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School: Secundaria Presidente Lázaro Cárdenas CCT: Grupo: A, B

Teacher: María Fernanda Ríos Fernández Turn:
Period TRIMESTRE 1 School cycle 2023-2024
Social practice
Produces instructions to prepare for a situation of risk derived of a natural phenomenon.
of the language
Interpretation and follow-up of instructions
Environment Academic and educational

Achievements Purpose Completion time

• Select and review instructions. Examine the distribution and use of graphic and textual 9 work sessions
• Read and understand instructions. components, evaluating the role of textual organization distributed in 3
• Write instructions. in various instructions to avoid hazards in a natural weeks.
• Edit instructions. phenomenon.

Moment Activities session 1

Students will be asked to watch the following video “Are All These Natural Disasters Normal?”
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.
The following activities will be carried out.
Label the pictures with the corresponding natural disaster.
avalanche blizzard drought earthquake flood hurricane


Share your answers to the following questions with your class.

Have you ever been in an environmental emergency? What was it? What did you do to avoid injuries?
Write possible consequences for human beings Environmental.
Emergency Consequences
Natural disasters
Closing Severe weather
Chemical and oil
Radiation exposure
Moment Activities session 2
The following activities will be carried out.
Complete the following word map with the name of natural disasters related to each element.
Use the vocabulary from the first exercise and your own ideas.


Students will be asked to watch the following video “Preventing natural disasters”.
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.
The following activities will be carried out.
Development Answer the questions about things you need to know to stay safe during a natural disaster.
 Where are the safety zones in your home?
 Where is the evacuation zone outside your house or building?
 Where could you find a flashlight in your house?
 In a disaster, how quickly can you pack clothes and supplies and leave the house?

Students will be asked to watch the following video “Disaster Dodgers: Introduction to Emergency
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.
The following activities will be carried out.
Mark the vocabulary ND (natural disasters) or El (emergency instructions). Then discuss their
meanings based on the context.
____ aftershocks ____ evacuation zone
____ flashlight ____ landslides
____ safety zone ____ spare clothes
____ supplies ____ tremors
Moment Activities session 3
The following activities will be carried out.
Review the instructions. Discuss and agree
011 the characteristics that instructions for
a natural disaster need to have to he
helpful and why.
Write your conclusions right away.

In these symbols write an instruction for each one.

Work in pairs to explain the purpose of each of the following instructions.

Instruction Purpose
Do not use the elevator.
Cover your head and neck.
Drive to clear area.

Examine the poster, locate the graphic and textual components. Then answer the questions.
Do you think the distribution of graphic and textual
components is good? Why or why not?

Analyze textual components in the poster.

What do all sentences have in common?

What kind of words do they use?

Who is this poster intended for?


Mark (X) the correct answer and complete the sentence.

The pattern used to organize the text in the poster is:
Closing ____ spatial ____ cause and effect ____ sequence ____ problem and solution

It is organized this way because…

Moment Activities session 4
Students will be asked to watch the following video “Deadly Tornado Outbreak. NBC Nightly News”.
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.
The following activities will be carried out.
Look at the picture in the poster and its title. Talk about what people can do to be prepared for this
kind of natural disaster.
Identify the instructions in the
poster and rank them from the
most to the least useful. Give

Make suggestions for other

Development possible instructions to help people
be prepared for such natural

Consider what you need to do in these situations.

1. Before an earthquake
2. During an earthquake
3. Before a flood
4. During a flood
Look at the three road signs and answer the questions.

Closing Have you ever seen these road signs?

What do you think the road signs mean?
A ____________________________
B ____________________________
C ____________________________

When do you think it is important to follow these road signs?

Moment Activities session 5
Complete the set of instructions to develop a protection plan. Use the visual clues and the verbs in the
display gather plan sketch take write

_________________ a few _________________ a

_________________ a floor
minutes to discuss an second way to exit from each
Start plan of your home and of
evacuation plan with your room or area.
and your school.

_________________ down _________________ the _________________ special

important telephone plan in a visible place of the equipment, food, water first-
numbers. school. aid kits.
Read the text in the website and discuss with a partner what it is about and write what the words in
intense black indicate.

Moment Activities session 6
The following activities will be carried out.
Read the text from previous exercise again and write the details in the correct section of the
Monitor the victim's temperature.
You can, for instance, immerse the victim in cold water or give him a cool drink
For example, high temperature, dizziness, confusion, and nausea.
Call the doctor or the hospital to receive more instructions.

Choose a natural disaster to

Start create an instructional leaflet
And that you and your group will
Development present to the rest of the class.

Discuss and agree on what to

do before and during the
natural disaster you chose.
Make notes of your ideas.

In the poster for your Final Product you will need to include the steps to Follow during an
environmental emergency as well as safety tips, which are extra recommendations. To make sure that
you understand the difference, read the sentences and write whether they are tips or instructions.

Closing Drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration. _________________________

First, take the heatstroke victim away from the sun. __________________________
Avoid strong physical activity outdoors in extreme heat. ________________________
Then, cool down the victim with cold water. __________________________
Do not leave children or pets locked in a car in extreme heat. __________________________

Moment Activities session 7

Students will be asked to watch the following video “Hurricane Delta set to land in Louisiana, where a
tornado just passed through”.
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the concepts
contained in it.
Development The following activities will be carried out.
Read and write some possible risks in this environmental emergency.
Hurricane Facts
 A hurricane is a tropical storm.
 The center is called the eye, a calm area of blue sky.
 Around the eye there are very strong roaring winds accompanied by
torrential rains.
 Hurricanes cause more damage than tornadoes because they are bigger.
 One of the most destructive effects of a hurricane is that it causes serious flooding.
Some possible risks are that…
Discuss in pairs which of the expressions from the box complete the text better. Fill in the blanks.
as since besides such as precisely for instance
Before a Hurricane
Assemble an emergency kit that includes, ____________________ water, food, and flashlights.
Do not forget to carry important documents, ___________________ the ones that you may need,
_________________________ insurance papers. Cut down dead trees _____________________ they
fall over cars and houses, and make sure your windows are protected _____________________ strong
winds may break them. ____________________, rain may cause serious floods, so be prepared for
them as well with preventing actions such as disconnecting electrical appliances.
assemble an emergency kit. Work in pairs. Read the statements below and order them in a logical way
using sequence words. Add two more statements.

 make a family plan.
 secure your windows and cut down dead trees.
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________

Moment Activities session 8

Students will be asked to watch the following video “What to do in case of emergency”.
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.
The following activities will be carried out.
Select and write on the signs the type of emergency they report.
Don't go into an elevator. Stand at indicated security areas.
Go to the assembly point. Don't run out of the building. Walk quickly and calmly.
Stay away from heavy furniture and windows.


Use the instructions from previous exercise to write a manual about what to do in case of an
earthquake. Use sequencing words.
After the earthquake
During the earthquake
Complete the lesson exit slip and then discuss your conclusions with your teacher and classmates.
Questions Responses
Closing Can I organize the steps of a set of instructions In the correct sequence? If
not, why not?
What are the main things to remember to face a tsunami?
Moment Activities session 9
The following activities will be carried out.
Read the instruction manual and number the paragraphs in the correct order. Then answer the
____ Prevent
Think ahead and know how to react in case of this natural disaster.
Make adequate plans. Discuss with your family what to do and
where you can meet in case of an emergency. Make a detailed
evacuation plan and have a first-aid kit in your house.
____ Act!
Finally, in case of a wildfire, evacuate your house or the affected area as soon as possible. Try to reach
a high point in your community to avoid being swept away by the flood water. If you can't evacuate
your house, take curtains and flammable furniture away from the windows, and close the windows.
Turn off the gas and electricity. If smoke comes inside the room where you are, drop to the floor and
cover your mouth with a wet cloth or handkerchief. Call an emergency service, report your location,
and ask for further instructions.
____ Introduction
First, you need to know what a wildfire is. Wildfires are uncontrolled fires. They usually happen in
with lots of vegetation because they serve as combustible material for the fire. Wildfires are
unpredictable and travel very fast, so be aware of the danger and follow these instructions:
 Did you use the titles of the sections to help you determine the order of the paragraphs?
 Did you find sequence words to help you organize the paragraphs? Which?
 Did you use other things to help you determine the order of the paragraphs? Which?
Now it’s time to prepare your poster with instructions. Get together with your team and do the
following activities:
Consider your purpose and audience.
Who are you designing the poster for? What do you want them to do?
Which language and graphic material is more suitable for that audience and purpose?
Synthesize the information in your instruction sheet.
If necessary, select the most important steps.
Development Write short imperative statements.
Check spelling and punctuation.
Use a dictionary and any available tool or app.
Draft your poster on a sheet of paper.
Create an attractive design.
Prepare your poster.
Include relevant concise information and graphic material.
Post it in your school corridors so that students from other classes may see it!
Answer Yes or No
____ I learned to identify elements that are necessary in instruction manuals for emergencies.
Closing ____ I learned strategies to understand instruction manuals better.
____ I learned how to write sentences for instructions manuals.
____ I learned to find and correct mistakes in my instructions.
Manifiesta conexiones entre el texto y sus conocimientos previos.
Emplea expresiones para mostrar hechos genéricos.
Utiliza expresiones para ampliar, explicar y ejemplificar pasos.
Forma instructivos a partir de la redacción de diversos pasos.


Forma instructivos a partir de la redacción

Manifiesta conexiones entre el texto y sus

Emplea expresiones para mostrar hechos

Utiliza expresiones para ampliar, explicar

 Level IV: Indicates outstanding mastery of the expected learning.
 Level III: Indicates satisfactory mastery of the expected learning.
 Level II: Indicates basic mastery of the expected learning.
 Level I: Indicates insufficient mastery of the expected learning.

conocimientos previos.

y ejemplificar pasos.

de diversos pasos.


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