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Batch management process in BCL

Business requested to capture batch for finished goods, so as to track each bag where it is laying and
use this functionality to reduce stock damage.

Present scenario:
Packing plant prints week, month, year on each bag

This information is not available in SAP

Proposed solution
 ILMS system sends packing information to packing plant for packing.
 Batch contains 8 digits as per following format
MP24 0422
First 4 digits plant code
Next 2 digits week
last 2 digits year
 Once packed, success message is received by ILMS form packing plant along with printed
information (Batch)
 Same shall be forwarded to SAP at the time of PGI
 At the time of PGI, presently production order is getting conformed and then with the same
production quantity, PGI is happening. In the same process batch gets created in production
order and with the same batch PGI is done.
 In the deport while issuing goods, user has to select FIFO batch no to proceed further.
 Also, at the time of shortage/damage booking user has to enter batch no.
 At every point stock can be viewed at batch level.

Change/Enhancements required
 Message to packing plant to include plant, week, year as per suggested format
 Success message from packing plant
 ILMS to SAP to process PGI
 Changes in production confirmation to include external batch generation
 changes in PGI to include generated batch
 Changes in smart forms (invoice, DO challan copy)
 Changes in customised programs to include batch no

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