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2. The athletes are playing sports, playing music and they are shown doing everyday
life activities such as nursing a baby or working. They look brave and hard-working.
They are impressive because they can achieve outstanding performances. Moreover,
their determination is limitless.

Aimee Mullins is a role model. She is outstanding playing sports or working as a

model. She has a competitive spirit and she is a true inspiration. Despite her disability,
she has accomplished extraordinary performances both in sports and in her
professional career.

Ezra Frech in an incredible kid. He is very optimistic and considers his disability as a
strength. He is incredibly sporty and talented in many sports.

3. The trailer We’re the Superhumans stages disabled people, athletes or musicians
performing various activities. It praises the skills and strength of the athletes. they are
amazing and command admiration.
Aimee Mullins is a talented and successful woman. I was first stricken by her presence
and the talking part of Aimee Mullins in the video. She is an advocate for all disabled
people. She looks confident, self-assured, bold and hopeful. What I find surprising is
her sport and professional career, indeed, she has built a career as a model, actor,
and athlete. She is courageous and is a heroine for the young generation.

Ezra Frech is a young athlete. When Ezra was two and a half years-old, he had
surgery to remove the lower of his left leg, and to transplant a toe from the amputated
foot to his left hand. He then had many surgeries and now he wears a prosthetic leg.
Ezra loves sports, it has been a way-out for him. When he plays sports he doesn’t
think about anything else. I was stricken by his strength and speech. Ezra thinks of
himself as an athlete not a disable. He says he focuses on what he has instead of what
he doesn’t have. Though he can be dying from pain by the end of the day, he never
complains. He considers his disability like a challenge in his life. He’s uncommonly
optimistic. He is iron-willed and is an inspiration for everyone

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