Bab 2 Dah Siappp

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Hasil nilai ujian Statistika Kimia untuk 90 orang mahasiswa

79 49 40 74 67 98 87 80 74
80 84 90 70 76 94 83 78 50
68 71 92 38 79 81 74 74 36
90 72 85 71 97 93 78 83 78
92 32 84 61 89 43 85 86 89
70 35 89 89 98 72 87 67 78
63 93 61 66 46 91 71 77 60
76 98 99 56 64 59 89 74 67
70 71 74 70 78 67 79 76 90
80 84 65 56 89 88 85 66 94
b. Kurva histogram dan poligon

N 90 Interval Data Interval Data F

X max 99 32 40 32-40 5
X min 32 41 49 41-49 3
R 67 50 58 50-58 3
Banyak Kelas 7.449 8 59 67 59-67 13
Panjang Kelas 8.994496 9 68 76 68-76 20
77 85 77-85 21
86 94 86-94 20
95 103 95-103 5

Nilai Ujian Statistika Kimia





32-40 41-49 50-58 59-67 68-76 77-85 86-94 95-103
Interval Data
qqqq xxxx
1 0.205
2 0.197
3 0.185
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