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Activity 1

Fill in the blanks with adjectives from the word bank to make the sentences make

sparkly ragged terrifying Delicious dazzling gigantic enormous

1. The spider made a ____________ web in the corner.

2. I wanted the biggest pumpkin but I could not carry it because it was
3. My mum bought me a ____________ hat to go with my costume.
4. The ____________ scarecrow sat in the field of corn.
5. The sweets that my neighbour gave me tasted ____________
6. When I looked up at the moon, it looked ____________
7. We saw ____________ bats flying out of the old house.

Activity 2
Can you think of four new adjectives for each word which mean the same
thing but are far more exciting? The first one has been done for you.

List down new adjectives for each word which mean the same thing:

Scary Bad Big

Example: Frightening
Activity 3
With the magic of Halloween in the air, young witches everywhere have got
carried away with casting spells... and many have gone wrong. Unscramble these
words in the bracket.

Words so (spaceli) __________, words so (staerng)__________,

Have made these letters rearrange,

(Forsarwd)__________, backwards, (sgtrtiah)__________,

and clear,

Let's hope no letters (dappiesra) __________!

Take one deep (bearht) __________ and just (reermmeb)__________,

(preahps )__________ you'll never know the (arwsne) __________

Just follow your (htear) __________, think it (thuhrog) __________

And (epnerxeice)__________ the magic that

you can do.

Activity 4
Write 3 sentences about a scary character. You may use some of the words given.


Activity 5
Write 3 sentences about a scary character. You may use some of the words given.

Activity 6
Write a description (3 sentences) of your own scary character. Think about their
physical appearance and consider how they will move and act.


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