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Player: Billy
CG Human bounty hunter operative 1
Deity: Desna; Age: 18; Height: 6'; Weight: 200 lb.
Speed: 30 ft., Languages: Castrovelian, Common, Kasatha, Skills
Shirren, Ysoki
+11 ** Acrobatics Dex, 1r
Hit Points Stamina Resolve
Points +5 ** Athletics Str, 1r

10 7 5 +6 ** Bluff Cha, 1r

+7 ** Computers Int, 1r

+7 ** Culture Int, 1r

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha 10 Str

18 Dex +2 ** Diplomacy Cha

+0 +4 +1 +2 +1 +1 12 Con
14 Int +6 ** Disguise Cha, 1r
12 Wis
12 Cha +7 * Engineering Int, 1r

+6 ** Intimidate Cha, 1r
INITIATIVE +9 ** = +4 Dex +5 Misc
+7 ** Medicine Int, 1r

FORTITUDE +1 * = +0 Base +1 Con +0 Misc +6 ** Perception Wis, 1r

REFLEX +6 ** = +2 Base +4 Dex +0 Misc +5 ** Piloting Dex

WILL +3 ** = +2 Base +1 Wis +0 Misc +6 ** Sense Motive Wis, 1r

EAC 16 ** = +2 Armor +4 Dex +0 Misc +9 ** Sleight of Hand Dex, 1r

KAC 17 ** = +3 Armor +4 Dex +0 Misc +11 * Stealth Dex, 1r

KAC+8 25 ** = +3 Armor +4 Dex +0 Misc +3 * Survival Wis

Defenses Skill Modifiers

Engineering (Trapsmith's tools): +4 circumstance bonus to arm or disarm traps
Fortitude Save (Level 2 armor (Freebooter armor I)): Immune to low-
level radiation Mysticism (Trapsmith's tools): +4 circumstance bonus to arm or disarm traps
Stealth (Ghost Specialization): +1 when using trick attack
Fortitude Save (Level 2 armor (Freebooter armor I)): +4 circumstance
bonus to save vs. radiation exposure (but not to cure radiation sickness) Survival (Navigator's tools): +4 circumstance bonus for orienteering

Freebooter armor I Tracked Resources

EAC: +2, KAC: +3, Max Dex: +4, Armor Check: -, Speed: - Battery (Flashlight) ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Knife, survival Battery (Laser pistol, azimuth) 20
Melee: +4 or Full: +0/+0 (1d4 S; Crit ) Battery, super-capacity (Comm unit, personal) 80
Special: analog, operative Sniper rounds (Shirren-eye rifle, tactical) ☐
Laser pistol, azimuth Gear (Encum: 5 bulk, Over: 10 bulk)
Ranged (80 ft.): +4 or Full: +0/+0 (1d4 F; Crit burn 1d4)
Special: Total Bulk Carried: 2.004, Unencumbered
Binders -
Shirren-eye rifle, tactical Comm unit, personal L
Ranged (70 ft.): +5 (1d10 P; Crit )
Disguise kit L
Special: unwieldy, analog, sniper (250 ft.)
Engineering kit L
Special Abilities Flashlight L
Hacking kit L
Theme Knowledge (Ex) Navigator's tools L
-5 DC for Culture/Profession checks related to law enfocement and current mark.
Can change mark over 1 min, but if not yet caught take -2 to all skills for a week. Trapsmith's tools L
Trick Attack +1d4 (Ex)
You can trick an opponent to deal extra damage. Experience & Wealth
Experience Points: 0 (2nd @ 1,300)
Feats Current Cash: 37 credits
Improved Initiative [Combat Feat]
+4 to initiative checks.
Skill Focus (Acrobatics)
+3 insight bonus to chosen skill.
Skill Focus (Stealth)
+3 insight bonus to chosen skill.
Weapon Focus +1 (Sniper Weapons) [Combat Feat]
+1 to attack with chosen weapon type, or +2 if base attack bonus is more than 3
less than character level.
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