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Population 9. In Viet Nam, the average age of marriage has increased, from 24.

4 years in 1989 to
27.9 years in 2020. In HCMC, the average age of married men is approximately 30 years
1. According to UN statistics in 2021, the world population has reached 7888 billion
old. A surplus of 1.5 million men is predicted by 2034. By 2050, more than 4 million men
people with a population growth rate reaching the threshold of 0.9%.
face the risk of not marrying.
2. According to the General Statistics Office, by December 31, 2021, Vietnam's
Sexual harassment
population was more than 98.51 million people, an increase of 922.7 thousand people,
or 0.95%, compared to 2020. In which, the urban population accounted for 37.1%; the 10. According to research by ActionAid, the percentage of Vietnamese women who are
rural population is 62.9%; males: 49.8%; female is 50.2%. harassed from indecent words to rape is 87%.

Economic growth 11. Just over 20% of people who have been harassed react; 1.5% of victims told family
and friends; 11% reported it to the authorities, the rest remained silent.
2. In 2022, according to International Monetary Fund data, the global economy
surpassed the $100 trillion GDP mark. 12. The Meetoo movement that originated in the United States spread to other
countries, motivating victims to stand up and name sexual harassers and abusers.
3. According to published UNESCO 2022 figures, sub-Saharan Africa remains the region
with the most out-of-school children and adolescents, with a total of 98 million 13. According to UNV statistics, it is estimated that the global volunteer workforce is
equivalent to 109 million full-time workers, far exceeding the number of workers in
Love in early age
many major industries worldwide. 30% of these do volunteer work through
4. In Vietnam, about 300,000 abortions, of which 30% are women aged 15 to 19 and organizations, associations, associations and groups. The remaining 70%, which is
70% are students. harder to identify because it is done directly through informal interactions.

5. Each month, The National Maternity Hospital accepts about 30 women under the age Labour ( In Vietnam )
of 16 for abortions.
14. The country's labor force aged 15 and above in the fourth quarter of 2021 was
6. Vietnam is among the 20 countries with the highest abortion rates among estimated at 50.7 million, an increase of 1.7 million people compared to the previous
adolescents in the world according to the United Nations Fund. quarter. In 2021 as a whole, the labor force aged 15 and over was 50.5 million.

Late marriage - leads to late childbirth, aging population, labor force shortages, and 15. Employed workers aged 15 and over in the fourth quarter of 2021 were estimated at
rising elderly care costs, the stability of the socio-economic system is threatened. 49.1 million. For the whole year 2021, workers aged 15 and over are working at 49
million, including 14.2 million people working in agriculture, forestry and fisheries; the
7. South Korea — which has one of the lowest birth rates in the world — provides industry and construction sector is 16.2 million people; The service sector is 18.6 million
2,000,000 won for every child born in Seoul and allows each couple to enjoy an 18- people.
month maternity regime instead of the current 12 months - Three-quarters of women in
their 30s and 40s consider marriage unnecessary. 16. The proportion of the population of working age (15-64 years) is very high, ranging
from 66% to 70%. In particular, the population under the age of 34 years old will be
8. In Japan, each married couple will receive a stipend of 600,000 yen ($5700) favorable for the acquisition of science and technology and flexibility in career change.
depending on the specific conditions attached. This is a large area of "golden population" for economic growth.
17. Every year, up to 30% of start-up ideas and projects of young people are students 27. Trees and land absorb more than 30% of the carbon emitted by polluting activities
connected with businesses, venture capital funds or supported with investment from each year, so continued rapid disappearance of tropical forests will cause irreparable
appropriate funding; By 2030, strive to have 80% of young people receive career and damage to Earth's ecosystems.
employment counselling; 60% of young people receive vocational training associated
28. Scientists noted that the destruction of tropical primary forests in 2020 emitted 2.64
with job creation, with priority given to on-the-job employment. Every year, at least
tons of CO2, equivalent to India's annual emissions, or those of 570 million cars, or
700,000 young people are given jobs; by 2030, youth unemployment in urban areas will
double the emissions of all vehicles in the United States.
be below 7%; The proportion of underemployed youth in rural areas will be below 6%
and by 2030. 29.John Seymour, a British author, warned that the longer the world delays in halting
deforestation, or delays in achieving emissions neutrality, the more likely it is that
18. According to the ILO, the total number of unemployed youth worldwide is expected
Earth's CO2-absorbing natural forests will disappear entirely.
to reach 73 million in 2022, down 2 million from the previous year. This represents a
slight improvement over 2021 (75 million), but is still 6 million above 2019 levels, before 30. Forests cover more than 30% of the Earth, while tropical forests are home to 50-90%
the COVID-19 pandemic. of terrestrial species.
19. In Europe and Central Asia, unemployment is expected to be 16.4 per cent, but the 31. A study published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution estimates the growing
ILO assesses actual and potential shocks from the war in Ukraine as likely to affect this demand for the commodity in rich countries, which is accelerating deforestation in
outcome. tropical regions.
20. In Asia-Pacific, this rate is expected to be comparable to the global average of 14.9%. 32. In Brazil, the government has cut funding for environmental programs, causing much
of the Amazon land to be exploited for resources and agricultural production, resulting
21. In Latin America, it is expected to reach a "worrying" rate of 20.5%, while in North
in 1.7 million hectares of primary forest being destroyed in 2020, a 25% increase from
America, the figure is expected to be 8.3%.
22. In Africa, youth unemployment is 12.7%. More than 1 in 5 young people in Africa
33. In Pantanal tropical marshlands, an ecosystem paradise stretching from Brazil to
were out of work, education or training (NEET) in 2020.
Bolivia, have also suffered fires. Bolivia had the 3rd highest rate of deforestation in the
23. It is in the Arab countries that youth unemployment is the highest and fastest world in 2020.
growing in the world, at 24.8%, and the figure rises to 42.5% for young women in the
34. Indonesia is a bright spot as it reduced its deforestation rate by 17% compared to
2019 and for the first time in 20 years escaped the Group of 3 countries with the highest
Forest deforestation rate in the world. The rate of deforestation in Indonesia has decreased for
4 consecutive years.
24. A new study shows that the Earth has about 3 trillion trees but the number of trees
is decreasing due to deforestation. Vacinate

25. In 2020, up to 4.2 million hectares of primary forest in tropical areas were 35. Vaccines protect children from illness and death, saving nearly 3 million lives each
destroyed, 12% higher than the previous year. In total, in 2020, tropical areas lost 12.2 year — more than five lives are saved every minute.
million hectares of green area, including forests and arable land, mainly due to
36. Thanks to vaccines, an estimated 21.1 million children were saved during the
agricultural activities.
measles immunization campaign between 2010 and 2017.
26. A study by the World Resources Institute found that, on average, every 6 seconds, an
area of forest equivalent to a football field is lost.
37. About 85% of children under the age of one are fully vaccinated, which provides Từ vựng Writing task 2 thể hiện ý mở rộng
protection from diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough in 2017.
STT Cụm từ/từ vựng Writing task 2 Dịch nghĩa
38. In East Asia and the Pacific, nearly 28 million children were vaccinated against
1 Another factor to consider is… Một yếu tố khác cần xem xét là…
measles in 2017.
2 Another point worth noting is… Một điểm đáng lưu ý nữa là…
39. 1.5 million deaths could be prevented if vaccination coverage increased globally.
3 Besides… Bên cạnh đó
40. 40% of unvaccinated children live in makeshift places or charitable institutions,
including in war-affected countries. 4 Furthermore Hơn nữa
41. 19.9 million infants did not benefit from full vaccination in 2017. 5 Moreover Ngoài ra…
STT Cụm từ/từ vựng Writing task 2 Dịch nghĩa 6 In addition… Ngoài ra…

1 In this day and age… Trong thời đại này… 7 In terms of… Về mặt…

2 It goes without saying that… Không cần phải nói rằng… 8 Not only… but also… Không những… mà còn…

3 It is universally accepted that… Nó được chấp nhận rộng rãi rằng… 9 On top of that… Trên hết…

4 The aim of this essay is to review different viewpoints related to… Mục 10 Research has found thatNghiên cứu phát hiện ra rằng…
đích của bài tiểu luận này là để xem xét các quan điểm khác nhau liên quan đến…
11 Research shows that Nghiên cứu cho thấy…
5 The main issues covered in this essay are… Các vấn đề chính được đề cập
12 When it comes to Khi nhắc đến…
trong tiểu luận này là…
13 With respect to Về/Liên quan với/Đối với…
6 There is no denying that… Không thể phủ nhận rằng…
Từ vựng Writing task 2 liên kết các đoạn
7 This essay assesses the significance of… Bài tiểu luận này đánh giá tầm quan
trọng của… STT Cụm từ/từ vựng IELTS Writing task 2 Dịch nghĩa
8 This essay compares the two different viewpoints of… Bài tiểu luận này so 1 According to… Theo như…
sánh hai quan điểm khác nhau của…
2 After Sau khi
9 This essay discusses the case of… Bài tiểu luận này thảo luận về trường
hợp về… 3 Before Trước khi

10 This paragraph focuses on… Đoạn này tập trung vào… 4 First and foremost… Đầu tiên và quan trọng nhất…

11 This paragraph gives a brief view of… Đoạn này cung cấp một cái nhìn ngắn 5 First of all… Điều đầu tiên,
gọn về… 6 First… Đầu tiên,
12 This paragraph seeks to determine… Đoạn này tìm cách xác định… 7 Firstly… Trước tiên,
8 In the first place… Ngay từ đầu, 12 Hence…Kể từ đây

9 Initially… Ban đầu, 13 Needless to say… Không cần phải nói rằng

10 It is true that… Có một sự thật rằng, 14 Nevertheless/Nonetheless Tuy nhiên

11 It is worth considering… Có một điều đáng cân nhắc rằng 15 Obviously… Chắc chắn rằng

12 Let us take a look at… Hãy xét đến… 16 On account of… Nhờ vào

13 Next Tiếp nối rằng, 17 Owing to… Sở hữu

14 On the one hand… Mặt khác, 18 So… Vì vậy

15 Then Sau đó, 19 Still… Vẫn còn

16 Though it is true that… Mặc dù có một điều đúng, 20 The reason why… Lý do rằng

17 To begin with… Để bắt đầu… 21 There is little doubt that… Có hơi nghi ngờ rằng

18 To start with… Để bắt đầu với… 22 Thereby… Bằng cách này

Từ vựng Writing task 2 nhấn mạnh kết quả 23 Therefore… Vì vậy

STT Cụm từ/từ vựng Writing task 2 Dịch nghĩa 24 Thus… Như vậy

1 After all… Đến cuối cùng 25 Yet… Chưa

2 Although… Mặc dù Từ vựng Writing task 2 thể hiện sự đối lập

3 As a consequence… Hệ quả là STT Cụm từ/từ vựng Writing task 2 Dịch nghĩa

4 As a result… Kết quả là 1 Alternatively… Ngoài ra

5 As an effect… Như hiệu ứng 2 But… Nhưng

6 Because of… Bởi vì 3 Despite the fact that… Mặc dù rằng

7 Consequently… Hậu quả là, 4 Despite… / In spite of… Mặc dù

8 Due to… Bởi vì, 5 Even so… Ngay cả như vậy

9 Even if… Thậm chí nếu 6 Even though… Mặc dù

10 Eventually… Cuối cùng, 7 In contrast to this… Ngược lại với

11 For this reason… Vì điều này, 8 In spite of the fact that… Mặc dù thực tế là
9 Meanwhile… Trong khi đó 15 To conclude Để kết luận

10 On the contrary… Ngược lại với 16 To conclude with Để kết bài luận

11 Oppositely… Ngược lại 17 To draw the conclusion Để rút ra kết luận

12 Then again… Sau đó 18 To elucidate Để làm rõ gì đó

13 Though… Mặc dù 19 To put it simply Nói một cách đơn giản

14 Unlike…Không giống với 20 To repeat in short Để nhắc lại ngắn gọn

15 While… Trong khi đó 21 To sum up Tóm lại

16 Whilst… Trong khi 22 To summarize Để tóm gọn lại

17 Yet… Chưa hẳn 23 Weighing up both sides of the argumentCân nhắc về hai mặt

STT Từ vựng Writing task 2 phần kết luận Dịch nghĩa Small waist of A4 paper, fit in children's clothes, wrap arms around waist to touch navel,
challenge placing coin on collarbone --> prove yourself with a slender body --> putting
1 All in allTất cả đều chỉ ra rằng
enormous invisible pressure on young women --> Extreme dieting, participating in
2 All things considered Cân nhắc mọi thứ lại weight loss camps to achieve the ideal role model --> improperly trained --> the more
harmful to health or even death
3 By and large Một cách nói chung
By 2032, Vietnam will have at least 300 beauty queens, more than 600 runners-up,
4 In a nutshell Tóm lại rằng more than 2000 beauties winning sub-prizes.
5 In a word Tóm lại There are 30 beauty pageants in every field
6 In conclusion Đi đến kết luận rằng Some people say that in the modern world, getting old is entirely bad. Others, however,
7 In general Nói chung say that life for the elderly nowadays is much better than it was in the past. Discuss both
these views and give your own opinion.
8 In short Nói ngắn gọn rằng

9 In summary Để tóm tắt lại

10 On the whole Xét tổng thể

11 Overall Tổng quan

12 Taking everything into account Để xét tổng thể

13 Taking everything into consideration Dựa trên tổng thể

14 That is to say Điều đó có nghĩa

 parental guidance: sự hướng dẫn của cha mẹ

 have a profound influence on: có ảnh hưởng sâu sắc lên

 spend a large amount of time taking care of…: dành nhiều thời gian chăm sóc…

 children = offspring = kids: con cái

 the primary breadwinner: trụ cột chính (trong gia đình)

 to be responsible for…: chịu trách nhiệm về việc gì

 childcare and housework: việc nhà và việc chăm sóc trẻ

 educate children about the importance of…: giáo dục trẻ về tầm quan trọng

 encourage children to…: khuyến khích trẻ làm gì

 engage in screen-time activities: tham gia những hoạt động “màn hình”
(laptop, điện thoại…)

 lead a sedentary lifestyle: sống một lối sống thụ động

 take part in interactive activities: tham gia các hoạt động mang tính tương tác

 experience feelings of loneliness and isolation: trải qua cảm giác cô đơn và cô

 devote a huge amount of time to work: dành phần lớn thời gian cho công việc

 hardly make time for their family: hầu như không dành thời gian cho gia đình

 take more family trips: tổ chức nhiều chuyến đi cùng gia đình hơn

 take on the role of: đóng vai trò là…

 take care of… = look after…: chăm sóc…

 negatively affect children’s long-term mental health: ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới
According to data from several studies in Vietnam, The rate of adolescents with sức khỏe tâm lý lâu dài của trẻ
depression was 26.3%, children with thoughts of death were 6.3%, children planning
 put children at a higher risk of…: đặt trẻ vào rủi ro cao bị ….
suicide were 4.6% and children attempted suicide were 5.8%.
 strengthen/weaken family relationships = family bonds: củng cố/làm suy yếu  pregnancy /ˈpreɡnənsi/
tình cảm gia đình (n) = the state of being
 experience significant changes in mood, feelings and behaviour: trả qua những pregnant: sự mang thai
sự thay đổi đáng kể trong tâm trạng, cảm giác và cách ứng xử  to have long-term positive
 have children later in life = delay parenthood: có con muộn implications for …: có ý nghĩa
tích cực lâu dài đối với …
 become positive role model: trở thành hình mẫu tốt
their employees.  to raise someone’s
 a lack of parental support: việc thiếu sự hỗ trợ từ cha mẹ socioeconomic status: nâng cao
Getting an education and making more địa vị kinh tế xã hội của ai đó
Bài báo Having children later in life
money raises a woman’s
socioeconomic status, so a working-  working-class /ˌwɜːrkɪŋ ˈklæs/
It’s a general trend that as more  to enter the workforce = to (adj) = from or connected with
class mother can potentially
women get an education and enter the become a part of the population the social class whose members
raise middle-class kids if she waits to
workforce, they marry and start having that provides goods and services do not have much money or
start a family.
kids later in life. in exchange for a wage or salary: power and are usually employed
tham gia lực lượng lao động to do manual work: thuộc tầng
Pros and cons
 fertility /fərˈtɪləti/ (n) = the lớp lao động
Because a woman’s fertility begins to
ability to produce babies: khả  middle-class /ˌmɪdl ˈklæs/
decrease at age 32 and decreases more
năng sinh sản (adj) = connected with the
sharply after age 37, it will likely be
more difficult for her to conceive at 40  to conceive /kənˈsiːv/ (v) = to middle social class: thuộc tầng
than it would have been when she was become pregnant: thụ thai, có lớp trung lưu
30, though every woman will have a thai
different experience. Thành ngữ chủ đề Family
 miscarriage /ˈmɪskærɪdʒ/
Miscarriages and a number (n) = an early, unintentional end  your own flesh and blood = a person or people that you are related to: máu mủ
of complications to pregnancy, to a pregnancy when the baby is  to fight like cat and dog = often have angry fights: cãi nhau như chó với mèo
including gestational diabetes and high born too early and dies because
blood pressure, are more common for it has not developed enough: sẩy  there’s little/no love lost between them = they don’t like each other: không
women over 35. thai còn chút tính cảm nào

But a woman’s choice to wait to have  complication /ˌkɑːmplɪˈkeɪʃn/  close ranks = If people close ranks, they join together to protect themselves,
kids offers important benefits to (n) = an extra medical problem especially when they are criticised: sát cánh
society, too. When women establish that makes it more difficult to  turn on somebody = attack somebody suddenly and unexpectedly: tấn công ai
themselves in their careers before treat an existing illness: biến đó
having kids, it can have long-term chứng
positive implications for their kids and
 (as) miserable as sin = used to emphasize that somebody is very unhappy: khốn

 account for something = be the explanation or cause of something: giải thích

điều gì

 take somebody for granted = be so accustomed to somebody that you don’t

appreciate them: không trân trọng …

 blood is thicker than water = relationships and loyalties within a family are the
strongest and most important ones: Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã

 like father, like son = used for saying that a man or boy has the same attitudes
as his father or behaves in the same way: cha nào con nấy

 run in the family = if a quality, ability, disease, etc. runs in the family, many
members of the family have it: di truyền

 the black sheep of the family = a person who has done something bad that
brings embarrassment or shame to his or her family: thành viên cá biệt trong
gia đình

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