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balanced constant struggle tired earth magnetic field

development stimulation delays

Space is an unforgiving environment
World Government focuses on the where a small mistake or accident can result The development of industry for It was known from the beginning that
even progress of the terraformation in large failure, injury or death. Isolation generations focuses on expansion in Mars' weak magnetic field would be
process of Venus and Mars which may and stress can result various psychological
the solar system, forgetting about its a problem for the terraformation
problems and disorders. Humans and their process. Delays in its proper
not appeal to everyone. wellbeing is equally important as negative effects on Earth.
stimulation have tragic effects.
developing new technologies.

original mission social investments restoring ecological atmosphere escape

support balance

- 10 +2
2 / - / - -

Receive 2M€ for each Mars tag you own Pay 10M€, reduced 1M€ for each influence. Lose 1 plant for each Earth tag you own Lower temperature and oxygen 2 steps
(max. 5 + influence). Rise the planetary track of Venus, Earth, (max. 5, then reduced by influence). (- 4oC and - 2% O2).
Mars and Jupiter 2 steps each.
Pathfinders -fan made Pathfinders -fan made Pathfinders -fan made Pathfinders -fan made

communication boom space race to mars

In competitive environment between
The huge demand for electronics and various corporations motivations might
communication systems for the new vary. Some want to be apart of a greater
Mars vision, while others seek for glory
space infrastructure has caused some
(being first), or scientific endeavours.
companies to lower their security All of this sparks ingenuity and flair
standards. of the New Space Race.

cybersecurity speciality projects

- 10 0100
0100 0100 * 1001 / 1 / /
1001 1001
Pay 10M€. Add 2 data to every card. Increase your M€ production 1 step for
Add 1 data to any card for every influence. every special tile you own (max. 5).
Receive 1 energy for every influence.
Pathfinders -fan made Pathfinders -fan made

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