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First, I would like to thank the almighty God to who I owe all of my life’s
achievements, secondly I would like to thanks my advisor Demkech (MA) for this
constructive comments, advisees, as well as guidance and mentoring throught the
research ands thirdly, Would like thanks Boditii Hagaz Primary school teachers
and students for their genuine supporting of materials and idial information’s.

Lastly I would like to thank my wife Titina and other families members for their
financial and idea support

Table of Contents
List of tables.................................................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study........................................................................................................................1
1.2Statement of the problem..................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the Study.......................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General Objective...........................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the study......................................................................................................2
1.4Basic Research Question.....................................................................................................................3
1.5 Significance of the study....................................................................................................................3
1.6 Scope of the study.............................................................................................................................3
1.7 limitation of the study.......................................................................................................................3
1.8 Organization of the study..................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................5
2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE........................................................................................................5
2.1 Concepts and Definition of Hearing Impairments..........................................................................5
2.2 Classification of Hearing Impairments...............................................................................................5
2.3 Characteristics of Hearing Impairment and deafness in Children......................................................6
2.4 Factors and Indications of Hearing Impairments...............................................................................8
2.5 Educational Challenges of Students with hearing Impairments.........................................................8
2.6 Educational Provision for Students with Hearing Impairments.........................................................9
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................11
3. Research Methodologies..................................................................................................................11
3.1 Research Design...............................................................................................................................11
3.2 Description of study Area................................................................................................................11
3.5 Procedure of Data Collection...........................................................................................................12
3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques...................................................................................................12

3.4 Sources of Data................................................................................................................................12
3.4.1 Primary sources of data............................................................................................................13
3.4.2 Secondary Sources of Data.......................................................................................................13
3.5 Data Collection Instruments............................................................................................................13
3.7 Ethical Consideration.......................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................15
4. Data analysis and interpretation...........................................................................................................15
4.1. The teacher’s responses to the questionnaire................................................................................15
4.2 The Responses of Students with Hearing Impairments to Interview...............................................18
4.3 The School Principles, PTA and Special Need Teacher Responses to Interview...............................19
4.4 The Results of Quaternary Checklist................................................................................................20
4.5 Discussion........................................................................................................................................20
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................22
5 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendation.........................................................................................22
5.1 Summary..........................................................................................................................................22
5.2 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................22
5.3 Recommendation............................................................................................................................23

List of tables
Table1:4.1 The background of the respondents ------------------------------------------15

Table 4.2 The Academic performance and social relation of students with

hearing impairments in Boditi Hagaza primary school.--------------------------16

Table , 4.3, classroom participation of students with

hearing impairments and school responses to their educational needs----------17

PTA Parent Teacher Association

HI Hearing Impairment

SWHI Student With Hearing Impairment

The objective of these study to investigate factors that affect educational
achievements of students with hearing impairment in Boditi Haaza Primary school.
The research conducted through qualitative, quantitative and interview design and
research analyzed through percentage. It also used to primary and secondary
sources of data and the research found the factor that affects the educational
achievements with hearing problems in the study area. The researcher also gave the
recommendation and conclusions.


1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

The school is one of the most important formal agencies of education. It play major
role in modeling the ideas, habits and attitude of students with a view of producing
holistic development of individuals which is physically strong, mentally alert,
emotional stable and socially efficient citizen (MoE, 1994,4).

According to fisher(1992,380) in this schooling process all human being have

basic right to the full developments of their mind and their capacity to learn.

Although about 50% of the world population is affected from some form of
disability and two third of them are live in poverty, they were also denied their
educational rights (Abate, 2001).

In Ethiopia, the happening of disability varies before birth, at the time of birth and
after birth. According to Tirusse”(2005), the major causes of disabilities in
Ethiopia includes lack of proper child management, childhood infection, disease,
harmful traditional practice, malnutrition, civil war and repeated occurrence of
drought and famine.

According to Fisher (1992,382) people with hearing disabilities are the part of the
society and have basic right to full development of their mind and capacity to
education. However due to their special problems children with hearing
impairment have less to get access to education (Fisher, 1992, 382).

Although today the majority of children with have been education in school where
hearing students are attending, currently legislation, technological advances,
improved educational service and growing public awareness has brought
remarkable progress in the area of education for children with hearing impairment
however in case of Boditi Hagaza primary school the researcher observed that
most of students with hearing impairment had low academic achievement, low
classroom participation and had weak social relationships. So, this study was

conducted to assess the factors that affect educational achievement of students with
hearing impairments in the case of Boditi Hagaza primary school (Taylor, 1995)
1.2Statement of the problem

According, to Moore (1989, 24) children which hearing impairment lag in

vocabulary grammar, and word order than children who have normal hearing. He
further also indicated that, the major problems of students with hearing impairment
in the teaching and learning process includes inability to speak communicate
effectively, difficulty to interact to convey message and have problems in learning
spoken language (Moore, 1989, 24).

The same thing is occurred in Boditi Hagaza Primary school where most of
students with hearing impairment have problem in spoken language and their
problems is increased due to cultural based us age of sing language ,absences of
resources room ,lack of accessible teaching aid and supportive devices ,lack of
special and inclusive teachers ,low school facilities and attitudinal barriers in the
school .This accumulated condition in the school may be the causes for the
failures of quality educational provision and communication problems of students
with hearing impairment in Boditi Hagaza Primary school. Therefore, this study
was designed to find out the educational challenges of students with hearing
impairment and to show the ways in improving their educational problems in
Boditi Hagaza Primary school. In line with this the researcher forwarded the
following basic questions to be answered at the end of this study:
1.3 Objective of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of this study was to investigate factors that affecting
educational achievement of students with hearing impairment in Boditi Hagaza
Primary school.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the study
The specific objectives of the study were:
- To identify the major causes for educational achievement challenges of
students with hearing impairments
- To find out the reasons for the factors that mostly occurs in this study

- To indicate the possible measure in improving the educational
achievement of students with hearing impairment.
- To describe the responsible bodies in reducing the factors of that affect
educational achievement of students with hearing impairments.
1.4Basic Research Question.
1.What are the major causes for educational achievement of students with
hearing impairment in Boditi Hagaza Primary school?

1. Why the challenges mostly occur in this study area?

2. What are the possible measures in improving the educational achievement
challenges of students with hearing impairment in Boditi Hagaza Primary

1.5 Significance of the study

This study would contribute in the following aspects.

 The study helps to improve the factors that affect educational achievement
of students with hearing impairment in Bodity Hagaza Primary School.
 Provide information to the school administrators ,teachers, parents and
students reducing to the factors that affect educational achievement of
students with hearing impairment in Bodit Hagaza Primary School
 The study has take measure to improve the education in Boditi Hagaza
Primary School.
 Use to improve attitudinal barriers on the education of students with hearing
1.6 Scope of the study
The study was confined on the factors that affect the educational achievement
of students with hearing impairment and its consequences in south nation,
nationality and people region, Wolaita Zone in district area of Boditi town
Hagaza primary school .It also conceptually delimited to assess students with
hearing impairment.
1.7 limitation of the study
To conduct this study, the researcher faced variety of problems such as, scarcity of
available written documented sources, financial problems, shortage of internet

service in the area and lack of willingness among some respondents to give basic
1.8 Organization of the study
This study was consists of five chapters .Chapter one contains the introduction part
of the study back ground of the study statement of the problem ,objective of the
study ,Basic research question ,significance of the study ,scope of the
study ,limitation of the study and organization of the study .

Chapter two an over view of related literatures that includes definitions of hearing
impairment ,characteristics of hearing impairment ,factors and indications of
hearing impairment ,chapter three emphasis on the research Monique ,data
collection instrument ,questionnaire, interview and sources of data collections .

Chapter four contains data analysis and data presentations and last chapter contain
conclusion and recommendations.



This part of the research deals study with the concepts and definition of hearing
impairments, factors that affect educational achievement of students with hearing
impairments ,classification of hearing impairment and education provision for
students with hearing impairments .
2.1 Concepts and Definition of Hearing Impairments
Different scholars defined hearing impairments in different ways. According to
fisher R, (1995), hearing impairments is a full or partial decrease in the ability to
receive or understand sound caused by a wide range of biological and
environmental factor .In similar ways Possonella and Cara (1981) defined that,
hearing impairments was the term indicating a continuum of hearing loss from
mild to profound which include the sub classification of hard of hearing a and deaf.

However Dewey (1993) ,define hearing impairments as children who have hearing
loss experiences, reduced oral language in put through being unable to hear the
speech that is directed at them and the speech that occurs around them. In similar
ways Taylor (1989), also indicated that hearing impaired children have problem of
learning spoken language but they hear little (or nothing) of what people say .he
also further explained that many children with hearing such as cued speech and
will use a combination of oral language and signing to communicate their ideas
and understand the language of others (Taylor, 1995
2.2 Classification of Hearing Impairments

Different scholars classified hearing impairments indifferent ways. According to

Kirk, Gallagaher4, J.J and Anasta (1993) hearing losses classified in to four types:

- Conducive hearing loss: caused by disease or obstructions in the outer or

middle ear (Kirk, Gallagher and Anasta, 1993).
- Sensor neural hearing loss :Caused by damage of the hearing cell in the
inner ear or nerves (Kirk,Gallahger and Anasta ,1993
- Mixed hearing loss :occur when a child experiences a combination of a
sensory neural loss and conductive loss (Kirk, Gallagher and Anosta,

- Central losses : are a result of damage to the central nervous system
(Kirk, Gallagher and Anostge ,1993
However according to Fisher (1995), heat loss can be categorized as:
- Normal : which measured up to 25 Db
- Mild :Measured between 26-40 Db
- Sever :Measured between 56-90 Db
- Profound :Measured greater than 90 Db (Fisher, R, 1995 )

However Moors (1989), also classified hearing impairment in two categories:

- Hard of hearing : which encompasses individual who have hearing

problems but they can be expected to develop communication skills
through the use of their auditory channel (Moors, 1989)
- Deaf: have hearing problems that are so sever and cannot understand oral
speech communication (Moors, 1989)
2.3 Characteristics of Hearing Impairment and deafness in Children
According to fisher R, (1995), hearing impairment is a common but serious
problem affecting children of all ages .According to the Palo Alto Medical
Foundation, roughly 2 percent of children suffer from some degree of hearing
loss .Without prompt and effective treatment, hearing loss can cause a child to
suffer from significant speech delays, social problems and educational
challenges .Hearing impairment and deafness generally manifest with specific
symptoms and characteristics. Although symptoms very among children, certain
traits and behaviors are characteristically indicative of hearing difficulties .Besides
this he further explain that the characteristics of Hearing impairment includes:

Speech Delays

Delays in the development of speech and language are classic symptoms of hearing
loss and deafness in children .The Palo Alto Medical Foundation notes that many
children are first diagnosed with hearing impairment in infancy or as
toddlers .Children who do not say single words by age 1 or two –word phrases by
age 2 might suffer from hearing loss .A toddler with normal hearing can typically
name familiar objects, follow simple commands, and recognize the names of
family members by 15 to 24 months of age .Children with poor hearing might be
unable to communi8cate because they cannot undressed or imitate spoken

language. When diagnosed and addressed early, children with early childhood
speech delays generally catch up to their peers. (Fisher, 1995)

Selective Hearing

Although it is relatively normal for children to “tune out” some statements or

commands from adults in authority, many children who seem to ignore their
parents are unable to hear them .The America Academy of Pediatrics reports that
children with hearing loss might be able to hear certain sounds and
pitches .Hearing –impaired children are often unable to hear their names when
called, and their behavior can be mistakenly labeled as inattention or behavioral
misconduct. A hearing test or developmental evaluation can help to
determine the cause or nature of a child’s selective hearing. (Gusher, 1995)

 Behavioral Characteristics
Deaf and hearing impaired children can develop a variety of behavioral
symptoms. Many children will turn up TVs or radios to an inappropriate
volume in an attempt to compensate for their sensory challenges.
Children struggling with deafness may also closely watch their peers to
emulate behavior and body language. Differential Diagnosis
Some children who appear to have the characteristics of hearing loss might
suffer from unrelated disorders. Behavioral and emotional disturbances can
cause speech delays and social difficulties, which might be mistaken for
challenges with hearing or sensory processing .Autism also manifests with
many symptoms similar to hearing loss, including selective hearing,
language delays and abnormal speech patterns, according to only a
professio9nal evaluation can correctly identify the cause of these symptoms
and characteristics (Fisher, 1995)
According to Randall and George (1981) characteristics of hearing
impairment includes:
 Difficulty following verbal directions
 Difficulty with oral expression
 Some difficulties with social /emotional or interpersonal skill
 Will often have a degree of language delay
 Often follows and rarely leads
 Will usually exhibit some form of articulation difficulty

 Can become easily if their needs are not met which will to some
behavioral difficulties
 Sometimes the use of hearing aids leads to embarrassment and fear of
rejection from peers (Randall and George, 1981).
2.4 Factors and Indications of Hearing Impairments

According to Fisher ,R(1995) the main causes of hearing impairments include

rubella, cytomegalovirus, cerebral palsy ,anoxia at birth prematurity and
meningitis, accidents ,lead positing and disturbance climatic condition .He also
further indicated that indication of hearing loss include ,lack of attention ,looks at
speakers face ,response to sounds is inconsistent is ,speech is difficult to
understand speaks loudly or soundly or quietly and understanding is limited.

However Taylor (1995) stated that students with hearing problems associated with
slower development of language skills, poorer academic achievements and reduced
social interactions
2.5 Educational Challenges of Students with hearing Impairments

According to Randall and George (2981), children with hearing impairment have
poor oral skills; do poorly on mathematic test, reduced social experiences and
restriction in their ability to interact with their hearing peers.

In similar ways moors (1989) also indicted that ,students with hearing impairment
have shorter memory span, they perform more poorly in their academic
achievement ,have smaller vocabularies ,and reduced social interactions .beside
these in further he explained that students with hearing impairments have problems
of lack of attention ,difficulty to understand speech and their understanding oral
speech is low (Moors ,1989) .

In similar ways Meadowik (1968), also indicated that, children with minimal
hearing loss are at risk academically compared to their normal hearing peers and
untreated reduced hearing can lead to social, emotional and learning difficulties for
the child in long term. (Ibid)

2.6 Educational Provision for Students with Hearing Impairments

Different scholars provide different educational strategies and methods for students
with hearing impairments .According to Randall and George (1981) many children
with hearing impairments will use a combination of oral language and signing to
communicate their ideas and understand the language of other ,so ,the intervention
strategies must focused on enhancing their communication methods. (land

In similar ways Taylor (1995) also indicated that the education provision to
students with hearing impairments should include total communications methods
and sometimes sign language system is used simultaneously with speech .he also
further stated that ,in educating persons with hearing impairments it is more
important to teach communication system . (Ibid)

According to Moors (1985) the combination of gestural and oral system in total
communication approach is now being more recommended for those students with
hearing impairment regardless of the types and severity of their problems. He in
further indicated that communication method is the main types of teaching method
for children with hearing impairments and it includes oral methods which includes
oral aural method and auditors .Method, a manual method which is ways of
communicating children with severely hearing impaired person using sign
(Moore,1989 )

In different to the above idea, Fisher (1995) ,states that the priority in the education
for learners with hearing disabilities is to ensure that all learners with usable
hearing have the maximum opportunities, to be speak for themselves to be
understand and to participate actively in decisions regarding their own life and
goal is important to support students in the use of the residential learning .he also
further explained that educational provision for students with hearing impairments
includes :

 Environmental adaptation
 Seat students in best one to permit attending and participation
 Set up a semicircular seating arrangements
 Reduce noise and vibration
 Use an overhead projectors
 Allow students to make role model play to develop skills

 Create project to demonstrate their understanding information
 Allow written or drawn response to be seen as an alternative to oral
 Allow students to use peer tutor professionals (fisher ,1995)


3. Research Methodologies
This study indicate the research design ,the study area sample and sampling
technique data gathering instruments ,data analysis methods data collection
procedures, Ethical consendration
3.1 Research Design
This research is conducted in the specific area of Boditi town administration
particularly; Boditi Hagaza Primary school .The nature of this research was mixed
research approach, in which the researcher used qualitative and quantitative
research design.
3.2 Description of study Area
The study was conducted in specific area Wolaita Zone, Boditi Town
administration. Boditi Town found in the south nation, nationality and people region
of Ethiopia. Wolaita Zone has 12 woreda including three town
administration, .Among the town administration the largest town is Sodo town
administration ,with its total area of Sodo town is 60.25 km 2 ,Boditi town is 54.75
km2 and Area town is 41.55 km2 Boditi town is a part of Wolaita zone and its
geographical location lies between 60 45 and 70 44 latitude and 390 40 langitude in
the eastern part .It is bounded by Damot woyde Woreda in the south ,Damot pulasa
woreda in the east ,Damota Gale Woreda in the west and Sodo surrounding
Woreda in the northern part .(Boditi town administration office2011).

The average population density is 99 per square km .The average annual rainfall is
900-1100 mm and the average temperature of the town is 13-250c.

Boditi town administration has population of 252412 people of which 147511 are
male and 105401 are female (Town administration office, 2011).

In this town Wolaitigna is spoken as first language by 95%,Guragina speakers

were 1.25% ,Silte people 1.75%.

Amhara people were 1.15% and 0.85% of people of other ethnic groups. In
religious case Ethiopian Orthodox Church is 36.75%, Protestants were 60.46,
Catholicism 2.54% and 0.15% of Muslim followers.

3.5 Procedure of Data Collection
From the very beginning the research prepares the necessary instruments for the
collection of the data. Then, the research was introduced the purpose of the study
school principal, in addition the researcher was introduced for the teachers and
visual interment before the collection of the data was conducted. By distributing
the questioner for concerned participant and interview session was took place with
selected population school for the interview and observation of the school
compound was conducted by the weeks inside the class room and outside the
classroom by using observation check list. Finally the collected data was
interpreted and analyzed.

3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques

The sample population of this study were 23 people who were selected from
teachers 10 in number, principles 2 in number, 4 PTA’S (Parent Teacher
Association) members, 6 students with hearing impairments and one special
education teacher in Hagaza Primary school .The researcher interested to select
these groups because they were the great stake holders and concerned groups in the
educational process of students with hearing impairments.

To select these sample population the researcher used simple random sampling
technique and purposive sampling technique because simple random sampling
technique give equal chance for all population to be selected as sample population
and purposive sampling technique helps to select the sample population those had
great relation to the problem and direct beneficiaries of the study.

Based on simple random sampling techniques the researcher selected 10 teacher (6

of them were regular classroom teachers and 4 of them were sign language
teachers in Boditi Hagaza primary school .Based on purposive sampling techniques
6 students with hearing impairments 2 principals and 4 PTA’S members were
selected form Boditi Hagaza Primary school.
3.4 Sources of Data
To attain the aims of the study would be used both primary and secondary sources
of data

3.4.1 Primary sources of data
Primary sources of data was gathered from the sake of first hand information from
sample respondent ,which would be chosen through the study of hearing impairment
since the respondents have direct relation and experience about the issue of study area
and would be collected from students and school principals.
3.4.2 Secondary Sources of Data
The secondary sources of data would be collected from internet, different written
materials, Books and other published and unpublished materials

3.5 Data Collection Instruments

For this study, the researcher would employee questionnaire and interview in order to
collect necessary data and information.

A. Questionnaires

Questionnaires are one of the most important data collecting instruments that have
been used in this study. These the questionnaire format had both close and open ended
questions and it is distributed to the selected teachers in Boditi Hagaza Primary

B. Interview

For this research, the researcher had structured and unstructured questions to the
selected students with hearing impairments, and PTA’S member. . The interview
process was audio record and taking notes at the time of conversation. The
duration of the interview was four hours. All participants were interviewed for an
hour. The interview with one male Special Needs Education Professional was
conducted at the street because the researcher used an indirect interview. Like
other participants, the interview process was audio record and took half hour.
Finally, the interview with the school principal was carried out at his office. The
conversation was also audio recorded and took one hour.
3.6 Data Analysis Methodology

The research conducted through qualitative and quantitative design and qualitative
data collected through interview, and analyzed through words and also quantitative
data collected through questionnaires and, analyzed through percentage.

3.7 Ethical Consideration
The issues of ethical practices applied to qualitative And quantitative method
researches and to all stages of research (Creswell, 2009). Thus, the issue of ethics
was highly considered during the time of this research and all the resources used in
this research were duly acknowledged and cited. Besides, before gathering data
from different sources, the researcher introduced the purpose of the study for all
participants, i.e. for academic purpose only. In addition the researcher strongly
informed the participants about the confidentiality of the information. Regarding
the participants prior consent, the researcher informed them about their right to quit
or withdraw from participation at whatever time and situation when they are not in
ease. Moreover, audio recording was made on their prior permission and all the
information were gathered based on their consent. All participants were addressed
with pseudonyms in place of their real names.


4. Data analysis and interpretation

This part of the study deal with the analysis of data which obtained from respondents
through questionnaire, interview and observational checklist.

4.1. The teacher’s responses to the questionnaire

The questionnaire format which distributed to the teachers contains questions to find
out the characteristics of the respondents.

Table1:4.1 The background of the respondents

No Items alternatives Respondents

No %
1 sex A. Male 7 70
B. Female 3 30
Total 10 100
2 Educational qualification TTI 4 40
Diploma 6 60
First degree - -
Total 10 100
3 Age 18-24 years 3 30
25-32 years 5 50
33-38 years 1 10
Above 38 years 1 10
Total 10 100
4 Teaching experiences 1-6 years 2 20
7-12 years 5 50
13-18years 2 20
Above 18 years 1 10
Total 10 100
5 Teaching period per week 1-8 periods - -
9-16 periods 2 20
17-24 periods 6 50
Above 24 period 2 20
Total 10 100

As it shown in the table 4.1, from all 10 teachers respondents 7 of them (70%) are
male in sex, 6 of them have college diploma , 5 of them (50%) between 25-32 years
old , 5 of them (50%) had the teaching experiences between 7-12 years and 6 of them
(60%) had between 17-24 weekly teaching load.

So, from the above data the researcher concluded that the majority of respondents
were male in sex, had the needed educational qualification to teach in primary school,
had great experiences in teaching and had great teaching load.

In the questionnaire, two questions were designed to find out information on the
educational performance of students with learning impairments and their social
relationship in the school.

Table 4.2 The Academic performance and social relation of students with hearing
impairments in Boditi Hagaza primary school.

No Items alternatives Respondents

No %
6 What do you think about High - -
educational performance Average 2 20
of students with hearing Low 8 80
impairments? Total 10 100
7 What looks the social Strong 2 20
relation of student with Weak 7 70
hearing impairment in No relation 1 10
your school? Total 10 100

As it is indicate in table 4.1.2 from all 10 teachers 8 of them (80%) indicated that the
students with hearing impairment educational performance is low and 7 of them
(70%) replied that students with hearing impairments in their school had weak social

The respondents were also further asked questions on the classroom participation of
students with hearing impairments and their school experiences to the educational
needs of students with hearing impairments.

Table , 4.3, classroom participation of students with hearing impairments and school
responses to their educational needs

No Items Alternatives Res

No %
8 Do you believe that students with hearing impairments in A. Yes 2 20
your school had good class room participation? B. No 8 80
Total 10 100
9 Do you believe that your school had good responses to A. Yes 3 30
the educational needs of students with hearing B. No 7 70
impairment? Total 10 100

Table 4.1.3 indicated that from all 10 teachers 8 of them (80%) indicated that students
with hearing impairments in Boditi Hagaza primary school had low classroom
participation and 7 of them (70%) indicated that their school had low experiences in
response to the educational needs of students with hearing impairment.

In the questionnaire ,the respondents were asked question on the factors that challenge
the educational activities of n students with hearing impairments .From all 10 teachers
respondents 6 of them (60%) indicated that low school facilities the absence and the
shortage of educational materials ,teaching aids and supportive devices ,absence of
resource room ,lack of professional support, attitudinal barriers and the shortage of
special need and inclusive education and sign language teachers are the factors that
affect the educational achievement of students with hearing impairment in Hagaza
primary school .

One of the questions which distributed to the teachers was designed to find out
information on the communication methods that most of students with hearing
impairment used in their school. From all 10 teachers’ respondents 7 of them (70%)
indicated that most of students with hearing impairment in their school mostly used
traditional sign language communication methods in their communication.

The respondents were also further asked questions on the problems in teaching sing
language in their school .From all 10 teachers’ respondents 8 of them (80%) indicated
that lack of skills to some teachers, low school facilities and the shortage of sign
language books and dictionary are problems in teaching sign language to their
students .The respondents asked one question on the great responsible bodies in
improving the educational challenges of students with hearing impairments .From all

10 teachers respondents 8 of them (80%) indicated that parents ,teachers ,students
with hearing impairment themselves, communities, governmental and
nongovernmental are the responsible bodies to improve the challenges of students
with hearing impairments .

In the questionnaire ,the respondent were asked questions on the measure to improve
the educational challenge of students with hearing impairments .Form all 10 teacher
respondents 7 of them (70%) indicated that improving the school facilities ,providing
the necessarily educational materials ,teaching aids and supportive device,
establishing resource room, increasing the numbers of special need education and sign
language teachers, improving the attitudinal briers in the school are the measures in
improving the educational challenges of students with hearing impairments .

4.2 The Responses of Students with Hearing Impairments to Interview

The interview questions which designed to students with hearing impairment was
translated to the sign language and conducted with the support of sign language

The first question was conducted to identify information on their academic

performance .From all 6 respondents of them (50%) indicated that they had average
performance .The respondents were also further asked question on the factors that
challenge the educational activities of students with hearing impairments .Four of
them (68%) indicated that the shortage of sign language books, dictionary and
teaching aids, low school facilities ,the absences of supportive devices, are the factors
that challenges their educational activities in the school.

In the interview the respondent s asked question their response to educational

needs .Four of them (68%) indicated that their school had problems in response to
their educational needs .The respondents were also asked questions on their school
community attitude on their education .There of them (50%) indicated that ,their
school community had no attitude on their educational activities .Two of them (36%)
indicated that their schools community had negative attitude toward their educational
activities .

One question in the interview was designed to find out the measures to improve the
educational challenges of students with hearing impairments .Four of them (68%)
indicated that providing the necessary educational materials, improving the school
facilities and establishing the conducive learning environments, are the measures to
improve their educational challenges.

4.3 The School Principles, PTA and Special Need Teacher Responses to
The interview question which conducted to the principals, PTA members and special
need education teachers analyzed as follows

The first question was conducted to identify their school experiences in response to
the educational needs of students with hearing impairments .From all 7 respondents 4
of them (57%) said that their school had low experiences in response to the
educational needs of students with hearing impairments because of financial problems
and the shortage of budget, the shortage of educational materials and shortage of
special need educational teachers and other professionals to the school.

The respondents were further asked question on the factors that affect the educational
activities of students with hearing impairments .5 of them (71%) indicated that ,the
shortage of educational materials ,teaching aids and supportive devices ,attitudinal
barriers, the shortage of resource room ,low community and the shortage of special
education teachers and sign language teachers are the factors that affect the education
of students with hearing impairments in Boditi Hagaza primary school .They also
asked question on the social relation of students with hearing impairment had low
social relationship with their classmates .

In the interview, the respondent s asked question on the major responsible bodies in
improving the educational challenges of students with hearing impairments .Five of
them (71%) said that the school administrators, teacher’s parent’s students with
hearing impairment, community governmental and non-governmental challenges that
organization had great responsibilities in improving the factors affecting educational
achievement of students with hearing impairments.

The respondents were further asked question on the measures to improve the
educational challenge of students with hearing impairments .Five of them (71%) said
that increasing the school budget, providing the educational materials teaching aids
and supportive devices ,improving the relationship between school and
community ,improving the school facilities, increasing community’s awareness on
disabilities and increasing the numbers of special needs and sign language teachers are
the measures to improve the educational challenges of students with hearing
impairments in Hagaza primary school.

4.4 The Results of Quaternary Checklist
Observation on the activities of students with hearing impairments was conducted by
researcher with the support of others their teachers for more than 2 months at least
two periods per a week.

The results of observational checklist which obtained from the observation of the
activities of students with hearing impairment with the support of other their teachers
presented as follows.

Most of students with hearing impairments had low academic performance, classroom
participation, social relationship and self confidences, but they had high rate of
absenteeism from their education.

4.5 Discussion
This research was conducted in Boditi Hagaza primary school to investigate the
factors that affect educational achievement of students with hearing impairments .The
finding of this study shown that students with hearing impairment in Boditi Hagaza
primary school had low academic performance, low classroom participation and
difficulty in social relationship .This idea seems similar to (1989) idea who stated
that ,students with hearing impairments have shorter memory span, they perform
more poorly in their academic achievements ,have smaller vocabularies and reduced
social interaction .

In this study it is shown that Boditi Hagaza primary school had low experiences to the
educational needs of students with hearing impairments because of the shortage of
budget, the shortage of educational materials, teaching aids, and supportive device
that targeted students with hearing impairments and the shortage of special need and
sign language teachers.

The information obtained from this study indicated that the factors that challenge the
educational activities of students with hearing impairments in Boditi Hagaza includes
low school facilities ,the shortage of educational materials ,teaching aids and
supportive devices ,the absence of resources rooms, attitudinal barriers, low
relationship between schools and community and the shortage of qualified special
need and sign language teachers .This response similar Fisher ,(1992) ,to idea who
explained the factors that affect the educational activities of students with hearing
impairments in the school includes low school facilities ,attitudinal problems,
awareness and cultural norms of the society ,in adequate teachers training program
and lock of learning interest to students with hearing impairments .

The information obtained from this study indicated that the major responsible bodies
in improving the educational activities of students with hearing impairments includes
teachers, the school administrators ,parents ,students with hearing impairment
themselves community .This response also similar to idea who stated that the
responsible bodies and stakeholders in imparting the educational activates of students
with hearing impairments includes the school principals, classroom teachers ,special
need teachers ,parents ,communities, governmental and nongovernmental
organizations. Randall and George, (1981)

In this study it is shown that the educational challenges of students with hearing
impairment can be improved the school facilities ,providing the necessarily
educational materials ,teaching aids and supportive devices, improving the attitudinal
problems, increasing the relations between school and community ,and increasing the
numbers of special need educational and sign language teachers.


5 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendation

At this part of the study, the information obtained from questionnaire, interview and
observational check list was summarized, concluded and different measures were

5.1 Summary
This study was designed to assess the educational challenges of students with hearing
impairment in Boditi Hagaza primary school .The information obtained from this
study indicated that most of students with hearing impairments had low academic
performance, low classroom participation and had difficult in social relationship in the
school .the major factors that affect the educational activities of students with hearing
impairments in Boditi Hagaza primary school includes low school facilities;
attitudinal burners, lack of accessible teaching aids and materials, absence of resource
room ,the shortage of special need and inclusive education teachers and the absences
of well trained sign language teachers. In improving the educational challenges of
students with hearing impairments parents, teachers, the school communities, and
other officers can play a great role by providing teaching aids and materials, by
allocating the needed budget, improving the school facilities and establishing resource
room in the school.

5.2 Conclusion
Based on the information obtained from this study, the researcher concluded that:

- Most of students with hearing impairment in Boditi Hagaza had low academic
performance, low classroom participation and had difficulty in social
- Most of students with hearing impairment in Boditi Hagaza primary school had
great challenges in their education mainly because of attitudinal barriers, low
school facilities, the absence and the shortage of teaching aids and instructional
materials, the absence of resource room, the shortage of qualified special need
and inclusive educational and sign language teachers.
- The students with hearing impairment challenge mostly occurred in the study
area because the school communities and the nearby society had low
awareness on disabilities, had attitudinal barrier on disability and special and
inclusive educational program in the area had low years expansible

- The most responsible bodies and stakeholders in improving the challenges of
students with hearing impairments are the school administrators ,classroom
teachers ,special need teachers sign language teachers, parts ,educational
officers ,speech and language therapists, communities, students with hearing
impairments themselves, governmental and nongovernmental organizations .
- The factors that affect educational achievement of students with hearing
impairment in Boditi Hagaza primary school can be improve by improving the
school faculties ,by providing the necessary educational materials and teaching
aids, by establishing resource room ,by improving attitudinal problems and by
increasing the number of special need and inclusive and sign language teachers
and by establishing conducive inclusive learning environments

5.3 Recommendation
To improve factors that affect educational achievement of Children with hearing
impairment, the researcher recommended that:

- The school should allocate and provide the necessarily educational materials,
teaching aids and supportive device that targeted students with hearing
- It is better to hire additional qualified special need, inclusive and sign language
- The school principal in collaboration with school administration should create
positive attitude of the school community toward students with hearing
- The school needs to establish conducive and comfortable learning environment
to students with hearing impairments.
- It is better to the teachers to improve the social relationship of students with
hearing impairments.
- Generally, all concerning body need to take strong attention to support and
tackle the factors that affect educational achievement of children with hearing
- Only this research cannot tackle the problem, so the other any researcher
recommended doing on this study.


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College of educational and behavioral science

Department: special Need Inclusive Education

Semi-Structured Interview Guide for Students with Hearing Impairment

Dear Respondent

The purpose of his study to investigate the hearing impairment of students ,then
your contribution are used for this research prepare .Therefore your

Instruction – Fill questionnaire by the following instruction

General Direction

 No need Name
 Mark --- on box and space
 Please write clearly

Give appropriate answer for the following question by making on the space

Appendix A

Questioner for school principals in Hagaza Primary school

1. Sex :- male female

2. Level of education :- certificate Diploma

First degree second degree

3. Age :- 18-24 25-32 33-38 above 38

4. Teaching Experience :- 1-6 years 7-12 13-18 above 18

5. Teaching period per week:- 1-8 period 9-16 period
17-24 periods above 24 periods

Appendix B

Interview question for students with hearing impairments in Boditi Hagaza

Primary School

1 How do you see your academic


2 What are the factors that challenge your educational


3 How do you see your school response to your educational

needs ?-----------------------------------------------------------

4 How do you communicated with your peers?


5 What is your schools community attitude toward your


6 What should be done to improve your educational problems


Appendix C

Questionnaire for teachers in Hagaza Primary school

1 What do you think about educational performance of students with hearing

impairment? A High B/Low

2 If you said above question 1, high or low why?....................................................

3 What looks the social relation of students with hearing impairment in your
school? A/strong B/ weak C/ no relation

4 If you said above question 2, strong, weak or no relation why?


5 Do you believe that students with hearing impairment in your school had good
class room participation? A? Yes B/No If you said above question 5, yes or
no how?

6 Do you believe that your school had good response to the education needs of
students with hearing impairment? A/Yes B/ no

I7 f you said above question 7, yes or no why?.........................................................

Appendix D

Interview questions for principals PTA’S and special need education in Boditi
Hagaza Primary School

1 How do you perceive your school experiences in response to educational needs

of students with hearing impartment?........................................................................

2 What are the factors that affect the educational activities of students with hearing
impairments ?................................................

3 How do you see the social interaction of students with hearing impairments in
your school ?..................................................................

4 Who are the major responsible bodies in improving the education activities of
students with hearing impairments ?......................................

5 What should be done to improve the educational challenges of students with

hearing impairments ?...................................................

Appendix E

Observation Checklist

No Description Yes No Remark

1 The classroom is well furnished
2 The classroom is ventilated and lighted properly
3 Teaching materials and teaching aids are available in the
4 School facilities (playground, library, toilet, etc) are conducive
for SWDs, particularly for SWHI
5 Students seating arrangement is well organized
6 There is no noise in the classroom
7 There is ESL interpreter in the classroom
8 Teaching method is participatory
9 Teachers give special consideration for SWHI
10 SWHI are active participants in the lesson
11 The class size is optimum
12 There is good interaction and communication between SWHI and
hearing peers inside the classroom
13 There is good interaction and communication between SWHI and
teachers inside the classroom
14 There is good interaction and communication among SWHI each
15 SWHI participates in extra-curricular and play activities
16 There is good communication and interaction between SWHI and
hearing students outside the classroom
17 There is good communication and interaction between SWHI and
teachers outside the classroom


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