875 26.54779
56.64063 48.54911 45.3125 39.98162 35.77303 54.375 45.3125 38.83929 36.25 31.98529

20 25 30 35 >=40 Developmen
φ σs / 4 τbd
1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9 σs = 0.87 fy
1.92 2.24 2.4 2.72 3.04 0.75 fy
1.5 1.75 1.875 2.125 2.375
2.4 2.8 3 3.4 3.8

Design shear strength ‫ﺡ‬c = 0.85 √ 0.8 x fck ( √ (1 + 5 x β) - 1 )

β = 0.8 x fck / 6.89 Pt , but not less than 1.0
7.802468 7.802468
15.7076 15.7076
9.327122 9.327122
14.57363 14.57363
7.06842 7.06842
8.057257 8.057257
11.27833 11.27833
10.56848 10.56848
9.735381 9.735381
Use 4-20 dia

Use 5-20 dia

Use 6-20 dia

1200 mm
two-legged stirrups @ 330 mm c/c ( counterfort reinforcement only. )
Compression bars,COLUMN
40 15 20 25 30 35 40
22.89474 37.5 31.25 26.78571 25 22.05882 19.73684
23.75329 38.90625 32.42187 27.79018 25.9375 22.88603 20.47697
28.61842 46.875 39.0625 33.48214 31.25 27.57353 24.67105

φ σs / 4 τbd
For Tension Member Beam and Compression in Beam
For compression Member Column

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