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1. Write the Verilog code for the program allotted for each batch and verify the
same using Simulation tool. Submit the program, simulation results as hardcopy
and a 3-minute video of the program explanation with simulation in the drive link
shared. (4 batches, each batch one program) 20 Marks
Batch 1: 220051601001 – 220051601020: Design of MAC unit
Batch 2: 220051601021 – 220051601035: Design of Vending Machine
Batch 3: 220051601036 – 220051601050: Design of FIR Filter
Batch 4: 220051601051 – 220051602062, 220051602002, 220051602003,
220051602005, 220051602006, 220051602011, 220051602013: Design of ALU


2. Make a survey on recent trends in VLSI Design – its application and uses in
modern technology. Write a summary on your survey and attach the base paper
of the survey (2023/2024 published) for submission. (common question for all but
unique submission from each student) 10 Marks

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