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Lesson Vocabulary
hemisphere – half of a sphere; the Earth and
the celestial sphere can be divided into
northern and southern or eastern and
western hemispheres
seasons – divisions of the year based on
changes in temperature due to the varied
amounts of sunlight; caused by the
tilt of Earth during revolution
tilt – lean over; tip
Lesson 4
Rotation and
Revolution of the Earth
Differentiate between rotation and revolution and describe the effects of the
Earth’s motions
Rotation of the Earth
Rotation of the Earth

➢ The Earth spins around its axis. This spinning movement is called
Earth’s rotation.
✓ The axis is the imaginary line
through the Earth that extends
from the North Pole to the South
✓ The Earth tilts on its axis at an
angle of 23.5 degrees (23.5°).
➢ When viewed above the North Pole,
the Earth rotates counterclockwise, from west to east.
Rotation of the Earth

➢ Because of this direction of rotation, we see the Sun rising every day
in the east and setting in the west.
➢ An observer in space will see that the
Earth requires 23 hours, 56 minutes, and
4 seconds to make one complete rotation
on its axis. But because Earth moves
around the Sun at the same time that it
is rotating, the planet must turn just a
little bit more to reach the same place
relative to the Sun. Hence the length of a day on Earth is actually
24 hours (which is why there are 24 hours in one day).
Rotation of the Earth

Effects of Earth’s Rotation

➢ Earth’s rotation results to the occurrence of day and night. Places
facing the Sun experience daytime while those facing away from
the Sun experience
nighttime. The length of
daytime and nighttime
varies as Earth revolves
around the Sun.
Rotation of the Earth

Effects of Earth’s Rotation

➢ Rotation requires the
creation of
standardized time
zones. There are 24,
one for each hour of
the Earth’s rotation.
Rotation of the Earth

Effects of Earth’s Rotation

➢ Sea level rises and falls twice a day as the Earth rotates. The tidal
range is determined by the combined gravitational pull of the Sun
and Moon.
Rotation of the Earth

Effects of Earth’s Rotation

➢ Because the Earth rotates, circulating air is deflected. Instead of
circulating in a straight pattern, the air deflects toward the right in
the Northern Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern
Hemisphere, resulting in curved paths. This deflection is called the
Coriolis Effect.
Revolution of the Earth
Revolution of the Earth

➢ At the same time that the Earth spins on its axis, it also orbits or
revolves around the Sun. This movement is called revolution.
Revolution of the Earth

➢ Earth revolves in orbit around the Sun

in 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes. The
6 hours, 9 minutes add up to about an
extra day every fourth year, which is
designated a leap year, with the extra
day added as February 29th.
orbit – the imaginary pathway that
keeps the Earth in place as it
revolves around the Sun
Revolution of the Earth

➢ The Earth revolves around the Sun because gravity keeps it in a

roughly circular orbit around the Sun. The Earth’s orbital path is
not a perfect circle. Instead, its orbit is slightly elliptical in shape.
➢ The closest Earth gets to the
Sun each year is at
perihelion (147 million km)
on about January 3rd and
the farthest is at
aphelion (152 million km)
on July 4th.
Revolution of the Earth

Effects of Earth’s Revolution and Tilt

➢ As the Earth revolves around the Sun, its axis is tilted. Since the axis
is tilted, the effects of revolution of the Earth is different for
different parts of the globe.
✓ Certain areas are tipped towards, or away from, the Sun at
different times of the year. This tilting causes the four seasons of
the year – spring, summer, fall or autumn, and winter.
✓ The hemisphere tilted towards the Sun will experience warmer
weather and longer daytime hours.
✓ The hemisphere tilted away from the Sun will experience cooler
temperatures and shorter daytime hours.
Revolution of the Earth

Effects of Earth’s Revolution and Tilt

Revolution of the Earth

Effects of Earth’s Revolution and Tilt

✓ The equinoxes are days in which day and night are of equal
duration, while the solstices are the days when the Sun reaches
its farthest northern and southern declinations, creating both the
shortest and longest days of the year.
summer solstice – marks the beginning of summer and is the
longest day of the year
winter solstice – marks the beginning
of winter and is the shortest day
of the year
vernal equinox – beginning of spring
autumnal equinox – beginning of autumn
The New Science Links 6 Worktext in Science and Technology
Department of Education, Existing Learning Materials, MISOSA Science Grade 6, Downloaded from LRMDS, Department of Education, Philippines
Science – Grade 6 Self Learning Kit Quarter 4 – Weeks 4-5: Rotation and Revolution of the Earth, First Edition, 2021

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