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"When multiple users belong to the same user group, they can common cart
functionality. Once a user adds a product to their cart, the other users within the group
automatically receive the templates required to place their orders as well
First we have to enable “Enable Group Level Products” and “Enable Dealer Functionality” and “Enable
Common Cart”.

Enabling "Enable Common Cart" setting ensures that when a product is added to one user's cart within a
specific usergroup, it automatically appears in the carts of other users within the same usergroup.
Consequently, individual cart items of users become invisible and only group-level cart items will be
visible .

Login As Admin Company Manage OrgunitGroupConfig

Login as user and you will see a dropdown in user page like below.
When you select a specific user group from the dropdown menu and add a product to the cart, that
product becomes visible to all users within that selected group. However, users who are not part of that
group will not get this product in their carts.

Here, I've selected the "Ravi" UserGroup, and I'm adding a product to the cart. The product is "Static
Print/download Product".

Here, within the "Ravi" user group, there are two users: Ravi and Vipun.
You can check your group users as below

Login as Admin Security Groups

You will get below page and here select “Select Group Type” as User and click on “View Users” for the
respective UserGroup You want .

After clicking on "View Users," you'll be redirected to the page below, where you can see that there are
two users "Ravindra" and "Vipun".

Now, the "Static Print/download Product" has been added to Vipun's cart as well .

Now Login As VipunUser and check their cart

Here the product is added .

Now I login with another user who is not present in “Ravi” UserGroup. Here I logined with “userkoushik”
but the product is not added because he is not present in that “Ravi” Usergroup.


You can check CartItems in Admin flow.

Login As Admin Security Current Cart Items

After Clicking on “Current Cart Items” you will navigate to below page and you can view the products
Here I disabled the setting “Enable Common Cart”.

Here I added another product “static print” to the user by selecting “ravi” as Usergroup in dropdown .
Now I will check another user that is “vipunuser” cart .

The “Static Print” Product is not added because the “Enable Common Cart” setting is disabled

You can also check in Admin Flow in “CurrentCartItems”.here also the product were not added to the
users in that group .

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