Humanities Week14

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As I look through my phone, I have recalled an unforgettable day I have spent.

The day that I celebrated

by 16th birthday. I can’t imagine the things that happened at that time. 7:00 am in the morning I was
awaken by my parents to surprise me with a cake and a message in the cake written “Happy Birthday to
our most loving child Yzza<3, from mama and papa”. I was flattered at that time I didn’t expect that they
would surprise me because they are like a parents that doesn’t do surprises.

An hour after the surprise, my mom told me to go and get change because we are going to the church
for a candle lighting to thank the lord that has given me another year to live and for the safety of
everyone. The time we arrived at the church I picked 5 candles to light and to pray, thank, ask
forgiveness, and ask for safety for me and for my love ones. I looked into my mom’s eyes; I can see in
her that she is really happy. I looked into my father’s eyes; I can see him blessed.

The time we arrived at our house, I got a couple of birthday greetings that my friends and love ones
sent. But there is one message that shocked me. And that is a Video Greetings that best friend comply,
videos of my crushes saying happy birthday to me, giving me wishes in life and some unexpected
messages. I thank them individually even if I am too shy to talk to them, I did it anyway.

I randomly called my best friend if she is going to our house because my parents did a simple celebration
just to honor my birthday. I called; she answered “hey” I replied “so? Are you coming to my birthday?”
she did not even answer me and drop eventually dropped the call. So I was thinking, “Am I going to
celebrate my birthday alone again?”

It was 5:00pm and I am still hoping that my friends would come by, but they said that they are busy in
their worksheets. I feel sad at that time, I feel like it is a curse that has given to me that I don’t deserve
to be happy on my birthday, that I should not bother other people to come in my celebration because
they are not going to come either.

Not until I saw a picture that gives me hope that they are coming. 30minutes later I heard my dog
barking, that it’s like someone is outside. So I go out to see if there is really someone outside, and there
you go. It’s my three precious best friends, they came with a cake that they baked, my favorite food
which is cordon bleu, and lastly the one that they would never forget to give me is the alcoholic
beverages. I was very happy at that time; I did not expect that they would do that because that was my
first time being surprised by friends.

I am blessed to have these people in my life, especially my parents. They are the ones who give me hope
to pursue my dreams, to do what makes me happy, and they give me inspiration. Having people who
you know that they would always be right there whenever you need them is such a great blessing,
people who gives you hope in life, having them is like I am a pirate who treasure the precious treasures.

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