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By: Mckenna Modisher
Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun
By: Maria Dismondy
This book is about a girl that has curly hair and
enjoys quirky food. She comes across a boy
that doesn’t like what she is doing and teases
her. She comes across a time where the boy
is in trouble and she has to decide if he lets
him get what he deserves or if she takes the
high road and help him even after he treated
her so poorly.
Reflection: This book what very meaningful to me
when I was in elementary school because my mom
came into class one time and read it to us. I love the
story line and meaning behind it. This book really fit
into my identity because not only did my mom read it
to my class but she would also read it to me at night
and tell me to never change and stay who I am. She
really influenced who I am today and told me she
would always support me in whatever I did. As a
teacher, I want to do what my mom did to me while
reading this by encouraging me to be who I am. I want
all my students to feel comfortable with who they are.
Pitch Perfect
Directed by: Jason Moore
This is a movie about a group of college students
that get together to sing a cappella. They work
together to get to nationals. Becca has to learn to
work together with them and learn to accept people
into her life.

Reflection: This movie was one of the first

PG-13 movies I watched when I was younger.
My mom loves this movie so when pitch perfect
2 came out, I was able to go with her on
opening night and see it at the age of 10. My
mom and I really bonded over this movie. My
mom is one of my best friends so going with her
was a really big deal. This movie really helped
me with my comedic side of my life and always
gave my mom and I something to laugh about.
“USS Indianapolis Torpedoed!”
By: Melvin Modisher
This is an article interviewing my great grandfather. He was
on the USS Indianapolis when it was hit and sunk and he
survived. This article is my great grandpa talking about his life
surviving in the water.

Reflection: I used this in my sophomore year of high school

to write a report about my great grandpa. This really helped
me learned more about my great grandfather after he died. It
helped me learn more about my family and their past. I felt
like I really got to know more about my great grandfather
after reading this and I learned about my grandpa and my
dads life growing up. This text really meant a lot to me
because it is my great grandfather talking about his life and
him surviving. He has inspired me to keep going and to not
give up. There have been many times where I didn’t know
what I wanted to do or where i wanted to go and I would
think of him and I would know I am right where I am meant
to be.
The Fault in our Stars
By: John Green
This is about a girl that meets this guy and they fall in
love while coming across challenges along the way.
Reflection: This book is really the only book I will read. Everyone
has tried to get me into reading but nothing will live up to this
book. I don’t know what it is about this book but something about
it really makes me not want to read anything else. This book
came into my life when I was in middle school and has been
there since. I have reread it too many times to count. I can’t
relate to anything in this book but I think that is why I like it so
much. It has impacted me in the way where I think that I don’t
know what is going on in someone's life and they could be
struggling with something and I wouldn’t even know. This book
has nothing to do with my content area or why I want to teach
but it has encouraged me to do what I want with my life before it
is too late. I also really enjoy that this book is based off of the
indianapolis area so when I get stressed or frustrated, I walk to
funky bones and let myself forgot about my problems for a little.
“Maine” By: Noah Kahan
This song is about exploring change and
reflection. Click to go to song.
Reflection: This song is something that I enjoy
not only because of the tune or lyrics but for the
meaning. About a year and a half almost two
years ago I found this song and I have loved it
since. I got to see this song live last year and it
was one of my favorite concerts I have ever
seen and I am about to see him again. I would
have already seen him when this is due but
when I am writing this I haven’t seen him yet.
This song is what I listen to when I need a break
from reality. It reminds me that there is so much
more to life than just a certain thing. I am going
to use this song when I’m teaching and I get
overwhelmed. It will be my comfort song for the
rest of my life.

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